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Analysis and Action Plan for Professional Development

Patrick J. Correia-Harker

Loyola University Chicago


Loyola University Chicago’s Higher Education program has challenged and supported

me in numerous ways over the last two years. This program has allowed me to grow into a more

confident and competent educator as I look to return to the field of higher education. Though I

have professional work experience in admissions for four and a half years as an admission

advisor, the curriculum from this master’s program along with my graduate internship with

Student Leadership Development (SLD) has been a catalyst for me to gain the necessary

knowledge, skills, and competencies to continue working in higher education.

Although I have grown considerably over the last two years, there is still knowledge,

skills, and competencies that I have to gain a deeper understanding about and continue

practicing. Research and assessment is one area that I need to be intentional with learning more

about and implementing into my future roles. In my future roles, I want to build more long-term

relationships with students that require me to engage more with student development theories

and apply them to my work with students. Furthermore, I need to continue developing my

writing skills where I am more confident in analyzing material and synthesizing my thoughts.

I recognize that in order to stay relevant and effective in my future roles I will need to

continue learning and challenging myself. Therefore, I have established the following action

plan to continue my professional development in the field of higher education. I will continue to

read books (one every three months) and articles (one a month) on various areas, topics, and

research effecting higher education. I will sign up for a membership with American College

Personnel Association (ACPA) and maintain my membership with the National Association of

Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). My plan is to attend both conferences in 2019 and

connect with more professionals in the field and gain professional development opportunities by

joining committees and presenting at their conferences. Additionally, I want to build authentic

relationships across differences to continue breaking down unjust societal systems of racism,

sexism, and other forms of oppression. Finally, the most important step for me is scheduling

weekly time for reflection to stay centered with my values which in turn will allow me to stay

present with the students that I am serving.

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