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How many people suffer from

this disorder? Get more information Social Anxiety

about Social Anxiety Disorder
↪15 million adults have this
mental illness Disorder (social
● ages 18+
↪1.3% of 13 year old children
phobia) in the
have this disorder following Resources
↪36% of the people with social
anxiety seek for help

Is this disorder curable?

How can I get help ?

social anxiety does NOT cure on *-“Social Anxiety Fact Sheet: What Is Social
its own. This is a curable disorder, Anxiety Disorder? Symptoms, Treatment,
appropriate therapy with a Prevalence, Medications, Insight, Prognosis.”
Social Anxiety Fact Sheet , Social Anxiety
specialist that understands well Association, 9 Mar. 2003,
this disorder and knows how to
treat it. *-socialphobia.org/social-anxiety-disorder-definiti
↳ Active behavioral therapy on-symptoms-treatment-therapy-medications-ins
(groups that include member with
the same disorder and come *-“Facts & Statistics.” Anxiety and Depression
together to get rid of it) Association of America, ADAA,
↳CBT-(Therapy that's hands on adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics.
and change the way people feel) *-“Beyondblue.” Beyondblue - Home,
✓ Anxiety CAUSES
✓ High levels of fear ★ environmental
✓ Nervousness ★ genetic
✓ Racing heart beats
✓ Trembling social anxiety can be learned or given
✓ Intense fear to from a family member. scientists
✓ Negatively face expressions believe that a part of the brain called
Social anxiety is a mental health amygdala is part of giving a fear
condition where anxiety or fear
are involved in public situations ↠↠↠↠ ↠↠EXAMPLE ↞↞↞↞↞↞
such as interacting with people, the lack of having friendships at
it is the fear of being judged, school causes those students to think
humiliated or rejected.This that they aren't good enough and can
disorder is also known as social start getting aside from people.
• May have no romantic people with this disorder
relationships experience distress and anxiety.
• feel alone when they are introduced to
• ashamed of themselfs other people and they worry that
they are the center of attention
• feel powerless

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