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Fulfillment of Grid Code Requirements in

the area served by UCTE by Combined
Cycle Power Plants

Dieter Diegel,Steffen Eckstein

Ulrich Leuchs,Oldrich Zaviska
Siemens AG, Power Generation , Germany


The continental European power system is the result of synchronous interconnection of the
electricity networks of the separate transmission system operators (TSOs) involved. To
ensure smooth operation of the system and to enable grid disturbances to be controlled, a
number of technical rules and recommendations need to be followed in operation of this
The rules and recommendations of the “Union for the Coordination of Transmission of
Electricity (UCTE)” form a common basis for this, providing minimum requirements to be
met for grid operation on this system, which is operated in overall synchronism. These rules
and recommendations leverage the exchange of electric power beyond the boundaries of the
separate countries that form this synchronously interconnected system, and also promote non-
discriminatory exchange of data for this task.
The technical rules and recommendations do, however, give the individual TSOs the option of
going beyond mere compliance with these minimum requirements, implementing more
stringent requirements or even defining these in greater detail. As a result, individual TSOs
or regional TSO associations have drawn up national Grid Codes with a number of functions
such as defining the sharing of responsibilities for security of supply, reliability and

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profitability for the system. For the TSOs to be able to meet their responsibilities,
transmission system users must comply with the technical minimum requirements and rules
specified in the relevant Grid Codes.
The paper discusses the requirements of national Grid Codes for primary and secondary
control and the extent to which they can be fulfilled by combined cycle power plants
Examples are given of the restrictions that apply for modern gas turbines, and of the way in
which Grid Code or customer requirements can be met for combined cycle plants.

1. Introduction
In the past year, the UCTE and regional TSO associations responsible for national Grid Codes
have had very good reason to focus on compliance with and fulfillment of the requirements
that they have set forth.
There were the blackout events in Italy, Denmark/southern Sweden and the USA/Canada,
which resulted in major economic losses.
Even the variability of the causes involved illustrates that the complexity of a reliable energy
supply system presents ever greater challenges and requires more and more a coordinated
Not least of all, grid operators are being challenged to make ever larger power reserves
available, to achieve improved distribution of these power reserves within the interconnected
power system and to develop new and better load shedding concepts for response to
There are various reasons for the size and uniformity of the power reserves. On the one hand,
it is necessary for conventional power plants to provide control reserves corresponding to the
entire output supplied by energy producers which operate without any frequency-control
capability, such as renewable energy plants like wind power stations. These control reserves
serve to compensate for power fluctuations or outages at wind power stations.
On the other hand, liberalization of the electric power markets in Europe and heavy emphasis
on unhindered commercial trading of electric power across national boundaries wherever
possible have also presented new challenges to the transmission systems. Great Britain led the
way with its revision of grid requirements. Shortly thereafter, members of the UCTE followed
suit and reviewed their national Grid Codes for the European mainland. The interconnected

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power system, which was originally envisioned primarily as a source of mutual assistance and
optimization, is more and more becoming a commercial marketplace.
Not least of all, the expanded physical size of the interconnected power system and the
variability with which the interconnections mesh are also new challenges. Due to limited
transmission capacity, reliable provision of control power within the interconnected power
system requires uniform distribution of this control power over the generating units involved.
In the future, transmission system operators must pay even closer attention to compliance
with requirements when the generating units are connected and must also use test programs to
verify the necessary flexibility of these units for grid operation.
Power plant manufacturers are working intensively in close co-operation with companies that
operate the generating units to comply with these ever more intricate rules.
These companies have a vested interest in ensuring a reliable energy supply even in the event
of grid disturbances, especially if they are responsible for supplying power to large urban
areas with many industrial plants.
Back in the 1980s, the Power Generation Group of Siemens AG was already gaining vast
experience with special grid requirements, in particular relating to steam power plants.
As gas turbines have gone on-line in single or combined cycle (Siemens GUD) power plants,
which represent a growing market share, Siemens has been gaining worldwide experience
with these machines since the ending of the 1980s.
This experience also aids us in meeting the newly defined requirements for these types of
power plants.

2. Common Grid Requirements for Active Power control of CCPPs

• Frequency Stability

Requirement :
For grid system operation, it is required that the power generated is continuously matched to
demand for the power plant. One yardstick for this balance is the system frequency. If power
generation and power demand in the grid system are the same under undisturbed generation
conditions, the system frequency is exactly equal to the rated frequency (50/60 Hz).
Unforeseen events such as perturbations in the grid system or shutdown of power plants
create an imbalance between generation and demand, and are reflected in changes in the
system frequency.

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If the power generation is greater than power demand, generators connected to the grid system
speed up.
If the power generation is less than power demand, generators connected to the grid system
slow down. When power generation and power demand are back in balance, the frequency

For correct operation of the transmission system it is necessary to hold the frequency within
defined narrow limits. Minor deviations from the frequency reference value (50/60Hz) or
absence of any such deviations show that there is a balance of generation and power demand.
Faults in the system resulting from loss of power plants, shutdown of loads, short circuits, etc.
result in deviations and gradients of varying magnitudes. These faults can result in instability
of the grid or even in grid outage. It is possible to distinguish:

- Faults within the anticipated range, controlled by provision of reserve power.

Those faults result in frequency fluctuations that remain within a control band defined by
the grid operator e.g. at UCTE = +/-200 mHz.
It must be possible to ride out loss of the largest generator in the system without frequency
moving outside the control band. This operation will be described in the subsection
“Frequency Control”.

- Serious system faults that are counteracted by disconnection from the interconnected
system and measures such as load shedding.
Fast decreases in frequency in the case of serious system faults can not be counteracted
solely by measures on the generating side. Protection devices are implemented which
switch off loads (load shedding) in case of a specific underfrequency.
In the case of fast decreases in frequency where the frequency remains above a
disconnection limit, it is the task of the generators to remain in a stable load operation

 Frequency control

The reaction on frequency deviation caused by an event in the grid is handled by the
frequency control. This is implemented in two time ranges.

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Primary control is the automatic, stabilizing action of active power controls for the turbine-
generators interconnected in the synchronous three-phase grid. This type of control acts in the
time frame of seconds using turbine speed control.
Secondary control takes effect after about 30 seconds and acts in the time frame of minutes.
The local Grid Codes in each country generally specify minimum requirements.
Purchaser-specific requirements that go beyond the respective Grid Codes are, however, often
specified in order to achieve competitive advantages on deregulated power trading markets.

Specifications :
For example: England/ Wales: NGC Grid Code, Connection Conditions, Appendix 3
(minimum requirements):
 Plant Operating Ranges:
If there is a contractual agreement with the TSO, frequency control takes place above a
minimum generation MG of 65% registered capacity. In case of grid disturbances with
increasing frequency the control must be able to reduce the generation dynamically down
to a designed minimum operating level DMLO of 55%.

For example: Spain : RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA, P.O.7.1.

 Frequency control band ∆P = +/- 1.5 % of registered capacity
The required frequency dependent load change is to be demonstrated 10 seconds after the
start of a frequency simulation ramp of +/- 0.2 Hz per 30 seconds.
(It should be noted that these requirements apply to the overall power plant. In combined-
cycle plants, the ST does not participate in frequency regulation, so the GT has to provide
1.5 times the response).

• Operating frequency demanded by the grid system

Requirement :
Bidding and order specifications and Grid Codes frequently call for power operation in
frequency ranges between 95 and 103 %. In some cases there is a requirement for short-term
ability to withstand overfrequency above 103 %, say for 20 seconds without grid

Specifications :

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“The regulator must guarantee stable operation of the unit for an indefinite time, for any
frequency between 47.5 Hz and 51.5 Hz and any load between the load of the auxiliary
service and the maximum power that can be generated by the unit .”

• Allowable power dip on rising/falling system frequency

Many Grid Codes contain a requirement to avoid excessive active power dips on falling
system frequency. Gas turbines, in particular, tend to respond to frequency reductions with
pronounced output changes that depend on the ambient temperature.

For example: Greece : RAE, CC7.
“operate continuously at normal rated output at transmission system frequencies in the range
49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz”

• Load rejection / island operation

Requirement :
In many Grid Codes the requirements above are compulsory.

Load rejection
Various electrical causes such as frequency under a minimum limit, stability problems and too
low grid voltage can cause the circuit breaker to open and disconnect the power plant from the
grid during operation. After opening of the circuit breaker house load is still supplied (about 5
to 10 MW). This is called load rejection to house load. If opening of the generator breaker
takes place in response to a system fault, there is then a load rejection to 0 MW.

Island operation
The expression “island” here refers to the formation of a partial grid after a system fault with
disconnection from the interconnected system, with one or more generators then supplying
the remaining loads. At the moment of disconnection from the interconnected system the
terminal load of the generators must suddenly adapt to the new load level. The transient and
the remaining generation must be managed by the frequency/load controller.

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A blanket requirement for stable operation of a single generator in all possible island
configurations cannot be met. If there is a requirement for the generating unit to continue in
stable operation, a purchaser-specific automation concept must be drawn up. For this purpose
detailed information and technical data on the purchaser's requirements and the possible
configurations of the island system are necessary.

Specifications :
German Transmission Code 2003
1. Load rejection on house load
The generating unit must be designed to control the load rejection to house load …….
from each permissible operating point.

2. (Grid) island operation capability

Each generating unit must be capable of controlling the frequency under the condition
that the respective generation shortage is not more than the primary operating reserve.
In case of generating surplus the generating unit must be able to reduce output down
to minimum generation.

• Control of a short circuit close to the power plant

Requirement :
The short circuit clearance protection will control failures in the system in a time frame of
approximately 100 ms. If this is unsuccessful, a back-up protection feature then acts in a time
frame of 100 to 250ms to maintain stable and undisturbed load operation. The requirement to
overcome a short circuit in the system applies both to the generator voltage control and to the
turbine frequency/load control.

3. Overview of Requirements of European National Grids

As a part of the ETSO (European Transmission System Operators), the "Union for the Co-
ordination of Transmission of Electricity" (UCTE) is the association of transmission system
operators in continental Europe which interconnects and supplies the vast majority of the
population of Europe with electrical power.

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Fig. 1 : UCTE members

Even though the UCTE has developed a number of technical and organizational rules printed
in the “UCTE Operation Handbook,” the responsibility of the national TSOs must still be
determined in their own guidelines.
Because grid structures vary in different countries (e.g., in the distribution of generating units
over the area of the country) and due to the way in which the interfaces to the other
transmission systems are defined and thus to the way in which energy is exchanged with these
other systems over the interconnected power lines, it is necessary to define specific

Non-UCTE nations (such as Ireland) are second to none in terms of the requirements placed
on energy producers. In fact, even stricter regulations than those of the UCTE countries are
often necessary due to the small size of their grids.
The overview appended to this paper explains some of the important parameters present in
various national Grid Codes. Due to the number and variability of the requirements, it was
only possible to compare a number of selected points.
The table shows the droop, the conditions for primary and secondary control, information on
effective load generation and requirements for islanding mode.

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4. Control Strategy of SIEMENS Combined Cycle Power Plants

The range within which a GUD power plant can contribute to grid frequency regulation is a
function of the power plant operating mode and the associated overall conditions. Interaction
between the operating modes of all of the relevant components, such as the gas turbine, heat-
recovery steam generator and steam turbine, must be taken into account, especially where
dynamic processes are involved.

In the GUD process, Siemens gas turbines should operate within the largest possible load
range with nearly constant turbine outlet temperatures, with NOX requirements taken into
account here. The turbine outlet temperature controller regulates the compressor air mass flow
to a specified fuel/air ratio. In other words, the air mass flow rate through the compressor
must be adjusted according to the flow of fuel entering through the control valves. An
adjustable row of inlet guide vanes, driven by an actuator, is located at the compressor inlet.

ST controller


GT controller HRSG Steam turbine

Gas turbine
Speed/Load &
OTC temp. lim. Generator

OTC temp.

OTC temp. IGV position HP valve opening HP steam press.

IGV 0.5
Sliding pressure

0.5 Load 1
-Load control with speed/ -Load control with speed/ 0.5 Load 1
load controller load controller
-OTC temperature = f(load) -Temp. control with IGV Sliding pressure mode (steam valves are fully open)

Fig. 2 : Combined Cycle Power Plant – SIEMENS Control Principle (Single Shaft)

The speed at which the vanes can be positioned by the actuator is an important criterion in
terms of the response time of the gas turbine. The working range of the adjustable inlet guide
vanes is between approx. 55% and 100% of the GT load. Depending on the positioning time

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involved, the maximum power increase can be achieved very fast. This property makes gas
turbines eminently suitable for secondary control and frequency support.
The load-change capability of the gas turbine is determined by the dynamics of the turbine
outlet temperature control system.
The rate of temperature change in thick-walled components is of critical importance for
operation of the heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG). Changes in temperature lead to
increased life expenditure and must therefore be monitored. By monitoring this parameter the
boiler is protected against overstressing. This leads us to another important point which limits
the range of the GUD power plant in terms of dynamic processes.
The steam part of the GUD power plant normally operates in variable-pressure mode. The
control valves of the steam turbine are fully open. The volume of steam generated is
determined by the power output of the gas turbine. Gas turbine output has to be raised to
increase the contribution made by the steam turbine (ST) to the power generated by the
overall power plant. ST load changes are thus determined by the dynamic response within the
minutes timescale for the HRSGs. In this operating mode, the steam turbine is not suitable for
primary control (which must take place within seconds). However, it will be able to engage in
secondary control.
In the ST operating mode described above, the gas turbine is the component called upon in
the GUD power plant for providing primary control.
Since the requirements for the entire power plant unit have been set forth in the Grid Code
agreements and in the contracts, this means that greater demands are placed on the load
change capabilities and on the flexibility of the gas turbine.
In a GUD power plant, primary and secondary control can be provided in the range of 65%
to 100% of unit output, due to the working range for the adjustable inlet guide vanes, and is
accomplished using the gas turbine controller (speed/load controller).


n Speed controller

Kp Frequency
Injection of
Test Function influence Response lim it

Lim it gradient

Pr Load controller hv

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Fig. 3 : GT Control, Speed(Frequency)/ Load Controller Principle

In order to hold back a required control reserve, a GUD power plant must operate in the
part-load range. The gas turbine is then operated under load-controlled with a subordinate
speed controller. The unit is controlled based on a specified unit load setpoint. As soon as the
grid frequency goes outside of a set insensitivity band, the frequency influence then acts on
the unit power setpoint, changing this and the speed controller corrects the lift setpoint (for
the fuel valves and inlet guide vanes). Unit output is regulated to correspond to the new
requirement. In the event of overfrequency the load is reduced and in the event of
underfrequency the load is increased.
With these dynamic processes, the speed/load controller of the gas turbine provides for an
optimum and stable combustion process.

5. The Excellence of SIEMENS CCPPs in Frequency Response

Now that an explanation has been provided as to the general conditions and the requirements
of the transmission system operators on the one hand and the Siemens power plant control
strategy on the other hand, the results of a number of tests will be used to illustrate how
Siemens GUD power plants respond to particular events during grid operation.
The following points will be explored on the basis of tests:

• Primary control in the event of underfrequency

• Primary control in the event of overfrequency
• Load rejection by a gas turbine from base load to house load
• Load rejection by a gas turbine to islanding mode

The tests of primary control were initiated by injection of a test function set to the actual
value for speed (Fig. 3).

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Power response [% on RC] Frequency deviation [Hz]

12 0


Measured power response

8 UCTE / Germany requirement
Italy requirement -0,1
England requirement
6 Frequency injection



0 -0,25
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [s]

• Primary control in the event of underfrequency

When an underfrequency is simulated, the power plant unit responds with a load increase
which, in the range shown below, is produced solely by the gas turbine.

Fig. 4 : Primary Frequency Response on Underfrequency

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• Primary control in the event of overfrequency

Time [s]

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 0,25



Measured power response
UCTE / Spain requirement
-8 Greece requirement
England requirement 0,1
Frequency injection



-14 0

Power response [% on RC] Frequency deviation [Hz]

Fig. 5 : Primary Frequency Response on Overfrequency

In response to overfrequency simulated by a ramp function of +0.2 Hz within 10 seconds, the

GUD reduces the power output.

• Load rejection by a gas turbine from base load to house load

Riding out a load rejection from base load to house load using a gas turbine entails holding
speed below the overspeed trip limit without throttling the fuel valves so far that flameout
Power [% on RC] Frequency [Hz]

120,0 53

100,0 52,5
GT power

GT frequency
80,0 52 Fig. 6 :
Load Rejection
60,0 51,5

To House Load
40,0 51

Opening of circuit breaker

20,0 50,5

0,0 50
-1,5 0,0 1,5 3,0 4,5 6,0 7,5 9,0 10,5 12,0 13,5 15,0
Time [s]
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Fig. 6 shows load rejection to house load initiated by opening the circuit breaker at a plant
located in Italy.

• Load rejection by a gas turbine to islanding mode

Load rejection to islanding mode is gaining in significance. This is a trend that has become
more apparent since the blackout events of last year. Fig. 17 shows load and frequency curves
for plant in Germany during load rejection from part load to islanding mode.

Power [MW] Frequency [Hz]

160 50,6

140 50,5

120 50,4

100 50,3

80 50,2

60 50,1
GT power

GT frequency
40 50

opening of circuit breaker for island operation

20 49,9
-1,00 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00
Time [s]

Fig. 7 : Load Rejection to Island

6. Participation of ST in Primary Control

It was primarily contractual agreements that led to the realization that only by involving the
steam turbine could the power output requirements be met.
Involvement of the steam turbine in rapid unloading processes has already been implemented
in the control concepts at a number of plants. The ST is equipped with fast-acting control
valves. Rapid closing of these valves (Fast Valving, Fig.8) can reduce the steam turbine load
very quickly. This temporarily reduces the acceleration moment of the turbine-generator unit
and effectively limits the overfrequency.
So as not to disrupt the technological process, what then follows is a slow opening of the
valves to a value close to the original one.

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These features would allow the ST to assist in turbine interception in the event of a rapid load
reduction for load rejection from interconnected grid operation to island operation.

Valve position [%] / power [% on RC] Frequency deviation [Hz]

120 0,75


80 0,5


40 0,25
HP valve
IP valve
ST power
Frequency deviation

Start of frequency injection

0 0
-10,00 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00 70,00 80,00 90,00 100,00
Time [s]

Fig. 8 : Fast Valving

“Active” participation of the steam turbine in rapid loading processes requires that the ST
operate in modified variable-pressure mode. This operating mode requires that the unit
control concept be expanded to include additional function modules, such as the Module for
Frequency Response.

sliding pressure NEW MODULE
Setpoint generation for individual pressure sections
flow Detection of energy charging/release,
Generation of control signals
Steam pressure Unit
Generation of control signals for power controller

+ ∆f Steam
Dynamic Static
∆ SETP = F (∆ f) turbine
- weighting weighting


Fig. 9 : New control concept

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The block diagram of the new control module is shown in Fig. 9. The charging of thermal
storage is initiated by switching from natural variable-pressure mode to modified variable-
pressure mode. This changes the setpoints in the unit control module such that the turbine
inlet valves begin to throttle accordingly. At the end of the throttling process the storage has
been charged and the steam section is operating in modified variable-pressure mode, ready for
the steam turbine to participate in primary control.

The grid frequency is compared to a frequency setpoint, with the frequency deviation (∆f)
used to generate a frequency-dependent setpoint component (∆SETP) and perform a dynamic
analysis (∆SETP_DYN). The ∆SETP_DYN parameter is used to generate control signals in the
unit coordination control system, with static weighting applied for the steam turbine control
system. The statically weighted signals are used to correct the steam turbine setpoints and the
control deviations, causing the desired release of reserve capacity within seconds via the
control valves.

500 50

470 20
∆PGT 30
460 10
operation with active ST
450 base load 450 MW 0
∆PGT = ∆PUNIT 10

operation with passive ST
base load 436 MW 0

0 5 10 15 20 30
t (s)
Fig. 10 : New Module

The required control signals are generated and used by the unit coordination control system to
coordinate intervention by the gas turbine and steam turbine control systems during release of

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reserve capacity. Once the reserve capacity has been made available, the steam section is
automatically returned to modified variable-pressure mode.
Shifting part of the primary control power to the steam turbine provides two important
advantages over the concept used previously:
The desired level of primary control power can be held ready at higher base load (by reducing
the gas turbine contribution by the magnitude of the steam turbine contribution).
Simultaneously, the dynamic characteristics of the unit are improved through temporary
activation of the steam process (increases in steam turbine output can be implemented at the
fast positioning speed that is a feature of the turbine inlet valves).
A comparison of the two concepts for releasing reserve capacity is shown in Fig. 10.

At present, a control concept is being developed for primary control using the ST in the range
of small frequency deviations (up to about ±50 mHz). The gas turbine in this case is called
upon for large frequency dips and for secondary control. This concept will mobilize the
advantages to be gained by shifting a part of the primary control reserve to the steam turbine.
Controlled access to the ST control power contribution in the range of small frequency
deviations substantially improves the dynamic characteristics of the unit and ensures a gas
turbine operating mode that minimizes life-limiting effects.

7. Conclusion

Over its many years of experience in the power plant business, the Siemens Power Generation
Group has kept pace with the new demands for involving the generating units in frequency
control within the interconnected power system.
A steady stream of new and innovative approaches to existing and proven control concepts
helps us meet the requirements of the transmission system operators. The complexity of a
power plant offers a wide variety of approaches for improving the operating mode in terms of
frequency control, but there are physical limits, which nevertheless must be kept in mind.
Our company sees special customer requirements (such as disconnection of an industrial
power plant from the grid with subsequent isolated operation, for example) as a challenge and
at the same time an opportunity to expand our realm of experience. That is why SIEMENS is
also acting as a consultant to transmission system operators in working out new concepts.
In the future, the need to maintain a defined power control reserve within electrical grids will
grow in importance.

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8. References

• ‘Activating the steam side increases base load capacity’. Modern Power Systems,
January 2002
• ‘Advanced primary control with combine cycle power plants’. Proceeding of the 3rd
International Conference ‘Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability’, Sept. 4-6,
2002, Haapsalu, Estonia
• ‘Einsatz der Dampfturbine eines GUD-Kraftwerkes zur Primärregelung’. EPE –
Electric Power Engineering 2003, 5th International Scientific Conference, Jan 28-29,
2003, Visalaje, Czech Republic
• ESB Grid Code / requirement, Ireland
• Frequency Response Capability of Combined-Cycle Power Plants – 12th Conference
of the Electric Power Supply Industry Cepsi – 02-06 November 1998
• NGT Grid Code / requirement, England/Wales
• RAE Grid Code / requirement, Greece
• RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA Grid Code / requirement, Spain
• Siemens Power Journal 2/2000
• Siemens Power Journal online May 2002
• Transmission Code 2003 / requirement, Germany
• UCTE Operation Handbook, www.ucte.org
• UNE Grid Code / requirement, Morocco

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Appendix 1, Requirements of various TSOs

• UCTE Members RC = registered capacity

Country / Grid Code Primary Control Secondary Control Additionals

Controlband/Deadband/Dynamics Controlband / Dynamics
Policy 1  Primary control band  Value of 8%/min for oil / gas
‘Load frequency according to the control zone. power plants “will be used as
control’  Deadband < 10 mHz an aid and are not required”.
(final draft 1.9E,  Dynamics: primary operating  The “tracking”-speed can be
31.12.2003) reserve / 30 s linear according set from 50 to 200 s.
based on to control zone.
UCPTE*-Ground  At ∆f = -0.2 Hz provision of
Rules full primary operating reserve
of 01.06.98

Germany  Primary control band +/-2%  Not a must  Load rejection to house load supply must be controlled.
of RC  Primary reserve additional to speed of load change and
Transmission  Fully available at ∆f = 200  Right to participate in secondary reserve
Code 2003 mHz after 30 s for 15 min. secondary frequency control  Grid Island Mode:
 Gradient 2% / 3 0s after compliance with control band: increase ∆P = +1.5%
 Deadband < +/-10 mHz prequalification load decrease until minimum load reached
details must be discussed between
grid and plant operators
 Load dip due to falling frequency restricted according
to Figures 2.1 und 2.2

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Country / Grid Code Primary Control Secondary Control Additionals

Controlband/Deadband/Dynamics Controlband / Dynamics

Spain  Primary control band +/-1.5%  Not a must:

RED Grid Code of RC
 Fully available at ∆f = 200  A condition for participation
mHz after 30s for 15 min. in secondary control by
 Deadband < +/-10 mHz generators is a “respective
 Droop must be adjustable Qualification” of OS

Italy  Primary control band +/-3% of  Specific agreement  The primary and secondary control windows are
RC independent from each other. The overall control
GRTN GridCode  Fully available at ∆f = 200  SC-band = +/-6% of the window is the sum value of the two.
“CA”, “CC” und mHz after 30s for 15 min. active plant power with 8%
“11”  Deadband < +/-10 mHz /min of the GT part of the  Islanded Mode: correct operation in an islanded grid.
 Droop 2 – 8%, must be combined cycle ‘... restore the frequency on the island at rated value of
Standard adjustable +/-0.25%..’
CEI 11-32

Greece  Primary control band +/-3%  Secondary operating reserve  Remain synchronized with the grid at frequency 47.5 to
of RC in the load range of 50 not less than 3% of RC in a 49.5 Hz and 51.5 to 52.5 Hz for a duration of 60
RAE – 97% RC, then linear load range of 50 – 97% RC, minutes
Grid Code decrease. then linear decrease  Remain synchronized with the grid at frequency 52.5 to
 Fully available at ∆f = 200 53 Hz for a duration of 5 s.
mHz after 30 s for 15 min.  Minimum load not greater than 35% RC
 Deadband < +/-10 mHz  Load dip due to falling frequency:
 Droop must be adjustable Supply of rated load in the frequency range of 49.5 –
according to the requirements 50.5 Hz.

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Non UCTE Members


Country / Grid Code Primary Control Secundary Control Additionals

Controlband/Deadband/Dynamics Controlband / Dynamics

Morocco UNE  Primary control band +/-2.5%  The COMELEC operating  Morocco is a COMELEC-member. COMELEC is
“Techn. rules for of RC (expotential Ta = 10s) zone must be equipped with a being represented within UCTE by REE (Spain). For
the operation of the at ∆f = 200 mHz grid operation system. COMELEC the technical rules of UCTE are valid.
connection grid  Deadband < +/-10 mHz
Spain – Morocco”  Droop 2 – 6%

England / Wales  Min. requirement +/-10% RC  Min. requirement +/-10% RC  No load decrease on frequency fall of up to 49 Hz.
NGT Grid Code 10s after start of frequency 30 s after start of frequency  Target frequency correction with +/-100 mHz must be
ramp of -0.5Hz / 10 s the ramp of 0.5Hz / 10 s the possible.
frequency response must be frequency response must be  Islanded Mode
10% RC. 10% RC. There must be the ability to control an island formation
 Deadband < +/-15 mHz. between 55% and 100% RC.
 Limited frequency control in  Load dip due to falling frequency:
case of f > 50.4Hz In the range 50.5 to 49.5 Hz continuous active power !
 Droop 3 – 5% NGT normally In the range 49.5 to 47 Hz linear decrease in active
requires 4%. power by not more than 5%.

Ireland  Primary operation reserve +/-  Secondary operating reserve  Remain synchronized with the grid at frequency 47.5 to
ESB Grid Code 5% RC in the load range 50 – not less than 5% of RC in the 52.5 Hz for a duration of 60 min
95% RC, then linear decrease load range 50 – 95% RC,  Remain synchronized with the grid at frequency 47.5 -
allowed with linear decrease then 47 Hz for a duration of 20s.
 Fully available in real time at allowed.  No load increase in the range of 49.5 – 50.5 Hz
frequency nadir between 5 –  Fully available in the time  Minimum load not < 50% RC for CC and not < 35%
15 s range of 15 – 90 s RC for steam turbine plant.

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