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1. How many students in this school?

2. How many teachers in this school?
3. When student’s parents/guardian can see their grade?
4. What is the minimum and maximum limit in every section?
5. How many subject this school have?
6. Are the grade criteria fixed or flexible?
7. Is grading sheet is made by teacher or given by the authority?
8. Does all grade is required to receive by the principal? If yes, does it need approval that the grade
is receive and there is no further problem?
9. Any common problem of teacher recording of student grades?
10. (Ask if we can have a sample of grading sheet from different level)


An android application that can input attendance, quiz and etc. it can calculate grade and set
schedule for activity or test. Grading sheet can be converted to excel format. The application can send
SMS to the student’s parents/guardian when and where they can see the student’s grade

Two level of access:

 Admin (Principal)
 Teacher

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