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CARNET; 160080110

AÑO 2018

I worked.

You worked.

He worked.

She worked.

It worked.

We worked.

You worked.

They worked.
Forma afirmativa:

Sujeto + infinitive del verbo sin to + ed.

I watched TV yesterday.

* Con la mayoría de los vebos, se añade –ed al infinitive sin to.

work - worked

* Con verbos acabados en –e, se añade –d.

live - lived

* Con verbos acabados en consonante + y, la y se sustituye por –ied.

study - studied

* Con verbos acabados en consonante, vocal, consonante, la consonante se duplica y se

añade –ed.

travel – travelled
Pasado simple (verbos irregulares)

El pasado simple de algunos verbos ingleses no acaba en –ed, sino que tiene una forma
irregular, que es la misma para todas las personas.

`have´ se convierte en `had´

I had

You had

He had

She had

It had

We had

You had

They had


Presente Español Presente Inglés Pasado Inglés

Aceptar Accept Accepted

Añadir Add Added

Admirar Admire Admired

Estar de acuerdo Agree Agreed

Responder Answer Answered

Permitir Allow Allowed

Aparecer Appear Appeared

Aprobar Approve Approved

Atraer Attract Attracted

Comportarse Behave Behaved

Bendecir Bless Blessed

Rebotar Bounce Bounced

Llamar Call Called

Cuidar Care Cared

Causar Cause Caused

Cambiar Change Changed

Perseguir Chase Chased

Masticar Chew Chewed

Decidir Decide Decided

Decorar Decorate Decorated

Desarrollar Develop Developed

Soñar Dream Dreamed

Descubrir Discover Discovered

Escapar Escape Escaped

Examinar Examine Examined

Existir Exist Existed

Fracasar Fail Failed

Temor Fear Feared

Flotar Float Floated

Guiar Guide Guided

Suceder Happen Happened

Odiar Hate Hated

Ayudar Help Helped

Patear Kick Kicked

Aprender Learn Learned

Rezar, orar Pray Prayed

Prometer Promise Promised

Asustar/espantar Scare Scared

Oler Smell Smelled

Hablar Talk Talked

Usar Use Used

Querer Want Wanted

Trabajar Work Worked

Los verbos irregulares no siguen normas ortográficas generales, por lo que hay que
aprendérselos de memoria.
Lista de verbos irregulares

Infinitivo - Pasado simple - Traducción

be - was, were - ser, estar

become - became - convertirse en, volverse

begin - began - empezar

break - broke - romper(se)

build - built - construir

buy - bought - comprar

can - could - poder, saber

catch - caught - cachar, agarrar

come - came - venir

cost - cost - costar

do - did - hacer

draw - drew - dibujar

drink - drank - beber

drive - drove - conducir

eat - ate - comer

feel - felt - sentir(se), notar

fight - fought - luchar

find - found - encontrar

fly - flew - volar

forget - forgot - olvidar

get - got - conseguir

get up - got up - levantarse

give - gave - dar

go - went - ir(se)

have - had - haber, tener

hold - held - agarrar, sujetar

keep - kept - guarder, mantener(se)

know - knew - saber, conocer

learn – learnt - aprender

leave - left - abandoner, irse (de)

let - let dejar

lose - lost - perder

make - made - hacer

meet - met - conocer, encontrarse (con)

pay - paid - pagar

read - read - leer

ride - rode – montar a (caballo), andar en (bici…)

run - ran - correr

say - said - decir

see - saw - ver

send - sent - mandar, enviar

shine - shone - brillar

sing - sang - cantar

sit - sat - sentarse

sleep - slept - dormir

speak - spoke - hablar

spend - spent - gastar, pasar(tiempo)

steal - stole - robar

swim - swam - nadar

take - took - coger

teach - taught - enseñar

think - thought - pensar

wear - wore - vestir, llevar puesto

write - wrote - escribir

Pasado simple (verbos regulares e Respuestas Breves

irregulares) Afirmativa
Yes, I did.
I didn´t work.
Yes, you did.
You didn´t work.
Yes, he did.
He didn´t work.
Yes, she did.
She didn´t work.
Yes, it did.
It didn´t work.
Yes, we did.
We didn´t work.
Yes, you did.
You didn´t work.
Yes, they did.
They didn´t work. Negativa:
No, I didn´t.
Did I work?
No, you didn´t.
Did you work?
No, he didn´t.
Did he work?
No, she didn´t.
Did she work?
No, it didn´t.
Did it work?
No, we didn´t.
Did we work?
No, you didn´t.
Did you work?
No, they didn´t.
Did they work?
El las frases negativas e interrogativas, They didn´t.
así como en las respuestas breves, el
auxiliar es el mismo para todas las Frases interrogativas:
Did I?
Frases Negativas:
Did you?
I didn´t.
Did he?
You didn´t.
Did she?
He didn´t.
Did it?
She didn´t.
Did we?
It didn´t.
Did you?
We didn´t.
Did they?
You didn´t.

* En las frases negativas e interrogativas, siempre se debe utilizar el infinitivo del verbo sin

She didn´t phone her. No se puede decir: She didn´t phoned her.

Did you study yesterday? No se puede decir: Did you studied yesterday?

* En las preguntas que contienen partículas interrogativas (what, when, who, why,
where), estas se colocan delante del auxiliar did.

Where did you go?

Who did he visit?

Usos: El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de acciones que sucedieron en un momento
concreto del pasado. En estas frases aparecen expresiones de tiempo tales como
yesterday (ayer), last week (la semana pasada), last night (anoche), etc.

I played football last Saturday. We went shopping yesterday.

* Ago se traduce por ¨hace¨ y se refiere a una acción del pasado, a algo que ya ha

They travelled to London three days ago.

* Ago no puede encabazar una expression de tiempo.

ten years ago

No se puede decir: ago ten years

Ejercicio No. 1

Fecha de entrega: sábado 17 de febrero. Valor 5 pts. Caratula . Traduzca las siguientes
A. Completar las frases


I didn´t watch TV last night.

1. On Saturday I Played (play) computer games with my cousins.

2. My mum didn’t cook (not cook) dinner last night.

3. I Walked (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.

4. They didn’t dance (not dance) at the party.

5. My brother travelled (travel) to Ireland last summer.

B. Escribe el pasado simple de estos verbos

1. copy Copied 4. listen Listened

2. revise Revised 5. practice Practiced

3. cycle Cycled
C. ¿Verbos regulares (R) o irregulares (I)?

play R 3. study R

1. fly I 4. eat I

2. use R 5. make I

D. Escribe el pasado simple de los verbos del ejercicios C.

1. Flew 4. ate

2. Used 5. made

3. Studied

G. Completa las frases utilizando el pasado simple de los verbos.

be – got up – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat

Yesterday I got up early, at about seven o´clock.

1. I Had a shower and some fruit for breakfast.

2. Then I Went to the sports center.

3. I Swam ran 500 meters in the swimming pool and then

4. I Ran 5 kilometers.

5. At lunchtime I met my friends in a café.

H. Completa con el verbo en pasado simple (verbos regulares)

1. I opened the door and looked (look) inside.

2. Who Did close (close) all the windows?

3. I Carried (carry) my mom´s shopping bag.

4. I didn’t climb (not climb) over the fence.



USO 1. Acción acabada y finalizada en el pasado.

Por ejemplo: I ate spaghetti yesterday.


- Afirmativa: sujeto + verbo acabado en -ed (Regulares)/// Verbo 2º columna (Irregulares) +


- Negativa: sujeto + didn't + verbo en infinitivo sin -to + complementos

- Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo sin -to + complementos?


Los adverbios y las expresiones temporales ayudan a reconocer el tiempo verbal en un supuesto
ejercicio de tiempos verbales. Además son fundamentales cuando nos expresamos porque
denotan que te refieres al pasado.

- Yesterday - ayer

- Last day/month/week/year – dia,mes, semana año pasado.

- A specific date in the past (In 1979)- una fecha especifica del pasado.

- Ago – hace. (Hace tres años)

1. A continuación se te presentan unas oraciones, escribe el verbo que esta entre el paréntesis en
pasado. Después elige una de las 3 secciones y tradúcelas a español.

1. Sam Stopped (stop) the car to take a picture.

2. I Studied (study) for the exam for three hours.
3. They Wear (be) happy to be home.
4. Sally Was (be) disappointed she missed (miss) the party.
5. When I was young, we always went (go) to Florida for the summer.
6. Dan Didn’t work (not/work) last week.
7. Did you Wash (wash) the dishes?
8. I Dreamed (dream) I could fly last night.
9. We met (meet) them at the restaurant.
10. Did you find (find) your book?
2. Complete the following sentences using the past simple in English:

1. My father went (go) to work by car yesterday.

2. This morning I had (have) a shower.

3. My sister didn’t clean (not clean) her room on Saturday.

4. The birds flew (fly) over our heads.

5. Last week my family bought (buy) a new table for the dinning room.

6. The other day, I lost (lose) my math’s book.

7. I told (tell) my mother a lie.

8. We heard (hear) a terrible sound outside last night.

9. Did (you / see) football match Tuesday night?

10. Paul drank (drink) a litre of coke for lunch yesterday.

3. Complete the following sentences using the past simple in English:

1. Susan Taught [teach] English at university last year.

2. John didn’t like [not like] studying English.

3. My sister Broke [break] my computer.

4. Sarah Wrote [write] the best poem.

5. Did you Know [know] the answer to the question?

6. She Was [be] my favourite singer when I was younger.

7. George wasn’t [not be] my best friend.

8. Henry VIII had [have] five wives.

9. I studied [study] French two years ago.

10. My daughter drew (draw) a nice brown cat.

Presente Simple

Uso: normalmente se utiliza para hablar de acciones habituales, pero en ocasiones puede
tener sentido de futuro.

· Afirmativa

I work
You work
He / she / it works
We work
You work
They work

1. Sólo la tercera persona del singular (he/she/it) es diferente de las demás, ya que se le
añade “-s”.
2. Existen verbos a los que se añade “-es” en lugar de “-s”:
- do does; go goes
- verbos que terminan en:
-s pass passes
-ch watch watches
-sh wash washes
-x mix mixes
-z buzz buzzes
3. La terminación es “–ies” cuando un verbo acaba en “consonante + y”. La “y” se
convierte en “i” y se añade “-es”:
- study studies
- carry carries

· Negación

forma completa forma contraída

I do not work I don´t work

You do not work You don´t work
He / she / it does not work He / she /it doesn´t work
We do not work We don´t work
You do not work You don´t work
They do not work They don´t work

respuesta breve + respuesta breve -

Do I work? Yes, I do No, I don´t

Do you work? Yes, you do No, you don´t
Does he / she / it work? Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn´t
Do we work? Yes, we do No, we don´t
Do you work? Yes, you No, you don´t
Do they do Yes, No, they don´t
work? they do
1. Complete the sentences with de correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Ann likes (like) chocolate. She eats (eat) two bars a day.
2. They go (go) to Germany every summer. They speak (speak) very well.
3. I always buy (buy)popcorn when I go (go) to the cinema.
4. We usually have (have) dinner at half past eight.
5. The museum closes (close) at six o'clock.
6. The film finishes (finish) before ten o'clock.
7. Tom studies (study) Maths every afternoon.
8. Your friend washes (wash) his car on Sundays.
9. My parents do (do) the shopping on Saturday morning.
10. The shops open (Open)at half past nine in the morning.

2. Write the third person singular form (he, she, it) of these verbs.

1 Wash Washes 5 Teach Teaches

2 Put Puts 6 Watch Watches
3 Do Does 7 Go Goes
4 Close Closes 8 Get Gets

3. Correct the sentences if necessary. (Corrija las oraciones si es necesario.)

1. She goes to the beach in summer. Correct

Ella va a la playa en verano. CORRECTO

2. They opens the shop in the morning. Incorrect (correct: open)

Ellos abren la tienda en la mañana INCORRECTO

3. I watch the news in the evening. Correct

Miro las noticias por la noche. CORRECTO

4. My friend watch TV at night. Incorrect (correct: watchs)

Mi amigo mira televisión por la noche. INCORRECTO

5. Bob and Peter washes their car. Incorrect (correct: wash)

Bob y Peter lavan su auto. INCORRECTO

6. Pamela like going to the cinema. Icorrect (correct: likes)

A Pamela le gusta ir al cine. INCORRECTO

7. The show finishes at eleven o'clock. Correct

El espectáculo termina a las once en punto. CORRECTO

8. Paul loves playing tennis. Correct

Paul le encanta jugar tenis. CORRECTO

9. He always passes the exams. Correct

Él siempre pasa los exámenes. CORRECTO

10. She never studys for the tests. Incorrect (correct: studies)

Ella nunca estudia para las pruebas INCORRECTO

NAME: Henry David Hernandez Camposeco DATE: 160080110
SIMPLE with verbs and ‘Be’ verbs
 Write short answers (with pronouns) to the questions below.

1. Q: Does Mrs. Brown live in California? A: Yes, She Does_________

2. Q: Are Shelly and Thomas tired? A: No, they_aren’t_________
3. Q: Do penguins live at the North Pole? A: No, they aren’t_______________

4. Q: Does your father work in an office? A: Yes, he does_________________

5. Q: Is Ottawa the capital city of Canada? A: Yes, it does________________

6. Q: Are we late? A: No, we aren’t__________________________________

7. Q: Does Robert live in London? A: No. he doesn’t____________________

8. Q: Is dinner ready? A: No, he does _______

9. Q: Do you like to read? A: Yes, are do_____________________________

10. Q: Are they from New Zealand? A: Yes, they are_____________________

11. Q: Are rabbits dangerous? A: No. they aren’t_______________________

12. Q: Is Brazil in Asia? A: No. it does_________________________________

13. Q: Does she drive? A: Yes, she does______________________________

14. Q: Is Mr. Smith a teacher? A: Yes, he is____________________________

15. Q: Do they know the answer? A: No, they doesn’t____________________

16. Q: Do you know how to swim? A: No, he doesn’t_____________________

17. Q: Are you angry? A: No, I am not_________________________________

18. Q: Is Dubai in the Middle East? A: Yes, it is_________________________

19. Q: Does the cake taste good? A: Yes, it does________________________

20. Q: Are they here? A: No, they aren’t_______________________________

Presente Past Presente Present Past Presente
No. No.
Simple Silmple (Español) Simple Simple (Español)
1 Analize analized Analizar 62 Lose Lost Perder
2 Answer Answered Responder 63 Love Loved Amar
3 Appear Appeared Aparecer 64 Make Made Hacer
4 Arrive Arrived Llegar 65 Meet Met Reunir
5 Ask Asked Pedir 66 Miss Missed Perder
6 be was/were Ser 67 Move Moved Mover
7 become became Volver 68 Need Needed Necesitar
8 begin began Empezar 69 Notice Noticed Noticia
9 Believe Believed Creer 70 Open Opened Abrir
10 break broke Descanso 71 Paint Painted Pintar
11 bring brought traer 72 Paint Paid Pagar
12 buy bought Comprar 73 Pick Picked Recoger
13 Call Called Llamar 74 Plant Planted Plantar
Cancel Canceled Play Played Jugar
14 Suprimir 75
15 Carry Carried Llevar 76 Practice Practiced Practicar
16 choose chose Escoger 77 prefer Preferred Preferir
17 come came Venir 78 Prepare Prepared Preparar
18 consider considered Considerar 79 put put poner
19 Cook Cooked Cosinar 80 rain rained lluvia
20 Create Created Crear 81 Read Read leer
21 Dance Danced Bailar 82 Receive Received Recibir
22 Decompose Decomosed Descomponer 83 Record Recorded Grabar
23 Describe Described Describir 84 Remove Removed Retirar
24 Design Designed Diseñar 85 Return Returned Retornar
25 Die Died Morir 86 Ride Rode Pasear
26 Discover Discovered Descubrir 87 Run Ran Correr
27 Discuss Discussed Discutir 88 Save Saved Salvar
28 Do Did Hacer 89 Say Said Decir
29 Draw Drew Dibujar 90 See Saw Ver
30 Drink Drank Beber 91 Send Sent Enviar
31 Eat Ate Comer 92 Serve Served Servir
32 Encourage Eunconraged Calentar 93 Sew Sewed Cocer
33 Enjoy Enjoyed Disfrutar 94 Show Showed Espectaculo
34 Exercise Exercised Ejercitar 95 Sing Sang Cantar
35 Feel Felt Sentir 96 Sit Sat Sentar
36 Find Found Encontrar 97 Sleep Slept Dormir
37 Finish Finished Terminar 98 Solve Solved Resolver
38 Fly Flew Volar 99 Speak Spoke Hablar
39 Forget Forgot Olvidar 100 Spend Spent Gastar
40 fry Fried Freir 101 Star Started Encender
41 Get Got Obtener 102 Stay Stayed Permanecer
42 Give Gave dar 103 Stop Stopped Detener
43 Go Went Ir 104 Study Srtudied Estudiar
44 Grow Grew Crecer 105 Swim Swam Nadar
45 hang out hung out Colgar 106 Take Took Tomar
46 happen Happened Ocurrir 107 Tell Told Contar
47 Have Had Tener 108 Think Thought Pensar
48 hear heard oir 109 Throw Threw Lanzar
49 Help Helped Ayudar 110 Tavel Tavelled Viajar
50 Invent Invented Invetar 111 Try Tried Tratar
51 Investigate Investigated Investigar 112 Turn Turned Girrar
52 Join Joined Unir 113 Use Used Utilizar
53 Jump Junped Saltar 114 Visit Visited Visitar
54 Keep Kept mantener 115 Wait Waited Esperar
55 Know Knew saber 116 Walk Wlaked Caminar
56 Laugh Laughed reir 117 Want Wanted Querer
57 Learn Learned Aprender 118 Wach Watched Mirar
58 Like Liked Gustar 119 Wear Wore Vestir
59 Listen Listened Escuchar 120 Win Won Ganar
60 Live Lived Vivir 121 Work Worked Trabajo
61 look Looked Mirar 122 Write Wrote Escribir
Relationships Relaciones

Renata walks into the restaurant. She sees her Renata entra al restaurante. Ella ve a su novio
boyfriend Diego sitting at a table near the window Diego sentado en una mesa cerca de la ventana y
and smiles. He sees her and gets up. They hug sonríe. Él la ve y se levanta. Ellos se abrazan y se
and sit down. They call the waiter and order two sientan. Llaman al camarero y piden dos copas
glasses of wine. He looks nervous and begins to de vino. Él se ve nervioso y empieza a hablar.
talk. “Look, I know this is awkward but let me…” "Mira, sé que esto es incómodo, pero déjame...",
but Renata interrupts him. pero Renata lo interrumpe.

“You don’t have to tell me. I know how you feel. I "No tienes que decirme. Sé cómo te sientes.
was so excited when you called to invite me to Estaba tan emocionada cuando llamaste para
lunch. I have missed you too. Not seeing each invitarme a almorzar. Te he echado de menos
other for a couple of months was the best thing también. No vernos durante un par de meses fue
for our relationship. I realize now that you are la mejor cosa para nuestra relación. Ahora me
the one for me. Let’s forget the past. Things will doy cuenta de que eres el único para mí.
be different from now on, I promise you.” Olvidemos el pasado. Las cosas serán diferentes
a partir de ahora, te lo prometo."
Diego takes a deep breath and takes a sip of
wine. “Actually, I invited you to lunch because I Diego respira profundo y toma un sorbo de vino.
didn’t want to tell you over the phone. I’m sorry "En realidad, te invité a almorzar porque yo no
but I’ve met someone else”. quería decirte por teléfono. Lo siento, pero he
conocido a alguien más."


P1: ¿Por qué vino Renata a este restaurante? Q1: Why did Renata come to this restaurant?
R1: Su novio, Diego, la ha invitado a almorzar. Ella A1: Her boyfriend, Diego, has invited her to
está segura de que es porque quiere reiniciar su lunch. She is sure it is because he wants to
relación. restart their relationship.

P2: ¿Quiere Diego reiniciar la relación? Q2: Does Diego want to restart the
R2: No, no quiere. Él quiere terminar relationship?
permanentemente. A2: No, he does not. He wants to break up

P3: ¿Por qué no quiere él volver a estar juntos? Q3: Why doesn’t he want to get back together?
R3: Él ha conocido a alguien más. A3: He has met someone else.

P4: ¿Por qué él no le dijo a Renata esto por Q4: Why didn’t he tell Renata this over the
teléfono en lugar de invitarla a almorzar? phone instead of inviting her to lunch?
R4: Ellos no habían terminado oficialmente la A4: They had not officially broken off the
relación y él no quería teminarla por teléfono. relationship and he didn’t want to end it over
the phone.

P5: ¿Qué haría usted si estuviera en el lugar de Q5: What would you do if you were in Renata’s
Renata? place?
R5: Yo probablemente tiraría el resto de mi vino A5: I would probably throw the rest of my wine
en su cara y saldría del restaurante. ¿Qué hay de in his face and walk out of the restaurant. How
usted? about you?

The FIFA World Cup, occasionally called the Football World Cup, but usually
referred to simply as the World Cup, is an international football competition contested
by the men's national teams of the members of Fédération Internationale de Football
Association (FIFA), the sport's global governing body. The championship has been
awarded every four years since the first tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and
1946 when it was not contested because of World War II.

The current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at
venues within the host nation(s) over a period of about a month – this phase is often
called the World Cup Finals. A qualification phase, which currently takes place over
the preceding three years, is used to determine which teams qualify for the
tournament together with the host nation(s). The World Cup is the most widely-
viewed sporting event in the world, with an estimated 715.1 million people watching
the 2006 final.

The 19 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different national teams.
Brazil have won five times, and they are the only team to have played in every
tournament. The other World Cup winners are Italy, with four titles; Germany with
three titles; Argentina and inaugural winners Uruguay, with two titles each; and
England, France, and Spain, with one title each.

The World Cup is among the world's most widely viewed sporting events; an
estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup
held in Germany.

The most recent World Cup was held in South Africa in 2010. The next three World
Cups will be hosted by Brazil in 2014, Russia in 2018, and Qatar in 2022.

Responda a las siguientes preguntas acerca del texto. Y en el caso de esta lectura, tradúzcala
al español para la siguiente clase para poder completar su calificación, ambas lecturas se
incluirán en el examen parcial

1. The tournament takes place every four years.


2. In 1942 the World Cup was not played.

3. There are 32 teams playing the World Cup.


4. Only eight nations have ever won the championship.



La Copa Mundial de la FIFA, llamada ocasionalmente la Copa del Mundo de Fútbol,

pero generalmente conocida simplemente como la Copa del Mundo, es una
competencia internacional de fútbol disputada por los equipos masculinos
nacionales de los miembros de la Federación Internacional de Fútbol (FIFA), la
organización global deportiva cuerpo. El campeonato se ha otorgado cada cuatro
años desde el primer torneo en 1930, excepto en 1942 y 1946 cuando no fue
disputado debido a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

El formato actual del torneo involucra a 32 equipos que compiten por el título en
lugares dentro de la nación anfitriona durante un período de aproximadamente un
mes; esta fase a menudo se denomina Finales de la Copa Mundial. Una fase de
calificación, que actualmente se lleva a cabo en los últimos tres años, se utiliza
para determinar qué equipos califican para el torneo junto con la nación
anfitriona. La Copa del Mundo es el evento deportivo más visto en el mundo, con
un estimado de 715.1 millones de personas viendo la final de 2006.

Los 19 torneos de la Copa del Mundo han sido ganados por ocho equipos nacionales
diferentes. Brasil ha ganado cinco veces y es el único equipo que ha jugado en
todos los torneos. Los otros ganadores de la Copa del Mundo son Italia, con cuatro
títulos; Alemania con tres títulos; Argentina y los ganadores inaugurales Uruguay,
con dos títulos cada uno; e Inglaterra, Francia y España, con un título cada uno.

La Copa del Mundo es uno de los eventos deportivos más vistos del mundo; Se
estima que 715,1 millones de personas vieron el partido final de la Copa Mundial
de la FIFA 2006 celebrada en Alemania.

La Copa Mundial más reciente se celebró en Sudáfrica en 2010. Las próximas tres
Copas Mundiales serán organizadas por Brasil en 2014, Rusia en 2018 y Qatar en

1. El torneo tiene lugar cada cuatro años.


2. En 1942 no se jugó la Copa del Mundo.


3. Hay 32 equipos jugando en la Copa del Mundo.


4. Solo ocho naciones han ganado el campeonato.


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