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This video is a news report about a rapist case which happened in Stanford campus.


rapist name is Brock Turner who is former swimmer athlete in Stanford. A woman who was

already graduated from university participated a party with her younger sister. However, after

party, she who was unconscious at that time was brutally sexual insulted by Brock Turner, a 20

years old young man, next to a trash can. Then, the woman sued Brock Turner for rapist crime.

After two weeks, the judge of this case decided that Brock Turner had six months sentence in

prison. Reporter focused and criticized on the unfair decision by judge. Even though Brock

Turner was successfully defended himself, the light sentence evokes the dissatisfaction outside

of the court. This case not only indicates the unequal treatment from the court, but also illustrates

the unfair decisions which are made in society.

Durkheim advocates that crime is an action that severely destroys social integration, and

crime exists because of the imperfect of society and laws. In addition, Durkheim does agree that

people who have crime should be punished heavily, because they not only break the peace

between people, but also make others to endure bad results which caused by them. In this case,

the judge’s decision is exactly opposite of the thought from Durkheim, because the judge does

not punish Brock Turner heavily and not make fair decision to appease the woman. On the other

hand, the judge has sexism on the woman which can be viewed as other type of inequality among

people and the decision has bad influence on those people who do not take sexual insults as

serious crime, and pushes the people to have crimes toward women.

Karl Marx advocates that no classes should be appear in society, because the classes

division in society always leads to the inequality treatments on different types of groups. For

example, when rich people and poor people face to the face laws, rich people can pay enough

amount of money to cover the crimes they have done. In this case, Brock Turner’ s parents who
come from the rich class may pay for his crime and get a light sentence to him. Moreover, Brock

Turner is a students and an outstanding swimming athlete in Stanford University. In order to

maintain the reputation of Stanford University on personal safety and the achievement from

Olympics, Stanford University, which is viewed as an institute for high class, may have to

intervene the case and save Brock Turner from courthouse. This is the special treatments for the

rich class.

Auguste Comte advocates that dynamics which observes how society changes and statics

which learns how society endures concepts related to society. Comte also considers that

sociologists should develop scientific base method to analyze society. In this case, it is obvious

that the judge’s decision is not logical and scientific, so Comte does not support the result of

Brock Turner’s crime case. The influence of this case is not only affect society’s stability, but

also challenge people’s moral standard.

In this case, Brock Turner has successful achieve status which he is a student of Stanford

University and he is an outstanding swimming athlete. However, he made a crime and he has not

taken the responsible for that. Conflict Theory can be applied in this case. Brock Turner

represents the group of people standing in high or rich class, and they occupies the vast of human

resources. The woman represents as middle class who has less amount of human resources. The

difference between them directly causes the unfair result.

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