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640px-Cambridge_Analytica(...).png  (32 KB, 640x616) google yandex tineye iqdb wait

Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)13:21:02 No.9667260  >>9667290 >>9667295
>>9667304 >>9667878 >>9668553

it's clearly possible to tell a number of characteristics of people using their fb likes
and other similar data (see for example Kosinski, Stillwell & Graepel 2013), but
then how do you go about using that data to influence people?
is there evidence of such thing being possible, to some extent?

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)13:36:12 No.9667290 

>>9667260 (OP)
Obviously, the people who paid Cambridge Analytica thought it was
worth the money they were shelling out.

The same applies to any sort of advertising. Would Procter & Gamble
or Ford sponsor TV shows if they didn't think they could influence
customers? Modern advertising must be nearly a century old now and
very few companies have decided it doesn't work.

You ever hear of Moxie? Soft drink. When the price of sugar went up,
Coca-Cola cheapened their product with corn syrup and put the money
into advertising. Moxie tried to maintain quality. The brand still exists,
but it's regional and nothing compared to Coke.

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)13:38:40 No.9667295  >>9667322 >>9667888

>>9667260 (OP)
It's not really so different from trolling on 4chan. Think about what kinds of posts constitute "bait." On 4chan, people self-
sort into boards so there is no need to analyze social media data, and once you know some common attitudes on a
board, you can pretty effectively troll them for replies by posting bait that is designed to outrage or intrigue them.
By doing this repeatedly, you can influence attitudes. You can annoy people until they become averse to something, or
you can troll for replies that project an appearance of consensus (everyone goes with the "wisdom of the crowd" at least
sometimes, whether they are aware of it or not).

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)13:43:39 No.9667304 

>>9667260 (OP)
I thought I would drop this link here.
It's matching the topic.

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)13:51:08 No.9667322  >>9667347

>>9667295 18 9 / 2 / 7 / 1
>It's not really so different from trolling on 4chan.

this, it's on a grand scale

and IMO most advertising agencies are inherently unethical

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)14:00:35 No.9667347 

Although to be fair, the practice probably grew out of reddit (where there is more money to be made). But the basic
research on "how to get attention online" definitely started long before (back in usenet), and many of the important
developments in the period from around 2005-2012 would have taken place here.

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)17:50:09 No.9667878 

>>9667260 (OP)
There is no such thing as Russian hackers politically colluding and no such thing as "radicalization." "Meddling" is not a
crime, buying an ad is not a crime. Nobody was ever seduced into resenting the elite using unrestrained immigration to
crush the middle class to death because of targeted ads, lolcats, and Richard Spencer's haircut. They *already*
resented that, but found no forum or outlet because of de facto censorship. The myth of radicalization is necessary
because it lets the establishment avoid admitting they were wrong about anything policy-wise. Go back to 2008 and
2012, the legacy media is praising Obama up and down for being internet savvy and exploiting social media. It's okay
when that one does it.
You really want to see this, go pick an obscure policy position and do everything you can think of to try and "influence"
people. You will pretty much fail unless it was something that people already wanted. There are multiple industries and
institutions that depend on selling the idea that they've got the magic hypno-ray. There is no magic hypno-ray.

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)17:52:36 No.9667888 

>you can annoy people until thry become averse to something
I do not accept this. For this discussion that something has to be an ideological position or a policy. Who is Mustafa'd
into supporting a new law?

 Anonymous 04/12/18(Thu)23:15:03 No.9668553 

cricket.png  (606 KB, 1694x1133) google yandex tineye iqdb wait

>>9667260 (OP)
Don't answer any Quizzes
Like What's your favorite Movie
What was your first car
Pet names
High school
Ect. Ect
Unless you want to get your ID stolen

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