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CSIS-1070 Living in a Digital World Jordan Newbould

Research Paper CSIS-1070

The Internet is a public service that provides a utility of privileges, it should not be subjected to injustice

or vanity. Although the internet has provided services that have globally brought us together. As

computer access expands we need to concern ourselves with our personal databases and security. How

can we protect digital privacy in an age of mass surveillance computer security tells us how we can stop

these viruses from threating the internet. There is a possible vulnerability with emerging technology,

wireless network security, and software liability. Cyber attackers can steal your personal information,

they work around network security, and hide their identity worldwide.

“Organizations have to be vigilant since cyber criminals are always looking for vulnerabilities in

hardware, software, and processes. Data has to be monitored and controlled wherever it resides and under

any type of ad hoc sharing scenario” (Rudolph) “Data is becoming portable – and valuable – which is

shaping the threat landscape and reducing the effectiveness of firewalls, venerability scanners, and other

point solutions.” (Rudolph) We’re placed in a position where personal decisions influence the value or

sensitivity of the data. Balancing protection and the share of data is growing to be a difficult challenge as

innovations continue to advance.

Large businesses are now planning to take further actions to improve digital security and innovation

within the business infrastructures. “Security technologies and proactive government schemes can help

protect data as it is shared internally or externally.” (Rudolph) Balancing the need to protect and share

data is becoming more challenging as connectedness continues to grow globally. Business must take

further steps to harden their infrastructures and improve security and digital rights management practices.

It’s difficult to image a life without electronics, but there is vulnerability around digitalization. “The word

“privacy” takes on a whole new meaning while files are digital and I often wonder if “privacy” is a

concept that is available only to those thoughts that are held internally and outside the digital world.”

(Aranonwicz) There has been an extreme increase on the scalability of crime in digitalization. As our

technology advances and our lives transverse from analog to digital, there is venerability at risk, with
CSIS-1070 Living in a Digital World Jordan Newbould
Research Paper CSIS-1070
great productivity and innovation behind the conversation. We must ensure our file, file systems, and

assets are protected and secure as we advance is this digital world. “The Information Age, is a period in

human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry, to that brought through the

industrialization, to an economy based on information technology.” (Wolfamalpha)

“Cyber threats are today perceived as a top national security concern as governments warn for vulnerable

attacks on critical infrastructure.” (Valeriano) Today, cyberwar could be a real and pressing threat to

national security. “In many ways, the cyber domain resembles a realist world with its anarchical nature

and lack of institutional governance where states fear one another and develop capabilities in response.”

(Valeriano) With further empirical research, we can gain more precise understandings of key issues such

as the impact of cyber arms races on interstate relations, the distribution of cyber capabilities and the

perceptions of an offensive advantage. Realism would appear to be the instinctive international relations

perspective for understanding cyber conflict concerning issues with national security and power.

“How can student data security be guaranteed when faced with a threat that can neither be detected nor

predicted?” (Heffernan) While huge retailers have been routine prey for hackers in the past, attacks

recently have broadened in the scope of encompassing everything from car insurance companies to online

dating sites. High profile data hacks like HBO and Sony have given the problem of data security

mainstream attention, but breaches are now only starting to appear. The best hackers evolve with

technology to better expose and exploit existing vulnerabilities. “Is student data safe when cybercriminal

can breach the defenses of even intelligence agencies?” (Heffernan) Data breaches can assumes a ranges

of different guises: viruses, spyware, malware, ransomware, and trojans, can appear completely

undetected even after entering the system. “Data security is about people and processes as much as it is

networks and firewalls. Security is (Andrini) about people, processes, and mindsets as much as it is

systems.” (Heffernan) With substantial growth and sophistication of cybercrime, company awareness is a

vital part of improving security.

CSIS-1070 Living in a Digital World Jordan Newbould
Research Paper CSIS-1070
“IT criminals are well aware of the enormous benefits of stealing personal data, which allows access to

email or social networking accounts, bank accounts, and the use of credit cards” (Andrini) Today’s

society doesn’t realize how identity theft can cause very serious damage and it underestimates the fact

that data on the internet may be very risky. Disclosure of sensitive data without ensuring the security of

the site is dangerous. Andrini brings up evident signs of identity theft, which include; sudden withdrawals

from current accounts, receiving invoices for products or services which have not been purchased, and

failure to receive purchased goods, failed credit card operation. Andrini questions how we may have

identity protection and prevent cyber-attacks. She suggests to keep up-to-date anti-virus programs which

keep your PC protected, do not share detailed personal information, keep sensitive data encrypted, make

financial transactions only from secure websites, and to check your account frequently.


In a paragraph or two you need to describe the search engines you used and which references came

from which engine.

(Rudolph) (Heffernan)(Peer review article) (Valeriano) (Aranonwicz) Were sources found using google,

(Wolfamalpha) (Andrini) were used on Wolfram|Alpha. I thought the search engines were relatively easy

to navigate.

You will also be asked to describe the reference management process you used to keep track of your


I read through each of these articles and recorded the author’s first and last name, the date it was written,

the most important views, as well as my own perceptive. I expanded my topic to personal security and

privacy using a word processor for my reference and research management. If I had a larger research

paper to write I would maybe include a personal reflection after each of my sources to expand my own

views a bit more. Lastly, I might include more views to expand the audience’s perspective on the several

more important factors of information privacy, and digital security.

CSIS-1070 Living in a Digital World Jordan Newbould
Research Paper CSIS-1070








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