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We typically seek out and also welcome advice from someone who has solved a problem
that we’re struggling with. When writing copy we need to put on a friendly or highly
qualified face on our copy. Avoid the non human robotic drill.

Speak to your audience. Talk to your reader as though they were right in front of you.
Instead of talking about how “we” do something or how things happen to us, talk to the
reader about his/her life … his/her future … and most importantly, his/her feelings.

Use the word “YOU” as often as you can without overdoing it. Your prospect doesn't
really care about you, your business, your product or anything else you have to offer.
Your prospect is interested in the prospect!

Another way of speaking to your audience is to talk about the reader. Yes, its true that x
thousand Children every year are lured into private chat rooms where they are eventually
lured away from home by predators. By saying it this way, you are making it real…and
you are not talking about him or her, but x thousand other children. Find ways to
personalize statistics: “As a man over age 40, your chances are one in x of having a heart
attack this year.” Yikes! Now, you’ve got my attention!

It’s All Personal!

Be personal when you are writing. Close your eyes and imagine yourself talking to a
friend. How would you begin the conversation? What would you say? What would your
friend say? What would you say back to your friend? Obviously, you wouldn't want to
refer to yourself in the plural, rather you want to speak as though you are engaged in the

Instead of saying, Here at such and such we believe in helping all…. say something like,
Here, let me help you…

Identify with your prospect. Tell the reader what you have in common. Let him/her know
that you empathize with him/her. You have been in the same situation. Reveal non-fatal
weaknesses or a petty frustration that you and the reader might share. Anything that puts
you at the same level of the reader’s will endear him/her to you and engender trust
between the two of you.
Is there an Enemy? If so, put a face on that enemy. Why has the reader failed to solve this
problem or fulfill this desire? Were all the other products he or she has tried been

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ineffective? Were the “experts” who gave him advice wrong? Is someone intentionally
using or confusing him?

This is an extremely rich emotional vein – so mine it! Instead of going on and on about
how distrustful “gurus” are, personalize it. Talk about how greedy and selfish they are
and how they use their knowledge of marketing to do this or that to the reader. Or about
how callous “gurus” trick people into buying costly and dangerous things that often don’t

Prove every point you make. Its never a good idea to ask your reader to accept any claim
at face value. Always include proof elements that postpone or suspend his/her disbelief
with every claim.

What Tone Should I Write In? What Style Should I Use?

Never fear an occasional obvious overstatement. Even in everyday speech we overstate
the obvious…and sometimes less obvious.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you exaggerate what your product does, but often using an
obvious overstatement or over-the-top phrase allows you to demonstrate how intensely
you feel about a particular point. It also brings the reader in, or attracts them to the

One way to really grab a reader’s attention is to write something like…

“Some lawyers are so greedy, they’ll gladly run down your car or chase you through the
hospital – just to get to your wallet or the insurance companies profits!”

Is it true? Who knows? Some might even say it is! Would this actually really happen?
Most of us know lawyers as ambulance chasers, or other expletive phrases, but we also
hear how greedy lawyers are, and how they will nickle and dime you to death or make
sure that no matter what happens in the case, they get their money first.

How many of us have ever had to deal with a lawyer? Was it cheap? Its doubtful that you
can ever get any information or service from a lawyer for less than an arm or a leg. And,
if you have been the one with a case, did the check that was written by the insurance
company actually end up in your pocket or in the pocket of the law firm? Writing your
copy with an occassional overstatement will get every one of your readers emotionally
involved and on your side.

Use your target prospect’s language. Speak to them as they are used to being spoken to.
This alone helps you in “warming up” your reader and building a bit of trust and rapport.
Your reader will fee that your “know them” because you’re speaking “to them” with your
choice of words. This is a big “secret” that marketers often overlook.

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Not all jargon is bad! If you have done any reading at all in regards to writing, you may
have heard many of the copywriting guru's tell you to avoid using technical terms and
industry jargon altogether. That's a bunch of baloney! Many times the selective use of
jargon comes in handy when writing for a specific audience.
such as…

• D2%,!*2%!X(&-#,T.!=%(,+,-!+.!;(=+8+(&!*#!*2%!&%(B%&!N!%.1%0+(88/!+,A%.*#&.!
• D2%,!*2%!X(&-#,!+.!9%+,-!.1#)%,!N!+,!=#B%&(*+#,!N!9/!(,!%E1%&*>!+*!


Many copywriters or any writer for that matter, will tell you to avoid clichés, sayings,
analogies, aphorisms, proverbs, adages and the list goes on. But why? In our everyday
face-to-face conversations we use these figures of speech all the time. If you were
speaking face-to-face with your prospect wouldn’t you hear tons of these figures of

Using these sayings instantly says, hey…I'm for real…when you hear these figures of
speech whether in person or online, don't you instantly say, “Hey – this person is for
real…he's just like me! Figures of speech usually get us to smile... and if it makes us
smile, doesn't it make sense that your prospect will be smiling too?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good figure of speech should be worth at least
one hundred.

Experiment a little…

"If a figure of speech helps you communicate faster or drive a point home harder – and if
you’re absolutely sure that its meaning will be instantly grasped by your prospect – use

Of course, you don't want to write copy that’s just one cliché after another. On the other
hand, choosing the right spots to communicate quickly with an idiom could turn out to be
your bread and butter.
Do you know what 75 of the most Powerful words in the english language are? Take a
guess before you roll down the list.

! 54!
Use these when creating headlines, subheads, and all throughout your copy:

Amazing, Astonishing, Astounding, Announcing, Appalling, At Last, Bargain, Bonus,

Breakthrough, Charter, Comfortable, Discount, Discover, Discovery, Easy, Effortless,
Exclusive, Fearless, First Time Ever, Forever, Free, Gift, Guaranteed, How to…, How I
…, Hurry, Immediate, Improved, Inevitable, Instantly, Intense, Introducing, It’s here, Just
Arrived, Last Chance, Limited, Locked-In, Miracle, Money, Never Before, Nothing To
Lose, New, Now, Opportunity, Painless, Premium, Prestigious, Priority, Promise, Proven,
Quick, Revolutionary, Right Away, Rush, Sale, Save, Savings, Scandalous, Secret, Send
No Money, Sensation, Simple, Special, Shocking, Steal, Surprising, The Truth About…,
Today, Unique, Valuable, Why, Win, Windfall, Yes, And of course, the all-time award-

Some words and phrases are weak. “Can” --- “could”… “should” … “might” … “may”
… “ought to” … “seeks to” … “has the potential to” … “In my opinion” … these weak
words should be banned from your content and copy.

Tell your prospect what your product will do.

How do you grab your prospect’s

attention in every paragraph?
Use connecting words at the beginning. Communicating your point is a very important
part of writing each paragraph, but, it should also make you a sale. It should “sell” the
prospect on the idea of reading the next paragraph.

Using connecting words at the beginning paragraphs is a simple way to keep the
momentum of your copy moving:

“And” … “Plus” … “But” … “Furthermore” … “Moreover” … “What’s more” … “And

there’s more:” … and “Even worse”.

A good rule of thumb is to keep words like, “but”, out of your copy if you can. Keep
those kinds of negatives out and use positives such as "And".

What is a contraction?

It's a way of shortening words to keep the momentum going.

Unless it makes more sense I use contractions. When we talk, don't we use the shortened
version? Unless of course, it makes more sense or conveys the real meaning. If its really
important to get the message to my prospect, I'll ad emphasis to it with an underline,
italics, or capitalization.

! 5m!
Be specific when conveying your message. Every time you generalize in your text, you
are creating a reason for your prospect to leave. Instead of saying "you'll save money" tell
your prospect exactly how much money he'll save.

Consider using questions when they fit with your overall idea. Sometimes, asking a
question makes a statement. Sometimes a hypothetical can make for a powerful
statement. If used properly, questions can often be used to demonstrate that you already
know and empathize with the answer. They can also be a great way to demonstrate how
horrifying the alternative can be.

If you are in doubt about whether you should keep something or cut it out, more often
then not, I’d recommend to cut it out. Sometimes we get carried away in our writing and
when its time to go back and make revisions, we find that our real message got lost clear
down in the middle of the paragraph or middle of the page.

Cutting out what doesn't really need to be said, or things that have been repeated several
times will enable your reader to get to the meat of the page and will help you convert
more sales and leads.

Break All the rules!

Just because a particular technique or idea isn't popular, doesn't mean you can't use it. Be
creative and daring. Just because it hasn't been done or isn't highly regarded, doesn't
mean that you shouldn't try it and see if it works or not.

Copywriting is all about attraction. You are creating copy that will attract your niche
specific prospect. You are going to know better than anyone else, what your goals are and
how you intend on accomplishing them. Benefit from others mistakes, but don't be afraid
to make some of your own every once in a while.

! 53!
Here are some examples of headlines that work very
well in the “make money from home” niche

“This is Clearly The MOST Powerful

Advertising Tool EVER Thought Of!”

I can show you how I use it to

make $4,000+ per week.

“$4,000 A Week Starting

In The Next 24 Hours!”

“Exactly What We Need In

These Tough Economic Times!”

“Turn $200 Into $4,000+ Per

Week Again & Again With This Simple System!”

“If You Want To Work Your Whole Life,

That’s Your Business…

If You Don’t, That’s My Business!”

The reason these ads work well is because the desire for making money is
UNIVERSAL. Who doesn’t really have an interest or curiosity about making more
money in a simpler, easier way? What you’re telling the reader here is that they can make
money in a simple way, and that your site will tell them more about it.

You want to make sure to use your TARGET KEYWORDS in the headline of your ad.
This way your ad and copy will get more exposure for that keyword as the search engine

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“spiders” crawl your site and index its content. This is help your chances of getting your
content to come up when someone is actively searching for your keywords on the search

This is critically important because this way your content is fully leveraged to help you
attract targeted people 24 hours a day. What you want is an ARMY of keyword focused
copy, content and ads out on the internet, in articles, blog posts, video descriptions, press
releases, and offline in post cards, and direct mail pieces so you get the full benefit of the
psychological aspect, as well as the search engine exposure benefit of learning to
always focus on target keywords in your content.

Here are some more Tips to help you focus on the most
important aspects in your copy:
1. Making money, and saving time are two of the top motivators in our niche.

2. Use your MAIN BENEFIT as your MAIN KEYWORD in your headline.

3. Use short, concise phrases, not a long complete sentence in your headline.

STEP FOUR – The Body Of Your Ad

The body of your ad is the main place to sell the reason for your reader to click through
the next step. The way to do this is to use short, compelling, active benefit statements.
The types of statements that make the reader want to click now to get to that additional

Here again, it’s important to remember that the copy is selling the click and NOT the
product. Here are some tips to help your imagination when it comes to writing your ad
copy. Answer these questions in your ad and watch your responses climb.

1. How will your stuff help me get more accomplished?

2. How will your stuff make me money?

3. How will your stuff help me save time?

4. How will your stuff help me feel better?

5. What are the top three reasons I should order your stuff right now?

! 5Z!
The best way to write the body of your short ads is to use all those cool benefits you
couldn’t make fit in the headline. Go back to your list of benefits! And remember, when
writing copy for ads, grammar is not as important as effect.

Short copy is a good thing here. The shorter your copy, the better.

One of the main mistakes people make here is that they start singing and talking way too
much about the features of their stuff. Be sure to focus on the BENEFITS and not the

The difference between a feature and a benefit is simple. A feature is what something
DOES… and a benefit is what the feature does FOR ME. Here are a few examples to
show you how using the benefits of saving time or making money.

1. Your business opportunity can help people make more money but what will they do
with that money? Feel free from money worries? Take a vacation and relax? Buy a new
car and impress their friends? Pay for their children’s college education and empower
them to do more with their life? These are what benefits are.

2. Autoresponders send email but it’s saving time that people like best. What will they
do with that time saved? Spend more time with family? Time for themselves? Be able
to visit their loved ones more often? Take that long awaited trip? These are what they will
buy. These are benefits.

Remember also that you want to keep your copy short, so you’ll have to pay close
attention to trimming down your lines and only using power words to convey your point.
Keep nice and short and to the point at all times.

STEP FIVE – Writing Your Call To Action!

In this portion of your ad or copy you write your short final reason for them to want to
click through and get the next part of your process. This MUST be direct.

Here are some helpful tips when writing your call to action phrases:

Use clear, and concise language and avoid any gimmicks here. DO NOT BEAT
AROUND THE BUSH. If you want your prospect to click here to find out more, then say
exactly that. And don’t waste any words here… don’t “talk yourself out of a sale.”

The great part of this step is that you really don’t need any gimmicks to pull well here. If
you did your job correctly with choosing your main benefit and keyword phrase and if
you wrote a EYE GRABBING, ATTENTION FREEZING headline and focused on
benefits in your body copy, then the call to action is the easiest and foregone
conclusion… just tell them to click here for “x” and be done with it!

! 5c!
Let’s now talk about some tricks and tips that will help you get your copy noticed more.

How To Use Qualifiers Effectively

The goal here is to qualify the prospect before they click on your link so you’re only
attracting the most targeted and interested traffic. You only are interested in people who
are serious about buying your stuff. You don’t need any more tirekickers coming through
to completely waste your time with thousands of “canned” questions they bug everybody
else with and never do anything.

Marketers have use qualifiers for decades to make sure that the people that are coming to
them from their ads and copy actually have the need, and money to buy whatever they are

What sort of things can you use as your qualifiers?

Price. Letting your prospect what your price is can be a bold move, but you will know
that people who click are more serious leads since the price issue is out of the way and
they still came through the click. To qualify based on price you could use these

* Only $47
* Less than a cup of coffee a day!
* Now at 2002 prices

Here are some other qualifiers with one phrase each that you can use in your copy
or as imagination lifters to help you come up with your own:

* Scarcity – Only 55 available at this discounted price!

* Seriousness – Serious inquiries only please.
* Region – Available only in Canada and US
* Gender – For men only!
* Age – Only seniors need apply
* Use of product – For MLM Lovers ONLY!

And as you can see… this list can be endless. I suggest you take some time to create your
own qualifier’s list and keep it handy.

! 5f!
In Summary
We’ve covered the main areas of effective copywriting that can help you write ads that
pull better results. What follows is a summary break down of the important aspects for
you to focus on and you can begin to apply these techniques in your own short ad copy to
boost results from any type of advertising or persuasive writing projects.

1. Know Your Target Prospect.

Know their frustrations. Know what keeps them up at night. Know what they’re really
looking for as it pertains to your business. Know how they speak and what words they
like to use. Find out their emotional hot buttons and make a list of them to use in your

The more you know about your targeted prospects and what makes them tick… what
they’re really looking for… the more responsive your copy will be.

2. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords.

The are critical to your success. Not only will you learn exactly what your prospects are
actively seeking, but using them strategically in your copy around the Internet will also
gain you more exposure and search engine traffic.

3. A Powerfully Compelling, Attraction Grabbing Headline!

THE MOST critical piece in all your copywriting is your headline. It sets the stage. It
grabs your reader’s attention and draws them in. It should 100% focused on A MAIN
BENEFIT that your “stuff” will bring them. Make it exciting but not too hypey or
unbelievable, but DO NOT MAKE IT BORING!

4. The BODY Of Your Ad

Speak to your prospect in their own voice. Use words and phrases that they can relate
with. Focus more on TWO THINGS:

a.) Building a relationship (rapport & trust) by relating with your reader.

b.) Focus on BENEFITS. What is your “stuff” going to DO for them? How is it going to
save them time? How will it make them money? Provide bullet points and lists and make
it easy to skim. Use short, concise, and persuasive phrases. Stick to your point. Make
your point. Move on to the next step.

5. Call To Action

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This should be the easiest part of your ad. Be assertive. Don’t beat around the bush. If
you did a good job with Steps 1-4 above, then a simple “click here” or “claim you…” or
“instantly download your…” “grab your newsletter by…”

Be direct and tell them EXACTLY what they should do next.

It’s my sincere hope that this information will prove very helpful in your business. It
would be awesome to hear back from you and learn how any little nuggets from this
simple ebook helped you increase your confidence, produce some smoking ads that
produce leads and generate sales for your business.

While copywriting is absolutely one of the most important aspects of any home based
business, there ARE other critical tactics and skill sets that will help you take your
business to the next level.

Social Media Marketing, Content Syndication, Traffic Generation

Blog Marketing For Traffic and Search Engine Optimization

Offline Marketing with Post Card Campaigns

Direct Mailing with Laser Targeted Lists and Offers

And the list goes on and on…

To learn more about these and many other important strategies that can increase the reach
and results of your business, feel free to claim your FREE subscription of my Internet
Profits Newsletter and the 7 Day Internet Profits Email Bootcamp here:



Franco Gonzalez

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According to experts, just changing the headline of an ad or sales letter has been known
to dramatically improve the effectiveness of an ad or sales letter by up to 1700 percent!
Yes, headlines are that powerful--and that important!

An effective headline will do many things at once. It’ll attract the reader’s attention,
convey benefits by appealing to the reader’s self-interest and it will prepare your reader
for the rest of your content. It will also target the audience for which it was intended.

But the number one thing a headline should always do is answer the question, "What's in
it for me?"


Because that's all most of us really care about.

So what are the characteristics of a good headline? First and foremost, an effective
headline must be believable. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "if it sounds too good to be
true, it probably is."

However, if your product really can make me: , attract as many women as I want, or
make me millions while I sleep; if you put it in your headline, you had better be able to
effectively prove it in your copy.

Many experts believe the shorter the headline, the better. I don't necessarily agree with
that. However, keeping your headlines to fifteen words or less is probably a good idea.
Make sure your headlines are easy to read. When typesetting your headlines don't use
fancy fonts, reverse type, all caps or italics. I recommend you utilize a simple, easy to
read type style such as Times Roman. You can see an example of this on my website.

Headlines that evoke some type of emotional response are the most effective and
generally make more sales. Emotions motivate people into action. The stronger the
emotion, the quicker the action. Therefore, headlines that make the reader afraid of losing
something or excited about gaining something will invariably produce the best results.

Using the proper words and phrases is critical. Below I've listed just a few of the words
and phrases that, over the years, have proven to be very effective at grabbing the readers

! m4Z!
Save... Amazing... Finally... Love... Secrets Of... Announcing... Free... Luxury...
Security... At Last... New... Bargains... Obsession... Breakthrough... Protect... The Truth
About... Discover... How To... Rewards... Yes... Sale... You... Are You... Sex... Win...
Improve... Do You...

After grabbing your readers attention, this is where you want to answer the question,
"What's in it for me?" To do this, you have to know a little about your target audience.
What are they interested in? What are their priorities? What makes them respond?

Craft your headlines to use words and phrases that will pique your potential buyers
interest. If you are targeting people interested in starting their own home business, try
phrases such as "Stay Home And Make Money" or "Kiss Your Job Goodbye Forever".

If your product happens to be diet pills, try "Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days".

A word of caution here. This is the point where headlines tend to get unbelievable. Make
sure that your claims are truthful and that your copy supports their truthfulness.

Once you have a firm grasp of the aforementioned basics, look around your house and
select several different products, and write as many headlines as you can think of for each

Write variations of the same headline until you have exhausted all the ideas you can think
of. This will be both frustrating and difficult at first, but it will become easier with
practice. Remember, nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.

After you have your list of headlines, make sure each one passes the test for the following
criteria for a good headline. 1. Does it grab the readers attention? 2. Does it answer the
question, "What's in it for me?" 3. Is it truthful? If a potential headline does not meet
these three criteria, rewrite it or eliminate it from your list altogether.

Continue using the process of elimination, one headline at a time, until you're left with
what you feel are the three best and strongest headlines, based on the criteria presented in
this article.

How will you know which headline is the best overall?

Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure until you test them against each other. The
headline that pulls the most sales or responses is your winner!

! m4c!
Writing sales copy is something that every business must do in order to survive in their
market. With the current use of email and websites, the original direct mail way of
sending sales letters has dwindled down. But whether you send your sales letter via email
or hard copy, certain copywriting tips need to be adhered to in order to have a persuasive
sales letter that will produce some massive profits. Listed below are a few important
copywriting tips that will ensure that you increase your sales conversions.

The first tip is to determine what market you are advertising to in order to decide on the
content of the sales letter. Your sales letter foremost job is to sell a product to a particular
target audience. That’s why you must know your audience well, before you come up with
the content. Your sales content must connect with your audience. If the letter is flawlessly
written, but lacks the basic essential details that your target market is looking for, then
your sales letter is of no use and you can throw it in the garbage.

The second copywriting tip involves the language of the sales letter. The language of
your sales letter should be formal, but at the same time, not too formal and not too harsh.
Your sales letter must appear conversational at the same time, including words that are
driving and convincing. These words are known as power words and they are designed to
pull a certain emotional response out of the reader.

The third copywriting tip is to let the reader or client think that you are an expert and that
you know exactly what his or her problem is and how he or she can solve it. In other
words, you must convince them that you really know them and the market. Therefore, use
the language and jargon of the target market in your sales letter in order to stimulate a
good response. This is one of the most important copywriting tips because it causes the
readers confidence in your products and service to really develop.

The fourth and final copywriting tip deals with the way you present your sales letter and
how you stick out. The sales letter or sales copy that you write should be completely
unique and different than other sales letters in your target market. This is what would
make your business separate from the others.

The reader of your sales copy should not feel as if this sales letter is like twenty to thirty
other letters lying on his kitchen table. If you are advertising via the web, you can add an
extra component like a video or audio recording in order to make your sales copy stick
out. This is one of a few copywriting tips that can boost your conversions significantly.

! m4f!

1. Finally, a realistic way to CREATE YOUR OWN ECONOMY From Home!

Quit failing online in Crappy Programs, Make $1000's

Weekly with No Selling, Explaining, or Any Convincing!
Simply Copycat Me to a T! Quit Failing Online, YES, the
Top People On The Web Truly Do Make Serious Cash.

There's NO Hype, NO Boss, NO MLM.

For details go to: YourDomainName.com
If you're not making at LEAST $4,000 a week Online,
YOU HAVE TO go to: YourDomainName.com

Your Name Here


2. Quit failing online - Check out my Simple System!

$4,000 in 1 Day - See Proof
Make $1000's Weekly - No Selling!
Quit failing with junk Programs.
Copycat Me to a T!
If you're not making at LEAST $5000 a week...
Check out the new system that crushes all other systems to the ground.
Go to YourDomainName.com

Your Name Here


3. How many $200 Cash & Check payments do you want this week?
This program has changed many lives, not a month from now...
Starting today and tomorrow!
Will $4,200 This Week Make a Difference To You?

! m4h!
Wait Until You Start Getting $200 Multiple Times Per Day!
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


Your Name Here

P.S. I'm going to show you a system that has changed my life!
Your going to love how easy this is, and I'm going to walk you
through it. If you haven't made money in the past, you better
fasten your seat belt!


5. I get multiple $200 checks daily! Here's how...

Are you tired of trying to build a organization of thousands
to make any money?
I get $200 Checks mailed to me daily!
It's so simple... if $4,200 per week interests you
then visit my website for real proof!
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

! m4n!
Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16

See PROOF and all the details at:

This is the FASTEST WAY to generate ten's of thousands
per month without talking to a single person at all.

Your Name Here

Your Phone Number here


6. Have you seen this Simple System yet?

Quit Failing Trying to Sell Crap. Change Your Life

today not a month from now.
No Selling, No Explaining, No Convincing

Get $200 Checks for 5 Minutes Work, that's what I do

every single day.
I put my income on auto-pilot.
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:

Your Name Here

7. Leverage $200 to $4,200 over and over again?

Visit: YourDomainName.com

! m45!
If you knew there was a new system in place to allow you
to spend 30 - 60 minutes per day to average $4,200 every
week or more, would you want a piece of the action?

If you're serious and have at least $200, I can show you

exactly how to make $4,200+ every week. I have it all
down to an exact science.

To find out how to have $200 checks deposited into

your bank account, visit the website below, and you'll
be only one step away from learning my system.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


You're not going to believe how simple this actually is

once I show it to you.

To Your Success,

Your Name Here

Your Phone Number here


8. $4000 in 1 day - Here's Proof!...

Are you TRULY Serious about finding something that really works?

1: Follow 3 simple steps

2: Be consistent
3: Care about others' results

! mm4!
IF you answered YES to these questions, then you've
found the Perfect solution you've been looking for...
What is this incredible system?

Find out at YourDomainName.com

This simple system will work for anyone who puts a little
effort behind it and follows the few simple steps.

Absolutely NO selling, No explaining or convincing is ever needed.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16



Are you ready to finally be successful? Go see the proof and

the details now - YourDomainName.com

***Great Program + Great Support = Success for All***


This is fast easy money for every day working people

who don't have time for hype.

Wishing You Life's Best!

Your Name Here

! mmm!

9. $200 Again and Again - check this out...


More time? Less stress? More money? Better future retirement?

Living debt free?


Chances are... Nothing.

You're NOT alone! Most of us have been in this position.

************ There's GOOD News for YOU! ***********


*You've stumbled across THE VERY SITE that can make a

true difference in your life

*ordinary people are making thousands every week!


*you get details on exactly what to do

*no pressure, selling, explaining, hype or stress

*simple, straight forward and FUN!


Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

! mm3!
second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


*this system is the first thing that has ever worked consistently;
and WOW, has it ever worked!

*this has made a SIGNIFICANT CHANGE in my life!

More importantly... What about YOU? ...

Are you ready?

Then go here right now:


Your Name Here


10. Another Day of Checks Arriving in The Mail...

They don't stop... Just got another one!

Do you want Envelopes Full of cash and checks on

YOUR doorstep?

Who doesn't?


You too can have...

! mmI!

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details.

Just click on the website link below!


Wishing You Life's Best!



11. Lazy People Make The Most Money...

After they work hard and then automate the entire process.

Discover the best kept secret to creating automated wealth from home...

All achieved this without any selling, cold calling, or rejection.

Not MLM...
No Selling...
No Prospecting...
No Calling...

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

! mmZ!
T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his
second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


To Your Success,



12. I knew it... another company's just a bunch of smoke & mirrors

In a 'Smoke & Mirrors' Industry Full of Bloated Promises,

Weak Offers, Rehashed Crap, And a Whole Lotta Garbage...

It's Getting Harder Than Ever to Distinguish the Good From Bad...

We reveal the exact System that continues to pump cash every

month into our bank account where we can access it from any
ATM around the world.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


! mmc!
See PROOF and all the details at:

To your success,


13. Unfortunate News. Sorry to share...

As millions of people search to find a way to create serious cash-flow from
Many will be ripped off by scams, ponzi and get-rich-quick schemes, and hype.

Fed up with all the BS, hype, gimmicks and scams?

Want an HONEST and GENUINE home-based program where you can start
making $4,200+ Weekly starting Today?
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


Everything you need to know is here:


To Your Success,



14. WANTED: 7 Honest People Who Want To Make $4,200+ Per Week
- Is that YOU?

Fed up with all the BS, gimmicks and scams?

! mmf!
Want an HONEST and GENUINE home-based business?
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:

To Your Success,



15. $4,200+ Per Week? Here's how we did it...

We can set you up to start earning $4,200+ per week with...


Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


! mmh!
See PROOF and all the details at:

To Your Success,



16. Generate $200K+ Per Year... Without a Computer!

It's easy when you know the secret...

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:

To Your Success,



17. Are You Working for Peanuts?

Are you working for peanuts?

Elephants love peanuts... I don't.

We can set you up to start making $4,200+ per week with...


! mmn!

Give up the Peanut Diet Here:


No more rejection of long hours prospecting.

Check it out at:

To Your Success,



18. Start Creating a Wealthy Reality Today

What Would You Do If You Had An Extra $3,000 -$5,000 A Month or More?

• Would you spend more time at home with your kids and loved ones and less
time on the road?

• Would you pay off your bills and live a debt free life? Or take that vacation
you've been dreaming of?

• Would you buy a new car, home, investment property, or pay for college

• Would you launch that special project which makes a difference in the world?

You Deserve Abundance and Prosperity

I invite you to check out my new money making system that's fun and easy.

You can quickly raise funds right from your own home.

! mm5!
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:


Wishing You Life's Best!



19. Cash & Checks delivered to your door day after day

My name is YOUR NAME and I believe, in fact, I KNOW that this email and my
website can CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

If you're like me, then you have no patience and no time to wait for weeks and
months before seeing any significant money from an online venture.

You've done everything "they" tell you to do like:

* Spent countless hours on the phone calling prospects

* Attended worthless conference calls

* Spend advertising dollars testing ads and marketing strategies

* And on and on...

I did it all as well and I knew there had to be a better way. So, I went on a quest
and I've spent hours upon hours scouring the internet for the best opportunity out

! m34!
I don't know if this is something you qualify for, but with this automated system
you'll jump for joy every time the mailman comes to your door...because he bring
envelopes of CASH & CHECKS.

You can make $800+ daily just like many members on my team already do.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

See PROOF and all the details at:


Internet experience is not necessary in order to succeed with this system.

So, if you have dreams of paying off your debt, buying a new car, a new home, a
new wardrobe, whatever your dreams are, this system can make those dreams a

Learn more by going to:


Wishing You Life's Best!



20. Tired of joining programs that just don't work?

Are you tired of joining programs that just don't work?

Are you still looking for a way to receive some extra cash
with a home-based business that actually works?

! m3m!
It seems like it took us forever... but we finally found one that REALLY
works online AND offline!


People on our team are making $4,000 to $7,000+ PER

WEEK with this INCREDIBLE business.

All we do is advertise and collect the CA$H...

With this program there are:

* NO selling to friends and family

* NO explaining or selling
* NO monthly quotas to meet
* NO uplines or downlines
* NO convincing people to join
* NO 3-way calls to advisors or sponsors
* NO B. S.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


All we do is advertise and we'll show you the exact system

we're using so that you can decide for yourself.
Learn more by going to:

Wishing You Life's Best!

! m33!


21. How to Generate $1,000s in CASH & Checks by mail...

Easy, FUN. No Selling, No Hype.

Don't wait another minute...

Check out http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



22. ==>>Massive CASH! Undeniable PROOF!<<<===


I want to talk to those of you if you've signed up,

joined, become members of multiple types of programs

* M-L-M
* Online programs
* Ridiculous chain letters
* Those "we'll do it all for you" programs
* The latest and greatest "pre-launch" deal...


YOU'RE WHO I WANT TO TALK TO, because that was ALSO ME!
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

! m3I!
Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and
pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


Don't wait another minute...

Check out http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



23. ==>>CASH TALKS! Take a Serious Look<<<===

This simple system flat out works.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


Are you ready to finally be successful?

Go see the proof and the details now.

Check out http://www.yourwebsite.com

This is the most powerful cash-flow system

designed for every day working people who
don't have time for hype.


! m3Z!
Wishing You Life's Best!



24. ==>>CASH TALKS! Take a Serious Look<<<===


* I have a system that makes it simple to receive $800+ per day

* You get guidance and resources to get started

I'm a real person with a real system that works to

create Cash and check deliveries like nothing you've
ever seen!

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


Could you handle getting generating $1,000 or more

every time you place a few ads here and there?

Can you follow this fool-proof, jaw-dropping,

eye-popping, cash flowing, poverty busting, self-esteem
lifting, no sales experience needing, immediate
substantial income generating, marketing system?

! m3c!

Let me run it by you again.

Here's the deal...

You advertise with my proven marketing methods...

...and generate $1,000's weekly!

That's it.


It's so simple.

I'm telling ya, it's like printing money!

And if you weren't paying attention before, STOP

whatever you're doing and log on now:


Wishing You Life's Best!



25. Finally, Something That Works! ==> SEE PROOF!


Are you tired of joining programs that just

don't work?

Are you still looking for a way to receive

some extra cash with a home-based program
that actually works?

It seems like it took us forever... but we

finally found one that REALLY works!
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

! m3f!
$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


People on our team are receiving $4,000 to

new system.

All we do is advertise and collect the CA$H...

no selling, no explaining, and no hype.

With this program there are:

* NO selling to friends and family

* NO explaining or selling
* NO monthly quotas to meet
* NO uplines or downlines
* NO convincing people to join
* NO 3-way calls to advisors or sponsors
* NO B.S.

All we do is advertise and I'll show you the

exact system I'm using so that you can decide
for yourself.

Check out http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



! m3h!
26. Law of Attraction Brings in $1,000s Weekly! See how...

Simple step-by-step system can have you receiving $1,000s

weekly in cash and checks. Even daily!
All you have to do is Copycat me to a T!

No hype

No bull

No M-L-M

No Selling or Convincing
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See the PROOF for yourself!

Go to http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



! m3n!
27. It's Raining Cash & Checks ==>SEE PROOF!

How would an extra $400 to $3,000 or more per week

change your life?

How about earning that much money or more per DAY?

We have people crawling over broken glass to get what

we have.


Because we've made this the Simplest and Easiest

program you've ever seen.

We'll take you by the hand and help you start to

generate $400 - $3,000 per week, or better yet per

No hype

No bull

No M-L-M

No Selling or Convincing
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See the PROOF for yourself!

Go to http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!

! m35!


28. Size... does... matter! YOUR BANK CALLED...

Your bank called and said that the size of

your bank account does matter.

Ask anyone. Male or female.

What we've got to do is... MAKE IT BIGGER.

Sound familiar?

What if you RECEIVED $800, $2,000, or

$4,000 CASH at your door TODAY?...

How would that impact your lifestyle?

Would you payoff some debts, bills, get

a new car?

Take the vacation you've always wanted?

Take your kids or grandkids to Disneyworld?

...Go to VEGAS?

Just imagine and paint the picture of what

you would do...

I'll show you how we do it.

See the PROOF for yourself!

Go to http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



! mI4!
29. Still trying to make some Cash? Here's how to do it...

There's no program that's easier than this!

No Selling - No Explaining - Not M-L-M

Fast & Easy Cash & Checks Roll in Every Day.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


Follow me step by step. I'll show you exactly what

to do.

Check out the site and then let's get started

bringing in Cash to YOU.

Go to http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



30. No More 9-5. $4K CASH in days, not weeks ==>See PROOF!

Donald Trump likes the cash to come in daily

just as we do, EXCEPT that this cash comes
to YOU.

Stop working for "chump change" when you've

got the 'CASH COW" in your hands right now.

There's no program that's EASIER than this.

! mIm!
No Selling - No Explaining - Not M-L-M
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


Follow me step by step. I'll show you exactly what

to do.

Check out the site and then let's get started

bringing in Cash this week to YOU.

Go to http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



31. =>> $2000 - $4,200+ Weekly... IF YOU Copy Me! <<=

Let me just quickly speculate...

...that should you decide to click that delete

button, this will be ONE e-mail you'll wish you
had back.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking: This is just

another lame "Get rich quick" deal....

Not the case here... but it can create some quick

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

! mI3!
Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to
$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16

If you don't like selling, but would like cash
and checks mailed to your front door, coming
directly to you on a weekly, or even daily
basis, you need to check this out now:



Wishing You Life's Best!



32. It’s about time for this!

Welcome to the simplest, easiest and most lucrative program available today.

I've never seen any opportunity that can generate huge sums of cash and checks
in a relatively short period of time!

People have been looking for this because there's Zero Selling and you'll never
have to explain, convince or do any cold-calling.

And this is NOT M-L-M or Network Marketing.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make $2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to $3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my

! mII!
Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16 days.

And the wonderful thing about this is that the Cash and checks are delivered right
to your front doorstep.

Check out this site immediately to find out how and see PROOF!


Together in Abundance,



33. =>> I've LOST in every program... until Now! ((See Proof))=>


I'm looking for those of you who've signed up,

joined, become members of multiple types of programs

* M-L-M
* Online programs
* Ridiculous chain letters
* Those "we'll do it all for you" programs
* The latest and greatest "pre-launch" deal...


YOU'RE WHO I'M LOOKING FOR, because that was ALSO ME!
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

! mIZ!
Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16

My business is Simple & FUN. No Selling, No Hype.

Don't wait another minute...

Check out http://www.yourwebsite.com

=>>> Great System + Great Support = Success for All

Wishing You Life's Best!



34. Monkey SEE Monkey DO!

Just copy what I do and you could be on track to receiving $3,000 in cash on a
slow week!

If you're REALLY serious about making a change and finding something that
works and...

Can follow simple instructions, then this is the perfect solution.

Check out http://www.yourwebsite.com

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


! mIc!
Wishing You Success!



35. $5K in Cash & Checks to YOUR Doorstep...

This is the easiest business I've ever done...

Make $400-$800 or more DAILY just for following a few simple steps.
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF with details by going here:


Wishing You Life's Best!



36. Pssst!... looking for more Cash? ==> I'll let you in on a little secret...

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do know

how to receive CASH & Checks right to my front door.

I'm willing to share my secrets with you.

But you've got to qualify yourself first.

See if you've got what it takes.

! mIf!
Check what applies...

* Got Internet access?

* Got a few hours a week?

* Got a desire to be better tomorrow than you are today?

Good! Keep going...

* Can you place classifieds online?

* Can you follow a simple 1-2-3 set of instructions?

* Can people send YOU cash & checks to your front door?

* Are you willing to invest in yourself?

* Are you honest, teachable and driven?

If you've answered YES to ALL of the above, then

see PROOF with details by going here:


Wishing You Life's Best!



37. $1K per day to your front door?... You can't be serious!

Yes, it's true...

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

! mIh!
Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16

Here's what you can expect...

* Cash & Checks Paid Directly to You

* No Selling...Your Automated Website

Does That For You!

On-Going Support and much, much more...

See PROOF...

Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



38. How to create CASH on demand...

Listen up...

I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do

know how to create surges of cash-flow via the Internet
and direct mail.

And if you master my secrets, two things will happen:

1) You'll be able to eliminate all of your financial worries.

2) You'll increase your free time because you'll be using

automated SYSTEMS vs Manual Labor.

Discover what only a select group of sharp people already


Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!

! mIn!


39. Sorry, you've been lied to...

It's an outrageous, shameless lie that

INTERNET DUMMIES can't make money online!

Many are intimidated by their lack of knowledge

about the internet, advertising, adwords, ppc, etc.

That leads them to think that they can’t create a

six-figure income from home...

Nothing could be further from the truth!

I use an automated cash-generating system that

works and doesn't require internet expertise to
receive envelopes filled with cash & checks daily.
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF...

Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



! mI5!
40. How to work in your PJs and create a lifestyle your neighbors will

Here's how to start receiving some serious

amounts of CASH Flow right to your front door
like many of my team members are already doing...
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16

Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before
it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



41. Tired of following a system that doesn't work?

Let's get straight to the point.

In your current home-based program you:

(A) Spend countless hours on the phone calling prospects.

(B) Attend numerous conference calls throughout the week.
(C) Spend precious time testing ads and marketing strategies.
(D) Listen to all the "hype" from other "leaders" in the company
who are supposedly following the same system that you are, but are
making a lot more money!
(E) All of the above

Think about this...

! mZ4!
What if there was a way to receive cash & checks from home where you
didn't have to do any of the above?

* Where you didn't have to cold call prospects

...because the system attracts them to you.

* Where you didn't have to attend conference calls

...because the system doesn't waste your time with them.

* Where you didn't have to figure out how to write, test,

and place ads... because it's provided FOR YOU.

* Where everyone in the program really does follow the same system
...because the program provides an EQUAL opportunity for everyone.

Think that kind of opportunity doesn't exist?...

It does…
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


Wishing You Life's Best!



! mZm!
42. The Best Way to Receive $1000’s in Cash & Checks To Your Front

Today Could Be Your Day Of Amazing Good Fortune!

No M-L-M. No Chasing family and friends around.

This system works no matter who you are.

Make $400, $800 or $2,000 a day and much more.

Great support! It's like copy and paste or follow the leader.

Stop Stressing - Start living!


Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



43. Why Don't You Just Quit! Give Up! You're Beaten!

DO NOT READ This Unless You've Tried Everything Else &


If you're reading this then you already know that

over 90% of Online Make-Money Programs & Systems
are full of BS.


I know, because I've spent well over $10,000 of my

hard earned money and found out the painful way, as
I'm sure you have as well.

However, looking back now, I wouldn't change a thing!

If I hadn't kept searching and spending, I would never

have found http://www.yourwebsite.com .

! mZ3!
This powerful program continues to net people on our
team $400 - $3,000+ a day working 1-2 hours with No
Explaining, No Selling & No Convincing.
Heck you don't even need a computer.Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF...

Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



44. No More 9-5. Take back your life. Here's how...

Does this describe you??...

Are you exhausted working 40 - 60+ HOURS per week?

Tired of climbing the corporate ladder, only to

find out the ladder leads to nowhere?

No time for family?... the kids?... friends?

HOW ABOUT -- No time for YOU?

No money left at the end of the month?

! mZI!
What happened to that vacation you promised your
spouse last year?


Donald Trump likes his cash to come in daily

just as we do, EXCEPT that this cash comes to

Stop working for "chump change" when you've

got the 'CASH COW" right in front of you now.

No Selling! No Explaining! Not M-L-M!

There's no program that's easier than this.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


Follow me step by step. I'll show you exactly what to do.

Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

Wishing You Life's Best!



! mZZ!
45. What's the Secret to $4,200+ week after week???

Hint: Can You...?

*Follow simple steps

*Be consistent

*Open a the mail

This simple business will work for anyone who puts

a little effort behind it and follows the few simple steps.

Absolutely NO selling, NO explaining or convincing

is ever needed.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


When you see how easy it can be, you won't be

able to sleep tonight.

Get over to http://www.yourwebsite.com before

it's too late...

I'm looking forward to helping YOU get started!

To Your Success,


! mZc!
46. => Make $4,200+ in cash per week for working an hour a day?

Yes! Make $4,200+ a week for working an hour a day:

It's not M-L-M

You do No Selling
No Cold-Calling
No Prospecting
97% Automated
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


There's no program that's simpler than this.

Why would you do anything else?

You can... but while your struggling we'll

be receiving fat CASH & Check payments!

Rush right over and check it out.


You'll be glad you did.

Wishing You Life's Best!



! mZf!
47. If You're NOT Banking at least $3,000 Per Week Online... Must See-

Ok, step 1 is complete - you opened this email...

Please know that you've stumbled across something

that actually CAN make a huge change in your

SO, don't delete this-

==>>Here are a few quick facts to review:

* $1000-$4,200+ weekly is very achievable

* we offer proof
* No selling; NO explaining & NO Convincing =>EVER!
simple steps we all follow

==>>Here Are A Few REASONS Why You Should take a

Serious Look:

* we have a system that makes it easy

* you get guidance and resources to get started

We're REAL People with a Real System that works to

create cash-flow like nothing you've ever seen!

Rush right over and check it out.

See the Proof now-


You'll be glad you did.

Wishing You Life's Best!



! mZh!
48. Still trying to make some Cash?


Let's get straight to the point.

Whether you're currently promoting a program

or not, I assure you that if you're really
trying to receive *cash* into your pocket and
you're hoping the same for anyone that joins
your team, then look no further.

We've stumbled onto a *cash* monster.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


You'll be glad you did.

Wishing You Life's Best!


PS - WARNING: If you lose this e-mail, you'll

never know what you just missed.


! mZn!
49. Warning! Urgent NOTICE To All Internet Marketers!


Urgent NOTICE To All Internet Marketers!

Not All Work From Home Programs Perform Like This...

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


See PROOF and all the details at:


Wishing You Life's Best!


50. Never Run Out of Cash Again!

Have cash delivered to your door daily via

check, paypal or however you want to receive

This system has been around for over 4 years

and has proven to generate over $100k in cash
in less than 6 months.

Generating $5k weekly is Possible.

This is a proven system.

Some of my associates have generated over

! mZ5!
$10,000 in their first MONTH using this

My personal best week has been over $7,000!

It works.

I'm generating a boatload of checks and paypal

payments daily and I'll personally show you how
to do the same.
See proof and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!



51. Finally, something that works in this economy!

Finally, in this economy, an option that WORKS!

This is brilliant. And people "get it" quick.

It's so simple...
It's darn near Guaranteed to work...
It's the perfect price point...
A teeny, tiny one time start up.
Delivers a BIG PROGRAM commission
and MORE leverage than any other program out there.
Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make
$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16


! mc4!
You should take a few minutes and check this out...
See verifiable proof and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!



52. $8,135 Profit In 9 Days!

What If I Could Show You How To Make $8,135 Profit

In 9 Days?

A Small Group Of 'In The Know' Marketers Are Raking In

Multiple $200 Commissions Daily Under The Radar.

Want To Participate In The Easiest $400, $800, or

$1200 Profits Daily That You've Ever Made?

• No Downlines, Matrixes or MLMs

• Earn $200 to $800+ Per Day Starting This Week
• No Experience Necessary. Very Low Start Up Cost.
• Beginners and Advanced Marketers Are Making Money
Their First Week.
• Learn Why 97% Fail In Marketing.
• Powerful System Built on Ethics, Honesty, Integrity,
and Value.
• Minimal Time Spent Can Bring You Full Time Income.
See verifiable proof and all the details at:

Wishing You Life's Best!


53. "Will you please stop sending me money"

How often do you hear that line...

"Will you please stop sending me money"!

You won't ever hear us saying anything like that.

! mcm!
My TEAMMATES love getting paid daily to the
tune of $200 payments over and over again.

Tracy from Lansing, MI used my system to make

$2,600 her first week!

Michelle from Boca Raton, FL made close to

$3,000 by the end of her first week!

T.J. from Mississippi made over $16,000 his

second month!

Dave from WI ran a 33-word classified ad and

pulled in $4,000 in 36hrs with my system!

Trish from CA made $10,105 in her first 16

See verifiable proof and all the details at:
--> http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!


54. It happened again last night... (3) more people sent me $200!

Lemme ask you...

Is there anything better than waking up in the

morning, after a restful nights sleep, to find
$600 - $1,000 or more sitting in your account,
that WASN'T there the night before?


It happened to me again.

I can't just seem to put a lid on this little

cash machine...


See it here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

! mc3!
Wishing You Life's Best!



55. How to avoid becoming a victim of the "Make a $1000 a day" ads.

Lets face brutal reality for 7 seconds...

99% of the people online are NOT making

anything close to $1,000 a day.

In fact, dare I say, they're losing far

more than they're making!

Let's put an end to the financial hype

and misery that's been circulating the
Internet for far too long by clearly
showing people how to turn a small lump
sum into a growing and consistent
stream of cash-flow.

See if YOU qualify...

* Do you have $200 to invest in your

own future?

* Do you see yourself one day working

full-time from home, without a boss
or commute?

* Do you have the desire to acquire

new skills?
* Can you follow a simple set of
* Can we pay YOU 100% for each referral
we help you locate using our proven
“turn-key” tactics?

If you've answered YES to each one of

the questions above, then you're
pre-approved for a position on our

! mcI!
All you have to do now is check out my
website immediately...

See it here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!


56. Pssst!... I'll let you in on a little secret...

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I do know

how to create income streams that flow into my bank
account 24/7.

The good news is that I'm willing to share my secrets with you.

But you've gotta qualify yourself first.

See if you've got what it takes.

Check what applies...

* Got Internet access?

* Got 30 minutes a day?

* Got a desire to be better tomorrow than you

are today?

Good! Keep going...

* Can you place classifieds I give to you online & offline?

* Can you follow a simple 1-2-3 set of instructions?

* Can we have people send YOU money via

PayPal, Cash, or Money Order?

* Are you willing to invest in yourself?

* Are you honest, teachable and driven?

If you've answered YES to ALL of the above, then

simply visit my website...

! mcZ!
See it here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



57. Only for people ALREADY earning $21,000 or Better Per Month

Lets face the facts...

Reaching $21,000 a month is reserved for an elite group of individuals.

Not everyone has the communication or leadership skills needed.

Thankfully there's a brand new program on the block that doesn't

require you to be a JFK, Oprah or The Donald to be a success.

You can create a quick income of $2000 or more per week

without being particularly talented, smart or experienced.

You can do this by utilizing SYSTEMS in place of skills.

Think McDonalds.

Get the full details here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



58. How to pocket a cool $400 - $800 a day or more on autopilot...

Breakthrough Program Unveils Online Marketing System

That Delivers Instant $200 Payments Again and Again.

Here's the short of it...

* You keep 100% on every sale ( $200 )

! mcc!
* You get paid immediately and directly.

* You'll be shown exactly what to do in a very simple, step-by-step format.

* You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want too.

* You can get your own money making website!

* You'll have access to Marketing Secrets that's filled with Free

and paid advertising solutions that work!

* You can promote your MLM or Direct Sales program on the back-end.

* This system is proven to work even for NON-TECHNICAL people!

Discover for yourself what hundreds of people already have...

Get the full details here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



59. The System That Legally Prints Money 24/7

One Year From Today, You Could Be Sitting At Your Home Computer,
Counting the Money That Flowed Into Your Bank Account That Day...
Because You FINALLY Have Your Own Cash Machine That Spits Out...

* $200 payments over and over again!

* Access to tested ads and email letters

* Access to a Duplicatable Online System with no selling

* Access to some of my most valuable ideas in marketing,

so you can make more in any program you choose.

* So much more...

I don't want to be the one to cause you to lose any sleep,

so before you go to bed tonight wondering if this is for
real, take a peek to see if you can call my bluff...

! mcf!
Discover for yourself what hundreds of people already have...

Get the full details here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



60. How to turn $200 into $1,000+ within days!

I'm going to reveal to you a simple 2 Step process that

can virtually eliminate any cash-flow worries.

Even if you're doing well, you could be doing better.

First... take a basic ad like this one you're reading

right now. Place it in high traffic areas I show you so
that a lot of people will see it.

Second... have a basic website connected to that ad. One

with a cash-pulling sales letter on it so that people will
pay you for the information / opportunity you're offering.

That's it.

100 yr old formula that was as good back then as it is today.

See for yourself how it all works in action...

Get the full details here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



61. Copy Our System & You Pocket $400 + Every Day

It's Plain and Simple..

COPY Our System... PROFIT Like We DO...

Here's what we do every day...

! mch!
We utilize simple marketing tactics to ATTRACT new leads to our website.


By sending this same exact ad over and over again to dozens of email lists.

The Result?

We Pocket $400 + Every Day - 24/7/365


1) No selling... (website does it for me/you)

2) No calling... (no one wants to be sold - so don't try)

3) Just Automation... (Take A Test Drive Today!)

If You Can Spare Even 30 Minutes a Day, We'll Prove You Can Start Pocketing
An Extra $2000 A Week or More This Week!

Get the full details here: http://www.yourwebsite.com

Wishing You Life's Best!



62. No Recession Here!

Even with the economy in the dumps, my business is rockin'!

Here are the secrets to making an extra $4,000 or more per week.. part-time…

* You need a way to create buyers effortlessly, ( Prospects don’t pay the bills )

* You need a “feeder program” to generate up-front cash-flow to offset your

so you can stick around long enough.

* You need a program that pays 100% daily, directly into your own account.

* And lastly, you need the right marketing tools and strategies to make your
business explode.

Here’s the ANSWER you’ve been looking for…

! mcn!

Wishing You Life's Best!



For Magazine & Classifieds Ads

Make $4,200 Cash Weekly Working

1 Hour a Day! See Stunning Proof at:

$20,000 A Month Working From Home!

We Provide You With Everything!

$4,200 A Week Starting In The Next 24

Hours! Checks Delivered to Your Door!

Make Money Fast! Real Cash Starting Now!

$800+ A Day Deposited Into Your Account!

$20,000 A Month From Home!

Generate Money Within The Next 72 Hours!

Make $800+ Cash Daily!

Not MLM, No Selling, No Boss!

Stay Home In Your Pajamas!

Making CASH Shouldn't Be This Easy!
Go to: www.YourDomain.com
ATTN: Help Wanted!
There's too much cash!

MLM Got You Broke?


! mc5!
Tired of dead end opportunities?

$20k+ Monthly Without Any Selling?

Definitely! Make $400 to $800+ daily
Not MLM. See proof & Free details:

Make $800+ DAILY!...

Without having to pick up the phone
or chase prospects. See Proof:

Free Report Reveals Secret "Part-Time" Strategy To

Adding An Extra $4200 Bucks A Week To Your Current Income
For Instant Details, Go To: www.YourDomain.com
Earn $200 on every $200 Sale
I make $400-$1,000 a day and
will teach you how. Real simple.

What's the quickest way to an extra $4200 a week?

Here's the answer: www.YourDomain.com

Ohio Man Reveals Proven Secret Formula That Creates

$400 - $800+ Days Without Selling, Without Chasing Family
& Friends and Without Knowing any Computer "Geek" Stuff...
Go to www.YourDomain.com for proof and details.

Receive $200 - $800 Instantly

You earn $200 for every $200
sale your website makes for you.

I Get Paid $400 - $1,000+ Daily

While you're busy reading this ad
I'm getting paid. Why Not You?

! mf4!




! mfm!

From The Office Of: Franco Gonzalez

Founder & CEO, Global Cashflow Systems, LLC

Welcome to Internet Profits Formula – “How To Leverage The Internet To

Make A KILLING From Home!”

I’m excited to be sharing this powerful information with you. It was from
the principles, strategies and tactics that you’ll learn in this course that
we each were able to learn how to leverage the internet to build
successful businesses from home.

This course is THE textbook that we use to train our existing associates
in our webinars, videos, and web site training center. By studying the
information I’m about to share with you, you’ll have a STEP BY STEP,
simple way to master the three critical components to making money

You’ll learn the master the art and science of:

1. Building a list of followers.

2. Building Relationships of trust with your list.

3. Monetizing Your List: Transforming your List into a Profitable

Distribution Channel

It’s really that simple.

Most people just don’t have the proper step by step training and action

! mf3!
plan to turn those simple 3 steps into a system that works for you even
when you’re not actively working it.

With Social Networking all the rage, going mainstream and doing it
virally, there is a massive and eager market waiting for someone to teach
them how they too can take the normal, everyday social networking they
are already doing on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other networking
sites and use them to generate income by sharing simple messages in a
consistent way.
I’m about to show you exactly how to do that.

Internet Profits Formula is NOT the only or the ‘best’ course you’ll need
or want in your journey to learn internet and social marketing.

No ONE course can be that.

What Internet Profits Formula is all about is a Plan of Action. IPF not
only gives you the actual step by step “How To’s” on how to perform some
of the most effective marketing techniques, but it does what many other
courses don’t do:

It gives you a Day-By-Day Action Plan that you can follow so you’re not
overwhelmed or ‘info overloaded’ and you can feel relaxed and sure about
the way you’ll go about building the foundation to a long term business.

The strategies in this course will keep you on track. And there are some
very specific goals that it was designed to accomplish for you in a short,
simple schedule:

Goals of the Internet Profits Formula:

1. Build a Foundation For List Building (Tribe Building). Leverage

the use of Social Media with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and
discover how easy and simple it is to build a following of like-
minded people fast and free.

2. Establish a Firm Brand As A Value Giver. Create ‘Top of Mind

Consciousness’ in your market and followers (list).

3. Establish Productive Habits & Routines of Content Creation

and learn where to automate and outsource basic content creation
if desired for leverage.

! mfI!
4. Establish A Strong Routine and Reputation As A Relationship

5. Become Comfortable with the Big 3 Content Tactics: Articles,

Press Releases, Simple Training Videos.

6. Prepare to take Content Creation and Content Marketing into

serious Social Marketing & Content Syndication tactics with

7. Build a strong library of valuable content to syndicate and offer

your followers which also literally FORCES the search engines to
send you free, targeted, real time traffic and leads.

8. Establish a semi automated and viral system to continue to

build your Tribe using social media and content marketing.

Month 2 And Beyond:

You will now ‘see’ the big picture. And internet ‘marketing’ will become
easy and simple to you.

You will have the foundation ‘system’ built. And you will be on your way
to mastering the Big 3 Keys to long term success:

1. Build a list
2. Build Relationships with your list
3. Market to your list

At the end of the first 30 days, it actually gets a LOT easier. The first
month is not really about making millions. It’s about building your

1. Marketing Funnel (lead capture page, autoresponder, profit streams)

2. Social Tribe Building System (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

3. Content Creation Routine (FB Notes, Articles, Press Releases,


! mfZ!
4. Paid Traffic Generation System (autopilot traffic, ezine ads,
outsourced traffic, search engine advertising)

5. Begin to build your Social Marketing Network (Syndication sites

like Digg, Propeller, Delicious etc. and your Wordpress Blog in Month 2)

Month 2 and Beyond Goals:

With the foundation out of the way and good habits working for you…
You will now be taught step by step how to implement the use of ‘Smart
Blogging’ and Social Marketing to literally FORCE the search engines to
send more and more targeted, free traffic into your marketing funnel.
By month two you will be comfortable with providing your Tribe value
and offering quality content to build relationships.

The power of your simple message and simple offer will build your
network virally and you’ll begin to generate more and more commissions
on autopilot on the back end.

Your Simple Message:

“Would you like to learn to use the internet to generate profits from

Your simple offer: Your Simple Freedom System

“Great. Get some free step by step training here and we’ll show you how
it’s done…” (send them to your web site)

Your main focus will always be on the two most important tasks:

1. Produce Quality Content and Syndicate that content.

2. Build Relationships with your Tribe

Enjoy your course! Have some fun with this and you’ll ensure that this
will be a fun, exciting, and very lucrative beginning to your journey with
us at Simple Freedom.

! mfc!
Internet Profits Formula will now break down this quick overview and
we’ll cover each component in detail.

Next, we’ll show you step by step how to begin generating traffic, building
your list and building relationships with your list. We’ll show you how to
do it step by step so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

We recommend you study this course in the order that it’s presented to
get the most out of it as each lesson builds on tips and information from
prior lessons.

And enjoy the training. Know that for some, the pace of this course will
be fast and for others it will be too slow, depending on the level of
experience each person has with internet marketing.

We’ve designed this course to be an effective tool for the COMPLETE new
marketer. If you’re an experienced leader you’ll get great value from the
course’s organization and tactics as well, and the most powerful benefit
will be that you will now have a professional, simple, safe and viral
method for training your team on autopilot with leverage.

This will lead to more back end income streams and profits for you, a
more loyal following and the ability to decrease some workload and enjoy
the reasons you decided to do this anyway, TIME and FREEDOM and the
Money to enjoy it.

Having covered all that, let’s get to work!

! mff!
Chapter ONE

What is the Internet Profits Formula?

Objective: Clearly explain what Internet Profits Formula is and how it

helps you accomplish your goals.

Internet Profits Formula is the difference between you building a

powerful, yet simple Internet Business positioned for massive success or
a ‘little home business’ that is not focused, and destined to be frustrating
and profitless.

As you flow through the course you’ll learn that what Internet Profit
Formula is, is the collective experience and routines created from over 20
years of experience in the field of internet and home based marketing.

For the New Entrepreneur:

This course will give you the information, tools and resources you need
to establish a business on the internet and get it off to a productive start
as quickly as possible while keeping it very simple. Step by step
instructions will keep you quick, focused and effective while most
continue to get info-overload and overwhelmed with tactics and
information, but no direction.

For the Experienced Internet Entrepreneur:

IPF will show you the critical factors you need to focus on to grow your
business to the next level. It will also give you the powerful leverage of
having a resource to recommend to your team or organization that will
automate much of your training for you, allowing you to spend more time
on other pursuits.

Goals of IPF:

The 80/20 rule is alive and well in business. What I’ve experienced is
that roughly 80% of our results come from only 20% of the actions and
tactics we perform. This is the reason many new marketers feel they are
“doing” a lot but getting no results. This course will show you how to
focus on only the 20% that generates results LONG TERM.

! mfh!
This course will teach you the ABC’s of Making Money Online:

A – Attract and Build A List

B – Build Relationships with your list

C –Convert sales & generate profits

! mfn!
Chapter Two

How Do People Make Money Online?

Objective: Learn about the main models that allow you to use the
Internet to make money.

What is ‘Internet Marketing?’

Internet marketing is the art and science of using the internet to make
money. It’s the collection of strategies and tactics that people use to
promote and sell products and services using the internet and it can be
accomplished within a few different models, but for the purposes of our
course we’ll explain the 5 main business models used by home based
entrepreneurs to market online:

Information Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Network Marketing

Direct Sales Marketing

(Business Brokering)

Information Marketing – This is where a person or company creates

information products that are specific to the wants and needs of a
specific niche of people and they promote their own ‘Info Products’ to
them for a profit.

There are people using the search engines to seek out information on an
endless array of subjects, products and services. Info marketers
analyzing search patterns and identify niche areas of interest by what
keywords people are using and how many searches there are online for a
specific keyword phrase, for example: Potato Guns, or ‘How to make a
potato gun.’

The marketer then performs research on who else is supplying this

market with information on ‘how to make potato guns’ and if the
research leads the marketer to believe that there is a potentially
profitable niche there, they create an information product on that niche

! mf5!
and promotes it online so the people searching for the information can
find it and purchase it.

The information product usually is in the form of an Ebook, audio, video

or membership site (where people would pay a monthly fee to access
information on the subject).

There is an endless array of info niches. It truly is infinite, as people can

search out ANY subject that there is demand (active searches online) for
and supply that market with the information, products and services
desired. This is usually the realm of experienced marketers who know
and have mastered research skills, the creation of an internet marketing
‘funnel,’ copywriting skills and promotion skills.

Affiliate Marketing – Similar to information product marketing, Affiliate

Marketing consists of promoting other people’s products, services or
information to a target market. The main difference here is that instead
of you having to create the product, design and deploy the internet
marketing system for it and to establish merchant accounts to process
orders, all of that is already set up by an information marketer.

In affiliate marketing your job is to simply promote a certain product to a

niche market. Keyword and market research is needed to decide whether
a certain affiliate program or product is viable or desired, and then the
promotion of that product is all that is needed to receive commissions for
sales. They can be direct commissions (50% for each sale of a $100
product) or they can also be membership based “continuity” (40% per
member per sale of a monthly membership program) and they can also
include override commissions on the sales your own customers make
(20% override on sales of your referrals).

Successful affiliate marketing is conducted by people skilled in the art of

picking a specific niche market (‘how to make money online’) and using
online marketing skills to attract and build a list of people in that niche,
and then leveraging that list (distribution channel) to offer them affiliate
products or services that are specific to their niche (more on the actual
skills of marketing and marketing funnels/systems later in the course).

! mh4!
Network Marketing/Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) – This is where the
vast majority of home based business people get their start and
introduction to the industry of making money from home. The traditional
network marketing or ‘referal marketing’ concept is truly simple:

The company of a certain product or service will pay you for your
referrals. Instead of spending millions of dollars in traditional (costly and
non-measurable) image advertising and assuming the total market risk
of building an internet sales/marketing division, companies simply reach
out to experienced network marketers and allow them to earn
commissions and override bonuses as they build up a sales force of
distributors to sell the company’s products and services.

Network marketing has been around since about 1959. It was originally
based on word of mouth marketing. Through the 1970s – the turn of the
century it was mainly built by teaching new distributors to make a list of
their friends and family, and pitch them on the products and business
opportunity by way of home meetings, phone selling, hotel meetings and
big rallies, conventions and seminars.

The internet introduced massive leverage to this business model. As

technology became more effective at helping marketers find their target
market, their prospects and potential customers, more and more people
began to use the internet to add leverage to their marketing business and

It is now possible to exclusively use the internet and technology to create

automated marketing systems that allow marketers to advertise and
build a prospect list, and sell their products and business opportunities
directly through internet marketing earning commissions and residual
income as their prospect lists grow and more and more people begin to
receive their marketing messages.

Relationships are built by leveraging many of the free social networking

sites available such as NING communities, facebook, myspace and
twitter, just to name a few.

The main focus people promoting network marketing companies have in

their marketing messages is that with network marketing you can build
an organization of distributors which pays you a potential residual
income on their efforts based on the amount of sales volume generated
each month.

! mhm!
Direct Sales Business Opportunity Marketing – This model is very
similar to the network marketing model in that the fundamentals are the
same. People are paid a direct commission each time they sell products
from the parent company to other people.

The specific compensation plans are varied but mainly consist of higher
direct sales commissions and override commissions on the sales of your
direct referrals.

Direct Sales companies differ from the Multi Level Marketing (Network
Marketing) companies in that they do not focus on the building of
residual income based on monthly consumable product or service sales.
In network marketing, distributors typically do not make much money on
each sale.

To maximize income one must build a distributor base that makes

consistent product purchases each and every month to build up volume
and commissions are paid on monthly product volume sales.

Direct Sales companies take a different approach. They pay marketers a

high up front commission on each sale. You get paid for your efforts up
front and do not need to wait in the hopes of your current sales to
continue to make product purchases each month to maintain ‘group
sales volume.’

Promoting direct sales business opportunities is much like being a

“Business Broker” or a person who brings business opportunity Buyers
together with Business Opportunity programs. As a business broker in
this niche, the most successful entrepreneurs are again, people who
learn how to find their target niche prospects and build a list of them.

They then master the art of building relationships with the people on
their list so that they can generate sales conversions when they market
or monetize their list by directing their prospects to sales and marketing
presentations that offer a variety of business opportunities to them.

Business opportunities in this niche can be found in a variety of price

points and their compensation plans vary as well. A marketer can find a
business opportunity with a $5,000 start up cost that pays $3,000
commissions per sale and $750 on each sale made by your referrals…
and you can also find opportunities that consist of a one time $447 start
up cost that pay $400 per sale. It literally is endless.

! mh3!
The products and services that direct sales companies offer is as varied
as the amount of opportunities being promoted and they consist of self
development conferences, travel programs, internet marketing training
and educational products, software reselling programs, and a wide
variety of information product based companies that are structured as
business opportunity programs.

Do I have to choose just one model?

No. The interesting thing is that most successful internet business

owners do not only focus on being the sales representative of just one
company, but rather, they include a variety of these models in their
marketing systems.

A marketer who primarily is in the business of promoting her network

marketing nutritional company for long term residual income, may build
a marketing business focused on building a list of business opportunity
seekers or existing network marketers by offering specific affiliate
products or information products that her target market is actively

She may then use facebook, twitter, email marketing and a simple blog
to build a relationship of trust with that list by providing consistent and
valuable information and tips on how to be better network marketers.
She can then use ‘back end’ email invitations or recommendations to
have that list of people who are now getting to know, like and trust her
purchase a direct sales opportunity, a marketing resource, coaching
service or some other information product to further monetize her list.

As her relationship with her list grows she can later receive requests
about her primary opportunity from people on her list, or she can
schedule and invite them to a teleconference call or webinar to teach
them why she’s involved in her primary company and what the benefits
of it are to them, and she can generate sales and recruit business
partners on the ‘back end’ using simple emails and networking sites.

Multiple Income Streams

So, you CAN and should combine two or more of these models into your
ONE system to maximize leverage, stay relevant and build multiple
income streams to add security and stability to your business. It’s much
easier to make repeat sales to existing customers that already have a
quality relationship with you, rather than spending the effort and money
to constantly seek out “one time” sales in a competitive market place.

! mhI!
It all starts with understanding how Internet Marketing sales happen. By
understanding the process, you can learn to put the pieces together and
model the approach to generate multiple income streams yourself.

The Internet Profit Formula Marketing Process

In today’s internet marketing age there is no further need for aggressively

pitching or ‘selling’ to people. You can use simple strategies and different
philosophy to attract targeted people to you and use a systematic
marketing process to build relationships of trust with your prospects and
convert sales that generate profits. We call this process or philosophy
Social Profit Streams and it’s very powerful when used correctly.

Internet Profit Formula is designed to do a couple things:

1. Enable you to generate leads and build a list.

2. Allow a system to market your opportunity for you,

automatically. You do this by using leverage and systems in your
marketing approach and designing or plugging into a process that
markets and sells for you using automation.

3. Immunize your business from competition. There are

thousands of distributors marketing the same or similar
opportunities, products and services as you are. How do you stand
out? By building your own follower base using free technology
such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, you can brand yourself
and build relationships with your list (Tribe) to virtually eliminate
any competition from affecting your business. This is the HEART of
“Social Profit Streams” and it’s the most powerful way to build a
long term business online.

4. Multiple Income Streams. Social Profit Streams allows you to

build a REAL business, and allows you to have control of that
business to build multiple income streams and not just be
dependent on the sale of one company’s product or service. You
gain more leverage and more cash flow by having a process that
seamlessly promotes and sells a variety of relevant products and
services to your list of prospects.

! mhZ!
So this group of four goals is what Social Profit Streams helps you
accomplish. You build a real asset that has value long term this way. We
show you how to build a targeted list of responsive buyers. We show you
how to build quality relationships with the people on your list and THAT
is what gives your list its EQUITY, or value long term.
Most people online use aggressive, hyped up sales messages to bombard
people with daily and, while they may make a few sales here and there,
they have to completely start over every single day as the people they add
to their list quickly unsubscribe when they get tired of receiving spammy
sales messages constantly.

That is your massive opportunity.

It really doesn’t take much ‘work’ to stand out as more professional, and
value centered. By simply learning how to harness the internet to build
quality relationships with people by offering real value and a steady flow
of relevant, valuable information that they are seeking, you build a real,
tangible asset that has value.

Essentially your list becomes a powerful distribution channel, which you

can leverage by sitting down to write a simple email or post an update on
your facebook page or twitter profile. Further down the road you can use
your relationship to ASK your prospects what they really are looking for
and then go out and find it, or create it… and offer it to them. It’s an
amazing amount of leverage that is very lucrative, safe, secure and long
term depending on the amount of quality you build into your relationship
with your list.

In an Internet Marketing business model your biggest assets then


1. Your List – People who volunteer to receive information from you,

social networking friends on facebook or followers on twitter or
subscribers to your YouTube channel etc. Your list IS your

2. Relationship with the people on your list. This is what gives

your list value. That is your business’ equity. This determines the
net value of your list and whether it’s worth anything. Quality is
much more important here than quantity. Having 30,000 followers
on twitter that never buy from you or don’t really know or care
about you is worthless. On the other hand, having a small of 500
people on twitter that are eager to receive your training tips and

! mhc!
updates, and that review and order products and services you offer
them is priceless.

The Internet Profit Formula:

1. Build a List

2. Build a Relationship with that list

3. Market to that List

This is our business model. It’s a model that has produced a consistent
six figure income from our small spare bedroom ‘home office’ for over 8
years. This model works VERY well. Some marketers have used this
same model to go on and build 7 Figure Incomes and companies worth
into the 8 figures. This model is powerful.

So that is a quick summary of what Internet Marketing is really all

about. The methods and strategies of actually building this type of
business model is what we will now cover in depth and step by step.
In the next chapter we will give you the answers to three of the most
important questions about Internet Marketing:

1. Why isn’t everyone doing this?

2. So, should I ‘Mine for gold?’ or should I sell ‘Picks and Shovels?’

3. What does an effective ‘Marketing Funnel’ look like?

You can learn everything you need to know about the actual “HOW TO”
steps of Internet Marketing by plugging into our training centers here:


And your private training site:


Username: marketing
Password: success

! mhf!
Our Private Internet Marketing Training Centers where you can tap into
live webinars, recorded video training and a variety of sample ads and
resources so you can master list building and fill your marketing pipeline
with a steady stream of targeted prospects.

! mhh!
Chapter Three

The Easiest Way To Profit Online:

The Front End ‘Marketing Funnel’

Objective: Explain what a Front End ‘Marketing Funnel’ or system is

composed of and why it’s the most effect model for building an online

Should I Mine Gold or Sell Picks & Shovels?

Most new home based online entrepreneurs enter this industry by

buying into some sort of ‘business opportunity’ or network marketing
company. This in and of itself is not a bad thing. Millions of dollars are
made in most of these companies. The issue is that the people that
actually make the money are people who KNOW what they are doing.
Most people don’t know what they’re doing…

The average home based business owner joins a company or program

and is given a company replicated web site and told to make a list and
start pitching their opportunity and products to that warm list of family
and friends. This is NOT the most effective or efficient way to build a
business today.

Having only one option and trying to pitch and sell an opportunity to
warm market friends or other untargeted people is similar to a rookie
gold miner heading to the mountains to mine gold (totally clueless about
how to mine for gold and with no tools).

There are other people who promote and sell tools and resources that
help marketers promote their products and business opportunities. This
is similar to the people who set up businesses to sell Picks, Shovels and
Tools to the miners.

Historically, the people who made the most money during the gold ‘rush’
were NOT the gold miners, but rather the entrepreneurs who were selling
the Picks & Shovels.

How does that apply to you and Internet Marketing?

The same scenario is basically playing out online. The people who are
making money consistently in this industry are those who are selling
‘Picks and Shovels’ in the form of advertising, tools, resources, training

! mhn!
and information products to the online ‘gold miners’ who are all trying to
pitch and sell their business opportunities.

But who are the people making the MOST money? Who are the people
who are building the most consistent, sustainable, long term businesses?

The savvy entrepreneurs who are doing BOTH at the same time.

This course, if you follow it in a disciplined and consistent way is

designed to help you build the MOST sustainable, professional, long term
internet business that there is… You will be positioned as a savvy,
professional ‘Gold Miner’ who also profits from offering ‘Picks & Shovels’
to a massive and eager market that is expanding at an exponential
pace… and you’ll be doing this in a leveraged and automated way
through ONE system.

Why Both?

Most people searching for information on how to make money online

have no interest what so ever in your product, or anyone’s product,
service or network marketing company. The fastest converting prospects
are not really interested in being put through the traditional ‘pitch’ of a
home business and that is why most people find it hard to market.
It’s like what a very successful trainer in this industry, Perry Marshal
say’s in his web sites:

“People who buy a drill aren’t interested in the drill… they are interested
in making a hole.”

You stand a better chance of selling more drills by showing people how a
drill will give them the hole they really want…

So in internet marketing, while most people continue to run around and

desperately pitch their drills to others, the people making the most
money are the ones selling the market first on how to use a drill to make
a hole… people will always buy the “How To” information on making
holes before they buy the actual drill. And if you’re the one showing them
and teaching them how to make holes, it stands to reason that they will
buy the drills from you too, and that is the benefit of using a marketing
system that begins by offering people the training, information, and tools
they need to learn how to market a business online. Once they gain
confidence in their ability to market online they will be more likely to buy
the actual business opportunity from you as well since you’ve built a
relationship of trust and delivered value to them.

! mh5!
In short, you’ve GIVEN value to them with no expectation of anything in
return and that is what builds a loyal following and repeat sales. And to
do this correctly and make it simple, you’ll need to create an effective
‘Front End Marketing Funnel’ designed to attract people faster, build a
targeted list where you’ll build a relationship of trust and generate
immediate, upfront cash flow for your business.

Let’s talk a bit about what an effective ‘Front End Marketing Funnel’
looks like because this will be the HEART of your business going

The Front End Marketing Funnel

Simply put, a Front End Marketing Funnel is designed to attract targeted

people, build a list, build a relationship of trust with that list and
monetize the list as quickly as possible with inexpensive information
products or tools that the target prospects need and desire.
The most important long term responsibility of a ‘Front End Marketing
Funnel’ is to:

1. Build a targeted list.

2. Create Upfront Cash Flow for your business

The building of a personal list is critical to your long term business

because a loyal and responsive list that you build and that you own
becomes your most valuable asset in business. Your list is your
‘Distribution Channel’ where you will be able to generate multiple income
streams from repeat sales long term.

Generating fast upfront cash flow in your business helps you recoup any
money used in advertising and allows you the cash flow streams to stay
in business, build quality relationships with your followers so that they
will want to buy your higher ticket, back end business opportunities and
products/services in the future.

This is where inexperienced people really drop the ball. They join a ‘biz
op’ (business opportunity) and desperately attempt to cram their
product, service or business opportunity down people’s throats and while
some people can get some sales here and there by doing that in massive
numbers, they still are leaving SIGNIFICANT profits on the table.

One sale, hit and miss marketing is EXPENSIVE and bankrupts even the
biggest home based marketing budgets. You have to spend more time
and money chasing that next sale and your customers are not loyal and

! mn4!
don’t stick around so there is no further sales made on the back end to
existing customers (100% profit).

As frustration sets in over not being able to make consistent sales

immediately, these inexperienced marketers quit one program to join
another in the hopes that it will convert faster than the last and this
rarely proves profitable. Blaming the opportunity, team, system or
product for lack of sales is one of the top mistakes average marketers
make. The real cause for failure is the lack of marketing skills by the

The 6 Pieces of a Front End Marketing Funnel

1. YOU – the information you acquire from courses and emails you read
that help you collect valuable content to share with others in the areas
of: Personal Development, Internet Marketing and Social Marketing form
the foundation of your ‘attraction marketing’ and list building system.

2. Your Lead Capture Page – Allows you to present a compelling offer in

the form of free information in return for your prospect’s contact
information (name, email, phone).

3. Email Autoresponder – The HEART of your relationship building and

sales converting process, your email autoresponder is an automated tool
that allows you to follow up, build relationships, deliver valuable content
and presents an unlimited of sales presentations for you 24 hours a day
without EVER taking a day off. It’s your most valuable tool and we’ll
show you how to use it effectively.

Register your own Email Autoresponder here:


4. ‘My Story’ Page – A simple way for you to automated the way you
allow people to ‘get to know you’ using tools such as Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and a personal blog. Sharing your story, pictures, videos and
other content with people on your list adds value, helps drop resistance
and skepticism and helps you turn a cold ‘marketing’ list into a loyal and
responsive Tribe of followers. It also helps you brand yourself and keeps
you at “Top of Mind Consciousness” with your followers.

5. Business/Sales Site – Professional, automated sales pages in

business opportunity programs and affiliate/information marketing
offers allow you a space to conduct unlimited, consistent sales
presentations globally on autopilot. This is where you close sales and
generate income streams.

! mnm!
6. Multiple Income Streams – The art and science of blending relevant
offers of information products, services, tools and or training resources
into your pre-programmed email follow up series is the fastes, and
easiest way to generate repeat sales long term. Affiliate Marketing is one
of the most powerful marketing concepts the internet has every seen and
we’ll show you how to seamlessly build a powerful multiple income
stream generating marketing funnel in your system.

Those are the six parts of an effective marketing funnel. It’s truly simple
to put together, specially with our training, where 99% of it is already
built for you.

With this system built and ready, all you do is focus on driving traffic
and building relationships, which we will dive right into in the next

! mn3!
Chapter Four

Social Marketing
The Viral Power Of Twitter

Objective: Learn what Twitter is and how to use it. Discover Twitter’s
power in free targeted list building, automating Facebook List Building
and Building Relationships/Branding by Sharing Valuable Content.

Why Twitter?

With Social Networking growing exponentially and going mainstream,

Twitter has become THE place to instantly find millions of people in every
single niche imaginable. It’s a powerful way to quickly and easily build a
targeted following. It’s also a simple tool to use to building relationships
and brand yourself with easy communications and invites.

The main purpose for implementing a Social Networking Strategy

with Twitter is:

1. Instant Access To Like-Minded People 24/7: You can find people

and build a follower’s list fast and free. There is no faster way to find a
targeted audience than on http://www.Twitter.com and it’s completely
free. To put that into perspective, consider advertising on Google for
targeted traffic in our niche… it costs on average $1.00 per click of your
ad on google and it takes on average $8 - $10 to generate a lead
(someone who opts in to your list). By contrast, it takes seconds to find
targeted people to follow on Twitter and it’s free to click to follow them.
The whole object on Twitter is to follow and be followed so people are very
open to following you and many people in our niche use automated tools
that will automatically follow you as you follow them. This equals a fast,
free way to build a targeted list.

2. Quickly and Easily Network and Build Relationships – Twitter is

super simple and fast. You simply update people on what’s going on with
your life at any given moment. You can carry on conversations, share
information, quotes, jokes and recommendations quickly and easily and
brand yourself as you establish “Top of Mind Consciousness” with your
followers. When they think ‘Internet Marketing Valuable Information and
Training’ they will think of YOU.

! mnI!
3. Automate a Simple and Free Way to Build Your Facebook Friends
List – We’ll cover the specifics of this objective as we get into the chapter
on Facebook marketing, but it’s very powerful and simple to use Twitter
as an automated system for building your friends list on Facebook.

Create Your Free Account On Twitter


Register your account. Use your real name. The whole point to Social
Marketing is BRANDING. Brand your name and face (picture) whenever
possible. Using your real name makes easy and not confusing for other
people to find you later when you’re an Internet Marketing and Social
Media Celebrity :0)

If your real name is not available:

Choose a username that is closely associated with your name

(@itsFranco) is the one I chose since my name was already taken (rats!).
Choose a username that is easy to remember.

DO NOT FOLLOW ANYONE YET! There is nothing on your profile yet so

just relax and set that up first before you start following people. You
wouldn’t invite friends to your house warming party before you had any
furniture in the house would you? Same principle here.

Create a nice Twitter Profile

Click ‘settings’

Use your personal name. Social Networking is about YOU, not your
business name.

Email Address: Enter one you actually use. Create a filter to catch all
Twitter messages in your primary email address (great feature in Gmail)
or just go to Gmail.com and create a new email address just for Twitter.

Time Zone: simple.

Info URL: Use your TrafficPlan lead capture page here unless you have
an established blog. Either choice is good.

Short Bio – Your bio may take some effort and time. This will brand you
and it needs to do it in a short space. As you follow other influential
social marketers, you’ll get ideas and you can always adjust this, but for
now you can review mine at: http://www.Twitter.com/itsFranco. You

! mnZ!
can also check out http://www.Twitter.com/JoelComm for good ideas

Upload Picture: Remember you are BRANDING here. Your picture is

important. Many people will not follow pictureless tweeple (Twitter
People). Have some fun here but make sure people can actually SEE you
in your pic.

Twitter Background: Default is ok for starters. You can also visit

http://www.TwitBacks.com for free backgrounds. Remember when you
choose a custom background that your sidebar (left side of the page)
becomes a personal branding ad space. You can include links to your
facebook page, blog, phone number, short text ad (“Learn Internet
Marketing Free”). Be sure to include visible links to your other social
networking sites.

Your First Tweet

Click on ‘home’ and you’ll see the big box with the famous question:
“What are you doing?”
You have 140 characters of Twitter Real Estate to punch in an answer
and click ‘update’ and you’re all set.

Invite Friends: Now you can go back to the other setup features and use
twitter to invite your gmail or address book friends.

Follow Influential People in Your Niche: Find and follow influential

people in your niche. Why? That’s usually where the biggest lists of
targeted people are already hanging out. Leaders have already done a lot
of research and list building for you. So following them leads you to more
like-minded people to follow.

Following influential people also puts you in their followers list and it
makes it super easy for others to also follow you as they’re looking for
like-minded people to follow. As your follower list grows, you’ll happily
learn how viral Twitter is. You’ll start getting followers on autopilot as
you start showing up and more and more people’s follower lists.

In the home business niche (a perfect place to start building from) here is
a short list of people you should follow which will get you the most and
quickest exposure:

Joel Comm
Mari Smith
Mike Dillard
Jonathan Budd

! mnc!
With that simple list you’ll find TENS of THOUSANDS of people in your
niche to follow and most of them are using automated tools that will
automatically follow you as you follow them, which is cool.

Automate Your Twitter Networking

We are going to speed up this process now. Go to

http://www.TweetLater.com and register a free account. This service
provides a couple of really nice functions but for now we’re concerned
with three big ones:

1. Creating an automated DM (direct message) to all people who

choose to follow you so that you can invite them to your Facebook page
for networking. This is FANTASTIC little tactic I’ve used to put my list
building on Facebook on autopilot.

My message says something like this:

“Thanks for the follow! Let’s networking on Facebook too:

http://Facebook.FrancoGonzalez.tv see you around and don’t be a

Simple. That simple message is sent to all new followers and it helps get
them over to my Facebook page where you can do more networking, do
more branding and share more content.

2. Set the system to AUTOFOLLOW anyone who follows you. This is

good twitter etiquette for now since we’re just starting out. Later when
you’re famous you can start getting snobby and only follow certain
people but right now let’s use all the leverage we can to build you a big
list as quickly as possible.

3. You can also use this service to schedule tweets ahead of time
and that works wonders at keeping you “Top of Mind” with your followers
and on days where you know you’ll be away from Twitter.

Let’s Organize our Twitter Routine

Twitter is all about being in the conversation and networking with others.
When you @reply to other people, you’re carrying a conversation with
someone directly and it’s being exposed to everyone that is following you
and everyone that you’re following. People can see you’re ‘in the game’
and the more they see your name on cool tweet that inform, amuse,
inspire and educate or assist, the faster you’ll brand yourself as someone
worthy of attention.

! mnf!
After a while it gets harder to see what’s going on so we’ll use a free,
simple tool to make your tweeting and networking easier:
http://www.TweetDeck.com is a nice tool. TweetDeck gives you a window
on your desktop that allows you an easy view at what’s going on and
seperates your direct messages, from your @replies and the main feed of
tweets so that you can see quickly who’s talking directly to you and you
can respond to people’s tweets nice and fast.

Let’s Make It Easy For People to Find You on Autopilot

http://www.wefollow.com is a free service where you can submit your
twitter username and select keywords that allow others to find you as
they search for specific keywords of people to follow. In the internet
marketing niche you can select home business, internet marketing,
social marketing etc to help the system assist people in finding and
following you.

Let’s Automate The Following Of Like-Minded People

http://www.Twollo.com and http://www.Twollow.com are sites that
allow you to automate the following of people that is keyword dependent.
You simple provide them with your Twitter username and password and
select some niche keywords (social marketing, internet marketing,
network marketing, mlm, affiliate marketing) and let it know how many
people you’d like to follow each day and it’ll go to work for you.

Remember that many people in this niche are using TweetLater or

similar services where they will automatically follow you back so this can
be a VERY useful leverage tool in the building or your follower’s list.

Remember also that you have an automated message inviting those

people to visit you on Facebook as well where the REAL networking is
done, so when you combine the power of these simple and free leverage
tools, and compare that with the power of list building and relationship
building using Facebook, you start to see what a viral list building
system this can quickly become to help you build a targeted list fast that
will eventually build a relationship with you and buy your stuff.

Here’s another awesome reality: Please know that basically NOBODY is

putting Social Marketing together like this. The vast majority of people in
this niche have no clue about how to really combine what we’ve created
here in the first 5 chapters of this course and when you start reaching
out to teach them, you WILL be successful.

SPECIAL NOTE: Be advised that as of the day we’re writing this course
Twitter does have some limits on how many people you can follow daily
in the beginning of your Twitter journey. You can only follow a certain
number of people above the number that are following you, so it has to

! mnh!
stay in balance. The first big barrier comes when you get to follow 2000
people. It will not let you follow more until your followers get close to
2000 as well. It then opens up but you must keep a balance of about
10% ‘space’ between your following and your followers.

How do you keep your follower list balanced?

http://dossy.org/twitter/karma/ is another really simple and free tool to
use at about your one month period as your follower base grows and you
start to balance it out. You simply log in with your twitter login info and
it grabs all of your Twitter data. It lists all the people who are following
you and also the people you are following. You now can sort and let it
show you ONLY the people that you are following that are not following
you back… you want to allow some time for new people to follow you in
return, but you’ll have to guestimate here and make a decision because
you must UNFOLLOW those folks who chose NOT to follow you.
This allows your balance to get closer and it will keep twitter from
restricting your activity. Next, sort to see all those you are following you
but that you are not following and check all of them (“check all” box at
the bottom) and them click on “bulk follow” to follow them all. If your
balance is close you’ll have no problem following them all.

What Do I Tweet About?

A good strategy to use is this formula:

70% Value with no promotion (quotes, training tips, valuable and

relevant blog post links, jokes etc)

20% Tips with links to your own articles, blog posts, videos (tips,
reviews, training info)

10% Invites to your webinars, and promo invites to affiliate products,

lead capture page or business opportunity.

And every 2-3 days or so I also like to post an invite to network with
me on Facebook. Since your twitter list will grow MUCH faster than
your Facebook list, this allows you to bring your Twitter followers over to
your Facebook profile for deeper relationship building, more content
sharing and networking. Your automated direct message will work well
but many people that don’t check those messages will sneak by without
seeing the invite. A manual invite every couple days helps a lot.

So, those are the step by steps to getting your Twitter account to really
become a Viral List Building Machine for you with lots of automation to
keep you organized, leveraged and also to keep things simple.

! mnn!
With Twitter the more you use it and observe, the funnier and easier it
gets. Networking really doesn’t get any simpler than this. You’ll learn to
tweet about just about anything going on with you and your business.
Each time you see or find something interesting, you can alert your
Tweeple with a simple tweet. It’s VERY powerful so don’t underestimate

Twitter is like one big Chamber Mixer or Cocktail Party

You’re in a space hanging out with people you know and people you don’t
know yet. So you’re just carrying on with casual conversation, sharing
information and meeting new people.

DO NOT ABUSE the privilege of having people’s attention. Do not

disrespect your most valuable asset (your followers) by slamming them
with advertisements or pushy sales pitches… they WILL unfollow you
and if you destroy your reputation on social media, you’re REALLY
hurting. It’s a massive market but it’s still a small town online, so just
keep that in mind.

Twitter in and of itself can be really powerful, but the magic happens
when you combine it with a place where you can REALLY network and
build deeper relationships by being able to share more content and
engage your followers more… When you combine the speed and
simplicity of Twitter, with the depth and value of Facebook, it’s like
putting your Social Marketing, and List Building on Rocket Fuel!

Let’s talk about Facebook Marketing and how powerful it is for your

! mn5!
Chapter Five

Social Marketing
Facebook: Relationship Building/Branding

Objective: Learn what Facebook is and how to use it. Discover

Facebook’s power in free targeted list building, automating Facebook List
Building and Building Relationships/Branding by Sharing Valuable

Why Facebook?

With over 250,000,000 (250 Million) users and growing virally all around
the world, Facebook has gone Mainstream in a BIG way. Social
Networking is growing exponentially and Facebook has become a
powerhouse for finding people instantly and networking at the click of a
mouse or keypad. It’s a powerful tool for leading a Tribe of like-minded
people and branding yourself. It’s also a simple tool to use for building
relationships, easy communication and the sharing of multiple content
formats such as Notes (mini blogs), video, pictures and instant

The main purpose for implementing a Social Networking Strategy

with Facebook is:

1. Instant Access To Like-Minded People 24/7: Facebook is where

the people are at! As a marketer with a message, BE WHERE THE
PEOPLE ARE AT! There is no better way to attract and network with a
targeted audience than on http://www.Facebook.com and it’s completely

Social Networking sites like Facebook are changing the way business is
done. Facebook is growing exponentially and has already gone
‘mainstream’ which means EVERYONE is on Facebook now.
Growing at over 250,000 people per day, Facebook membership is set to
grow to over 500 Million by 2011 according to

! m54!
It’s NOT a playground for teenie boppers either! The average age is 35
and above and the fastest growing age group is 25+ and that is MUSIC to
your ears.

Today with facebook alone, you have the opportunity to instantly position
yourself, your brand and your message in front of thousands and even
millions of targeted new followers, customers, business partners and
influential joint venture allies. All this leverage is FREE.

2. Network and Build Relationships – Facebook is content rich, simple

to use and fast (Marketer’s Hint: It’s also very addictive). You can post
pictures, quotes, notes, videos and invitations that serve, inspire, teach
and attract people in any niche, anywhere in the world. Build
relationships with your list and establish “Top of Mind Consciousness”
with your followers by keeping your name, content and picture on their
screens daily. When they think ‘Internet Marketing Valuable Information
and Training’ they will think of YOU.

3. “Borrow” My Simple (sneaky) Technique To Link Twitter to

Facebook and Automate Your Facebook List Building! – Use a
powerful and super simple tactic to leverage the speed of Twitter list
building and use it to automatically build your facebook list too.


1. Learn Facebook’s Main Features

2. Learn To Use Facebook To Build Your List

3. Establish a Fast and Effective Facebook Routine To Consistently

Stay “Top Of Mind” to Your Followers

Create Your Free Facebook Account:

Register your account. Facebook uses your primary email to link to your
account. Facebook is primarily about YOU and not business so for
starters, set up an account designed to brand you. We’ll get into creating
“business friendly” pages on facebook later.

Special Hint: When you open your account you’ll be able to insert your
birthday. DO NOT enter your full birthdate. Leave the year off. This way
you protect yourself form identity theft.

! m5m!
You can do that by clicking the “Info Tab” then clicking the “edit” (pencil)
icon to enter that part of your profile. Set the system to “show only
month and day in my profile” and you’re all set.

Create Your Profile

Don’t let Facebook guide you to inviting all your friends and contacts yet.
Take it easy. Take the time to set up a nice profile first before you invite a
bunch of people to your profile and here’s why…

In the prior chapter on networking and list building with Twitter we use
the analogy that Twitter is like being at the biggest cocktail party on the
planet. You can hang out at a party and meet new friends. If you choose
to network a bit more and start building a relationship, what do you do?
You probably invite your new friends to lunch or dinner for some
conversation, right? That’s Facebook. Facebook is like having people over
to your home for a dinner, coffee or BBQ. People come into your home
and look at your pictures, memorabilia, meet your family and you relax
and build deeper relationships. You share your ideas and your content
here at your home. This is where Facebook reigns supreme. The added
benefit is that you can also instantly find and reach out to MILLIONS of
like-minded people and build a free, targeted list at the same time.

Complete Your Profile Setup

Fill out the information in the following areas:

Basic, Personal, Contact, Education, Work.

Upload Your Profile Picture and other lifestyle pictures as well. You can
always add to this but starting with a couple pics is a good idea. People
are curious by nature and we all LOVE looking at your pictures. This is
also a subtle way of getting people to feel like they “know you” and it’s
awesome branding.

Remember you can always edit your profile content. As you meet and
review other people’s profiles, you’ll get ideas and inspiration on how to
improve your profile and that is one of the biggest benefits to:

Finding, friending and reviewing the profiles of influential people in your

niche. You can get lots of ideas and learn networking skills just by
observing what people are doing on facebook. I suggest you follow these
people for now:

! m53!
Mari Smith
Jonathan Budd
Franco Gonzalez
Katie Freiling

These guys and gals are very active on Facebook and other social
networking sites and lead you to other interesting and like-minded
people and special tips and tricks to make your facebook networking
more fun and productive.

This is a list of the sections on Facebook you can always edit:

Basic Info
Personal Info
Photos Tagged of You
Status Updates
Wall Posts
Videos Tagged of You
Work Info
Education Info

Lets Learn About Facebook’s Main Applications (Apps) and Features

These are the features and apps that I enjoy using:

Wall – Facebook’s main networking/communication feature.

Anything on your wall gets pulled into the main news feed that all your
friends and their friends get to see on their home page in facebook.

I use this to post some type of relevant, helpful content daily and
sometimes multiple times per day to stay “Top of Mind” with my friends
and build relationships and my brand.

A super “Ninja” tactic I use is to also post and write on OTHER people’s
walls consistently. This gives you additional exposure as many people
who are “friends” of your friends may not be YOUR friends yet. This
means that the content you post on your own wall will not be visible to
them, however, the information you post on other people’s walls WILL be
visible to others. JUST WATCH IT! Do NOT disrespect your friend’s walls
by posting ANY TYPE of promotion or “pitch” – this is NOT YOUR house
remember? You are on THEIR wall (inside their house) so just socialize

! m5I!
here and offer conversational pieces of information and invites to
NEUTRAL content (videos, blog posts etc).

On your own wall you can post content that is more ‘promotional’ but
don’t make it a billboard either. Follow the same content sharing formula
we talked about in the chapter on Twitter. This insures that the list of
followers you work hard to create doesn’t go away.

Photos – A VERY POWERFUL feature in social networking. People LOVE

pics! We are all curious by nature and sharing and commenting on
pictures is a great, simple way to keep yourself showing in the
information “feed” or screen of your followers. This is a great way to build
relationships too.

Notes – One of my personal favorite tools in facebook. I LOVE posting

notes, or mini-blogs on my facebook page. I simply take a brief outline,
quote or mini training from a full size article or blog post that I’ve written
or found and I post it as a Facebook Note. This is a great branding
feature where you can follow the powerful 90/10 Content Formula
strategy of providing 90% NON promotional content and 10% promotion.
For example if you recently posted an article about the 5 keys to
attraction marketing success, you can post a mini blog outline about it in

You then can provide an invitation link to go read the full article and you
can post a picture to your note as well. Content, Link, Branding pic all
on the same content. Works WONDERS in your personal branding
strategy. The magic here is that each time you post a note, it gets fed
right into the main facebook new

Ss feed so your entire database can see your new content.

Use Notes strategically to:

A.) Import your blog content

B.) Strategically Tag friends in your notes.

By ‘tagging’ certain strategic friends (with BIG friend’s lists) facebook
posts your content on their news feeds, giving you additional exposure to
their database as well. USE THIS RESPONSIBLY. ONLY VALUABLE, Non
promotional content!

Using compelling and intriguing headlines and titles on notes and using
pictures too works great at getting people to click and review them. Be
sure to visit and friend me at: http://Facebook.FrancoGonzalez.tv to see
how I use Notes and other tools to help in networking on Facebook.

! m5Z!
Groups – This is a great way to gain additional exposure and attract
more friends to your personal list. Use the main search bar to look for
Groups of targeted, like-minded people within your niche. Use focused
keywords to find a few groups that interest you.

Look for Groups with many members for more exposure and post in the
group’s wall. Provide valuable insight, quotes or relevant content and
you’ll be a magnet for new friends. Starting your own Group can literally
be like building a viral list for yourself as your bulletins and group
messages you can send as the owner of the group get broadcast to all
group members.

Sharing Relevant Niche Information or Newsworthy Items

Here’s a fast tip: Go to Google and set up “Google Alerts”

http://www.Google.com/alerts and ask it to send you alerts on news
items relevant to your niche or special interests. I LOVE using
http://www.iGoogle.com where I then search and RSS ‘Subscribe’ to
great blogs in my niche and I subscribe to them via “iGoogle” – now what
happens is this: Your iGoogle home page will now be feeding you the
current posts on any blogs you sign up to read on autopilot! No wasting
time surfing and searching for good content, it’s all right there on one
spot!! When you see interesting information that your followers may
appreciate, you simply post and link to it on Twitter and Facebook.
NOTHING can be easier to provide great content and be of service to your
followers… and they’ll LOVE you for it!

Search for blogs in your niche here:


In our internet marketing niche I LOVE these blogs:


And you can find some more in your specific interest category. Also know
that Google is BRILLIANT! Whatever you want… GOOGLE it!

! m5c!
Build Your List On Facebook

Your Existing Contacts:

Initially facebook’s set up wizard helps you send out invitations to your
contacts, email address books etc…

The next step you should take is to broadcast an email to your existing
list inviting them to visit your facebook profile for updates, training tips
and new information that can help them…

We’ve talked about linking to your Twitter follower building routine…

If you’ve been on MySpace or YouTube or ANY other social media site
where you have a list of friends and contacts, you can now send out
bulletins to invite them to Facebook…

Facebook Stealth Tactic:

Find and friend people that are influential in your niche or that you
respect and follow. It’s the same concept as with Twitter. By doing this,
and showing up on their lists you gain exponential exposure and leverage
the work they’ve done to find lots of people.

You don’t need many, but influential people with large lists are valuable
to helping you get exposed to many targeted people on autopilot just by
being networked with them. They will find and friend you. You can also
be proactive and drill down by seeing who THEIR friends are… Very
simple concept.

Finding other influential people you respect:

Review the authors in your library. Don’t have one? Get one… FAST! :0)

What blogs do you read?

Whose mailing list are you on?

Remember the Twitter lesson and http://www.WeFollow.com and

http://www.Twellow.com? As you find people popular on Twitter, you
can find them on Facebook too.

Which sports stars do you admire or celebrities and musicians? This is a

great way to find people who are like minded as they will have large lists
of potentially like minded people you can link with…

! m5f!
Facebook Groups are GREAT places to find other like minded people to
friend. This is a simple and powerful way to build up your friends list.
Simply search for groups with certain keywords that relate to your niche.
Simple. Join the groups, make some wall posts and click to meet the
folks in there.
Use your imagination. It’s really limitless…

Facebook Etiquette
Try to always attach a short personal note with your friend requests.
You’re more likely to be approved that way and it’s a nice gesture. Take a
bit of time each day to do this as this is building a valuable asset for you
in your long term strategy. Your list will become your distribution
channel and the potential income streams you can generate from a good
distribution channel is unlimited.

Create A Facebooking Routine

Being consistent is half the battle. You don’t want to go into facebook
and make a post once every month. Your list and following will die and
you’ll have to rebuild each time. Make it a point to take a few focused
minutes in the day or evening to update your facebook friends and add
simple content to your profile. This can be a very simple act of making
quick comments, visiting friends walls to say “hi” and posting up quick
invites to interesting content you receive in your Google feed or from
blogs you’re watching.

Make it a point to request 20 – 25 friends per day or every other day

(take it easy on Facebook as they do NOT like it if you’re too aggressive
about adding friends quickly. That’s the beauty of focusing on Twitter to
build your list, and inviting them to Facebook.)

As you get comfortable here and observe what other leaders are doing,
you’ll learn new tips to implement into your routine to really brand
yourself and stand out. At the end of the day it’s all about the ABC’s of

! m5h!
Internet Profit Streams:

A – Attracting People (Building Your List)

B – Building Relationships
C- Creating Social Profit Streams by closing sales in your funnel

The chapters on Facebook Marketing and Twitter Marketing are some of

the most valuable and important chapters in this entire course. If you’ve
been around a bit (before web2.0 Social Networking) you probably know
how time intensive and costly it has been for all of us to advertise and
build a email follow up list to market too.

The opportunity you have at your fingertips today to have FREE (did I
say FREE?) INSTANT access to HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people,
many of which are EAGER to receive the type of message and invitation
your have to share with them is truly MASSIVE and literally worth
hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing exposure (think how
much it would cost in Television advertising alone just to get a simple
message in front of these SAME people…

This is truly the back bone and Central Nervous System to creating
Internet Profit Streams at will…

As you can see it is really very simple to do this. If you were expecting to
receive some more complicated or ‘sophisticated’ training, we’re sorry to
disappoint you, but we tend to think that simple is BEAUTIFUL! So, just
focus on getting good at building your follower list and building
relationships in your “Red Ocean” first and then you’ll be able to leverage
your skills in the wide open “Blue Ocean” and reap shocking results…

You are now fully prepared to leverage to full power of the Social
Web and you have direct access to over 250,000,000 people and
counting. There is NO FASTER, way to get your simple message in
front more targeted people than on Twitter and Facebook! Enjoy.

! m5n!
Chapter Seven
Video Marketing
YouTube: Relationship Building/Branding

Objective: Learn how to use YouTube and simple video sharing to

generate traffic, brand yourself and build relationships with your
followers. Discover YouTube’s power in free traffic generation, search
engine ranking and content marketing. Learn how to keep video creation
and sharing VERY simple.

The Power Of Video

Google is the #1 site in the world as far as traffic, according to
http://www.Alexa.com as I write this course. Google paid $1.6 Billion to
purchase YouTube. Right now – right this second, YouTube is #3 in the

The Biggest Traffic Sites Top 10:

1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. YouTube
4. Facebook
5. MSN
6. Windows Live
7. Wikipedia
8. Blogger
9. Baidu (Chinese Search Engine)
10. Yahoo (Japan)

YouTube has a global reach percentage of 19.98% - which means that

roughly 20% of the ENTIRE collective group of people using the internet
visit YouTube. That is MASSIVE TRAFFIC. And all it takes to tap into
that and get some exposure to yourself is simple… Upload A Video.

The main purpose for implementing a Social Networking & Content

Marketing Strategy with YouTube is:

1. Instant Access To Like-Minded People 24/7: People LOVE Videos.

YouTube is where people come to watch videos! You can use YouTube
to share valuable content, and attract targeted people to your list, as well
as to build relationships of trust with your followers from Twitter and
Facebook, brand yourself consistently and build a loyal and responsive

! m55!
Combining your Social Marketing Strategy with Twitter, Facebook and
YouTube will put your traffic generation, list building and relationship
building on ROCKET FUEL.

2. Network and Build Relationships – By creating and sharing simple

videos with your followers you can build great relationships and generate
endless leads and sales in your business. The three types of videos I’ve
used most effectively AND keep my video marketing very simple have

a.) “How To” Training Videos

b.) “Review” Videos
c.) Lifestyle “what I’m up to” Videos

3. My “Magic” Trick To Getting Traffic From YouTube – People are

using YouTube for more than just posting videos. There is so much video
content on YouTube and people love videos so much that they have
begun to use YouTube as a search engine. Instead of only going to google
or yahoo to search for information, people are now also going to YouTube
and typing in search keywords to find video content. This is a powerful
tool to exploit in traffic generation.
You’ll learn how to set up your videos for maximum exposure and
indexing in its own search as well as on google and other traditional
search engines, which will allow you to receive more exposure and free
traffic by simply uploading “smart” videos on YouTube.


1. Create Your Free YouTube Profle

2. Search and Favorite A Few Videos That Help Brand You To Your
Followers (inspiring, funny or special videos you find that help
people get to know what you’re like).

3. Create Your First Video in The 3 Styles (“how to training,”

“review” and “hanging out”) And Upload to your YouTube account.

Create Your Free YouTube Account and Profile:


Register your account. You will want to create a simple, compelling

profile so that when people enter your channel they can learn a bit about
you and be invited to “subscribe” to your channel. Having channel
subscribers creates a list of people who will receive email notifications
automatically each time you upload a new video. It’s yet another list you

! 344!
can build to build relationships and brand yourself by offering relevant
and valuable content.

Be sure to include your link to your lead capture page to make it easy for
your viewers to opt in to your page.

Here is a tip I use when learning ANY new skill or tactic: Simply model
others who KNOW what they are doing. Here is a couple links you can
use to guide you in how to set up your profile and what type of videos to


The main difference you’ll see is that I try to keep my video strategy
extremely simple so others can use it. Video marketing has been
extremely valuable to me and I have a passion in teaching others how to
keep things simple so they can leverage this powerful strategy too.

Video Marketing Tools: In order to fully leverage the power of video

marketing you’ll want to have or add a couple tools to your toolbox:

1. Camtasia Studio 6 – This is a powerful software that allows you to

create “training” and “review” videos by recording what is showing on
your computer screen. It’s very simple to use and comes with many step
by step training videos that show you how to use it. You can purchase it
for $299 at http://www.TechSmith.com. They offer a 30 Day Free Trial.

2. Logitech Webcam with Microphone – You can pick one up for under
$40 at any electronics or office supply store. This simple tool allows you
to create “intro” videos for your lead capture pages or training videos for
your blog etc.

3. The Flip Cam – http://www.TheFlip.com A Flip Cam is a simple

mobile camera that is low priced, extremely easy to use and allows you to
quickly and easily create “lifestyle” videos that upload to youtube in a
couple minutes.

The only other tools you’ll need to create quick, simple videos to share
are already loaded on your computer. If you use a pc then you in the
‘accessories’ section you will find Windows Movie Maker, and if you use a
Mac you have iMovie loaded and ready to edit your videos.

! 34m!
The only editing I do to my videos:

1. Title Clip – A headline or title with my link.

2. A Caption – Inside my video that shows my web site link.
3. Credits Clip – Includes a simple offer and call to action with my link.

The “How To” Training Video

Using Camtasia Studio, you simply pick a training topic that is popular
and in demand in your niche (how to use twitter for traffic generation)…
Open up your Twitter account on your browser and then scribble down a
quick outline for your training. Here is a template to use that is simple
and effective?

Intro: Hey there, it’s Mary here with another quick training tip for you.
We’re going to show you how to use twitter to get access to millions of
people, build your list for free and build relationships so that you
generate sales on autopilot…


The 5 Steps to success with twitter are…

Step one…
Step two…

(simply surf and show them the site as you train)


And that’s how you use twitter starting today to build a free targeted list,
network and build relationships, and generate sales in your business.

Call To Action:

For more detailed information and free training on how to use twitter and
many other traffic generating, list building and sales converting
strategies be sure to comment, rate and subscribe to this channel and
then simply click on the link on the video description to the right of the
video and grab some free training today.

! 343!
The “Review” Video

Similar to the “how to” video, this is a simple review, or tour of a certain
service, site or product. You’re sharing valuable information with people
who are doing research on something with high traffic and popularity.

At the time I’m writing this course EVERYTHING is all about Social
Media Marketing: anything on Facebook, Twitter and Blogging… Content
Syndication and Social Buzz creation tools, resources and training are all
the rage. Last year at this time it was all about Video Marketing and

By following the leaders in your niche and paying attention to what type
of content they are producing, you will leverage THEIR keyword research
work and always create content using keywords that people are actively
searching RIGHT NOW. That is a critical concept that separates the
average producers from the top producers.

Pay attention to what your target market wants right NOW, at this
moment because the internet will continue to change every day but
smart marketing principles NEVER go out of style. You simply apply your
time-tested strategies and process to any new, popular keywords and
you’ll always be at the top of your game (and search engines).

The “Lifestyle” or “Hanging Out” Video

This is a fun, quick and simple way to build relationships and stay “top
of mind” with your follower list. There are no scripts or outlines here…
you simply have a little fun and show your Tribe who you are and what
you’re up to…

No pitches or sales messages necessary here and you can be loose and
just have some fun for about 1-2 minutes… Show off your babies, your
weekend escapes, a great burger joint etc…

Search Engine Optimization For Your Video

Getting your video ready for maximum exposure is not hard to do. It’s a
simple process actually that you’ll repeat in all your videos. The main
point is that you will focus on ONE main keyword phrase for your video
and make sure that keyword is placed where the search engines will
easily find it and index your video.

! 34I!
Taking a sample keyword phrase like: Twitter Marketing, we can then set
up your video:

Twitter Marketing Success Tips


In every single video you will write out your full URL of wherever you
want people to go (lead capture page) and you will place that link as the
very first item in your “Description” box on YouTube. If you look at any
one of my videos, you’ll see that’s what I do.

The reason is simple: You want to make it absolutely EASY and fast for
people who like your content to find your link and click it.

The next thing you write is a brief description of the content of your video
so that the search engines can index it under the write keywords, making
it more probable that people will find it as they search for your keywords:
“Twitter Marketing Success Tips. Learn how to use twitter marketing
tactics to build a targeted list fast, generate free traffic and build
relationships with social networking.

For more detailed free training visit: YOUR LINK HERE.”

Simple and to the point.

Last year people were teaching to load up this description box with LONG
libraries and lists full of the main keywords and to use other ‘blackhat’
tactics to try and ‘game’ the system. THOUSANDS of spammers and
aggressive search engine marketers and youtube manipulators had their
youtube accounts shut down overnight when youtube decided to put
their foot down.

Many of those people depended on youtube to generate MUCH of their

traffic and they were hit hard. DO NOT let that happen to you. YouTube
is owned by Google and they are VERY smart and don’t play around. This
vehicle is so powerful on it’s own that there really is no need to get
greedy and risk getting shut down and losing potentially dozens of

Ok, with the description out of the way, let’s continue…

! 34Z!

Tags are another word for “keywords” and you want to enter the main
keywords you want to be indexed for. In this example, good keywords
would be: Twitter marketing, traffic generation, free traffic, social
marketing, targeted list building.

That’s it for setting up your video with keywords. When people are on
youtube or the search engines and they type in “twitter marketing” your
video has a good chance of showing up and generating some free traffic
passively. We also teach you to be more proactive in promoting your
videos with the following strategy…

Video Distribution

The next step is to simply share and promote your video with the world.
Here’s my routine for video promotion:

1. Tweet about your video. Let your twitter followers know you’ve
posted a new video on how to generate free traffic on twitter. Remember
it’s always important to tell your audience what the benefit to THEM is
for viewing any of your content. Don’t just say “new video, go watch it…”
as that doesn’t really give them a compelling reason to do so. A statement
like that makes it all about you and that doesn’t work. Try this:

“Generate free traffic fast on twitter. Free training vid: LINK”

That will work better.

2. Facebook. Create a facebook note of a mini training outline and link

to your video for free step by step training. Use the same strategy in
writing a compelling title or headline for your note. Yes you can simply go
to your video on youtube and click on the facebook “share” icon and post
direct to your facebook account but I only do that with other people’s
videos or with videos that are not ‘training’ related.

The power of using facebook notes to promote your video on facebook is

that your notes stay on your profile page. You can get people used to
visiting your notes to get freebie training and current information.

Your facebook notes are also posted on the main news feed of your
friend’s home pages and you can attach a branding picture to it too. In
time your notes create a growing library of quality training and your
videos will always be accessible for long term traffic generation.

! 34c!
Uploading and simply sharing a video direct to facebook is short term. As
other people add to the content feed, your video disappears and stops
generating traffic from that medium (facebook). So create a note and link
to your video.

3. Email Autoresponder – As your email follow up list grows you’ll want

to also broadcast a message inviting your followers to view the new
training video. This allows you to continue to serve others by creating
valuable content for them and as your team grows it helps you to
automate your training too and it’s a great way to provide leadership.

Your actual email may look the same as your facebook note content,
short, sweet and to the point.

Broad Syndication

Now that you invited your local tribe to your video and you’ve uploaded
your video to youtube so that your current subscribers and others on
youtube and the search engines can find it, we can leverage the power of
social media and bookmarking sites to get more exposure and generate
more traffic to our video.

Pingomatic – http://www.pingomatic.com is a site where you can place

the actual URL of your video and click on the submit button so that the
service can alert the search engines that you have posted new content on
the internet. It’s simple.

DIGG – http://www.Digg.com is a news sharing site where you can

submit your video, articles, blogs and other content and gain more
exposure from the search engines. There are many other things you can
use DIGG strategically for, but for our purposes here we want to submit
our video URL here and provide them with the Title, Description and tags
so that we can gain potentially additional listing and exposure from the
search engines, which leads to more free traffic to our video.

Propeller – http://www.Propeller.com is similar to DIGG. Create a free

account, fill out your profile and submit your video’s link, title,
description and keywords for additional exposure from the search
engines. Simple.

Delicious – http://www.Delicious.com is a bookmarking site that is

highly ranked as an authority on google and the popular search engines.
By submitting your video’s link here and ‘bookmarking’ it, you gain even
more links pointing to your video which come from highly respected web

! 34f!
sites. This is what allows you to get more search engine exposure to your

There are an endless array of these types of sites which we will study
later in the course and in our training. We’ll list a couple more of the
popular ones and move on to the next portion of our training…


This is the same routine you should apply to all your videos and other
search engine friendly content such as: articles, press releases and blog
posts. It helps to literally force the search engines to send you more free

Closing Tips:

The main point to adding simple videos is to deliver VALUE to others. By

sharing training tips that you learn from your experience, or relevant
content that would add value to your followers and reviews of popular
programs, products, tools and services, your videos will establish your as
a person worthy of following.

The byproduct that comes from this is that it will brand your name, and
generate free targeted traffic from the social networking communities as
well as the search engines.

There are many people using videos but dropping the ball and actually
repelling people away from them. Do NOT do what they do, which is
mainly to blatantly hype and pitch their programs or products without
adding any value what so ever. It’s a waste of time to do good keyword
research and properly prepare and share a video on the internet that
generates TONS of traffic… only to have it play horrible content that
repels that traffic away. Getting the traffic is one thing. Anyone can be
trained in the proper use of keywords and search engine marketing, but
if your content is basically garbage, you will only waste your time (by
garbage, I basically mean spam and hype).

In the network marketing arena you’d do well by making a few “My

Story” videos. These are simple videos where you share you personal
story with others. You can share as much or as little about yourself as
you want but typically people like to hear about where you’re from, what
you do, what you’re excited about and why you are pursuing this

! 34h!
Your story will give you a great opportunity to relate with people and
attract like minded people to you. Sharing your story makes you more
“real” or “human” with your followers and not just another sales person.

A simple video like this can be the difference in your prospects getting to
a point where they trust you enough and feel comfortable approaching
you with a phone call or joining/buying your offers.

By strategically incorporating simple videos like we’ve shown you here

and combining them with Twitter, Facebook and Email Marketing, you
position yourself to really reap the full benefits of what the internet offers
in terms of leverage, exposure and free targeted traffic to your web site.

A final word on video marketing. YouTube is the 800 pound gorilla of

video sharing. I highly recommend you start there and keep things
simple. YouTube is the #3 traffic site on the planet and is now being used
as a search engine by millions of people so it’s a great place to practice
video marketing, but there ARE other video sharing sites where you can
upload your videos.

Performing a google search for “video sharing sites” will give you a long
list of sites you can review. Just keep in mind that each site has it’s rules
and you have to create content that is appropriate for the individual
video sharing sites and their terms of service.

There IS a free tool I’ve used to get a bit more exposure and save time
when I upload videos to different sites. http://www.Tubemogul.com is a
free service where you can basically upload your video one time and they
then submit your video to over a dozen different video sharing sites. This
can add faster indexing and additional exposure and traffic while saving
your time.

The way it works is that you first spend time to create accounts and
profiles at a host of video sharing sites that they work with. You then
supply Tubemogul with your username and passwords for all those sites
and you’re ready to upload video. You upload a video and set the title,
description and tags and tubmogul automatically submits it to the list of
videos sharing sites you set up. It’s worked great for me in the past and
could be an effective tool for you too.

If you really become passionate and interested in advancing your video

marketing plan we can lead you to more specific tools and training on
how become an advanced video marketer, however advanced tactics are
beyond the scope of this course.

! 34n!
In the next chapter we’ll show you how to use another free and
effective source of traffic generation and branding that we’ve used
through the years to build our business: Discussion Forum
Marketing and Social Networking Community Sites. Let’s get some
more free traffic…

! 345!
Chapter Eight
Discussion Forum Marketing

Objective: Learn how to use targeted Discussion Forums to access

concentrated spaces where like-minded people network on the internet.
Leverage these networking sites to attract targeted prospects, brand
yourself, and build your followers list for free.

Highly Targeted Groups Of People

The main benefit of popular Discussion Forums is that they are places
where highly targeted groups of people network. If you visit a discussion
forum about real estate investing, you will find people asking questions,
having conversations and sharing tips and tricks about REAL ESTATE
INVESTING and not much of anything else. The same is true of
discussion forums on any other subject. You can easily find discussion
forms by doing a simple search on google for “real estate discussion
forum” and you can simply insert any niche or specific group of your

For the sake of this course we’ll use the example of “internet marketing
discussion forums” or “home business discussion forums” and we’ll
teach you an effective way to leverage these communities to brand
youself and attract free, targeted traffic to your web sites.

The Powerful Signature File

The “marketing” part of networking in Discussion Forums is the fact that

almost all forums you’re NOT allowed to advertise or promote any
opportunity, product or affiliate program directly in the body of your
posts. So how do you market in there and generate traffic?

Your Profile. You can include your contact information in your profile so
if people like your posts and want to get to know you better they can
click on your picture or name and get to your profile where you can list
your web site, phone number, facebook page or blog.

Signature Files. The most powerful way to promote yourself and attract
traffic is by the use of a “Signature File” which is simple a short tagline
you can create that shows up at the bottom of each and every post you
ever make. You can create “sig files” with more than one link and you
can get ideas for catchy tag lines by observing other people’s signature
files as you surf and read posts.

! 3m4!
Why are discussion forums beneficial?

1. Discussion Forum Posts get indexed on google. Since it’s fresh,

updated, content created by the end users who are usually talking about
recent topics, news and developments, google and the other search
engines LOVE content coming out of forums. Imagine getting into a
discussion forum conversation that centered on a popular program or
system or method of driving traffic such as Twitter Marketing at the time
that the keyword “twitter marketing” was being searched a lot on the
search engines?

It is HIGHLY likely that the discussion “thread” would be indexed on

google on page one for that keyword and as the thread of posts becomes
larger and more popular, its search engine listing can rise to the top of
page one. I’ve personally been involved in this type of viral scenario on
many occasions and it can generate SIGNIFICANT free traffic to you if
you do your discussion forum posting correctly.

2. Your Posts are PERMANENT. They NEVER come down. Going back
to our prior scenario, if you are involved in a discussion thread that is
getting indexed and is on the first page of google for a certain popular
keyword, EACH POST you make gives you additional free exposure.

Another way that you generate free traffic long term from forums is that
as your posts never come down, people can be surfing for information in
a forum MONTHS after you posted and still find you there. Each post
then basically becomes a little business card or ad that people will see for
a long time.

Important Keys To Successful Discussion Forum Marketing:

1. NEVER forget that while most people will go to discussion forums to

“network” – we teach you to think of Discussion Forums as strategic
marketing tools and there is a world of difference.

A Discussion Forum “Networker” will go into a forum with no plan,

direction or focus. They will post whatever comes to their mind including
negative things when they get into arguments with others they disagree
with. This can be FATAL to your business.

! 3mm!
Remember what we covered above:

Discussion Forums get indexed on the search engines HIGHLY.

Discussion Forum Posts are permanent. People will see them FOREVER.

A Discussion Forum “Marketer,” on the other hand, approaches the

forums as a strategic tool. They are a venue for you to attract, build and
convert… the ABC’s of Direct Response & Relationship Marketing. You
will go into the forums with a set plan, a time limit and some rules…

2. Being provocative and asking tough questions is ok… but DO NOT

FIGHT in a public discussion forum. Even if you’re right, you will repel
people away from you and it will give you a terrible reputation online.
Don’t be negative and don’t bash programs, systems or companies. This
NEVER helps you attract “good” quality people.

3. Post 2-3 times in 2-3 forums daily to establish your presence in the
community and brand yourself. Remember, the more posts you make
spaced out through time, the more traffic you’ll generate. Consistency is
key, but DO NOT GET ADDICTED! Many people do and end up wasting
tons of time. Get in, post, 20 minutes and get out.

4. Focus on posting helpful, training tips, inspiring and uplifting

posts. Being positive at all times while posting in forums is the MAGIC
that will attract tons of people to you and brand you as a servant leader,
or someone sincerely focused on helping others.

5. Focus on TEACHING marketing skills and Personal Development.

You now have in your hands and on the web access to powerful
information that the vast majority of people already in this industry have
no clue about. You are NOT a “newbie” and nobody really wants to join
one. People are looking for helpful people that can help them learn how
to succeed in this industry. Be that person.

6. Do NOT make spam posts. Do NOT blatantly pitch your “deal” or

theTRAFFICplan or anything in a forum. The space is NOT for that and
that will kill your reputation online and get you banned fast. You provide
value by engaging and becoming a part of the community and serving
others. Give without expectation of getting anything in return. Be helpful.
What will happen is your little signature file will be your 24 hour sales
person consistently spreading your powerful message. People’s curiosity
and human nature will lead them to click on your links to see what
you’re doing.

! 3m3!
7. Post in different threads and in different forum sites so you spread
your exposure wide. Staying consistent will build a library of posts that
will work to generate traffic for you long term

There is nothing complicated about using Discussion Forums. You

simply find them, register for free, set up a profile, create a signature file
and jump in the conversations… VERY SIMPLE.

Here are some forums where I built still my strongest, biggest and
most responsive list:

1. http://www.RichDad.com - Click on ‘community’ and then ‘forums’

and then register for free. This a LARGE community with a variety of
different forums to find a wide range of people. They do have a “network
marketing” forum that is quite active.

2. http://www.WAHM.com – Built as a place for Work-At-Home-Moms

to hang out in, it has a discussion forums community that is VERY
active and broad. And yes, there are many guys in here too…

3. http://www.MLMForums.com – A discussion forum community

targeting the network marketer. Very active and vibrant and a place to
mingle and share information with people already positive about home
based businesses.

Special Tips for Discussion Forums Success Today:

It used the be that the formula that worked in discussion forums was to
attract people with good helpful content and drive them to your lead
capture page to build your list. That direct approach still works, but with
our prior lessons on using Twitter and Facebook to build deeper
relationships with your followers we’ve changed our routine these days…

We now use Discussion Forum Marketing as a way to approach and

attract targeted people by providing valuable content. Our signature files
and profiles now contain our Twitter and Facebook pages.

The idea is to attract new people from the forums and as quickly as
possible take the networking to Twitter and Facebook. You can share so
much valuable content on Facebook and Twitter that it’s much more
effective in building relationships and trust. Hot, interested prospects
that resonate with you will find your marketing funnel from Facebook or
Twitter and you’ll be building a HIGHLY responsive list.

! 3mI!
NING Community Sites

These networking sites offer discussion forums as well but they are
MUCH more than just forums. These are full blown Web2.0 Communities
where “user generated content” is king. You can set up a personal profile
page and upload pictures, videos, blog posts and articles and even
instant message and chat. These are the web2.0 discussion forums on
steroids. Finding a popular, active community site can be VERY
productive in building your follower list and attracting people to your
Facebook and Twitter lists.

You can use google to search for NING community sites in a variety of
niches. As an example the google search for: “network marketing ning
sites” lists variety of different community sites (just look for the word
NING in the domain.

Here a couple community sites I highly recommend you review and

even participate in to network with like-minded people:


And you can always go to http://www.ning.com and use their search

feature to find good, BUSY, active communities to engage.

In the next section of this course we’ll show you tactics in the arena
of Content Marketing, another powerful way to generate free traffic
from the internet with Articles, Press Releases, Squidoo and Blogs…


! 3mZ!
Chapter Nine
Article Marketing

Objective: Learn how to use Free Article Distribution to generate

targeted traffic from three different sources.

What is Article Marketing?

Ezine Articles are short pieces of content written on topics of interest to

your target market and submitted to ‘article directories’ online. Each
article typically contains a headline or title, the article body and a short
biographical box or ‘resource box’ at the end which is where a tagline and
contact information to the author is found.

As an online article marketer, this resource box area is where you can
create a compelling message that would lead interested readers to click
on the link to your web site, generating free, targeted traffic.

Once created, articles can be submitted to a variety of article directories

online for potentially massive exposure and traffic generation. You can
picture the purpose of a consistent article marketing strategy is to build
an army of electronic sales messages designed to attract targeted traffic
to your website 24 hours every day and completely free of any advertising

Visit: http://www.EzineArticles.com and use the “search box” inside the

site to search for and review a few articles in your niche (search
keywords such as internet marketing, traffic generation, social
marketing) to get a feel for what an article looks like and print or save a
couple them out so you can use them as templates later to help you in
writing your own.

The Power Of Content Marketing with Articles

The leverage in building up a collection of articles written about strategic

topics (keywords) related to the type of traffic you want to target comes
from the fact that Articles submitted to legitimate article directories
generate traffic in three main ways:

1. Traffic from the article directory’s community traffic. When

people are surfing the article directory site itself they use a search box to
submit keywords which results in a list of articles for them to review.
People reading articles on your specific topics and keywords find your

! 3mc!
articles and read them. So traffic from within the article directory site
itself is the first way you generate traffic with article marketing.

2. Articles are consistently used by webmasters and owners of

ezines (electronic magazines/email newsletters), as well as bloggers
to provide their subscribers with valuable content. As established
publishers pick up and post your article on their sites, you receive
potentially significant exposure and traffic.

3. Articles submitted to established directories are indexed by the

search engines for the keywords they contain. Being indexed by
search engines for certain keywords can generate significant exposure
which can result in generating targeted free traffic to your web sites.

Strategic Article Marketing

Creating articles designed to generate traffic begins with keyword

research on google. The first step is searching on Google for keywords
related to your niche market and analyzing how competitive those
keywords are on the search engines. Basically you want to find out how
many other marketers have also posted articles that are already indexed
on the first page of google.

When you find relevant keywords that return between 3,000 and 10,000
search results on Google and you don’t see more than one other article
on the first page of Google for that keyword phrase, then it’s a probable
that by writing an article and using keywords in it correctly, you could
get your article indexed on page one of Google and generate free traffic to
your web site.

Stealth Article Marketing Research

By studying what experienced article marketers in your niche are writing

about, you can leverage their experience and use it in your favor. Most
experienced article marketers know that content is king, but search
engine optimization generates traffic, meaning that they have probably
done an effective job at analyzing what keywords to produce content for
and you can use that as a guide.

Analyzing the articles of leaders in your niche can also teach you how to
format and write your articles so you can produce articles quickly
without getting stuck with writer’s block.

! 3mf!
To research the leading article marketers in your niche simply visit:
http://www.EzineArticles.com and use the search box feature on the left
sidebar of the site. Type in the name of the marketer you want to
research and click submit… you’ll now see a list of that author’s articles
and you can do some basic research.

Study the recent articles. What are the topics or keywords in the title?
This can give you an idea of what keywords or popular topics are
generating traffic so you can also create content to generate that traffic.
You can also print or save a sample of a few articles that interest you so
that you can use them as formatting templates. You will simply write
your original content into a similar layout and you can start to write
many articles every week without getting stuck and without running our
of keywords or relevant topics to write about.

You can also research and collect articles by certain keywords (traffic
generation, list building, online network marketing etc) and this can help
you in the writing of your own original articles.

I highly recommend you sign up to attend the weekly webinars

EzineArticles.com conducts on all aspects of article writing to get the
most from this traffic generation tactic.

How To Write An Article

Articles are simple to write and generate results when you follow these

1. They should be short (250 – 1000 words) and to the point and based
on quality content. All the keyword research in the world will not make
an article successful at generating traffic if the quality of the content is
poor. The most effective articles are written in the outline or ‘list’ format
with titles such as:

“3 Killer Mistakes To Avoid With Article Marketing”

“5 Secret Strategies For Writing Articles That Generate Tons of Traffic”

These types of articles are some the fastest to write too.

2. Be sure to include a good tagline or signature file. It should

introduce you a bit and contain a compelling offer to attract the click to
your web site:

“Mary Jones is a professional internet marketer who specializes in

showing people how to generate free traffic from search engines. Click
here for more detailed information on how to generate free targeted traffic

! 3mh!
to any website with Attraction Marketing.” (the words “attraction
marketing” would be linked to your web site).

3. Similar to our Video Marketing content strategy, follow the


Study what your niche market is searching for. What are the leaders
writing about on blogs? What are they talking about in their videos?
Fundamental training articles on basic marketing topics like list
building, traffic generation, video marketing, social marketing, review
articles, system or company analysis articles are just some of the most
effective topics to write about that generate traffic because they are
relevant and in demand.

The Article Creation Formual:

1. Select The Target Prospect

2. Focus on One Keyword Phrase
3. Select Type Of Article
4. Create Your Article
5. Submit & Syndicate Your Article

Let’s Create An Article…

Step 1. Select The Target Prospect

Selecting your specific prospect type is a basic principle in successful

article marketing. You can fail to attract anyone by trying to write an
article aimed at pleasing everyone. You need to be focused and specific
about who you are writing to. The more specific you are, the better your
article will be at attracting your target prospects to your site.

You have a couple simple choices here. You can select to attract like-
minded people such as yourself by simply asking yourself questions
about what you’d be interested in knowing.

For example, I focus on writing to people who are passionately interested

in learning internet marketing tactics. So if there is anything I’m
interested in learning, I go find articles or blogs or training courses where
I can learn the topic and I then create my own articles which share with
others what I’ve learned.

! 3mn!
You may also focus on a totally different target market by using the
following list of questions to help you in identifying different types of

1. What are their frustrations?

2. What worries keep them awake at night?
3. What are some values they hole dear?
4. How do they define success?
5. What marketing tactics are they seeking to learn?
6. What are the 3 main mistakes they typically make in their niche?

Step 2: Focus On One Keyword.

Articles do get indexed by the search engines which means that they can
get positioned on the search engines based on the main keywords found
in the article. Focusing on ONE main keyword phrase so that your article
has the best chance of rising in the search engines is called Search
Engine Optimization and in article marketing it’s really simple.
Choose to focus the topic of your article on ONE keyword phrase relevant
to what your target market is searching for on the Google. Examples of
keywords to write articles about are:

A specific company name followed be the words ‘review’, ‘exposed’,

‘information’ and ‘success tips’ work well here.

A popular marketing tactic: “Twitter Marketing” or “Facebook Traffic

Generation” to name only a few.

Popular items in the mainstream media (can generate immediate traffic).

Step 3: Select Type Of Article

An article should be a short, informative and entertaining piece of

content. There are 4 main article styles:

1. A Review Article
2. A ‘Problem & Solution’ Article
3. A ‘How To’ Training Tip Article (my favorite)
4. A Personal Story or Experience Article

! 3m5!
The Quick & Easy Article Creation Blueprint:

1. List the main 7 questions, frustrations or worries you had about

getting into your own business before you found the business or niche
that you are promoting today.

2. List the solutions your training, business or system delivers to those

questions, frustrations and worries.

This simple method is a quick and powerful way to come up with a

variety of articles. You have just created the focus and content for 7

The reason that this type of article writing is so effective at attracting

people NOT ONLY to your article, but all the way to your web site is that
people who are actively researching topics by reading articles are VERY
qualified and hot prospects and they have the SAME questions, worries
and frustrations that you did.

By being the ‘leader’ who identifies their specific areas of interest and
provides social proof of solutions in your article, people will feel that they
somehow attracted your specific article and will be more curious about
flowing through your entire information funnel.

Remember also that your articles are not there to “close a sale” or to
“pitch” your deal… your article is a tool that’s SOLE purpose is to compel
people to click on the link in your bio to get to the next step in the
process. That’s it and that’s all.

You are writing to give them the information they were searching for
(keyword focus) and at the end of the article you want to transition and
offer them even more specific information by clicking the link in your bio.

Step 4: Create Your Article.

It’s VERY SIMPLE to write articles. No need to be Mark Twain or Ernest

Hemingway here, or for that matter, Stephen King :0) Your primary
mission is to write your first article within 20-30 minutes or less. Here’s
a system you can follow to make your article creation quick and easy:

1. Create a list of 4 short, key points you want cover in your article.
2. Describe 2-3 sentences that explain each key point.
3. Your 4 key points will each be the start of 4 separate paragraphs.
4. The supporting 2-3 sentences will be the body of your paragraphs.

! 334!
Now all you have to do is write an introduction statement, or paragraph
that begins the conversation. This paragraph is created with 2-3
sentences that summarize the 4 main paragraphs of your article.

Next, you simply need a transition which you’ll post at the end of your
article that is designed to wrap up and review what you just told them
and then offer a solution or direct them to ‘the next step for more
detailed information…’ Presto. Your simple article is ready for
submission and syndication.

Please remember to use your collection of sample articles as guides so

that you don’t get stuck for days on something that could’ve taken only
30 minutes with a template or guide.

Step 5: Submit & Syndicate Your Article.

This step is simple. You simply visit the two top article directories and
submit your article following the simple instructions on the web sites.
Next, you use our same “Syndication” list to broadcast and “push” your
content across the internet and the social media networks for additional
“buzz” and exposure.

The most effective article directories for submitting articles:

1. http://www.EzineArticles.com
2. http://www.GoArticles.com
3. http://www.ArticleMarketer.com

By searching Google for article directories you’ll find hundreds of other

sites where you can submit your articles. I would highly recommend you
start by posting good quality original content on the top 2 directories
above, as these generate the most traffic.

You can also then use ArticleMarketer.com to gain more leverage and
syndicate, or push, your articles across many more sites on the Internet.

Syndication in Social Media Networks

Create free accounts at the following site for simple submission to a

LARGE list of social networking, sharing and bookmarketing sites which
will allow you to attract more exposure and traffic to your articles:


! 33m!
This one free site allows you to have a central place to go where you can
syndicate your content quickly and easily. All you need to do is set up
your account and spend time to register with 10-20 syndication sites
(simple) and once you set that up ONE TIME, you can then quickly
broadcast your content throughout the internet in one sitting and in
about 10 minutes.

This site will submit your content to all the current and popular social
networking and bookmarking sites online such as:

And many, many more.

This tip alone is worth $2,163.51 (if you get my point… ;0)
A consistent article marketing strategy is extremely important in the
building of a long term, effective content marketing foundation that will
build an effective digital sales team to spread your brand and message
around the internet 24 hours a day for free.

The next lesson in this course will teach you the power of
generating free traffic from the search engines with Press Releases…


! 333!
Chapter Ten
Press Release Marketing

Objective: Learn how to use Press Release Marketing to position yourself

as a leader in your niche, establish credibility to yourself and your
business. Press Releases are LOVED by the search engines and have the
potential of generating free traffic long term.

What is a Press Release?

A Press Release is an newsworthy announcement that can be submitted

and broadcast via the internet through press release distribution sites.

Press Releases can also be prepared with search engine optimization

tactics for certain targeted keywords. Your target keywords can be a
business name, personal name or other niche specific keywords. People
searching for your keywords on a search engine can find your press
release and end up visiting your web site.

Press Releases are similar to articles but they are written in a different
format. A press release is designed to announce some type of specific
event, such as the launch of a new training site, or a new blog or
business. Articles provide information and opinions or ‘how to’ content.

Press Releases are effective in attracting targeted and serious prospects

to your site as people who would read your press release are very serious
about the specific topic covered and are in the phase of doing their ‘due
diligence’ or homework about joining or buying.

The Press Release Marketing Formula

1. Choose Your Keyword and Subject

2. Create Your Press Release
3. Submit Your Press Release For Syndication

Press Release Marketing Step By Step

1. Choose Your Keyword and Subject

Remember that your press release is supposed to be announcing a

particular event. This is important in choosing a subject.

! 33I!
Example: Announcing the launch of your new internet marketing
training site.

List of Potential Subjects:

Announcing your new blog.

Announcing your new web site.
Announcing your new team training site.
Announcing your new company.

Keyword Selection

Jot down a list of 3-5 keywords relevant to your subject. Next, go to

http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com and key in your list of keywords
one at a time and then select the top 2 keywords with the highest
amount of search queries. Pick the top keyword to use in one press
release and the other to use for your next release.

2. Create Your Press Release

Organize an Outline.

Start by writing an outline that answer the following questions...

What particular event am I announcing?

When did the event take place?
Who was involved in this event?
Why is this event of interest to other people?
Where can someone get more details about this event?

Quotes. Create 2 personal quotes that you’ll use in your release as if you
had been interviewed by a reporter. Your quotes should describe how you
feel about this event.

Release Content. The press realease must read like a mainstream news
story and as if a reporter wrote it. Make certain your use your keyword 2-
3 times in your content and also include it in the title or headline.

Proof Your Release. Proof read your press release and fix any typos and
grammar and make sure the link at the end of your press release is
spelled correctly.

Syndicate Your Press Release. Submit your press release for

distribution to the media and search engines.

! 33Z!
Top Press Release Submission Sites:


Press Release Submission Process

Register free account, complete your profile, enter your press release’s
information (title, keywords and bio information). Submit.

Press Release Success Keys

Be sure your release contains your keyword 2-3 times in the body and
once in the title.

Do not create a press release that reads like an advertisement or ‘how to’
article. It will get rejected.

Do not submit duplicate content to the same press release submission


Keep your press release to less than 500 words.

Stealth Press Release Tactics:

Use http://www.PRWeb.com or http://www.Free-Press-Release.com and

search for press releases using the names of leaders in your niche as
keywords. You will see a list of press releases written by professional.
They already did the work required to get their releases approved.
Collect and study a few of their press releases and use them as guides or
templates for writing your own.

The next lesson in this course will teach you the power of
generating free traffic from the search engines with Squidoo.com…

! 33c!
Chapter Eleven
Blog Marketing

Objective: Learn how to use a Blog or several Blogs to create quality

content designed to attract targeted traffic from the search engines and
as a base for search engine marketing, for long term free traffic
generation and sales funnel conversions.

What is a Blog?

A Weblog, or blog for short is like a normal content website but more
powerful in terms of search engine visibility and more flexible and easy to
use, edit and grow…

A blog can be created to focus on anything you wish whether it’s a travel
blog, a personal blog, politics, religion, or business and marketing. We’ll
focus on the use of blogs for business and marketing, specifically for the
generation of free traffic from search engines and the building of
relationships and personal branding.

The content you share on blogs are called ‘posts’ and they can quickly
show up on the search engines if you have your blog designed for
optimized search engine marketing using the platform that is the
industry standard for internet marketing: Wordpress.

Good blog posts can be traffic magnets. For example, if you create and
submit a post with the title of “Social Marketing: Learn How To FORCE
the Search Engines to Send You Free Targeted Traffic” and there are
people on google or other search engines keying in the keywords “social
marketing” or “free targeted traffic,” your post can show up in the search
results and get you traffic.

Blog marketing is one of the most powerful forms of content marketing

on the internet today and in our future training on content marketing
and search engine marketing, your blog will be the center of your
marketing universe.

You wordpress, search engine and social marketing optimized blog will
the the COMMAND CENTER of all your content marketing and social
marketing activities and you’ll learn how to use articles, press releases,
squidoo lenses and social networking on facebook, twitter and youtube to
generate traffic to your COMMAND CENTER (blog) which will them
generate leads, build relationships with your followers, brand you as a

! 33f!
person of value and expert in your field and generate long term profits in
your business.

We’ve left blogging as the last training module in this course because it’s
VERY important to first build the foundation and skill sets of Social
Networking, and Content Marketing with articles, press releases, and
squidoo lenses which will be the tools you will use to get your blog
ranked on page one of google for a variety of traffic pulling keywords.

It does you no good to have a blog but not have the skills and the system
(process) to promote it and get it generating consistent traffic.

In addition, because the building a professional and effective blog takes a

bit of capital ($297 - $1500+) and some time to set up, it’s best to get
very comfortable with the other content marketing methods which are
free and fast.

What Makes Blogs So Powerful?

1. Blogs are easy to publish and syndicate. All you need to know is
what keyword you’re writing about and how to spell using a keyboard.

2. Blogs are very social tools. They are a great tool for personal
branding, positioning, attracting targeted people and building

3. Blogs are easy to find online. Google LOVES the content posted on
blogs and indexes blogs quickly making it very easy for people to find
your content.

4. Blogs are powerful tools for easy linking. Blogs are easy to use as
link network builders.

The Blog Marketing Formula

1. Outsource the creation of your professional wordpress marketing

blog for best results. For the creation of a simple personal blog, it’s ok
to register a free blog at Wordpress.com or Blogger.com but do NOT use
this for marketing purposes as those communities have been know to
delete blogs instantly with no warning. That’s why it’s worth it to invest
and take the time to set up your own Wordpress blog on your own
hosting account (more information on that in a moment).

You can have a custom made, search engine ready wordpress blog
designed for you at: http://www.CustomPowerSites.com

! 33h!
2. Start posting blog posts focused on ONE keyword phrase per post
that is relevant to your niche.

3. Study the ‘Big Picture’ of how to use blogs together with Social
Marketing, Content Syndication, articles, press releases, videos and
squidoo lenses. Advanced Blog Marketing Training and Content
Syndication Network: http://BlogMastery.YourLeadMagnet.com.

In this private community you will be introduced to recommended blog

builders that are experienced in setting up the type of blog you need for
internet marketing.

4. Study examples of blogs in your niche by searching for them here:

http://blogsearch.google.com and use keywords specific to your niche
such as “social marketing,” “blog marketing,” “Friday traffic report,”
“charles Heflin,” “seo2020” etc…

5. Add your blog link to your email signature, community site profiles
and discussion forum signature files for autopilot exposure.

6. Syndicate Your blog posts by “pinging” the search engines here:

http://www.Pingomatic.com and http://www.SocialMarker.com

7. Backlinks! Begin to submit articles, press releases, and squidoo

lenses with ‘backlinks’ to your blog.

How The Perpetual Traffic System Works:

The process of using blogs strategically along with Twitter, Facebook,

YouTube, Articles, Press Releases, Squidoo Lenses, and Content
Syndication Networks (SocialMarker.com and the sites it submits to)
allows you to organize your content marketing into a SYSTEM that
literally FORCES the search engines to send you high quality, real time,
free traffic 24 hours a day and in ANY specific keyword phrase that you
work to optimize.

We call this process the Perpetual Traffic System and the only piece of
the puzzle left to completely put this together for you other than our
training is:

! 33n!
Access to a focused Content Syndication Network:

A collection of people who are, like you, focused on professional content

marketing using this same process. And they band together to form
networks that agree to “Syndicate” each other’s content. The bottom line
here is VERY POWERFUL: Working together as a member of a group like
this WILL get you almost IMMEDIATE massive syndication of your
content which leads to massive social “buzz” and hyper exposure and
visibility from the search engines, which ultimately leads to the potential
of you quickly DOMINATING the keywords which you focus on.

Specific details about this type of advanced marketing is beyond the

scope of this course, however you can visit are partners at
http://BlogMastery.YourLeadMagnet.com and review the free video
tutorials they’ve posted that clearly explain this powerful marketing

You have now learned how to create the most powerful Traffic
Generation System on the internet. This system does not come
together overnight…

It takes consistent effort and time to build up a content marketing army

that will be selling for you 24 hours a day for YEARS on end.

That’s why we began our course with THE FASTEST way to get instant
access to people in any niche by harnessing the power of the social web
and sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Discussion Forums and Social
Community Sites (http://www.ning.com).

For marketers that want and need more traffic to be generated while they
build up their Content Marketing system, there is another way to start
generating traffic as fast as in 15 minutes from now…

Advertising. Paid traffic generation is a powerful and effective

method for building your list and we’ll cover some the more
effective and fast ways to generate traffic with Paid Advertising in
the next chapter…

! 335!
Chapter Thirteen
Paid Advertising
Ezine (Solo Ad) Marketing

Objective: Learn how to leverage other people’s large email lists by

submitting email ads (solo ads). Ezine solo ads helped me build my first
list and they are still an effective way to use paid advertising to build
your list.

What is an Ezine? And what is Solo Ad Marketing?

Ezine advertising is top form of traffic generation that most top producers
use. Simply put, ezine marketing offers you an opportunity to leverage
the list building work of experienced email list builders. For a small fee,
you can have your email (solo ad) sent the entire database of an ezine

An Ezine is an email based, electronic newsletter. It’s a newsletter about

a certain subject. Ezines vary in subjects from dog training to online
business and the owners of the ezines offer advertisers the opportunity to
purchase ads by charging a fee in return for mailing out the advertiser’s
email message to their existing database.

Advertising in specific ezines can generate targeted traffic. The

subscribers of ezines have already optedin or ‘requested’ information
about a specific subject, and many people responde to quality mailings.

Ezine Marketing Success Formula

1. Research and identify targeted ezines to advertise to.

2. Create Email Solo Ads.
3. Submit Ads.

Step 1: Ways to Identify Targeted Ezines

1. Charlie Page Directory of Ezines: http://Ezines.YourLeadMagnet.com

2. Search on Google for ezines relevant to your niche. Example: “Online

business ezine” or “network marketing ezine”, “affiliate marketing ezine”
Perform the same searches but this time replace the word ezine with
“newsletter” and review.

3. Subscribe to targeted ezines and review their websites to make sure

it’s professional and of quality. You’ll know junk when you see it (usually

! 3I4!
loaded with blinking ads, all kinds of collors, and a poor quality
newsletter with multiple ads and mailings per week. Stear clear of those.

Step 2: Look Over Ezine To Be Sure it’s Good Quality

1. How many times is it sent out? And does it actually have quality

2. Ask publisher for testimonials and refferals of recent advertisers.

Contact advertisers and get their feedback and the ad they ran (maybe
their ad was just poor).

3. Start small and work your way into the bigger and more expensive

Step 3: Write Your Ad

1. Be sure to use set up tracking or use tracking link services so you

know which ads pulled well and which did not. Eliminate the losers and
invest more in your winner and then find another to compare it against
(split test).

2. Create a compelling, subject line that grabs attention. The purpose of

your subject line is to ‘sell’ the reader on opening the email.

3. Write a compelling, benefit rich headline.

4. Focus your email ad on selling the click, not the whole sale… just the
click… one step at a time. Relate to the reader’s frustrations and offer a

5. Focus your ad on the emotional urge people have to avoid pain at all
costs. The avoidance of pain is one of the most powerful human
behavioral motivators. Identify your reader’s pain and offer the solution
that will prevent or remove it.

6. Write as you speak casually with your friends and do NOT be too
formal… that’s dull. Imagine you were chatting with a friend at a coffee
shop and write as you’d speak in that environment.

! 3Im!
Step 4: Submit Your Solo Ad

1. Write down the delivery date and be sure you’re on the mailing list so
you can receive and review your ad when it goes out.

2. PROOF read carefully before you approve or submit. MAKE SURE your
link is spelled correctly and test.

3.Track results. If it generates a good result then you can plan on

securing longer term placement of ads with the ezine.

Ezine Marketing is an effective, low cost traffic generation tactic

that should be in the marketing plans of all serious internet
marketers. It’s easy to learn and once comfortable with the process
it can be put on semi or even full autopilot as you can write a series
of email ads and schedule them to go out weeks and months in

The trick to successful ezine marketing is consistency and testing so that

you can always be refining your ad copy for better conversions.

Special Ezine Marketing Success Tip:

To learn effective copywriting skills without paying a fortune for it,

here’s what I recommend:

1. Register to receive the emails of these email marketing masters:


2. Register to receive the ezines that are relevant to your niche and study
the email ads of the people who are already paying to advertise in them.
Over time, you’ll notice which advertisers submit similar ads again and
again… that’s a big hint that their ad is pulling well or they would have
quit paying for it. Save those!

! 3I3!
Home Business Mastery

My friend, you now have in your hands, a very powerful vehicle for
generating Mutliple Profit Streams by harnessing the power of the
internet to create wealth.

Everything needed to build a consistent, stable and profitable internet

marketing system is here… well almost everything. There is ONE piece
missing that we can’t teach or supply you with, and that is…

Your own leadership and effort.

Without that this whole course is completely worthless and you can just
pitch it in the garbage or donate it to your local community college or
high school because it won’t do you any good.

We need you to lead. And we already know you can do it.

With only a reasonable amount of consistent leadership and effort on

your part, this whole internet marketing stuff becomes so simple. Our
intention creating this course was to empower you and equip you to
finally have a simple, step by step blueprint that you can use to model
what other successful people are doing right now to bend the web at their
will and use it as a vehicle to generate extra cash, replace an income or
build a fortune… it’s really up to you and the level of your ambition… the
size of your dreams and goals.

Before we end the course I’d like to briefly cover the big picture again in
a machine gun fast outline review so you can see exactly how this all fits
together, you see the most successful people in this arena are masters at
keeping all this very simple.

To make money online you need to sell products, services or


To sell products, services or systems online you need effective

selling systems…

! 3II!
It comes down to two basic things:

1. Traffic Generation
2. Sales Conversions

You make those two things happen by focusing on three simple


1. Building a List of Followers

2. Building Relationships with your List of Followers
3. Marketing to your List of Followers

In order to accomplish those three things, you need to work on:

1. You. Adding value to yourself by collecting information that is relevant

to your target market and sharing that information with them without
expecting anything in return. Providing value to others and practicing
‘servant leadership’ helps you build long term and loyal relationships
with your list.

2. You need to share a simple message that allows you to build your
list with minimal resistance. Our message is powerful, simple and

“Would you like to learn how to use the internet to make money from
home? Our free training shows you how step by step… click here.”

3. You then need a lead capture page and autoresponder to collect the
lead and send out automated follow up messages designed to help you
build relationships by giving valuable information to your prospects.

4. Relationship Building Sites. To help you build relationships with

people you need tools that allow you to communicate and network with
your followers and show them ‘who you are’ and we teach you how to use
Twitter and Facebook to do just that.

5. Websites that sell. To automate the sales system you need a web site
designed to present a professional sales message for you 24 hours a day
every single day so that you can focus on building relationships and
giving value and NOT on selling or pitching.

! 3IZ!
That is exactly what a custom Attraction Marketing web site does for you.
It delivers free training and list building tools in a professional, safe,
simple and viral way via your follow up emails.

We do the training and the selling of a variety of training products in

various price points to help you generate up front cash flow quickly with
our Simple Freedom, Simple Leverage, and Big Leverage business and
training programs.

We also help you promote and generate sales in any primary business
opportunity you may already be involved in via email marketing where
you can showcase your business opportunity and products/services.

6. Back End Marketing System. You then need a powerful back end
email follow up system designed to allow you to continue to present
relevant offers to your list of followers long term, generating ‘back end’
multiple income streams for you WITHOUT you doing any ‘pitching’ or
‘selling’ at all.

That is the complete system you already are a member of.

So now with a complete system in place to generate profits and grow

viraly, the only thing missing is a systematic way of getting more people
in front of your simple message.


That is exactly what Home Business Mastery: Silver Blueprint shows you
how to do.

1. Attract People. Marketing Plan. It starts with a simple but powerful

30 Day Traffic Action Plan which guides you step by step, through
simple (mostly free) tactics you can use to generate free traffic and build
your list of followers.

2. Build Your List. You then use simple networking sites like Facebook
and Twitter to build relationships and get your simple message in front of
your list.

3. Close Sales. Once on your site, the system takes over.

Free Traffic

We then showed you how to use powerful, free tactics to attract traffic
from the search engines. You learned about Articles, Press Releases,
Squidoo, Blogs and Discussion Forum posting methods… all designed to

! 3Ic!
strategically place content on the internet with very specific keywords
that will literally force the search engines to send you targeted traffic for

Perpetual Traffic System

We then inject ROCKET FUEL into your ‘content marketing’ system by

showing you how to use them together to help you get even more
exposure on the search engines which leads to the ability to build a vast
network of information pieces all specifically designed to generate traffic
by exploiting certain keywords that attract the people you want on your
web site.

Paid Traffic Generation

The next step in the system is paid advertising. Paid advertising offers
you the opportunity to generate almost instant targeted traffic to your

And that’s basically it. We keep it simple. Every single top producer
online is using some version of this very same process to make their
profits. This process is not new. It’s time tested. Today it’s just been
refined and adapted to the internet, which presents to you maybe the
greatest opportunity you’ve every been presented with.

And all that sounds great, but without your leadership, nothing

So we want to invite you to take another step. We want to invite you to

make the decision to take this opportunity very seriously and make the
most out of it. And it’s a simple next step…

Simply take decisive action and start getting the word out and
inviting targeted people to your website.

Position yourself to earn significant passive income for every single

sale your front line members will make for you. You’ve already seen how
powerful and effective this system is and with a well trained front line
team you will be receiving sales again and again and creating massive
leveraged cash flow.

By mailing post cards or promoting your site consistently, you can

benefit fully by having this simple but VERY powerful system working
day and night generating cash flow for you while it teaches you solid
marketing skills at the same time. And remember the leverage on your
frontline as your team markets and mails consistently… you also
position yourself to earn passive and recurring bonus income on every

! 3If!
sale and membership that your referrals make by setting up your back
end funnel with our simple programs in a variety of price points to
convert as many sales as possible from your marketing efforts… again,
it’s pretty much a ‘no-brainer’ and pretty simple.

Provide that leadership for your team today and let’s get to work… it’s
going to be a nice ride!

Welcome to Big Leverage!

Franco Gonzalez

! 3Ih!
An Open Letter To Everyone In Our Industry Who Is Scrambling To
Survive, Re-Working Their Out-Dated Marketing Games and Shaking
In Their Boots While Asking, “Where Did Everyone Go?”

It’s “Game Over” For Many In Our Industry
Who Still Believe in The Old Shell Games!

Franco Gonzalez: 760-271-2810

I’m your new best friend. Let’s help you Create Your Own Economy!

Dear Future F/T $7,000 to $15,000 Per Month Earner,

Here it is middle April of 2010 and we all know that the world as we
knew it, 1 year ago, has changed. And to the people who are not
prepared to change with the times – quickly – I say again, “game over.”

The days of ramming a big ticket $3K and $4K program down people’s
throats are over. In this economic climate the days of “oh what the hell
here is four grand” are so 2007. So are the days of selling bogus crap and
praying the new guy’s wife never asks, “Hey Honey, what is this on your
credit card for $250 per month?” Bang-Bang. You’re dead. Game over.

Do you honestly think with Millions of job cuts coming and most people
secretly scared out of their pretty little heads, that your get-rich-quick or
fruity juice of the month MLM at $240 per month is gonna fly?

You do? Great. Now, tell me how many of your people have quit lately?

Truth is truth and the closer you move to it my Amigo of sane mind, the
more income we can both make together and the more lives we can
absolutely 100% change. But the cheese has moved and…

Those foolish enough (they’re not fools, these are just people just too
mentally lazy to recognize a new trend) enough to still be caught trying to
rope folks into programs based on one thing or still trying to hype a new
“automatic” date with another lost couple grand over some dumb new
internet widget, oh how these types will experience excruciating regret.

Our Incredible “Day Job Bail-Out” is Just $78

Earn $30/mth & Earn $200 on The $365 “Simple Freedom System!”

Get Started and Test Everything For Just $17 / Booklet + 2 CD Pack

! 3In!
Those Who Can Gather People and Who Can
Inspire Others Will Remain… Everyone Else
Will Be Left With an Empty Pay-Pal Account

Let Me Show You The Future:

For over ten years now in our community, we have taught people to bury
the words “I can’t.” We’ve also taught the “YES-YES” concept to people as
well as the ills of being a hustler and promoted the higher ideal of being a
“good news merchant.”

Some said we weren’t “slick” enough and others wondered why we’re so
dead set on MIND-SET rather than screaming about money and making
it all about getting paid. Now here we are in early 2010 and Hollywood
has taken a sheet out of our books, and Jim Carey made a movie called
“Yes Man.” Why? Because Universal truth can’t be denied.

I always said, “If you build people, the people will build your business.”
Love people and use money. Not vice versa.

We predicted the “crash” publicly and have been earning people to re-
think their biz models for quite some time. Now, if you play your cards
right, keep your nose clean and follow my instructions, you will not only
hit homers with us, but you will also stand to have more business and
more money and more people that in any other time in our industry’s

But first, go get your $78 because by page #7 you will see the eureka I
am about to reveal to you.

That plus, you will be more hopeful and see more “light” at the end of the
tunnel, than I dare say you have in many months!

Not only that, but I predict major, major, major scores for people like you
and me right now. People who ride the new wave to hit our industry that
I call, “The Inspiration Economy.”

Over Time, Truth Always Reveals Itself and Anguish is Her Revelation

! 3I5!
The New Money is:
“Tribes” Not Downlines
Three summers ago it was a $1,500 “Dialer” technology where the widget
would dial and call thousands of people for you. It was all about
spamming people’s phones and getting rich. Those days are over and
that program shut down just about the time the kids all went back to

Two summers ago it was all about some $3,000 “You-Tube” program and
the rage was becoming a “rock star” on YouTube. That folded as well.

That same summer the new “it” program was some $3,000 MLM and also
some Big Ticket gimmick program run by a young kid whose picture had
him sitting in Hawaii sipping a cocktail. Oh, and the monthly fee to use
that kid’s website was $300 bucks. Just to use his website!

Gee. I wonder why all of those programs only lasted a few months?

Not to mention the lost reputations. The fact is, little guys trusted the
full-timers and they sank THOUSANDS into some pot-o-gold “we do it for
you” and then before you could say “Captain Morgan!” the entire
program was forced to walk the plank!

Wake up people! Doesn’t anyone own a calculator? Can’t anyone do the

math? If you promise 1,000 people that everyone can get rich, guess
what? There ain’t enough people in America to support that promise.

Now you know why state run lotteries only promise one (1) winner.
When you make a promise you can’t deliver to 1,000 people “game over.”

When you can predict the future you have the “first mover advantage”
you also get to remain standing, not mention wealthy. Not many years
ago I forecasted and brought the “funded proposal” to the industry. Not
long later, the entire industry used that model. Then I introduced the
“YES-YES” concept and now look at how Hollywood adopted it. Then I
predicted cultures and tribes and consumption marketing. And now
time has proven us right once again, as you will see on Pg. 4.

Single Entity Programs and Programs Based on “Me-Me-Me” are About to Die.

! 3Z4!
If You Understand Why The Palm Pilot Died
You’ll Better Understand Also Why Programs That
Don’t Include “The People” and Induce Emotions Disappear

To understand why single idea or programs where the product is the

king, fail, take a quick look at why the Palm Pilot died. The “palm” was
created by Jeff Hawkins in the early-middle nineties. Everyone had one
and then it fell flat and virtually went away.

Why? Because people got bored of adding information to it and adding

dates and reminders and that singular experience of “me” wasn’t worth
the effort. What they yearned for was to receive data.

Now look at how our teenagers use text messaging, basically non-stop
and study the mass appeal of iPhones and smart phones. They also have
the “palm” function of adding dates, reminders and PDA functionality.
So, what’s the difference? Why did the Palm go off the deep end and yet
cell phones, iPods and Smart Phones have become so mandatory and
must-haves? One receives and gives data while the lonely palm, only
allowed you to use it alone all by yourself.

One allowed for a shared experience and the “Palm” did not.

Products and services that appeal to people’s emotions and allow them to
literally use your product to network better, win.

This is something Barnes & Noble’s book store knows all too well…

Their model is this: “We will sell more books if we arrange an atmosphere
for tribes of people to drink coffee, nosh on muffins and sit awhile.” So
Barnes and Noble’s became not just a place to buy a book, but rather a
place to mingle, relax and it offers an atmosphere where people
fellowship and spend time together.

When what you deliver helps people “village” and “tribe” better, you score
big. Drive by one of those book stores at night. They’re packed.

The new opportunity isn’t a product as much as it must be a community

that creates a “Tribe” effect and therefore the product will become the
people as their own best resource. Have a killer product. But it has to be
a shared experience and one like the iPod or iPhone that drives user

! 3Zm!
“AMWAY” is Not a 4 Letter Word!
Oh I know, the word “Amway” makes you laugh. But laugh all you want
because whatever you now promote was never 1% of what Amway did in
it’s hay-day. Today companies like Melaleuca, Avon, Mary-Kay and our
Million Mind March have used the Amway “X” factor to dominate.

Here is What a Tribe Looks Like:


In the Inspiration economy, you join a program to make a buck. You buy
a ticket, go on monthly auto-delivery and then something interesting
happens. What started as a business now flips into an atmosphere where
“Tribes” are built and people heal each other.

It’s a place where there are live seminars, people actually meet and hang
out together and where something beyond product sold is delivered.
And that’s the magic of old school network marketing.

Where the bank was the culture or even more than what was sold.

Today, if you sell another guy some expensive big-ticket “we do it for you
website,” the question he will be forced to answer is, “am I getting what I
paid for and did they deliver what they promised?”

And in today’s economy I dare say, those who fail to deliver what was
promised, as in a guaranteed check, will lose everyone because in today’s
economy, few will be able to afford any more lies. However, if what you
sell is a feeling and a community driven program – that money can not
buy – home run. You will win. You have to.

The New Money is In What Money Can Not Buy:

The days of getting an ID# and having no voice is over. Just as the days
of vacant leaders who are too busy and too full of themselves to answer
their emails or too “rich” to speak to the little guys are so over and can
not be tolerated. The new game is this: Be accountable. When is the
next seminar? How many live community calls and webinars are
happening today and are there 200+ people, at all times, in the member’s
area chatting together? Less than that and “game over.”

Mind-Set + Residual Income + Cash Flow + Coaching + Web 2.0 Marketing

! 3Z3!
Those Who Can Gather People and Inspire Them
Will Rule and Win Large in 2010 and Beyond

You won’t be gathering many people in 2010 with this proposal:

“Gimme $3,000 and make $15,000.”

Reason 1: His wife will toss him outta the house this time.
Reason 2: He lost his $2,000 last summer and the summer before.
Reason 3: Good honest people are done selling other people lies.

But you will gather hundreds, yes you will, if you show them an honest
$1,341 program like ours, where folks can stew and get their feet wet for
only $78 and $365. And if you really want to rule the roost, you can
scoot down to almost free and lead with our famous little marketing
course: “Chaos to Cash” and “How To Write Smokin Ads.”

Which are a cracker shy of $20 bucks.

Hustler Vs. “Good News Merchant”

The Hustler is not lovable and doesn’t believe truly in himself. He also
doesn’t believe that you will find a “home” and find something to love in
what he sells. So, his angle is to take all of your money as fast as he can.
Because he knows you’ll “find him out” and want to leave as quick as
you showed up. This is why that crowd, who is desperate for their own
rent money, are geared up to take as much money from you – say $3K to
$4K – as F-A-S-T as possible.

Then there is us, the Good News Merchants. We are dead-heads, old
Beatle, Clapton and Dylan fans, and we are throw backs to what feels
good rather than what pays the fastest. We actually believe what we have
is sheer gold. Freaky good. A God send. And we prove that by asking
not for $500 to $1,000 to $2,000, but with a little $17 course. Why?
Because we know that once you sample what we sell and experience our
“Tribe,” you won’t want to leave. Even better, we know that over time,
you will want to own our entire library, resell it to other ex-Amway
Squares like us and to set yourself up to earn $200 to $700 per sale.
When you are lovable, you believe others will love you back. Therefore to
rush anyone is faithless.

Weekly Live Calls MON @ 9:27 PM (est) 1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#

! 3ZI!
The Million Mind March & Simple Freedom

$78 “Day Job Bail Out” KNIGHTS of the The title alone attracts the masses and we
Round Table Mastermind can gather the 10 Million newly axed job
** Written for the average person. market people. This product is what we
**Earn $30/member/mth will use to introduce this industry to non-
**Teaches/sells idea residual $$ internet types. We can place ads like:
**People can start $17 sample Average Joe Bail Out. Earn a lazy $200 to
**Use ads, flyers, internet, pst crds $800 on weekends. Free eBook and MP3
**The they witness the TRIBE! Must work. My friend made $6K. Start up
www.TheMillionMindMarch.com $17.95

$365 Simple Freedom System The “Me Three” big programs that started
*Simple Marketing Off + On Line over five years ago that DO NOT meet
*Earn $200 per sale + $100 passive together and eat together? That’s right.
*Teaches Direct Response + Simple They don’t exist. To have a long term plan
*Get FULL Website, Emails, Private you need a program that is built to meet
coaching + Live & Video Training each other and be together. Go ask any
* Use post cards, internet, social media. Billion dollar MLM if that is true.
We close your sales.
www.QuickLeverage.com Without tools that can put the average
new guy into the market “next day” you
Hotel Seminars + Entrepreneur School have to wait months for them to learn the
*Our seminars are every 60 days internet. Doing it that way, you might as
*We have over 10 Hrs. wk Coaching well say “good bye” to the 10 Million who
*Private calls + Webinars need money and just lost their jobs. Be
*Teams that eat and mastermind together smart. Have tools and easy 1-2-3 plans
stay together. that anyone can use.

Content Feed + Ad Copy Our tag-line is not “Earn a CEO income

*We give you letters + blogs + content. from home.” Rather it’s “Change Your
*We seek to give you true voice + branding. Mind. Change Your Income. Change the
World and Change Your Life.” And without
Few programs, if any, give you the actual reengineering people’s MIND they seldom
content to attract, maintain and earn from can rise to the level of true wealth. Our
your list. We do. Because we build seminars and private member only book
LEADERS. Not “distributors.” clubs are the staple that holds our
organization together. Very unique.
We Study Books That Are
100 Years Old! You already have a solid program. What
*We study “The Science of Getting Rich” you don’t have is an income driven by
*We study “The Power of The mind-set and a portfolio of incomes based
Subconscious Mind.” on services that this industry already
uses. Now you do!
Books after 1945 taught “pump up” and
they were all about you and how to be The Better Question For 2010+
Godzilla. Books from 1865 to 1940’s For years people asked, “What’s the pay
taught character and self-image. plan?” And now they are forced to answer
this question: “Did the payplan pay you?”
The Key: We Teach Addition, Not The better question is, “Who shall I be?”
Subtraction. We don’t teach “quit yours” and “Who do I need to become in order to
and join ours. We don’t teach “them vs us” grow my own tribe?” That question will
We have no competition. So we include all. force you to lead with VALUE + YOU.
! 3ZZ!
In The New Normal and The NEW “Inspiration Economy”
Your Character Will Become Your New Bank

Stability + Tribe + Loverage = Big House x’s Freedom = Heaven on Earth!

How many times did you follow someone into a program with a
significant investment, with your hard earned money, and your
time, and within a short ninety days, your sponsor up and split?

Now tell me, how did that make you feel? Even worse, I bet they thought
that they could use you again and I bet they came around again to see if
they could get their rent money from you again.

Who they were and their names aren’t important. What is though is this,
that has to stop! Because in today’s market, less than stable won’t be
allowed to survive. Today more than ever, reputation and your history,
good or bad, will be there all waiting for other people to evaluate you and
whether or not you are worthy of their time.

So the next time someone asks you to join them, maybe the better
question instead of, “What’s the comp plan?” – Maybe the question
“Where have you been for three years and just exactly how many
programs have you suckered others into and then quit?” Maybe that
question would actually serve you better. But that’s just me. What in the
world do I know?

Here’s The Problem and Those Who

Can Solve it Can Become Free!

The problem is that the average new guy in our industry, and even the
old timers with character, they don’t know that a program like ours even
exists! They think the internet is all a shell-game. They think they need
thousands of dollars to play. Do they know about us? No. Do they know
of the beauty and income potential Million Mind March has? No. And if
you were the one to show 10,000 people this, get my drift?

Many people used to think we were penny-ante because we didn’t push

“quit your job, gimme $5,000 and fire your boss!” They also thought we
were some Hippie-Dippies because we made a bigger deal about folks
burying the words “I CAN’T” versus who made what $$$ and who drives
a Lamborghini! We may be squares. But we’ll also be here in 20 years!
The Most “Un-Normal” Program on Earth: www.TheMillionMindMarch.com

! 3Zc!
One is a Liability
One is The Future.
Pick Wisely. Because Millions of Others Are About To As Well.
Where Will You Hang Your Hat in 2010 and Beyond?
Which Plan Serves The Majority Market Who is Part Time?
24 Hr. Recorded Training: 1-800-772-9781 EXT 40

“A” “B”
$1500 Start Up $78 Start Up

* People hyped to quit their job and F/T * People encouraged to keep their day job.
* It’s assumed everyone sits online 10 hrs * No one gets hurt. It’s under $100 get in.
a day. Can You make slick videos? * We teach people how to safely make
extra money to live a bit better.
I hope so.
* We give you flyers, post cards, invite
* Your prospects better have $2K to $3K letters and emails/blog posts to use.
* Everyone is promised serious big $$$.
* The goal is earn $50,000 per mth or * Free weekly “Teaching” calls to invite
“You’re not a ‘Leader’ and just a Newbie” guests to and learn step by step.

* No tools for offline marketing. * We study 100 yr old books on mind-set.

* Everyone better be a F/T top gun! * Live events + Webinars.
* Site fees are $149 + $500 coops. * Learn true basics + advanced skills.
* Call strangers and show them $3k * Easy to retail $17 & $20 courses.
invesetment. * People pay you. You get paid first.
* To drop ship product – pay admin.
* People on top too “big” to take your call. * Multiple low cost Income Programs.
* The leaders charge $5,000 for coaching. * Multiple cash flow courses to earn from.
* No live events. No basic training. * True entrepreneur school with an honest
* To “buy in” fully you need $3K to $5K. promise. A true MasterMind club.
* NO RETAIL front-end. Just big ticket.
* No $17.95 or $20 retail entry products. * Auto-Responder content to use now.
* NO actual products. Just excuse to $$. * 100% Generic program. No conflict.
* Company owners are not visible. * Learn Direct Response Marketing
* They promise to “do it all for you.” * Ad Copy Workshops and Labs
* Subconscious Mind Training
* Learn How To Build A List
* Learn Attraction Marketing
* Grow Your Self-Image and Help Others.
* Library of 18 Audio CD + 8 Manuals + 6

* Old Classic Offline Advertising is Taught.

* Also teach complicated “Pro” Level Online
Web 2.0 Marketing Strategy

! 3Zf!
Order Now and Spread The Genius of
The Million Mind March + Simple Freedom

“YES!” I am ordering the $365 Simple Freedom System + Coaching

“Yes!” I am ordering the $78 KNIGHTS of The Round Table Membership!

“I am brand new, please send me the “Day Job Bail Out” Package
($17 + $5 S&H = $22) Starter pack + 2 CD Email Franco @ itsFranco@gmail.com
To request the “Day Job Bail Out” Starter Package.


For Simple Freedom:

Email Franco Gonzalez at: itsFranco@gmail.com or call: 760-271-2810

to verify who the GENIUS is that invited you to us so they can get paid.


www.QuickLeverage.com CALL ME too.

ORDER: Million Mind March “KNIGHTS of The Round Table” Mastermind


1. Opt in.
2. Download Application + Fill It out + Fax to Joe + Call Joe!

For Million Mind March:

Email Joe Schroeder To Verify Who the BRILLIANT GIANT is that invited you here and
that they are qualified to earn on the above items.

Joe@JoeSchroeder.com OFFICE: 1-973-418-9261

Print Neat. Tell Us Where To Deliver Your New Life Changing Break-Through!

Your Name ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________ State: ______ Zip: ________________________________

Email: __________________________ FAX TO: 760-683-6681

What are you ordering? ________($365 ________($78) Check One (or both).

Mail Money Order to: Franco Gonzalez P.O. Box 6881 San Luis, AZ 85349

! 3Zh!
Franco Gonzalez (1-760-271-2810) Cell
E-Mail: itsFranco@gmail.com


“The Conquering Chief”

Copyrights 2010 / Joe Schroeder

Here within these pages is a “secret code.” A

way of marketing based on retention, versus
recruiting. I have used this “secret code” to
build mega-downline after mega-downline.

However, “The Code” will be something here that

you have to dig for and not easily seen.

I did this on purpose, because as they say, “to

cast gold amongst fools is foolish.”

For those who are true leaders and for those

who understand that keeping and retaining an
organization is a higher art that simply
recruiting some folks, for you, I wrote this
defining order of the Conquering Chief.

Enjoy, grow rich and see if you can locate the

seventeen (17) locations “the code” has been


Recorded Training Call 24 Hrs

1-800-772-9781 EXT: 40

! 3Zn!
Chapter 7: The Alpha Code
The Economy of Riches
The Hidden Order and Secret Marketing
Discipline of The People Who Live
a Life That Gives Evidence To
That Which They Desire

Never forget this. If hard work made people rich then all
construction workers would be living in Mansions.

What makes those who make insane amounts of Internet

income so diverse from everyone else who struggles to
make even a minimum wage---on-line---beyond the
obvious, is one word.

The SECRET word is [optimization].

Over 98% of your new traffic is not emotionally ready

to buy anything from you. Amateurs do not have a
funnel effect set up. That’s why they enter the
market SELLING, thus alienating their future
buyers and losing all back-ends sales
and continued revenue based customers.

The Ben Franklin & Napoleon Hill

Focus Society of Over Achievers
The Million Mind March

Recorded Joe Schroeder Message 24 Hrs
1-800-772-9781 EXT: 40

! 3Z5!
What is Optimization?

Leverage and optimization are two totally different words. Everyone

knows what [leverage] is. That’s why they attempt to build an MLM
residual sales organization. Why? So they can leverage other people’s
time, money and influence. But that doesn’t make them optimized.

Webster’s dictionary defines leverage as using “credit” or by using an

effective motion. So, for example, if you are a policeman with a pension
plan, that’s leverage. That’s because upon retirement, you would retire
with better than 65% of your monthly pay---for the rest of your life.
That’s leverage.

Optimization is different and brings with it a far greater basket of

rewards. To be optimized means to take something AS FAR as it can go.

Webster’s says that optimization is, (1) “the most favorable method for
growth and reproduction and also (2) “to make the most effective use of
all energies and resources.”

Optimization is the Intangible Secret of The Rich Better business is

about better optimization. That’s not as fancy as it sounds. It’s simply
about getting more results, in less time with more profits within a
smaller element of time.

Within the hidden corridors of being optimized, is the concept of

continuity. Call it “the lazy way to riches” because that’s exactly what
continuity is. A lazy way to make a whole heck-uv-a-lot of money.

Why? Because the profit centers are BUILT inside of whatever you sell,
therefore, it takes ZERO energy---or even time---to make more money.

This is about playing large and using the playbook

designed by the big boys and girls, even if you are
just starting out and this is still just a spare-time
thing for you.

Learn How To Never Get Slapped Again!

This is about more than winning. What I am talking about is attaining

absolute influence and absolute power while at the same time doing it
with such style, grace and eloquence, that people jump over hoops and
crawl under doors and up into windows just to experience what doing
business with you is like. You are about to become GREAT at this!

! 3c4!
The Ben Franklin Society For Over Achievers

If You Are Not Experiencing

Leverage in Your Business
You Are Not Getting Paid!
Last month my sales organizations TOTAL organizations sales exceeded
a quarter of a Million dollars. It hovers monthly between $225,000 and
$310,000. But don’t be impressed. My own Mentors have monthly sales
of a Million or better. I am new at this. I am only in my second decade.

Nonetheless, here is my “flow through.” Am I optimized? You better

believe I am and you can use this EXACT same system yourself.

Being Optimized is Almost Like Automatic Income

Some will call this “the lazy way to earning $4,000 per day.” Others will
call this OPTIMIZATION “secret” automatic money. Here’s why:

It’s because you earn MORE money without an ounce of [more] energy.

Marketing Law: “The Longer a Suspect Lingers

Around Whatever You Sell The More of Their Own
Imagination They Add and The Closer They Shift into
Selling and Closing Themselves. The Key is the Give
People a REASON to Sit Within Your Sales Funnel for
As Long as Possible.”

My goal is to educate, entertain, amuse, astound and collect the

imagination of people, for as long as it takes, in order for them to collect
as many REASONS to believe that what I sell is (a) relevant (b) NOT
buying would result in their future pain (c) and worthy of their purchase.

Do this to CHANGE your marketing experience.

Do this. EXTEND your sales experience into two / three weeks.
LOSE the idea that one sales letter or a conference call is all you need.
LOSE the concept of trying to “impulse” people quickly into buying.
Try this. Give your suspects MORE reasons to believe.
Try this. Let them “bake” in free samples for a week or two.
Try this. Fully and 100% optimize whatever you do.

! 3cm!
Back in the 70’s and 80’s you read sales books that talked endlessly
about “features” and “benefits.” If you go out to buy a car the salesman
will “feature” and “benefit” you to death.

24 Rec. Message 1-800-772-9781 EXT 40

Hey, then call me! Franco’s Cell: 1-760-271-2810

And that’s a cool technique. For guys who want to earn a living. On the
other hand, people like you and me are on a higher level. For instance,
have you ever---did you ever----have HBO say to you, “free trial
weekend. No charge. Try us out for an entire weekend.”

We all have. HBO didn’t send you a sales letter. Nope. They never even
called you up and “featured” and “benefited” you to death. All they did
was REASON TO BELIEVE you into subscribing to HBO so they could
earn $34 x’s 12 or earn $400 per YEAR off you. Clever guys. REASONS
to believe.

[Ten Million]
You Are Holding $10,000,000
Dollars in Your Hands

In the next few minutes and within this scroll of prosperity I am going to
reveal for you, for the VERY FIRST time, step by step HOW my system
works, WHERE the Genius psychology rests, WHY it works and how
you can ADD this mechanism of automatic income into your life.

“Most People Only Have a Working Model of

Work Itself, That’s Why They Work For Other People.
People With a Working Model of
Prosperity Are Making Money All Day Long,
They Have 5-10 Various Income Streams
And They Are Generally Filthy Stinking Rich.”
Joe Schroeder

Here’s The Double “Whammy” That I Promised You:

Here is what being totally optimized looks like. Notice how A leads to B
and B leads to C and D is inside of C and A &B connects to C, D and E.

No, that’s not Greek. It’s about having the DISCIPLINE to market in
such a way whereas the income streams are inside of whatever you sell.

! 3c3!
Step 1: People opt into your Simple Freedom splash page.
Step 2: They read our auto-responder newsletter training letters.
Step 3: YOUR links for your PROGRAM are inside of those letters.
Step 4: People retrieve this eBook. It has your information inside.

** (that’s being optimized because you are using this eBook to collect cash).
** (on more than one product)

Step 5: People show up and LOVE our Free Training Calls.

Step 6: People buy our Info Pack + Book $24.95 = YOU keep $10.
Step 7: Send us the difference of and we ship to your customer.
Step 8: People join you in Simple Freedom $365 & M-3 $78
Step 9: Your earn $200 per sale plus $30/member per mth residual
Step 10: People now join your Primary Program too ($$).
Step 11: Our system markets the rest of the funnel and you $$$.

Plus everyone receives:

** An invitation to attend our FREE live coaching and training calls.

** Your friends also get to receive (2) free coaching MP-3 files.
** Your partners also get to experience everything first, no charge.
** Everyone appreciates that. They really do.
** Plus your friends can download our archived PODCASTS.
** Trust me. That makes them feel really comfortable.
** Oh, and did I tell you this? You friends also get this eBook, free!
** But there’s more. Your friends also get a 1-800 bank of free calls.

Questions People always ask:

Question 1: “Why do we lead with reciprocity?”

The answer: “Because what you give away you always get to keep.”

Questions 2: “Does this create me more money?”

And everyone answered, “You never create anything, only God can. All
you do is invite more prosperity to you by taking what is in your hand
and offering it first---to everyone---for free.”

And then the guy asked, “How come?” And we answer, “Because that’s
the system.” And the guy kicked his desk and said, “all rhetoric!”

And then we all smiled and said, “No, listen, if you want to get more
GET value all you have to do is give more GIVE value.”

! 3cI!
Then the man finally “got it” and two years later he was finally earning
over $65,000 per month. And everyone was happy.

Invisible To The Un-Trained Eye:

Inside of our Simple Freedom System is what I call Continuity. I

mentioned that on page two. That’s when what you sell also pre-sells
something else. “A” leads to [B] and then up-sells and back-ends [C].

Most $20 and $40 affiliate re-seller programs don’t go anywhere. All
you do is spend your Google-ad-word money in order to make $10 and
$20 commission checks. Whoopee. That’s not a system.

Note: It takes the SAME amount of time to make $4,000

per day or $400. Same time. So if you could market
and earn $200 and $100 on two levels or spend all
your time trying to accumulate $20 commission
checks, which one do you think is more optimized?

Step 1: People read our training letters and get all jacked up.

What is Marketing?

That’s what marketing does. It doesn’t sell. It gives people a reason to

stay within the sales funnel. That’s what BETTER marketing does. It
prepares people to buy and gets them excited about the possibility.

Genius Marketing Prepares People To Sell Themselves:

Free Tip: The closer what you sell is for FREE the more
buyers with cash in their hands will circle around and
look. Then, if what you give away for free is worth MORE
than you ask them to pay for, ka-ching.

And Then Everyone is Happy Again.

That’s why AOL, Time-Warner and Palmolive gives you free samples.
They are getting you excited and prepared to possibly trade money with
them. Bad marketing is selling. Yuk.


! 3cZ!
Make This Call: 24 Hours Recorded Message:
1-800-772-9781 EXT. 40

Step 2: People send you $24.95 for “Disciplines of Doership.” (earn $10)
Step 3: People then send you $197 for Pay Day University (earn $100)
Step 4: Then they give you $365 for Simple Freedom ($200 & $100)
Step 5: Since our system builds your list, you sell your primary 24/7

** When you sell MEGA-MIND ($700/sale) your Benefactor earns $200.

** So in essence, our friends earn $900 per $1,341 MEGA-MIND.
** MEGA-Mind Pays $700 Direct Sale PLUS Another $200 team sales.
** It’s being 100% leveraged. It’s earning on other people’s efforts.

You are Reading, “The Conquering Chief.” It’s free. Share it.

Being optimized is making money without a

stitch of energy. Being optimized is selling a
product that sells a SECOND product behind
your back and while you are off enrolling
people into your main program.
That’s being optimized.

How Mary made $4,500 in Under 21 Days

** She sold 7 Simple Freedom $365 home study programs.

** Each sale on the $365 Mary made $200.

** Remember, Mary sold (7) Simple Freedom’s @ $365 each.

** Three of those (3) upgrade to the $1341 within a week.

** Mary made 3 x’s $700. So far.

** Then 5 more sales of the $1,341 MEGA-MIND occurred because the

people she sold to, also sold some and you make $200 on OTHER people’s
sales. Now add it up. She made $3,500 + $1,000 = $4,500.
PLUS she’s earning $30 per member per month on the $78 Knights Club!

Remember, Mary made $200 each time those other 7 sales occurred.

Yes, that’s more than $4,500 and all within 21 days!

! 3cc!
You Are Holding $10,000,000
Dollars in Your Hands
Leverage is having OTHER people run your flea market stand on the
weekends. “Optimization” is OWNING the entire flea market.

Leverage is joining an MLM or Network Marketing program.

Optimization is when whatever you retail and earn cash flow from, sells
the MLM program that you are promoting in one seamless thread!

See the difference? Because there is one.

Leverage is when you use technology such as websites, eBooks and

splash pages (lead capture sites) to build your list.

Optimization is when OTHER people use these same tools and when
they do, you earn money each time they do as well. It’s optimized
because it’s bearing fruit in more than one location and within a number
of income streams.

Leverage is anytime you can have technology speak, sort and sell for

Optimization is when OTHER people use these viral marketing

methods as well and THEY are building YOUR downline FOR you.

I never use any tool that first can’t be used by other people who then use
that tool to make us BOTH revenue, combined, all at once—all the time.

Being leveraged is when you can use splash pages and internet websites
to BUILD and entertain your list.

Being optimized is when OTHER people are building their list, which is
building yours all the same time.

Call me Tom Sawyer, everyone does and for good reason.

Remember brother Tom and his little white picket fence? Remember
how he got all of his homeboys to do the work for him? That’s what I do.

OTHER people build my lists. OTHER people advertise for me.

And if I didn’t say thank you, lesson up because the guy once said,
“Whatever you THANK about comes about.” Tell everyone that.

! 3cf!
Leverage is being asleep and earning $700 because a stranger bought
the MEGA-MIND program for $1,341.

Being fully optimized is earning $700 yourself because after they

received Simple Freedom for $365 they decided to UPGRADE to our
$1,341 course all by themselves. While you were asleep.

Utopia is when you earned over $1,000 that DAY because a whole heck-
uv-a-lot of STRANGERS bought Simple Freedom and Knights of the
Round Table combos from your buddy Hank last month and ole Brother
Hank sold five Mega-Minds last weekend.

The $1,000 Angel

THAT’S how you earned ANOTHER $1,000.

Remember, HANK sold five and you earn $200 every time your people
sell a $1,341 and after they make $700 per.

$700 paid to the seller.

$200 to the Benefactor-Sponsor.

“The House” gets $441 to DELIVER the home package.

** You never spoke a word to the prospect about the $1,341 upgrade.
** You never had to. Why?
** Because the system is optimized and upgraded people FOR you!

You were asleep or out loafing about and your prospects were on our
live conference calls. ADDING their imagination to this. Some were off
listening to our FREE MP-3 downloads while they were grooving over at
the town gym. Others were READING this, adding their imagination and
everyone was happy. Because the system was selling, sorting,
speaking and sponsoring and YOU weren’t there!

Optimization is when the affiliate program becomes the way you back-
end folks into your MLM and direct sales program BECAUSE the
affiliate program gave you the hottest LEAD CAPTURE system known
to mankind.

Fine Print: Being optimized is when the SYSTEM has a two level LEAD
program built right into it. Everyone BUYS leads but only a few are
smart enough to see a potential RESIDUAL income by joining a lead
program. Our LEAD PROGRAM is: http://150K.YourLeadMagnet.com

! 3ch!
It’s Pay Day And You Know it. So Get Excited!

Being optimized is when you insert your future income

into whatever you are selling today.
In lay terms, that’s called continuity.

Being fully optimized is when you enroll people without speaking to

them because the eBook pointed them to the program while you were
some place else.

The 24 Hr. Mind-Melt Experience

(Recorded) 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 22

“The Conquering Chief”

Copyrights Joe Schroeder 2010

The HIDDEN ORDER of the great marketers is

about CONTINUITY. Everything within the system
must lead to the predictable back-end and to the
RESIDUAL monthly purchase. EVERYTHING within
the sales process must be a reflection of the whole.
That is a marketing law.

How To Measure Your Own Optimization:

Rule #1: Pay Yourself first, Not Second

In 1999 if you worked a retail affiliate program, you sold a product and
got a commission check a month later. Great. That was the last century!
Today, if you use the Simple Freedom System people pay and you get paid
direct. You pay us our small cut to drop ship and deliver the products for

Rule #2: What you RETAIL has to create multiple sales all at once.

If what you retail to make cash flow doesn’t also create “back-end” sales
as well as SPONSOR people onto your residual monthly
program, your wick either must be wet or you are prone to

! 3cn!
Why promote something if it can only bring you back $20 or $50
dollars? Think OPTIMIZATION.

It takes too much money and too much TIME to market and
dilly dally with people NOT to make everything you TOUCH
potentially make you $500 per person PLUS back-end them
into your Network Marketing deal.

Tony Robbins got filthy stinking RICH because his FREE TV info-
Commercial, which was very entertaining, sold his $179 audio CD
course. That didn’t get him rich. What did, was that after you bought
that, he introduced you to his $700 weekend seminars. Then, once you
were there, he sold you even MORE CD albums that were available at
the back of the room. Good for you Tony!

What makes that Optimized is that Tony used continuity. His sales
funnel seamlessly threaded people through a series of future sales.

Don LePre and Tony Little both got rip roaring filthy RICH. Not
because what they sold on TV were hip little $34.95 cheap items.

No Sir.

Instead, they got RICH due to continuity which is the hidden order
within optimization. EACH of these late night TV Guru’s had an up-sale
of over $200 bucks AND they EACH got customers on a monthly auto-
ship buying either health or marketing coaching.


The Oprah Winfrey Effect:

And then there’s Ms. Winfrey. Oprah is a Billionaire. Not because she is
a great talk show host. Nope. She is of course but it’s way more subtle
than that. There’s an invisible intangible to Oprah.

It’s because her SHOW sells BOOKS. She not only earns from
publishing books (of her friends), but she also produces TV movies as
well as has her own subscription WEBSITE (ka-ching!) as well as her
own magazine called, of course, “O!”

! 3c5!
[Ten Million]
You Are Holding $10,000,000
Dollars in Your Hands
Look what this SYSTEM of Reciprocity Did:

** I sponsored well over 500 people.

** I taught this to my local friends and they went F/T.
** I became the #1 leader out of a company with 75,000+ people.
** I got on the covers of five (5) magazines.
** I climbed from $5,000 per month in income to over $50,000.

The Hidden Process of Direct Marketers

1) Sit within a niche market who already buys what you are selling.

2) Offer something FREE to collect the identities (data base) of those

people. Don’t try to SELL or close anyone. Just market and try to get
25,000 people to raise their hands and say, “yes, I am in your market!”

3) Now create a follow up system to create trust between you both.

4) Upgrade them from observation to some kind of front-end low priced

sale. Make the initial front-end sale price SO LOW that at $24.95 the
people ask, “How can they sell so much for so little?”

Joe Schroeder Recorded Message 1-800-772-9781 Ext: 40

5) Here, support that transaction with conference calls and consumer

bonding. Actually have live calls and be there to support everyone.

Remember my theory on REASONS to BELIEVE.

The more supporting SYSTEMS that surround

what you sell the MORE people will sell themselves
and throw money at whatever you are selling.
Now you know why APPLE (computer) has retail stores.
Now you know why APPLE has it’s own blog and it’s own magazine.
Now you know why APPLE has car decals, fan based clubs and it’s own music.

6) Upgrade them to a $197 & $365 to $1,341 back-end sale

7) Turn your buyers into monthly REPEAT customers on “auto-ship.” (residuals)

! 3f4!
If You Bait Your Hook With Chum
The Fish Will Always Bite!
The easiest people to enroll into your monthly MLM or Network
Marketing program are KNOWN BUYERS who trust you because they
already sent you money to BUY whatever you are retailing.

It’s easier to sponsor someone who you already did business

with through an affiliate program than cold calling a stranger
and asking, “wanna join my MLM program?”

It’s easy to enroll 15 new people per month into almost anything if you
first collected 65 people to hand over their trust and their cash to buy
whatever you are selling as a front-end.

The guy said, “I am confused, what did you just say?”

And everyone applauded his ability to seek correction and shouted,

“because if they trusted you once, they’ll trust you again.”

This is exactly what Simple Freedom does for you…

1. Free Training attracts people and builds trust.

2. Simple Freedom capture pages builds your list.

3. Follow up emails invite to your MLM/Primary Program

4. Simple Freedom sells “Chaos To Cash” and “Copywriting Course” or

our book “Disciplines of Doership” $25, $19, $17 etc…

5. Simple Freedom COMMUNITY builds trust and a TRIBE who wants to

join Simple Freedom at $365 + Million Mind March’s KNIGHTS of the
Round Table at $78 or $48 per month which pays RESIDUALS of $30 per
member per month or $10 per member per month. Now you have a

6. Simple Freedom and Million Mind March combine to deliver VALUE,

and builds COMMUNITY and TRIBES that stick together. Million Mind
March then keeps marketing its full line of back end products such as
Pay Day University ($197) and SPELLBOUND ($597) and MEGA-MIND
($1,341) and you are FULLY optimized and steaming wisdom and profits.

! 3fm!
This Single Paradigm Shift Was
Responsible For Me Shifting From
$1,500 Per Week to over $10,000!
Paradigm: “A common belief within a society that has gone unchallenged for
many years. A mindset that is socially and normally accepted.”

Paradigm Shift #1:

Shift from being a simple distributor to an owner. A distributor earns at

the END of the sales cycle. He earns in the end after the buyer joins his
Network Marketing program. If you were an owner you would be
earning on the ENTIRE sales process.






[Ten Million]
You Are Holding $10,000,000
Dollars in Your Hands
The SECRETdistinction between you and the people
earning $15,000 to $75,000 per month is this, they
earn on the ENTIRE sales process while the part-timer
only earns at the END of the sales cycle.
Imaging having me in your car and listening to me whisper the “Alpha
Code” into your head for six glorious HOURS for months on end!

! 3f3!
The Hidden Discipline of The Filthy Rich

Let’s review:

Paradigm Shift #1: From Distributor to Owner

Shift from being a simple distributor to an owner.

A bo-peep little distributor earns (yawn) at the END of the sales

cycle. He earns in the end after the buyer joins his Network
Marketing program. If you were an owner you would be
earning on the ENTIRE sales process.

The DISCIPLINE of the people on top of the food chain is that they earn
on the entire CONSUMPTION patterns and distribution centers of their
entire lists Networking environmental exploration.

“Oh Stop IT Mr. Man, My Head is About to Explode!”

This is Almost Too Much Information!

** They EARN when their list needs leads.
** They EARN again selling affiliate retail training programs.
** They earn a third time by charging you a site fee.
** They earn again when you need an auto-responder.

The person who is fully “Optimized”

is earning on the entire sales
process. The “leveraged” person is
only making money at the end of
the buy cycle.


24 Hour “Dial It Up” Training:

1-800-772-9781 EXT. 40

! 3fI!
No Coke. Pepsi, please!

Pepsi cola was always second best to Coke. Then it happened. Pepsi
moved the cheese. Then it happened. Pepsi shifted from only earning on
the cola sales and earning at the END of the buy cycle to selling FOOD.

As soon as Pepsi shifted to earning off the entire consumption cycle of

people who “snack”------Pepsi’s bottom line turned black!

Now Pepsi is slaughtering Coke and it’s because of one simple little
subtle shift. Pepsi now earns income on potato ships, water, Gatorade,
chips, cola of course and all sorts of snacks. Pepsi shifted from only
earning on one portion of the consumption cycle to the ENTIRE snack

Being 100% Optimized is Being Set-Up To Receive!

Step 1: Dream.
Step 2: Ask
Step 3: Set yourself up to receive.

Do you have a List Building System (Lead Capture + Autoresponder?

Do you have access to content + free training to offer your list?
Do 100 other people advertise FOR you?
Do 10 people make YOU money?
Do you give away what is already in your hand?
Are you set-up to receive or, just set-up to spend?
Hey, if ten OTHER people get paid, how much do you earn?

Confused? Don’t be. Read the SPELLBOUND (pdf)

Paradigm Shift #2: From buyer to Seller

Shift from being in FRONT of the cash register to behind it. Shift from
always being the buyer to always being the seller.

Really, if you think about it, that’s all it takes. Shifting

from being a buyer and setting yourself up to receive
cash orders. That’s it and it’s not even a secret. If
you stand back from people like me, really, that is the
major #1 distinction between the beginners and guys
like me who earn $1,000 to $4,000 per day. We are set
up to receive money and the little guy is not.

! 3fZ!
And the tall dark stranger [blushed] and said, “Oh my Lord, this is

And then everyone nodded and agreed.

Look, you are either struggling and standing in FRONT of the cash
register or standing BEHIND it collecting the orders and earning on the
ENTIRE sales cycle of thousands of distributors.

** Do you have your own www.AlertPay.com account?

** Are you set-up to receive Visa and Master-Card orders?
** Are you set-up to earn when your prospects need an auto-responder?
** How much did you earn last week retailing killer training materials?

The Napoleon Hill Focus Society of Over Achievers:

** How much did you earn last month from an <MLM> lead deal?

** DO YOU control your list or is your list controlled by others?

Example: Last month over 100,000 POST-CARDS were mailed.

** I only mailed 500 myself. But 100,000 were also sent.

** Other people in my program mailed theirs too.
** And I earn when they do. That’s leverage.

If You Are Not Currently Experiencing Leverage, You

Are Not Getting Paid and a Cracker Close of Defeat!

NO one should have control over your list. Be an owner. Your income
changes when you SHIFT and begin to control the sales cycle.

“The OLD money was to make money

building a downline. The new EXECUTIVE
money is earning income on the entire
shifting of prospects as they toggle in and
throughout the sales funnel.”

! 3fc!
The New Normal
The full-timer is doing everything they can to create cash orders. The
little guy is paying the full-timer for tools to build the downline. The
people making $10,000 to $50,000 per month are selling the process.
Not the MLM.

They are selling you Ebooks and charging you $54.95 to use their
downline site. Plus, charging you for buying leads. The F/T people are
doing MLM as a back-end the unprofitable part-timer is still doing MLM
as a front-end! “Hey, wanna join my hot-new program?”

Well, is it working? Did you make $2,500 to $5,000 last month?

Just how long will it take you to realize

that the way to build a long-term income and
a downline is by being a seller and not a buyer?

The people YOU PAY and the people you LOOK UP TO are always
retailing something. $54.95 site fees. Leads. Opt ins. Traffic, etc, etc.

The part-timer is forever BUYING and almost never selling.

The F/T people make cash up-front and they pay themselves over and
over every hour. Then they “back-end” that list into their MLM.

The cash flow front–end funds their entire business and allows them to
advertise endlessly for free. READ this daily until you are F/T.

Earning On The Production Value of Each Person

Lets talk about Verzion phone. Verizon phone is set-up to receive

revenue from the ENTIRE production value or tele-experience of
everyone who uses a phone.

** Internet Access
** Cell phones.
** Home phones.

! 3ff!
Think of it this way...

The people you enroll and sponsor into your primary direct sales
business are spending money OUTSIDE of your sphere of equity.

And not earning when THEY do means you are not optimized.

What that means is simple. Your prospects, whether you sponsor them
or not, are spending money and buying tools, prospecting utilities and
training materials-----and you’re NOT getting paid.

Boo-hoo. But that can change. And it will.

Say it now and sing it tall, “It’s my turn to get paid!”

But admit it. The people who have DISCIPLINED themselves to market
as Verizon does, are set-up to EARN capital on the entire consumption
experience of all of their leads.

The Part-Timer only earns at the end of the sales cycle, when they sign
someone up into their program. The guy on top of the pyramid is earning
throughout each persons entire mobility within the industry.

** Auto-responder revenue.
** Training revenue.
** MLM and monthly purchase residual income.
** They charge monthly site fees.

** And they usually have training programs they retail to everyone.

** Plus, most top earners earn even MORE money by selling leads!

CEO Vs. MLM Distributor

The heavy-hitter earning ridiculous money is earning over and over in

numerous ways because they are set-up to receive. They are fully
optimized and they are earning on the executive level versus on the
distributor level.

As the CEO, you would be earning income on everyone’s energy in the

company. As an employee, you would only be earning based on what
you do. Sell a widget and earn a buck. However, the CEO is earning on
the ENTIRE sales and consumption value of everyone.

! 3fh!
Hint:That is the hidden wealth mechanic of the “rich”
in our industry. They earn on the ENTIRE
consumption value of everyone within their reach.
Period. There’s no debating that.
By the way, VERIZON earns five, six and seven times off each of it’s
customers. Some would argue more. That’s because they charge you for
each FEATURE that you use. Just as a bank does. So do credit card
companies. They too found ways to earn money off you outside of what
is obvious to the eye.

The 97% who ARGUE against

Big Tip and it’s free:
prosperity work for the 3% like me who agreed.
P.S. Speaking of credit cards, did you know that if you owe a credit card
company $3,000 and your monthly “due” is $100 dollars - that eighty-
five out of that one hundred dollars is PURE interest?

Check out your CELL phone or home phone bill this month. They have
figured out, like the Government and banks, how to charge you
umpteen different and various ways.

The Employee Mind and College of Blind Compliance

The majority of Networkers have an employee mind. They’ve never

owned a business and they come from the “follow the leader” college of
blind compliance.

Serve one company, struggle like mad and pray to the gods of struggle
that you can make a buck or two. Beyond minimum wage, but broke.

That’s BECAUSE people are not taught to see the bigger picture.
“What!???” the lowly distributor says, “earn on the ENTIRE sales
cycle??!” he says, “I only promote MY MLM company, nothing else!”

And that Ladies and Gentlemen is the difference between the Alpha
types who rule this world and those who serve and who are employed by
us. No excuse after reading this book. Foolish to continue in that “world.”

! 3fn!
Marketing Psychics

I once wrote an entire MATHEMATICAL equation surrounding the

elusive conjecture that permeates the ones who claim to have found the
“riches” in our industry. It’s 12 pages.

Here is some math. There are only three (3) ways for a business to earn
more money. Not four. Only three.

(1) Collect more customers. (market harder and smarter)

(2) Earn MORE money per customer. (raise the price)
(3) Earn more often per customer. (think, Verizon!)

Now, in the realm of the “economy of riches,” it stands to reason that if

you want to make MORE money you need a solid plan. Well here it is.

EARN MORE money on each customer. How? By earning multiple

times from their consumption value. How? By earning like an executive
and earning as they party hardy and buy stuff throughout their ENTIRE
buying cycle.

Why earn residually on them once when you can two and three times?

The Church of MLM

If you stand back as an observer, you would notice that there is a very
subtle and often unnoticed church theme in most MLM organizations.

Saving People: In a lot of churches they “witness” and bounce from

stranger to stranger trying to bring them “Jesus.” It’s about saving people
from perishable doom (see John 3:16) and if they resist the salvation of
Christ----it is said that those who resist will rot in hell.

Isn’t that what a lot of Networkers do? They run around and try to “save”

How often have you felt pity and almost fear for those who rejected our
industry and even almost believed they were doomed if they didn’t join?

An Ideology of “Them” Versus Us: In many churches, if you don’t think

the way the church thinks, you’re an outsider and considered a sinner.
It’s the old “them versus us” brainwashing. Cheery stuff.

Oh, this gets a lot “gooder” – turn the page…

! 3f5!
Now stand back from the MLM companies that ruled during the late and
the last century. Remember back in the 90’s in one of those programs if
you said to your upline or to your sponsor, “I think I am going to add a
SECOND program to my business portfolio!”

Jeepers. Saying that would have inspired a response similar to, “you

Specific Days of Observation: In high intensity churches they ask you

to pray and culture with them on Sundays and Wednesdays. Plus they
have mini-worship mornings throughout the week.

Now ask yourself this: How often do you hop onto conference calls and
“observe” the MLM program? In other words, how often, even if you
don’t have any prospects to bring to your MLM church, how often do
you go to the MLM get-rich-quick calls to pray the prayer of prosperity
with them?

One Truth, Not Two: Like those who follow within a church
congregation, some MLM organizations would actually consider you an
outcast if you tried to splinter off and do another program. That’s
because like any unified CHURCH ideology, anything OUTSIDE of the
group’s belief is considered blasphemy.

And we wonder---as an industry---why people OUTSIDE of our industry

often call MLM some sort of cult? They are perfectly correct to do so.

I share this with you for one simple reason. Back many years ago I
stopped for a second, took complete stock of how and WHERE I was
investing my MLM time, and then added up the money I was making.

Well guess what? I was in an MLM church. I was doing

everything including IGNORING my wife and young
baby daughter and making less than $500 per month
which ended up being LESS than $3 an hour if you
added up all of the hours of nonsense I was investing
in each month.

Were the MLM “Kool-aid” church people bad? No.

Did I fee stupid or ripped off? Not even a little.

How I felt was like this. I understood that to a large extent, this industry
was THE GREATEST PERSONAL development boot-camp on this
earth and I still do.

! 3h4!
Just think about it. Consider this:

Where else but our industry can someone with little or no college
education, who is stuck earning less than $35,000 per year in his
regular nine-to-five, where ELSE, but in our glorious and wonderful
industry, can the average Joe rub elbows and train with a Millionaire?

And I CRAVE that element of our industry. But what I am alerting you
to, is that when the personal development and culturing together is at
the expense of people’s ultimate REASON for starting in the first place…

Guys, that’s kind of weird don’t ’cha think? Why aren’t the little guys
allowed to MAKE THE MONEY TOO??? The shoe falls for me when
strangers in a sales organization begin to dictate to me WITH WHOM
and with what PRODUCTS I can sell and earn money from.

The problem for me stems from strangers who I just met online who I
begin to Network with who give me the rules and regulations as to what
(and how) I can exercise my capitalistic right.

Guilt! The Serum all Cults use To Get You To Surrender

It (the community) becomes dangerous for me when the people begin to

infuse subtle little GUILT into the minds of its sales force, if for
instance, an outside income stream was introduced.

It Gets Weird When Your Business Becomes Your Family

The problem for me lies within the concept where upon NONE of these
people are my FRIENDS. It’s business. Not a family and certainly not a
base for long-term friendships and for anyone who uses MLM as a
means to make new friends, might I suggest you go BUY a DOG for
creep’s sakes.

The bottom line is the bottom line. I do BU$SINESS from 8 am to 6

PM and all of my actions are geared not to play family and make cozy
with people. It’s about PRODUCING revenue for my F-A-M-I-L-Y.

My family lives within the four walls of my home. Not online and
certainly not within my sales organization.

Those people would sell me down the river as SOON as what I showed
them STOPPED making them money and in most cases, until somebody
else stole their focus.

! 3hm!
** If what you choose to market is predicated on whether or not it would
be endorsed by your current MLM sponsor, you are not optimized. You
are being hypnotized and brainwashed by a stranger posing as an ally.

** If you want to promote X-Y-Z but are afraid of what those in your
current program might think, if they were to find out, who planted the
potential of GUILT into your head? It couldn’t have been you? Maybe it
was the “TEAM” who taught you that loyalty to THEM came before
your own ability to MAKE as much money as possible.

Wise Potato Chips

If you owned a deli in town and the guy who delivered your Wise potato
chips said to you, “if you sell Lays potato chips I won’t let you sell
mine,” you would probably think the guy is insane!

One Big Fat Bowl of Lies!

There will be people who will tell you that adding retail income to your
sales funnel, by selling training materials such as mine, is bad because
selling “picks and shovels” (business tools) is a LACK of focus.

They will also tell you that earning income OUTSIDE of their church of
MLM is also a breach of your focus and that somehow YOU are guilty-----
surprise!, as sin---- of squandering your energy.

What a bunch of crap that is, and a lie.

Notice and look closely. Because the guy who sells you
THAT crap is also the SAME guy charging you once to
use his site, a second time when he sells LEADS to
your downline and yup, he is the guy earning on the
PRODUCTION value of his downline and teaching you
that if you do that (as he is) that somehow you are a
guilty little sinner. It’s so “MLM” and it makes me sick
to my stomach.

! 3h3!
The Burden of Adaptation is Upon The Pursuer

“Every incredible conquest testifies to the abandoning of tradition and

societal enslavement of ho-hum mediocrity. Each success is a look into your
inner mind. It is sheer decisive and dazzling DARING that wins out for the
scores of BIG people of the present day who leave the onlookers scratching
their heads without the faintest idea of how the strong acquired their
dominion. Those that changed their life changed their ENVIRONMENT.

Your “I AM” and “WILL” in action, can make servants out of your MIND,
body and intellect. With those servants fully disciplined, the highest SELF
can go forth and INCREASE and CONQUER. All great people summoned
their power of NON resistant will power.”

The Great “Ah-ha!

This part is deep. Call it the Twilight Zone because what you are about
to discover is in fact, a hidden variable sunken deep within the trenches
of tricks used by ALL who earn $15,000 to $50,000 per month in our

What I want you to do now is to breathe. That’s right. Breathe.

Relax. Soak up the “great ah-ha” and say to yourself, “I finally found
something I can use RIGHT NOW and I found the sunken treasure
within the Joe Schroeder classic, “The Alpha Code.” (ask me how to get
this book. It’s POWERFUL.)

“If You Extend The Sales Process

Your Results Become Predictable!”
Now, let me take you into the Twilight Zone of Marketing.

The longer a prospect sits, observes, absorbs and

consumes your sales message the longer your message
stays in their head. This gives your message hours and
hours to resonate in people’s heads. Like Magic. Works.

! 3hI!
You Are Holding $10,000,000
Dollars in Your Hands…

Not only that, but did you know that the LONGER someone sits
mesmerized by your sales offer, the MORE they add their own
imagination to whatever you are trying to get them to buy?

Eureka !

The more people who pick and consume through your sales offer, the
more likely they are to sell themselves and buy what you sell.

** This is why companies such as America Online gave out 35,000,000

little orange disks daring the public to sample and test drive what they
were trying to get the free trial users to buy.

** This is why car dealerships INSIST that you “test drive” their cars.

** This is why an eBook like this can make you money. Because it
extends the “offer” into days and even into weeks.

** This is why MAILING people a free audio CD works, because your

suspects will become enamored with your message.

They have to. Who wouldn’t if they listened to your sales message over
and over again in their cars------to and from their commute to work!


Add it up. Here is some common knowledge. People with big lists of over
10,000 opt-in subscribers make lots and lots of money and now you
understand the psychology and why. It’s because whenever you can get
people to SIT and to consume (little nibbles) portions of your sales
message, for any extended length of time, you extend and propagate their
natural desire to AGREE with anything that they have heard over and
over again. It’s just good old fashioned human nature.

Practice it here without reinventing the wheel:


! 3hZ!
It’s called, “The Alpha Code.”
Call it marketing into people’s DNA because that’s what it is.

The power of connecting people’s hands to whatever you are selling is a

subtlety of the Simple Freedom formula we use here

This literally extends the sales process from a quick

peek, to a low cost front-end or even a free front-end
free tour, that lets people fully experience what you
are ultimately selling, i.e., the back-end, to leading
prospects to a monthly purchase commitment. Bingo!

“Oh God This is Genius!”

And the man fell over and cracked his head open.

And everyone asked, “Hey Man, you okay?”

And the man cried back, “I will after I order the Simple Freedom

And everyone yawned because they THOUGHT he already owned the

darn thing because they did and they assumed he did too.

And everyone was happy again. That’s because…..*(watch this)

Because the man whose HEAD EXPLODED while reading this free
sample of Simple Freedom, with one hand, while the other was holding
his head and trying to STOP the gushing blood, used his free hand, to
grab his VISA credit card and he mumbled, “what’s the use. I obviously
need the system. I’m ordering SIMPLE FREEDOM now for $365!”

And the ENTIRE stadium stood and chanted, “YES! YES! YES!”


The Ben Franklin Focus Society For Over Achievers

! 3hc!
Smart, Educated Well Meaning Folks With Families
and Mortgages Don’t Wake Up Everyday and
Consciously Say To Themselves, “Can’t Wait!
Today I am Going To Waste My Life, Get Hosed, Be
Made The Fool and Yay for Me, Here’s Another Two
Years of My Life Going Down The Drain!”

No Wonder the Part-Timer Struggles To Make a Dime!

What has no extended sale process? Is new, is almost out of money, has
no patience, no sales funnel and certainly no extended flow through?

The part-timer you silly, who else could that be!

Here is what 99.9% of all “oh poor me I never made a penny” Networkers

Step 1: Buy leads.

Step 2: Call and hammer the phones calling strangers.
Step 3: Invest 90 seconds pleading with people, “wanna join my MLM?”

Or worse, they beg people to hop onto their get-rich-not conference call.

Folks, that’s not marketing. That’s a date with MLM suicide.

Notice how in the above scenario the SALES process lasted all of 90

Did they grab prospects in their Lead Capture Page and ENTERTAIN
them for a few weeks? No.
Do they even have a concept of what marketing is? No, because they
are desperate little dweebs anxious to SCORE big in their fast money
suicide camp. (It’s suicide because they are selling, not marketing.)

Do they have an eBook with relevant content from which to glue

prospects to them for an extended amount of time? Yawn, nope.

Order “Disciplines of Doership.” $48.95 + two audio CD’s

! 3hf!
Do they even have a way to EARN Money from the 98% who REJECT
their primary MLM program? In other words, does the majority of part-
timers even realize that they need other income streams to awaken the
lost potential of the 98% who will reject their MLM pitch?

Heck, do they even understand what I just said? Most won’t.

I mail people a post-card.

While THEY are reading that, they are ALSO on my conference calls.
THEN I mail them a blasted 16 page booklet.
THEN I mail them an eBook, this one!
Then I send them two hours of FREE training via my MP-3 files.

THEN I call and NOT until I am speaking to someone who has…

EXPERIENCED what I sell and wants to speak about THE system!

#1 out of 75,000 OTHER distributors. Now you know how.

It’s Called an Exit Program:

It’s called putting the majority of people who reject your primary program
into secondary support programs, such a lead deal or say, retailing them
affiliate training products such as what we sell.

The big fish has other things to sell you immediately.

They actually have a big enough system to EARN money when

the majority of the list says NO to the up-front offer.

That’s because they have “exit programs.”

Regardless if they join your “hot” primary program or not. Its called
being optimized which is about earning MORE money without having
to invest in MORE energy.

The big money earner knows that only 2-10% will “bite” at their own
original offer, so they lace their entire marketing campaign with EXIT
PROGRAMS and back-end courses they collect from OTHER authors.

! 3hh!
Problem #1: The part-timer doesn’t have the knowledge and know how
of how to roll this sort of selling THROUGH a LIST seamlessly.

All they know is what they see, which is the “hot” new program their
Church is promoting.

The part-timer is naively focused on

Problem #2:
“saving money” and making money the
CHEAPEST way possible. Meanwhile, the
people making the big dough think just the
opposite. The Power People have INVESTED in
numerous properties (MLM’s and affiliate deals
and exit programs) to back-end their list.
For instance, do you think that by not ordering my $24.95 book
“Disciplines of Doership” that you are actually saving money?

If that sounds like you I’m not surprised.

That’s because money COMES to you as easily as it leaves your hands.

Think about it. To those where money SLOWLY leaves their hands
those people are typically with more month left at the end of their

Tight wads are people who are afraid to let money leave their hands.

The Universe sees that and makes their accumulation of money almost
impossible if not an absolute struggle!

Something you haven’t read elsewhere:

If You Control the Sales Process

You Can Actually Control The Response!

! 3hn!
Process #1: Being Optimized.

In process #1 you and I spoke about something no one else in the world
has ever revealed to you. I showed you the absolute POWER of what
being set-up to receive can do for you by being fully and unconditionally

Process #2: Consumption Marketing

In the next process, I taught you something else no one else ever has,
which is the SECRET hidden order of how the rich get richer in our
industry, i.e., by earning on the ENTIRE sales process, rather than just
at the end, ala “enrolling” someone.

Process #3: The Extended Sales Funnel

What I have given you for F-R-E-E I pray is better and hopefully has
more value than 99% of all other how-to programs you paid money for.

My goal here has been to SERVE you. To give you eye popping ideas
upon which you will want everyone in your marketing world to be
exposed to.

Now, lets finish and polish the apple here in such a

way where upon HOW you market from this DAY
forward will render people unable to walk away from
Here is How That Works:

People are not “bad” salespeople. They are just over anxious and they
over sell. The key is to SLOW DOWN your selling and start trading!

(notice I didn’t say “stop selling.”)

Trading is always better because when you “trade” with someone it’s
always a win/win experience. Not only that, but trading FEELS good
because trading is NOT “selling.”

Here, let me highlight that one because it’s important:

! 3h5!
Trading is not selling and people love to
trade-but they can’t stand to be “sold!”
And you know it, look….

Sell and you will always be swapping spit and harassing people. Trading
is way better. And I’ll show you exactly how and exactly what I mean.

If You Control the Sales PROCESS

You Can Actually (Also) Control The Response!
One key ingredient is to reverse the “sale” and let the person you want to
trade with------sell themselves. That’s obvious. Still though, most people
don’t know actually how to do that.

Here is what I do:

I say, don’t buy yet. Slow down. Grab my free eBook.

I say, don’t buy yet, slow down. Call my 1-800 24 Hr. recorded #
I tell my prospects to LOOK, but simmer down. Don’t buy yet.
Here is my free eBook.
Here is my FREE 1-800 bank of training calls.
Here is my FREE live coaching call.
Here is my Coaching Site with videos, audios and the details.

By giving the potential buyer CONTROL I am actually
holding the control.

By giving the potential buyer CONTROL I am actually
holding the control.

Twilight Zone. I told you this was deep. The abyss.

Here is how to CONTROL a potential buyer’s FEAR of buying from you.

STOP screaming BUY NOW in their face!

Be the ANTI-SALES type by suggesting…

! 3n4!
**“Hey----why don’t you take a break and listen to my recorded
training line?”

**“Hey---why don’t you take a break and see my OTHER reports?”

See, by NOT trying to CLOSE the sale, you actually

move the prospect closer to the BUY!

And the man asked, “Do you know anything about Zen?”

And then everyone quietly giggled and a little blonde girl, oh, like seven
years old, walked up to the tall / dark stranger and pulled on his trouser

And everyone watched.

And the little girl cranked her pretty little head up and said, “Joe
Schroeder “IS” Zen, Mister.” Then she walked away repeating this…

“To go fast you go slow and to go slow you go fast.”

Something she heard Schroeder teach.

And everyone was happy. [Especially the man!]

Also, your posture then becomes one of CONFIDENCE!

Also, “buying” becomes their idea and not yours. All you did was trade
some cool information and try to help a few hundred thousand people.

What You Give Away

You Always Get To Keep
It’s about trading relevant content.

It’s about entertaining people long enough so they can sell themselves.

It’s about marketing, not selling.

Selling creates friction, angst and arguments. Yuk.

Trading is easy and fun. Just ask “Google.”

! 3nm!
It’s a choice. Intelligent, even enlightened people make all of the money.
Here’s why. It’s because they have the emotional intelligence to actually
be able to PREDICT where the market is shifting to.

Just like you can. But not until you serve far more than you try to get.
The Universe is a system that simply can’t be beat and here’s how she
works. “In
order to get more GET value all you have
to do is give more GIVE value.” Reciprocity is a cool little

Once You Know How To Erase People’s Purchase

Anxiety, They Will Eagerly Crawl Over Broken Glass
To Buy What You Sell!
And now you know how that is done.

I pray that this helped you and I know that it has!


Preacher Joe

Don’t be a stranger.

(I’m not!)

Rules of Engagement:
1) Believe to see. Those (3) simple words can change your life.
2) Take what you have in your hands, wrap them in seed faith and give it
3) Now, what is left in your hands will multiply. It’s called FAVOUR.
4) That’s the SECRET of ALL SECRETS. Learn to inspire favour in your
5) THAT is the hidden CODE in every success book you ever read.
6) What you DO to others GOD does to you.
7) It’s about splintering off what you HAVE and giving it away.
8) The Economy of Riches says this, “do unto others as you would like…”
9) “What you give away you always get to keep.”
10) My life gives evidence that this works. All I did was GEN 1: 11

Inventory not your needs, but instead your seeds of prosperity.

! 3n3!
Take what you have, wrap it in faith and give it away. HBO did. AOL did.
Baskin Robbins did. Bill Gates, Franco Gonzalez and Joe Schroeder did.

1,000+ people came to me and asked, “what is your ID# I want to join

Here’s why. Because I took what I had, wrapped it in PRINCIPLE and the
law delivered to me my own balance. Yes, it’s cause (Favour) and effect

CAUSE and EFFECT = FAVOUR and INCREASE. Share that. And win.

When you are done playing money games, try applying

the power of Universal PRINCIPLE.

I encourage you to listen to yourself more.

Why? Because God doesn’t give out money…

He gives CONCEPTS.

The problem is though, that most people are too busy to hear.

When in fact, silence is the voice of God.

Simple Freedom and

The Million Mind March
I REALLY liked this, what do I do next?

1. Free Training at Simple Freedom: www.QuickLeverage.com

2. Free Info Pack at Million Mind March: www.TheMillionMindMarch.com
3. Free Training: 24 Hour Rec. Call: 1-800-772-9781 Ext. 40
4. Buy My Book $48.95 “Disciplines of Doership” Book shipped to you +
2 Audio CDs pack. Or just the book $24.95. Call me.
5. Join Simple Freedom. $365 one time pays $200 & $100.
6. Join Million Mind March KNIGHTS of the Round Table group at
$78/mth pays $30 per member per month residuals.

One System Builds All This on Semi Autopilot.

Call me: Franco’s Cell is 928-550-4880 California Time.

! 3nI!

I'm SICK & TIRED of the NON Stop

Home Based Business ROADKILL!
And I'm DOING something about it. I'm NUTZ but my insanity is
going to help you and many others. It!s the Marine Corp way…

I'm going to TEACH you what the BIG FISH Network Marketers/Home Based
Business TYCOONS Know and USE ON YOU that You Have No Clue About...

And this is NOT about another LAME Replicated "Generic Training" system or
some "goo-roo" training from some one that just quit using diapers and has NOT
experienced enough of life to teach you anything but sending THEM your money
for a pipe dream.


It's Takes A LOT of Short Term "ouch" To Rinse Your Mind

of all the BS You've Been Fed.

I should know.

I ate POUNDS of it for years. NINE LONG YEARS of eating and believing
NONSENSE that “sounded” good but didn!t duplicate in the field.

But then, as a MOLE, I got on the inside and learned some things that SHOOK
ME TO MY CORE and literally scared the HYPE out of me.

I then took that insider info and applied it - and went from AVERAGE –
MEDIOCRE sale here - sale there but no big cheese... to...


CRUSHING Any Program I Plug Into…

Here's the MoJo for YOU...

! 3nZ!
My Information Duplicates. It's from the SOURCE.

The SOURCE where all the BIG DAWGS swipe and learn and come for the info
they sell you at OUTRAGEOUS prices.

I'm going to fry your mind with my free package

You will NEVER be the same and you will

and CLEAN UP by applying what you get
from me for FREE.
Shipping and Handling - That's it - NUTZ!

But True.

And a slew of free videos and emails that will take you step by step and show
you how you can STOP being just another SUCKER - PATSY - MARK - EASY
PREY - and YOU can help others by sharing this information in your own words.

Promote anything you're promoting now BUT BETTER.

Multiple Streams Baby! Let's go swimming in the

Autopilot Lake of Home Based Cash Making.

Shipping and Handling. Your Spouse WILL NOT KILL YOU for this one.

Get - Book - TWO ( 2) Audios - TWO (2) Manuscripts

And my information and training feed of videos and emails.

Free. I appreciate you giving me a shot at EARNING your business.

Take care.

Franco Gonzalez

! 3nc!
Here’s How To Order Your “Day Job Bailout!”
Package & Get It Sent DIRECT To You…
Step 1. Visit this website: http://www.TheMillionMindMarch.com and order
the package there. Then click to download the FREE PDF file on the site and
read it.

Thank You.

Hang out with me?


Give me a call too!

California Cell: 928-550-4880
Email: itsFranco@gmail.com
Free Training Tips:

We!re changing the world. CHANGING the world from home.

No More Home Based Business ROADKILL! We ARE “911!”

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