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Jack Donaldson
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Table of Contents

1. Cover Page………………………………………………………………………………….1

2. Table of


3. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..…………3

4. Most Meaning Place …………………………………………………………………….…4

5. The Value Seen In The Works of Miner And Sullivan……………………..…………5-6

6. Today’s School System…………………………………………………………………7-8

7. Author’s Biography …………………………………………………………………………9

8. The Loss of The Great Barrier Reef ………………………………………………10-14

9. A Lifetime Through IMG………………………………………………………………15-19

10. Advertisement Through The Eyes of Nike …………………………………………21-

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In the individual papers and responses below there are multiple different aspects

that separate them from one another, however, I am here to focus what brings them

together. Even though each of the papers have their own main goal to try and express,

each of them have also have the consistency of my writing process. In my writing

process I begin with the same step each time. This step of course being the

brainstorming of the paper and thinking about what I want the main idea of the paper to

be. Once I have a general idea of in what direction I want the paper to head in I begin to

express my ideas on paper. The ideas that are written down are then transformed from

single ideas into an expanded outline. I would normally like to make my outlines quite

detailed and take the single ideas I obtained while brainstorming and break them down

into multiple different parts. Having an extremely detailed outline would most likely be

the most important part of my writing process, for it allows me to express what I want

much quicker and effectively while writing my paper. I tend to get quite cluttered with my

ideas while trying to write my papers without a direction or outline and that makes the

writing process prolong more than it should. After looking back through all the pieces of

work I produced this year I did notice a similar trend between them all. I noticed that this

year compared to old years I seemed to dig much deeper into my critical thinking. this

allowed me to bring out different characteristics about myself that I never knew were

there. Writing these papers also made me think more about what I value in life and I
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loved that I was able to express moments that were very close to my heart in a

professional manner.

Most Meaningful Place

Out of all the things or people that have a meaningful impact on my life I have chosen to

pick a certain place that will stay in my heart forever. After transitioning into high school in

Florida it may sound a bit cliché to call the beach my meaningful place, but it is not the beach

that is meaningful to me, it is a beach. I always knew I would make some of the greatest friends

of my life in high school, however, I could have never predicted who they would have been. It

ended up being a group of five of us from all different backgrounds and countries who were

somehow brought together in the same place to continue our lives. One friend in particular

thought it may be more fun to try and find a more secluded and serine area for us to bond and

spend our time together. All the beaches were always so crowded and there was not much room

for just us, but this one friend had a solution. She took us all one day to a spot she found on her

own while simply wandering. It was a beautiful, flat, open beach where there was nothing but the

smell of the ocean and each other. From then on we all knew this was our spot. It started off as a

place for all of us to just be together and party and live a little, but it turned into more than just

that. This beach turned into my safe zone. If I were to have a bad day or something just was not

going correctly in my life I would go to this beach and think. Something about this specific

beach made me calm down and appreciate the small things in life. This was Bradenton beach on

Anna Marie Island and it is forever a part of me. Maybe it’s just because everyone likes the

beach and its an obvious place to let off some steam, or maybe it’s because I liked the idea that

all of us five friends will remember this place forever in our hearts.
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The value seen in the works of Miner and Sullivan

In the first piece of work I read by Andrew Sullivan he begins to explain the value of a

new culture through application of multiple senses. He talks about the nightlife of New York and

how the environment that surrounds him changes and adapts throughout the day. And at the same

time as describing all this he makes his work appeal much more to the reader by the variation of

content he is giving. Sullivan then goes on to describe how not only humans adapt, but

technology as well. He specifically names the world famous apple products as an example. He

also shifts his writing about halfway through his work to talk about the topic of music. He

explains hows there are many types of music each with their own specific values, but if these

values are only surround by themselves and not others then there is no way for new values to be

created. This goes the same for humans. Each person on earth has there own meaning for

existing and each person is unique to themselves. This lets me believe that Sullivan wants to

portray the message that each individual has their own values and when put into a situation of a

new environment, then these values should become intertwined and possibly create a whole new

value in itself. Miner’s piece had some similarities with Sullivan’s piece, however, his work

seemed to be more about how individuals react when put into an unfamiliar situation or

environment. He does this by focusing in on the rather odd practices of a certain type of people

in a temple. The people of the temple’s ways consist of believing that the human body is only

deteriorating and waiting for disease, so these certain individuals do whatever the means to cure

themselves. The practices they do seem very harsh and painful unlike almost every other culture

in the world, but they have their own value because they are different. If someone or something
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is different from everything else that makes it unique and most likely means that this unique

object knows itself better than anyone else. Now replace this object with a human. For only you

know yourself for who you truly are, so why try and tell other people what their values are

instead of having them make their own values on their own.

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Today’s School System

The very first thing I notice when I read this article was the amount of emphasis Gatto

puts on the idea of boredom. He believes that intellectual learning is achieved when students

decide to learn on their own instead of having others force their knowledge upon them. This is

where the factor of boredom comes in. When students are forced to learn material they do not

want to, it makes them space out and become bored. This is not all the materials fault though. It

is the teachers fault for not engaging with the students enough as well. For if a teacher puts the

time in to make material more appealing to his students, then the students have a much higher

chance of not being bored and wanting to engage in participation. This participation ultimately

leads to the students succeeding. Later in the passage Gatto decides to talk about how schooling

went from trying to teach three basic principles into trying to teach 6 different principles. These

principles are what schools want to teach kids in order for them to function effectively. This

means not only how to formulate their values and teach them right from wrong, but the ways of

how to conform to society as well. For the true way to survive the school system is to conform

socially while getting all of the work done efficiently. An example of this going wrong is one

experience I have seen at my old school. There was a student who was quite shy and never

seemed to say a word, however, this student excelled in his schoolwork. His grades stayed high

for the start of school, however, he never interacted with the kids and therefor had no one to hang

out with. This sense of loneliness socially began to creep into his academic work. He slowly

became sadder and did’t have the courage to open his up and tell someone how he felt. With no

one to turn to his grades fell not because he was stupid, but because he lost his will to try. This

student lost what he had because he did not attain the skills that each public school tries to teach

each and every one of their students. Gatto expresses his idea of what each public school should
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do to form students and I completely agree with him. For there are many steps the schools must

take to help the students, but at the end of the day it is up to the students to take learning upon


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Growing up I lived in a very rural area on the Eastern shore of Maryland

alongside my older brother and sister. From Kindergarten until eighth grade I attended

The Country School where I experienced almost all of my childhood. At this school I

was very academically involved, as well as very athletically involved. I played soccer,

lacrosse, and basketball for my school while playing tennis recreationally. Out of these

four sports I began to develop the most in tennis and decided this was the path I desire

to take after graduation from my institution. Tennis then led me to IMG Academy on the

west coast of Florida, where I would end up for all of high school. I trained rigorously

each day for four straight years until the time to move on was upon me. Now I live on

my days at Nichols College in Massachusetts where I intend to live up to my athletic

and educational ability to the best extent possible.

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(On left)

The Loss of An Ecosystem

It is no doubt that the great barrier reef is one of the most magnificent

ecosystems that has ever existed on this planet, so why not try and spread awareness

of it possibly dying. Along with being the world’s largest ecosystem, the great barrier

reef is home to all different sorts of life. Whether it be fish or plant life, it is home to over

thousands of different species and stretches along the Australian coast for more than

2300 kilometers. The reef is also known for being one of the biggest tourist attractions in

the world and draws people internationally to come take a look for themselves at the

beautiful ecosystem. (Slezak) But all this could change, for the great barrier reef is

facing an epidemic that is likely to cause its death if not treated appropriately and in a

timely manner. Over the more recent years scientists have been taking some alarming

measurements including that which states half of the coral in the reef was considered
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dead in October of 2012. It is also predicted that there will be no life in coral reefs by

2025 if nothing is to be done. (Slezak) Other measurements such as deficiency in some

species have also been recorded. But what has been causing the reef to slowly

deteriorate and die off slowly? It is a combination of factors that, when happening all at

the same time, cause a chain reaction that inevitably will cause the death of the great

barrier reef. Of all the factors contributing to the death of the reef the main has always

been the climate change that causes some very hard to avoid issues for the reef. This

climate change is one of the most controversial topics of the 21st century that must be

stopped or it will continue to destroy ecosystems such as the great barrier reef.

Even though climate change is held as most responsible for the slow

deterioration of the barrier reef there are also multiple other factors that contribute to the

decline in life of the ecosystem. The first is invasive species that threaten the reef. An

example of this would be the crown on thorns starfish who's diet actually consists mainly

of coral. And since there is less life on the reef now there are less predators to get rid of

this species, therefore allowing the species to overpopulate and continue to eat the reef.

Another factor contributing to the reef’s death would be the runoff from fertilizers and

companies operating near river systems. This runoff is poisonous to the reef and

inevitably kills the living and operating organisms, as well as the coral of the reef. The

runoff of sediment also affects the living status of the reef. Sediment can bulk together

and cover the surface of the ocean, thus not allowing sunlight to penetrate the surface

and have the coral be unable to access its nutrients. These factors may all sound

terrible in the contribution to the death of the reef, however, it is clear that there is one
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overwhelming factor that not only affects the reef, but the lives of each and every

human as well: climate change.

But one may ask how exactly climate change is destroying the ecosystem that is

the great barrier reef. The first step in figuring out how climate change destroys the reef

is by realizing that there is an increase in the temperature in the ocean’s water each

year. There are some discrepancies about exactly how much the water temperature

rises each year but most scientists put an estimate of about 2 degrees celsius per year.

At this rate it is quite easy to see how the temperature can stack on top of itself after

many years and create much warmer waters. This warmer water then creates an

unsuitable living environment for the coral and rest of life causing controversy. One of

the biggest affects that climate change puts on the coral is coral bleaching. When the

water is too warm for a suitable environment it causes the coral to turn white. This is

because the coral gets its color from the nutrients and algae its holds inside and this is

what keeps it healthy. However, under conditions where the water is too warm it causes

the coral to expel its nutrients and algae. Once the nutrients have been expelled the

coral loses its color because all the nutrients it holds are what make up the pigments

and give it color. (Glick)

Humans have no one else to blame for this dilemma except for themselves.

Global climate change is an issue started because of humans and continues to due

damage because humans are not changing their ways. An enormous amount of fossil

fuels are still being burned in order to produce energy, but the burning of fossil fuels is

quite possibly the worst thing humans can do to the ozone layer. By burning all these

fossil fuels it is slowly deteriorating the ozone layer and slowly heating up earth from
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inside and not letting any heat escape. This is what keeps earth warm, however, it is

also what keeps radiation from escaping. Since the ozone layer is weak it allows

radiation and heat from the sun to enter earths atmosphere, but then is unable to leave.

This build up of heat and radiation is also known as the greenhouse effect and is the

clear cause of global climate change.

After being presented with this enormous amount of evidence for global climate

change it is ridiculous that some people still deem climate change as nothing more than

a myth. Well, if people continue to think as such, it seems our earth may be headed

toward disaster because there is much more to fear than just the coral reef dying. Like

previously mentioned, global climate change makes for unsuitable habitats for living

organisms that make it nearly impossible for growth and development. In the case of the

great barrier reef the ecosystem is dying and therefore species that rely on other

species to live are dying because there are not enough to go around for everyone. This

is causing a decline in the number fish living in the habitat and therefore affects the

humans that rely on this habitat. People such as fishers and divers are unable to collect

as much merchandise because of the dropping number and this causes them to be

economically unstable. That is what happens when climate change affects the

environment of only the great barrier reef, but aren’t plants living too? Global climate

change also creates unsuitable living conditions for crops. It can cause the soil to be too

dry or can cause the crops to dry out and be unable to use. This then affects the

farmers, for they are unable to make as much profit due to the fact that climate change

ruins their crops. Any way one approaches the situation of climate change it is clear that

if it continues there could very well be an economic crisis since so many people rely on
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stable ecosystems to make a profit and keep a job. That is why people need to become

more aware of the issue of climate change and figure out more efficient ways to


For those who do want to act and do their environment a favor there are many

ways to get involved that could help pose a solution to global climate change. The best

way to get involved in stopping this epidemic is by trying to find and create new sources

of energy that is renewable. One example of this would be to stop the burning of fossil

fuels all together. Companies can find other ways to find usable energy such as using

solar panels to collect solar energy to fuel their operations. Hydro energy can also be

collected and used very efficiently in a variety of methods including dams. Windmills

and or wind turbines are also a very green alternative to the burning of fossil fuels that

companies could utilize.

Whether it be talking specifically about the great barrier reef or just about climate

change in general it is very clear this is no topic is one that potentially affects the lives of

each and every individual on this planet. Temperatures rising because of humans

necessity to resources is killing our earth and this topic needs to be tackled head on.

First off humans need to realize the environmental impact they have at this very

moment, for it seems as if some are blinded and feel the topic is some sort of myth.

However, from what is said above it is quite apparent that global climate change is no

myth. Humans need to open their eyes and see how their burning of fossil fuels is truly

impacting the ecosystems of the world. Change is needed in the form of more

sustainable energy for death is upon the great barrier reef followed by the rest of the

world if change is not applied to the way humans create and use their energy.
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Works Cited

Slezak, Michael. "The Great Barrier Reef: A Catastrophe Laid Bare." The Guardian. Guardian
News and Media, 06 June 2016. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

Glick, Daniel. "Global Climate Change, Melting Glaciers - National Geographic." National
Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

A Lifetime Through IMG

Eighth grade was a tough time in my childhood. Playing tennis all over the streets of

Maryland while trying to focus on my school and social life. But as my tennis kept progressing,

my grades began to regress. They dropped lower and lower as the year dragged on, and I could

do nothing but sit there and watch. As the grades dropped, my tennis game only grew stronger.

Strong enough to where I started searching for tennis schools across the country and eventually

found IMG. I fell in love instantaneously and applied right away. As I awaited my letter of

acceptance I had to reach the end of the year, but that would prove to be more difficult than I

would have thought. I trudged through eight grade day by day waiting for a new opportunity,

then it happens. With only a month or two left in school I receive the letter that I have been

accepted to IMG Academy for the upcoming fall semester. After the year ends the summer is
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tough. I know at the end I must say goodbye to my dear friends, for I have bigger and better

goals to achieve.

Freshman year. As the summer comes to a close my first year of high school begins. I

head to the airport and hop on a plane towards Florida. As the plane lands and I exit into the

warm Floridian air, I know these next four years will be amazing. As I enter campus I begin to

notice my surroundings. Many people, all asking to assist me and help me out in any way

possible. I check in and begin walking to my room. My stomach is in my throughout and the

nerves take over my body as I walked toward my dorm, just thinking of who my roommate could

be. Would he be nice? Would he be messy? Would he be demanding? All these thoughts were

racing through my head and I couldn’t wait to find the answer. When I entered my room I

noticed that all my roommates are just like me. They were shy at first, yet once we got to know

each other everything seemed great. Then it hit me. Everyone else was nervous, just like me,

because it was their first time at the academy as well. This helped relieve some of the nerves so

that I could be myself and meet others who fit my personality.

But now that I have adapted to my surroundings and am comfortable with the people I am

with, I focused on the real reason I came to IMG, tennis. I stepped out onto the court and see all

the different levels this academy provides. We were split up into groups at first in order to get

placed and my stomach dropped as I awaited for my name to be called. It felt like the whole year

passed by as I wait for my group, then I heard myself be called and was dismayed to find out I

was put in the bottom group. Nervous and angry was how I played the next three hours, but I

knew deep down that if I really wanted to be the best, I can move to the next group in no time.

After the first month my parents and I were overjoyed by my results as I had won all ten of my
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matches. After hearing the news, the coach above my groups recruited me and I was able to

continue the rest of the year where I belong.

The first year of high school was amazing school wise as well. I started realizing that the

teachers at IMG try their very best to connect with their students because they want to see them

succeed. They interacted and cared about each and every student they had. Especially my spanish

teacher from my freshman year. She was full of energy and helped every student out because her

favorite thing in the world was to watch others succeed. One day in particular she decided to go

above and beyond for me by exclaiming, “You must allow me to write your college

recommendation because i’m obviously your favorite teacher” as she jokingly winked at me.

This sense of humor showed me that she was very capable of connecting with people of all

different ages and was quite amazing at her profession. I respond with a small giggle followed

by, “Oh Ms. I could never think to ask any other teacher to do my recommendations for me.”

Our laid back senses of sarcasm connected and that is when I knew she would definitely be the

teacher I miss most when I graduate.

Many people believe the rumors about freshman year being the worst and always getting

bullied, but that was not the case at all for my freshman year. The social portion of my first year

of high school was amazing. I met wonderful kids who worked hard on the court, as well as in

school, but had time to work fun into the whole mix. Me and my friends would always go out on

the weekends and enjoy ourselves while maintaining grades that exceed others. Pleased with

everything I had done that year, my parents gave me the option to return to the school next year.

Obviously with the people I have met and the friends I had made I said yes.

Sophomore year. When I step on campus for a whole new year I thought back on how

amazing of a year it had been my first year. There was almost no way the upcoming year could
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be better than last, but I was proven wrong. I met up with my friends for the first time in three

months and we shared stories about the summer. Laughing over each others stories we realized

each of us had changed considerably, but not necessarily for better. Some friends of mine had

changed in ways that were unethical. They were given an opportunity here at IMG but were not

using it to their advantage. They were throwing away their parents money and created an awful

setting for myself and others at IMG. But my other friends had all changed for the better and I

am grateful for that. After moving into the new dorms everything seemed overly crowded at first.

One thousand people in one dorm! Everyone seemed to be going a little insane, but after a few

weeks passed we noticed how being all together helps us out not only as individuals, but as a

family. With our real families spread out across the world we were not able to be with them all

the time, so that meant that the people who we chose to influence ourselves with is our new

family. Those people were the family we are able to choose, and nothing was better than having

many people that I know I can rely on.

School during my sophomore year was much like my social life and tennis, it could not

have gone better! My classes were considerably hard including three honors courses into my

schedule, but I persevered and got through them with the help and support from my teachers.

They helped me by engulfing my mind into that of an individual with a bright future in front of

him. They opened my eyes to what the real world would be like and helped me not only for what

is happening right now, but what is yet to come as well.

The tennis of my sophomore year also helped me look deep into my future. I started up

from where I ended last year, in the middle group. I played great for a few days and though long

and hard about if this group is right for me. Then eventually I came to the conclusion that I am

better than this. I wanted to prove to myself that I can move to the highest group and show others
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what I am made of. So I put myself to the test and begin my road to the top. Just as it happened

last year I came out right away with many wins and few losses. This then attracted the eyes of

the coach above me. He came to me one foggy morning before practice and asked if I would play

with his group for a while. Even though my insides want to explode from excitement I must keep

my composure and calmly agree to the coach’s offer. With my goal achieved and the wind to my

back, all great deeds have been done.

Junior Year. Returning for another year I was ecstatic to see what lied ahead for me.

Reconnecting once again with all my friends and seeing how each of us has adapted over yet

another summer. But there is one thing I noticed that was different from all the other years, no

one had changed from the previous year. My family of friends influenced me and very one else

so much, that we didn’t adapt to any other lifestyle other than the one we left here at IMG three

months ago. Living off campus this year is also a huge factor in my social life, school, and also

tennis. It allows me more freedom and thus more responsibility.

When I walked through the doors school the first day I wondered how all of my classes

would compare to those of the previous years. But one thing changed on the first day apart from

the other first days of high school I have had. That time I didn’t have the feeling of anxiety or

nervousness I had before. That time I had a feeling of confidence. I was not scared of others and

I was not ready to let others lead the classroom. That year when I walked in I saw myself as a

leader. I thought to myself that I was going to be the leader and I was going to conquer tasks I

may not have been able to do before. And the only thing I had to thank for this leadership

mindset is IMG.

However, this mindset was not only for academic life, it transitioned to my tennis as well.

That year I was the top of my group and I had been given a task by my coach. He wanted me to
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lead and inspire the kids that were not at the right level yet, and thanks to the previous years I

was ready and able to accept that task. That semester I had fulfilled my goals for tennis and I was

not about to stop anytime soon. I will continue my role until the day I graduate. Then by the time

I am gone, another student will be taught the same as I and take over my position. This will be an

ongoing traffic of accomplishment here at IMG and it will continue for however long us students

decide to let it go on for.

With my time at IMG expired I can do no more than look back on what has been. All is

well so far in my life and there seems to be only a brighter future ahead. Although that senior

year had some sad moments where I had to say goodbye to my dear friends and family I have

met here at IMG, I will never have to say goodbye to the memories I have made for they will live

on forever inside me.

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Advertisement Through The Eyes of Nike

When a person looks to purchase a certain product they want the best quality

they can find, however, some companies use vivid advertisement to overshadow others

and blind the audience by making their product seem breathtaking. The way companies

go about promoting their products includes multiple different forms of persuasion.

Whether it be using a testimonial or vibrant colors to enhance the product, companies

will try to intrigue the public to buy their merchandise over others. And that is exactly

what Nike did in this advertisement for their brand new mercurial vapor 8 soccer cleat.

Their use of Neymar as the main discussion point of the advertisement draws in many

since he is such a huge soccer icon. Alongside their use of this testimonial, Nike

multiple other methods are used to draw in the attention of the public to this product. No

matter how they try and do it, it is clear that Nike want to make their product look

smashing not by dissing other products, but by using things such as testimonials and

emphasis to make theirs shine.

From first glance it is clear Nike want to emphasize a certain piece in their work,

Neymar. He pops right out to the audience and is the most noticed point in the
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advertisement. Another one of the biggest points to touch on about this advertisement is

the way that the text is organized. It is obvious to see that the word explosive is cracked

like an explosion to relate to the rest of the image. This positioning of the word explosive

next to an actual image of the ground exploding not only allows the reader to see the

actual word, but to also make a mental image in their head of the scene. The fact that

the text is put at the mid to bottom left also shows that it is not supposed to be the main

focal point of the advertisement. For if it were supposed to be the main focus it would

most likely be enlarged and more centered. Another aspect of the text to look at is the

size of the two individually based words. Explosive is a bit thicker and broader as an

explosion bursts outwards, however, the word speed is a different font. Speed is a much

thinner, slicker font. This could have been because Nike want to not only show the word

speed to the reader, they want them to feel the sharpness and or quickness the thinner

font is trying to represent.

Another bit of text that can be analyzed in this advertisement is the text of the

actual product. In the far bottom left corner we are able to see the name of the cleat that

is being advertised. Next to the name the words “the new” can also be seen, but why

put them in the bottom corner in a very petit font size? This is because this is also not

supposed to be the main focal point of the advertisement at hand. The actual shoe

name is of such little importance because that is probably not what is going to sell the

shoe. By putting the name in the corner it still means that the name is in the image,

however it almost un-emphasize the name so that it may emphasize of aspects of the

image instead.
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This advertisement may be from Nike portraying their new cleat, however, what

indicates that this ad is even promoting Nike? This is where the swoosh and branding

comes into play, for Nike does not have their name displayed on this advertisement one

time. The only indication that it is from Nike at all is the small swoosh positioned in the

bottom left next to the second text. The reason for this is because Nike has becoming

such a booming company in the last decade that it is able to portray its advertisements

by merely showing the swoosh. This icon has become the face of the company and

positively shows how effective the advertising of Nike can be without even having to tell

the public their name.

So since the text is not supposed to be the main focus of the advertisement it

must be the visuals, but there is one visual in particular. Of course this visual being

Neymar. He is no doubt the underlined source of this advertisement and he is also the

way Nike is going to sell this product. By using the testimonial of Neymar this makes the

advertisement relate basically to anyone who plays soccer, since Neymar is such a

huge soccer icon. It also makes people come to the conclusion in their head that

maybe, if they buy these cleats, they will have the same explosion of speed and power

in the way they play soccer that Neymar has. So why else make him the biggest visual

in the entire ad. Neymar is what will sell this to the public. But it’s not only because he is

in the advertisement, it is what he is doing in the advertisement. The first thing to notice

is his eyes. He looks as if he has just dribbled through the opposing team defense and

is on the way to goal. The determination in his eyes show how focussed his is on

scoring this next goal. The positioning of his body is also quite telling in this case. The

slight lean implies that he is on the move and ready for action. When put together both
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the body positioning, as well as his eyes, make it seem as if he is in the moment ready

for anything and that is what the people who buy this product are looking to mimic.

Another aspect of this visual is the setting in which it is taking place. From a

glance it seems as if it is at night on the training pitch where Neymar wants to put in a

little extra work. Maybe it was a long day and the team did not get the win they had

hoped for, so Neymar has headed out for a late night session to already start to try and

get better. The night session would also imply that he is there alone working on what he

needs to. This would in turn be an example of someone who wants to push their limits

and strive harder to become better everyday. This mentality then transfers over onto

those who see this advertisement and want to come similar. They see the extra work

and want to become part of it so what do they do, they buy the new mercurial vapor 8.

One of the final aspects to look over in this advertisement would be the

arrangement of colors that Nike decided to throw in the publics face. The first smart

piece to making this ad stick out was making it at night. By doing this it makes the

brighter colors more accented and pop out to the person looking at the visual. The next

is the placement and amount of colors provided. One of the main colored areas that are

distinctive in this case are the bright mango cleats. These are obviously there to pop out

a lot because they are the real thing being advertised. Other colors that pop out are the

colors of the explosion. These bright colors used for the explosion are behind the cleats

and therefore are there to make the cleats stand out even more than they already do.

By using certain techniques to make individual aspects more known than others,

Nike has successfully completed the advertisement of another product. This success

came from all the different variety they choose to use int their visual. It was first the text
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they used to draw in the buyers. They used intriguing words that trick people into

thinking this product will better them in some way. Then it was not about the individual

words, but how they were displayed. The ability to keep the text small but make it

known really helped out this advertisement because it added to the subtlety of the text

and emphasized the testimonial of Neymar. This testimonial was no doubt the biggest

selling pint of the product, because by having Neymar represent a product it makes the

public seem as if maybe they could achieve great things, like Neymar, if they use the

same products as him. This is why the intended audience is quite easily anyone who

plays soccer. For Nike use this advertisement to portray the idea that anyone can play

like soccer like Neymar as long as they have the correct equipment.

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