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Kenya Airways <7 B) The JOricle of Africa ” KENYA AIRWAYS PLC Commercial DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FOR E-Payment Solution 2018 tl Kenya Airways <7 Che nickle of Africa” "Te completa tndar documents sould be e-maled to: dakenva-inwavsscom. ‘Those shoul! be submitted by 12.00 noon, Kenyan Timo on 13" Api, 2018 The subject of the ema response shouldbe clearly stated as “RELTIOW2018 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FOR E.PAYMENT SOLUTION” Tenders should be properly completed without any omission as per the tender documents Nate: Kenya Aways reserves the ight to acceptor eect any tender and are not bound to accep the tomes ender nor give reasons forthe dection tere ‘Sanvassing wil ead to automatic Disqualification el Contents 20 34 22 33 24 INTRODUCTION. CONTACT DETALS. SCOPE OF WORK. ‘Omrichannel payment. ut Payment Metiod Processing, Refund Management capitis. Repocing and Anais 341 Payment Conersion Report 342 Sales ntngence, 3.43 Authoreaton and ecine report. 3.44 Other anayts & Reporting requiements, 35 36 a7 a9 310 an an Fraud Management Capabitios. 2 Patty Connection exstg andl new supp, User ow process P| Connection Financial Accountng and Reporting Appcaton Enhancement precees. C1DSS Compliant omer requiements 3121 Tokenzaton 3.122 Ghent References 3123 Value adltion 3.124 Frequent yer Program 3128 GOP 40 a2 43 4a 45 46 [QUALIFICATION INFORMATION. ‘Company background & Financ Sibi. Quatty Assurance Process, Resources Secu, Project methodology Kenya Airways << Che nile of Africa * 5 EVALUATION CRITERIA 10 4.6 wwTROOUCTION Konya Aiowaye (Kaisa leading regional carer Aca Operating fom ts KIA hubin Nal, era, Established in 1977, Kenya Arways underwent a commareaztton and prvstzation frogess in 1996, racing eaatege rarerano wth KLM Royal ute fines tobecome ‘Area's es pvatzes ag cars, “Tosay Kenya Aways das not havea dynamic packaging solution fr Bs customers o book ‘and pay for packages onine, KQ isn the process of evaluating the acqusiion ofa dynam packaging soliton Inadtion, Kenya sways i lang fora solution that il acale tha maragementof altbe services ana funebons associated with dynamic packaging © Suppor managemert, dynamic peg management, promnton management. payment niegratan, channel management ‘nancial manegemer, product management, back fice manageriont and managemert ‘nfoematon ‘This document conus 2 formal Request fr Information (EF forthe provlon of Dyramic eckaging solton 20 CONTACT DETALS At tectnattunctonal enquiries and covesponsence regain he tender shoul be aaaressec by emai to: Maju Sali @ eh Kenya Airways <7 The JO rile of Africa” E-Denmérce Manager mais Nesey Mose Contac! Canter Manager ral: mercy masemientaalowas com ad cootey Langat ‘Teasury Manager nal: gootesangtienys-siayscom And aura Wainahs ‘cect Conta! Manager sure wanaina@enys-aways.com ‘Nother Tendr enqures should be aecreseed tothe Supply Chain by eral Ccarishon Macnee Procurement Offer Kenya Aways Lite ai: corishon muscharo@kanya-aiwavs com “The R=I Request olaormstion i being esves to ine qualified teers o suber 2 proposal ‘or ePayment Solution. ® Kenya Airways :% Che JO ricle of Africa * ‘The e-payment Solution scope egies a parer who meets nd demonstrate he below capabaies 2A Omnichanne! payment Consumer bohawar Is chang, hase days is more important than ever to accaptpaynents in tha method customers prefer Omichannel payment sttegy rears othe ail to ake payments na variety of ways winauta arin dfrencain cowenice, eves of aver branding Tas means onne payment method shouldbe as convenient ana professional nie EI Kenya Arways is gokig fora payment parr who wil fer an onnichannel payment ‘sratogy ang platform. The ciannl in scope nthe RFI ides wabate, mobi and Contact ‘Genler (MOTO) ths shoud be Both for B2C and 82. 32 MuitiPaymont Method Processing Majority ofthe customers willeancel her purchases immediately they donot see any payment metned tatty pele Customers fel very comforabie when purchase frm ‘merchant hat ofers multle payment options, More as move customers peter one and MOTO putenase and seek or diferent payment eptons. Objeve ofthis rqurement iso - + Retain eistng customers + Increase porsaie size ans te quency + Raise cashflow ‘Descriv in detail how your Frm wl asit Kenya Always achieve he objecivs listed above 43. Refund Management capatittes Refund ies kay comeanent of purchase, n elas and cagramtlustiaton deserbe how refund wil be managod using your fi atom Kenya Aways prefers automate relund process 24 Reporting and Anaiyt Kenya Airways ead to gain gral unepareney and insight wit ea-ime reporting, Tere ie 2 ead a have a ayant analytic foo! butn win fie payment soliton. Every tarsacto and every customer teraction need fo berecoted or aalyie, Kenya aways eae to access data in eh eporing tary af gre-bltepots on deskop and mobile app. Key KPls Kenya ‘Aways is interested in ae 3.44 Payment Converion Report Paymonts need be optrized to reach ther ful venue mating polenta. i he payment canveaion reper, Kenya arvays rogue Meigs mie what cuTToncies. pe pois, ane Iocatons nave we Ban otal commersion rates sna make a plan to optimize payment for Rose underperforming areas, 9 Kenya Airways <3. 34.2 Sales Inteligence eet i : Trac saleby currency, region, pee pol payment ype et thie wl ove an opportunity to she and dice the sales data to igure out whats warking best and what's not 3.43. Authoiation and deci econ ldentty and report where theres higher than rormal as of docines dv to aud, chargebecks and ands 344 Other arate & Repoting requirements Al sles per produ, sunmmary, Channel and oetaled ews Sales by specie tansacton(s) or cstomerts) xpectes ncome trom subscriptions and ecuring charges per month Recuring charges pe presuctlcoact (ot aed ana success) ‘valabe customer inormaton for aes thet da not succestuly close Detaled information abou user behavior the hosted payment pages Historical payment reports Prodtuniue vss ve, actual sales Ccomparon f month‘o-dao sale inte Ins 4 monthe and upto 2 yeas of data ‘Comparison of mont-ove-onh sles per product within te lst ¢ months, up t2 years 35 _ Fraud Management Capabiiios Deserve the aud management mechanism you have in place? Are you working wih a frat ‘management company oro you nave your own fraud management cocureni? 11 you are werking wit araus management company describe you are responding to the RFI a8 jon venture wih hie company 3" Party Connection existing and new supptiers Jrwayshes cher esting super in te vanaacton vale chain € booking engine provsers, acauving banks et, Cesare now you fir wil conned hese exsing provers ‘Bad ow you ill p ass alte data requred for beter managemen’ of the Vansactons ane Fepoting Hows 27 _User ow process ‘+ Describe the proposed use: payment ow for web and mabe payment, include dagram tows + Describe the proposed user ow for Contact Canter payments, cle cagram flows m Kenya Airways <7 Che ride of Africa ” Z) inlet expan yu Have open APIs should Kenya always requ connection wth your fim raymentsoluten Desenae the dierent iypes of toanea accountng repens you Wi prove hepn ‘econellabons In aon, deserbe the proces of eolring these repats and H the repers are Automated or reconciiaton purposes there are some spetic data fel required in the ‘epoting. Share example of franca accountng you frm wil provide and cons # reso repos are customizabie to Kenya Aways, 10 Application Enhancements process In dota descrbe he appicaton process enhancement ait PCIDSS Compliant Kenya arways isnot PCI DSS compliant as such the payment partner need tobe PC! DSS compliant. Descrse the curen evel of PCI DSS compan your fm sn and desenbe he ‘oasure taken i se fo he slats maintain, 312 other requirements 3:24 Tokenzation Deserbetokenlzaton and how ti wil work for Kenya atways 3.422 Chant References Frovde ali of cnt refrances fr this spect subject matter (Dynamic packaging) with pectic contact name, and contact dias. 3.423 Valve aston Demonstate any ober opportunities tat nay et other than those mentioned here 3.424 Frequent her Program Kenya aways hasan existing frequent yer program demonsiate how the payment soliton -wiltntegat withthe program for suring mies 38 payment method 1 Kenya Away plat company with ices within the EV and cusomers tha span the le wi be requiedo adopt EU General Data Protection Regulations (om a 250, 2018, in connestion Kenya Airways <7 he fOricle of *Apricar ° th mesenesequtsted in this Fond perfomance hereof ow wil you secon constence wtnGdPR 40 QUALIFICATION INFORMATION ‘The RFI response io neude: 41 Company tackground & Financal Stability + ease provide a bet overew and history of your company. + esse dasenbe your evant experiance inte Indus “+ Feaso provide any rlvant case stusis an references ‘+ aleate yu ar responding to the RF as nd frm or otherwise 42 Quality Assurance + your company 'S0 cortion? + Do younave Qvalty Management Systm? +p you ele corecions and evision othe fished proect? 43 Process + Pease daseate your GA processes ‘+ Data your curent host to hast connections inthe diferent categories you have + How i ik manage” fs there a forma isk management procedure? ‘+ How scalabe are your companys wersiows? (Abily to hand ge and sal projects ee} ‘+ What would be required from he conto assist you wih elvesngsuaiy project At Resources 1+ lease deserbe the structure of your account ea. +i is account nave a dedicated project manager? Desatve your project management proach + What are your csaster covery and business coninuity processes? + How co you ensure contientaity? ‘+ Whats yous pote to ensure tra custo informaton is protected om fraud with yourorgenizaton? + what sysiem does your agency uso to ransfer les elecroncaly 6 aclent? 8 Kenya Airways <3 Lehre aa °F) 46 Project methodology + Desente te project metatolgy style you ension ts projec to ake 2g Agile, Wate, Setum, FAD (api appeals devebprrent ee Profiles ofvay sta at wi handle he preest Proposed Project lan and timelines unt go Wve ‘Deserve ana Provide the Key project milestone Describe the post implementation support process and support here ater In tbe anc cespense ilu your cosing mse in deta explanation, 59 EVALUATION CRITERIA The responses willbe evahated using the folowing cnt: Partners understanding of services to be provehs IL. Exparence in implementing ana supporting E-Payment soliton IL Proposed delvrabies to achieve obecives tol

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