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A cornucopia of knowledge is in the mind of mankind, but it must be nurtured and

hidden from the wrath of time. Time swallows all things, ends all beginnings, and
leaves each of us devoured.

A mind invisible is buried underground, but a mind of water carries no patterns. It
is the mind, the wrist pointed to heaven, which allows us to dream. It is this hand
on high that cast down our demons to the earth.

Slumber in prison for eternity, lock away every great thing, but the spirit cannot
be broken. A voice like ages rocks the very ground and with it’s call a rise to
action of every terror.

Of chaos swirls a terrible nothing, but pulled together without reason is reason
born from chaos. A single note, another still, a symphony is creation where each
piece follows the last no matter how the thread dances.


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