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SWQL Functions
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SolarWinds Query Language supports a number of built-in functions that can be used in queries.

General Functions About SWIS

IsNull(a, b) - Returns a unless it is NULL , else returns b .

Case when c then a else b end - Returns a if c is true else returns b . Alerts

Creating Custom Properties

Numeric Functions Credential Management

Abs(n) - Returns the absolute value of n .

Ceiling(n) - Returns the smallest integer that is not less than n . IPAM 4.5.x API

Floor(n) - Returns the largest integer that is not greater than n . IPAM 4.6 API
Round(n, p) - Returns n rounded to the p decimal places. IPAM API


Date/time Functions
Managing Custom Properties

AddDate(u, n, d) - Returns a date n units after d , where the unit is specified by the first NCM Config Search
parameter u , which must be one of: 'millisecond' , 'second' , 'minute' , 'hour' , 'day' ,
NCM Config Transfer
'week' , 'month' , or 'year' . The u argument must be a string literal. It can't be a query
parameter or value derived from the data. NPM Universal Device Pollers

AddDay(n, d) - Returns a date n days after d . Show 9 more pages…

AddHour(n, d) - Returns a date n hours after d .

AddMillisecond(n, d) - Returns a date n milliseconds after d . Clone this wiki locally

AddMinute(n, d) - Returns a date n minutes after d . https://github.com/solarwin

AddMonth(n, d) - Returns a date n months after d .

Clone in Desktop
AddSecond(n, d) - Returns a date n seconds after d .

AddWeek(n, d) - Returns a date n weeks after d .

AddYear(n, d) - Returns a date n years after d .

DateTime - Converts a string to a date. In most scenarios this conversion will happen
automatically when needed by usage.
DateTrunc('datepart', 'd') - Where 'datepart' is one of the following strings: 'minute' ,
'hour' , 'day' , 'week' , 'month' , 'quarter' , 'year' . Returns a date like d , but with all
components more granular than 'datepart' set to zero.
Day(d) - Returns the day of the month of d .

DayDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of days (rounded to the nearest integer) that b is later
than a .
DayOfYear(d) - Returns the day of year of d . January 1 is 1, February 1 is 32, etc.

GetDate() - Returns the current date in local time at the Orion server.

GetUtcDate() - Returns the current date in UTC.

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Hour(d) - Returns the hour part of d (in 24 hour format).

HourDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of hours (rounded to the nearest integer) that b is
later than a .
Millisecond(d) - Returns the millisecond part of d .

MillisecondDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of milliseconds (rounded to the nearest integer)

that b is later than a .
Minute - Returns the minute part of d .

MinuteDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of minutes (rounded to the nearest integer) that b is
later than a .
Month - Returns the month part of d . January is 1.

MonthDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of months (rounded to the nearest integer) that b is
later than a .
QuarterOfYear(d) - Returns the quarter of the year that contains d . January, February, and
March are 1; April, May, and June are 2; etc.
Second(d) - Returns the second part of d .

SecondDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of seconds (rounded to the nearest integer) that b
is later than a .
ToLocal(d) - Converts d to local time on the Orion server.

ToUtc - Converts d to UTC time.

Week(d) - Returns the week number of d .

WeekDay(d) - Returns the day of the week of d as a number, with Sunday = 0, Monday = 1,
..., Saturday = 6. Available in Orion Platform 2016.1 and later.
WeekDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of weeks (rounded to the nearest integer) that b is
later than a .
Year(d) - Returns the year of d .

YearDiff(a, b) - Returns the number of years (rounded to the nearest integer) that b is
later than a .

Aggregate Functions
Aggregate functions operate on a whole group of values at once. If a GROUP BY clause is present in
the query, the aggregate function will operate on all values for each set of GROUP BY keys. If no
GROUP BY clause is present, the aggregate function will operate on all values returned by the

Avg(n) - Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the values in the group.

Count(n) - Returns the number of non- NULL values in the group.

Max(n) - Returns the largest value in the group.

Min(n) - Returns the smallest value in the group.

Sum(n) - Returns the arithmetic sum of the values in the group.

Array functions
ArrayContains(a, v) - Returns true if array a contains value v .

ArrayLength(a) - Returns the number of elements in array a .

ArrayValueAt(a, i) - Returns the array element at position i in array a , counting from

SplitStringToArray(s) - Splits string s on a fixed delimiter ( |§|§| ) into an array.

String Functions

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Concat(a, b, c, ...) - Takes one or more arguments and returns a single string that is the
concatenation of the values of the arguments.
EscapeSWISUriValue(a) - Returns a with certain characters escaped. Intended for internal use
Replace(expression, pattern, replacement) - Replaces all occurrences of a specified string
( pattern ) value in expression with another string value ( replacement ). Supported since
Orion Platform 2017.3 (NPM 12.2) and later.
SubString(s, start, length) - Returns a substring of length characters starting at position
start (the first character is position 1).

ToLower(a) - Converts a to all lowercase.

ToUpper(a) - Converts a to all uppercase.

ToString(a) - Converts a to a string. In most scenarios this conversion will happen

automatically when needed by usage.
UriEquals(a, b) - Returns true if SWIS Uri a refers to the same entity instance as SWIS Uri

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