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Propare intermediate (10%) antimicrobial agent solutions by making successive 1:2, 1 using the dilution format described in M100° Table 6A, or by making serial twofold ‘one part of the 10% antimicrobial solution to nine parts of molten agar. 9.2.2 Procedure Add appropriate dilutions (sce Section 9.2.1) of antimicrobial solution to molten been allowed to equilibrate in a water bath to 45 to 50°C. 2, Mix the agar and antimicrobial solution thoroughly and pour into Petri dishes © result in an agar depth of 3 to 4 mm. 3. Pour the plates quickly after mixing to prevent cooling and partial solidifice container. Avoid generating bubbles when mixing. 4, Allow the agar to solidify at room temperature, and cither use the plates immedia sealed plastic bags at 2 to 8°C for up to five days for reference work, or longer one study, agar plates containing cefaclor had to be prepared within 48 hours degradation of the drug, whereas cefamandole remained stable for greater than th days." In addition to cefaclor, other antimicrobial agents that are particularly I; clavulanic acid, imipenem, and methicillin, NOTE: Do not assume all antimicrobial agents will maintain their potency 1 conditions. The user should evaluate the stability of plates from results obtained should develop applicable shelf-life criteria. This information is sometin pharmaceutical manufacturers, 5. Allow plates stored at 2 to 8°C to equilibrate to room temperature before use. W agar surface is dry before inoculating the plates. If necessary, place the plates laminar flow hood for approximately 30 minutes with their lids ajar to hasten surface.

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