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CLASS : Year 3
DATE : 2.8.2016
TIME : 10.50 a.m – 11.50 a.m
THEME : World of Knowledge
UNIT : Unit 12 Fresh Fruits
TOPIC : What Am I?
LEVEL : Mixed Proficiency
PUPILS’ PREVIOUS : Pupil have learnt adjectives (colour, size)
FOCUS SKILL : Language Arts
CONTENT STANDARD : 4.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs.
3.2 Write using appropriate language, form and style for a
range of purpose
LEARNING STANDARD : 4.1.1 Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants and poems
through non-verbal response.
3.2.2 Able to write with guidance
a) simple sentences
b) compound sentences
BEHAVIOURAL : By the end of the lesson, all pupils will be able to:
OBJECTIVES a) Sing the song with correct stress, pronunciation,
rhythm and intonation.
b) Do the action during the song according to the
demonstration by the teacher.
c) Write a shape poem:
Group A: of other fruits in their own word
Group B: of other fruits with guidance
Group C: by copying the song’s lyric
EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES : Moral value—appreciation of nature, cooperation
Multiple Intelligence –Verbal-linguistic, Bodily-kinesthetic,
Meaningful learning
TEACHING AIDS/ : Pictures, song (What Am I?), song lyrics
Stage/ Teaching Learning Content Remarks/Rational
Duration Procedures
Set Induction 1. Teacher introduces the -to activate pupils’
topic by showing a picture prior knowledge
of grapes.
2. Teacher asks what it is and
few other characteristics of
3. The teacher introduces
other fruits and their

1. Teacher put up a manila Small and juicy—shrink and
card of a lyric of the song lick lip
“What Am I?” on the board.
What am I?—make ‘asking’ rhythmic
2. Teacher plays the recorded
action -the use of ICT in 20th
century classroom
3. Teacher demonstrates how This is me—point to self
to sing the song including
the tune and the actions. Round and crunchy—gesture
‘round’ and biting action

Soft and tasty—rub stomach

1. The teacher asks the pupils What is red, round and
-to assess that the
to stand up and sing the crunchy?
pupils gain input
song along with the actions. What fruit is yellow?
2. The pupils are then divided Do some gestures and ask
into three groups and pupils to guess
assigned with a fruit each.
-Moral values—
3. The teacher play the song
once again while the pupils
do they action based on
their assigned fruit.
4. Teacher explains the lyric
and elicits pupils’

Production 1. The teacher gives a piece

Group A: -differentiated learning
of paper to the pupils.
Write a shape poem of your to ensure that the
2. They will write a shape
favourite fruit in your own pupils of mixed
poem based on the fruit
word. proficiency feel
that they had learnt.
motivated to learn.
Group B: -Multiple
Write a shape poem of a fruit Intelligence—verbal-
using the notes expansion linguistic
and the song’s lyric. -fun learning is carried
out to support learner-
Group C: centredness.
Draw a fruit shape and copy
the song’s lyric to make a
shape poem
Pupils settle into their place. What is the name of this
-Moral value—
Teacher show pictures of fruits appreciation of nature

and the pupils to recall what What is the colour of this

they have learnt. fruit?
I am purple, small and juicy, I am red, round and crunchy, I am yellow, soft and tasty,

I am purple, small and juicy I am red, round and crunchy I am yellow, soft and tasty,
I am purple, small and juicy I am red, round and crunchy I am yellow, soft and tasty,
What am I? What am I?
What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I?

I am grape, I am grape,
I am apple, I am apple I am banana, I am banana
I am purple, small and juicy
I am red, round and crunchy I am yellow, soft and tasty,
I am grape, I am grape,
I am apple, I am apple I am banana, I am banana
This is me, this is me.
This is me, this is me. This is me, this is me.

Orange – round and sour

Watermelon – big and round

Banana – soft and tasty

Grape - small and juicy

Apple – round and crunchy

Durian – smelly and pointy

Orange – round and sour

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