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Brushing your teeth is a relatively simple task.

The first step to brushing your teeth is to

get toothpaste and a toothbrush. Next, take the toothpaste and toothbrush over to the sink. Turn
on the sink and run some water over the toothbrush. bristles. Apply a bit of toothpaste to the wet
toothbrush bristles. After that, smile and place the bristles of the toothbrush on a tooth. Apply a
bit of pressure onto the tooth, and make a circular motion with the brush on your tooth. Repeat
this step for all 32 teeth. After every tooth is done, place the brush bristles on the back of your
teeth and apply some pressure and make a circular motion with the brush on you tooth. Repeat
this for all teeth. Following this step, grab a tiny cup like a shot glass, fill it with some water. Pour
that water in your mouth, swish it around to get toothpaste off your teeth, then spit the water out
into the sink. Lastly, run the toothbrush under water and clean it and put it away. This process
should have taken about 2-3 minutes if you took your time. Congratulations. You just brushed
your teeth.
Rubric rating submitted on: 9/19/2017, 9:42:28 AM by epobrie2@asu.edu
100 95 90 85 80 75 70

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