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Advanced Classical Physics, Autumn 2016 Problem Sheet 7 – Solutions

1. (a) The critical points are at ẋ = ẏ = 0. So we need to solve for x and y given
x − x2 − xy = 0 ,
y − y2 = 0 .
The solutions are at (x0 , y0 ) = (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), and (1/2,1).
(b) Consider small perturbations about the critical points x = x0 +ξ and y = y0 +η. Inserting
these into the system we have
1 1 1 1
ẋ0 + ξ˙ = x0 + ξ − x20 − ξ 2 − 2x0 ξ − x0 y0 − ξη − x0 η − x0 ξ ,
2 2 2 2
ẏ0 + η̇ = y0 + η − y02 − η 2 − 2y0 η .
Equating the original equations and eliminating terms higher than linear in the perturba-
tions ξ and η we have
1 1 1 1
ξ˙ = ξ − 2x0 ξ − x0 η − y0 ξ = (1 − 2x0 − y0 )ξ − x0 η ,
2 2 2 2
η̇ = η − 2y0 η = (1 − 2y0 )η .
This can be written the matrix operation

1 − 2x0 − 12 y0 − 12 x0
d ξ ξ
= .
dt η 0 1 − 2y0 η

It is easiest to substitute in the values for x0 and y0 at this point instead of at the end i.e.
for (0,0) we have the matrix  
1 0
0 1
giving degenerate eigenvalues λ = 1 and eigenvectors e1 = (0, 1) and e2 = (1, 0).
Similarly the point (x0 , y0 ) = (1, 0) gives

−1 − 21
0 1

giving eigenvalues λ1 = 1 and λ2 = −1 and and eigenvectors e1 = (−1/4, 1) and

e2 = (1, 0).
The point at (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 1) gives eigenvalues λ1 = −1 and λ2 = 1/2 and and eigen-
vectors e1 = (0, 1) and e2 = (1, 0).
The point at (x0 , y0 ) = (1/2, 1) gives eigenvalues λ1 = −1 and λ2 = −1/2 and and
eigenvectors e1 = (1/2, 1) and e2 = (1, 0).
(c) At each point draw the local eigenvectors. These will show the orientation of the local
geometry then draw trajectories with arrows indicating flow depending on stability
• At (0,0) we have (case 3) a proper, unstable node. This is symmetric about the origin
with trajectories flowing out.
• At (1,0) we have (case 2) a saddle point with the stable asymptote along the x axis
and the unstable asymptote along the line given by y = −1/4x.
• At (0,1) we have (case 2) a saddle point with the stable asymptote along the y axis
and the unstable asymptote along the line y = 1.

Advanced Classical Physics, Autumn 2016 Problem Sheet 7 – Solutions

• At (1/2,1) we have (case 1) a stable, improper node with stable asymptotes along the
line y = 1 and y = 1/2x.
See Fig. 1 for the phase portrait, direction of trajectories as per above but needs to be
added to sketch.

Figure 1:

2. (a) The system is of the form

L̇1 + AL2 L3 = 0 ,
L̇2 + BL3 L1 = 0 ,
L̇3 + CL1 L2 = 0 ,
and all three time derivatives will vanish if any two angular momenta are zero. So we have
a six critical points; at L1 = ±L,L2 = L3 = 0 and permutation of the indices.
(b) For small perturbations about the solution with L1 = L3 = 0 i.e. L1 = ξ, L2 = L̃2 + η,
and L3 = ζ we have
ξ˙ + A(L + η)ζ = 0 ,
L̇ + η̇ + Bζξ = 0 ,
żeta + Cξ(L + η) = 0 .
Since L̇ = 0 at zeroth order in the perturbations the linearised system for ξ, η, and ζ is
ξ˙ + ALζ = 0 ,
η̇ = 0 ,
żeta + CξL = 0 .

Advanced Classical Physics, Autumn 2016 Problem Sheet 7 – Solutions

This can be written as the matrix operation

d ξ 0 −A L ξ
= ,
dt ζ −C L ζ
where we have dropped the η equation since it has the trivial solution η =constant.

(c) The eigenvalues for the matrix are λ± = ± ACL. If I1 < I2 < I3 then and since the
moments or inertia are all positive by definition the term in the square root is positive and
therefore we have (case 2) an unstable saddle point.

(d) In this case we get eigenvalues proportional to ± AB. Since AB is always negative we
have purely imaginary, conjugate eigenvalues giving (case 6) a stable centre.
3. (a) Substitute for q, p in terms of Q, P to obtain the new Hamiltonian H → H 0 ,
H 0 = 23/2 ω1 Q1 sin2 P1 + ω2 Q2 sin2 P2

+ ω12 (Q1 /ω1 ) cos2 P1 + ω22 (Q2 /ω2 ) cos2 P2 ,


H 0 = 23/2 (ω1 Q1 + ω2 Q2 ) . (3.2)

[4 marks]
(b) Hamilton’s equations in Q, P coordinates are ∂H 0 /∂P = Q̇, ∂H 0 /∂Q = −Ṗ and yield
Q̇1 = 0 , Q̇2 = 0 , (3.3)

Ṗ1 = −23/2 ω1 , Ṗ2 = −23/2 ω2 . (3.4)

Q1 and Q2 are therefore constants (n.b. the conjugate momenta P1 and P2 are cyclic), and
the solutions for P1 and P2 are
P1 = −23/2 (ω1 t + φ1 ) and P2 = −23/2 (ω2 t + φ2 ) , (3.5)
where φ1 and φ2 are constants determined by the initial conditions. [5 marks]
(c) The inverse transformation (Q, P ) → (q, p) is canonical if {qi , qj }Q,P = {pi , pj }Q,P = 0
and {qi , pj }Q,P = δij . Now
∂q1 ∂q2 ∂q1 ∂q2 ∂q1 ∂q2 ∂q1 ∂q2
{q1 , q2 }Q,P = − + − .
∂Q1 ∂P1 ∂P1 ∂Q1 ∂Q2 ∂P2 ∂P2 ∂Q2
Evaluating this explicitly for the given transformation
 cos P1  −1/4  Q1 1/2
−1/4 −1
{q1 , q2 }Q,P = 2 2 2 sin P1
(ω1 Q1 )1/2 ω1
−1/4 Q1
   − cos P1
−2 (− sin P1 ) 2−1/4 2−1
ω1 (ω1 Q1 )1/2
 cos P2  −1/4  Q2 1/2
+ 2−1/4 2−1 2 (− sin P1 )
(ω2 Q2 )1/2 ω2
−1/4 Q2
   cos P2
−2 (− sin P2 ) 2−1/4 2−1 =0.
ω2 (ω2 Q2 )1/2

Advanced Classical Physics, Autumn 2016 Problem Sheet 7 – Solutions

Very similar calculations show that the remaining nontrivial canonical conditions
{p1 , p2 }Q,P = {q1 , p2 }Q,P = {q2 , p1 }Q,P = 0 and {q1 , p1 }Q,P = {q2 , p2 }Q,P = 1
are also satisfied. [6 marks]
(d) Transforming the solutions of (3.3) and (3.4) back into the original coordinates gives
n h i h io
q1 (t) = 2−1/4 (Q1 /ω1 )1/2 cos 23/2 (ω1 t + φ1 ) + (Q2 /ω2 )1/2 cos 23/2 (ω2 t + φ2 )
n h i h io
q2 (t) = 2−1/4 − (Q1 /ω1 )1/2 cos 23/2 (ω1 t + φ1 ) + (Q2 /ω2 )1/2 cos 23/2 (ω2 t + φ2 )
h i
p1 = 21/4 − (ω1 Q1 )1/2 sin 23/2 (ω1 t + φ1 ) − (ω2 Q2 )1/2 sin 23/2 (ω2 t + φ2 )
h i
p2 = 21/4 (ω1 Q1 )1/2 sin 23/2 (ω1 t + φ1 ) − (ω2 Q2 )1/2 sin 23/2 (ω2 t + φ2 ) ,

where Q1 , Q2 , φ1 and φ2 are constants determined from the initial conditions. [5 marks]
[TOTAL 20 marks]

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