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Name: Nour Hilal Assi

ID: 10116071

Al Maaref University is worried about its students and their lacks of interest in
books and reading in general. The university has observed many students
refusing to read and its library remaining most of the time empty. So PR had
made a campaign in order to encourage the student to read and to visit the
university library.

1) Research: First, we made a research to conduct information about the topic,

we had used basically three techniques; focus group, survey, interview.

First, In the focus group (primary

research), we had selected seven
students randomly from the
three faculties in MU. They were
as follows: two students from
FBA, three students from MCFA,
and two students from the
translation department. Mainly
questions that were asked of the
participants are; Do you like to
read, or are you obliged to? How often do you visit the library? What types of
books do you read? How much money do you spend on books? What are the
benefits of reading?
However, the answers during the discussion were varied between those who
like to read and those who don’t, who believed that it is waste of time.
second, we had made an interview (secondary
research) with some doctors and teachers to
know why the student doesn’t like to read.
Dr. Aatrissi had focused on the electronic
media who became an alternative process than
visiting the library, also he considers that the
teaching system the student to read, however,
to encourage them to go to the library it should
be comfortable by its wide space, having all technical equipment that helps in
reaching information. and the end he had highlighted the importance of reading
which helps us to gain knowledge, new culture, creatively.

Also, we made an interview with Mr.

Hussein Nasser administrator of
Student Affairs. He considered that
reading issue is a global problem,
and the main reason is due to the
Technological development, also we
rarely see campaign or seminars that slide light on the reading. MR. Nasser blames
in the first place the student themselves, who chose to full his time with the useful

Furthermore, DR. Hussein Hijazi considers that instructor’s play important role in
order to oblige and engorge student to visit the library or to appreciate books. also,
he focuses on the importance of having original text not
copying, where they will lose the taste of having a clear
text, see a photograph. Also, at the same time to save it
to use them in the future.
and at the end, he focused that reading is a matter of
encouragement and interactivity not rules since rule
push people to do stuff even if they don’t like it.
As a sum, Doctors believed that reading is important for academic education, and
for personal edification. also, they focus on the role of social media that made
student to full there with unuseful things. And they concentrated on the important
role instructor paly to encourage the student to read.

However, the purpose of a survey is to obtain a better understanding of the

reaction of MU students, here are the results: and preferences of MU student
about Reading.
we can see that Mu student rarely read, other have never read and they ignore the
benefit of reading even for academic stuff, they often read in the university library,
were mainly they find it uncomfortable, also they rarely borrow books from the
university library.
2) GOAL of the PR campaign: to motivate and encourage the student to read, and
boost them to visit the library.
So after conducting research within the university with student and MU
responsible, The PR department has found that:

1) 71% of MU students are aware about the benefit of reading

2) 35% of MU student doesn’t like the university library
3) 27% of MU student read every day

Objective 1: increase by 30% the awareness of MU student by the end of spring

semester 2017-2018
strategy 1: create informational material concerning the importance of
reading by:
∞ hang poster about
importance of
reading all over the
∞ distribute flyers to students about reading in the university
∞ diffuse an informational video about reading on the TV screen
at the entrance of the university
Strategy 2: create a social media campaign
∞ Create FB page presenting information about the benefit of
∞ download facts and scientific research about the advance of
∞ create blog where student share their opinion about the books
they’ve read, and to discuss it
∞ create hashtag about reading #reading_in_MU

Objective 2: to create by 60% a favorable attitude about reading, especially in the

library among MU student by the end of spring semester 2017-2018.
Strategy 1: Prepare a special event that increases the enthusiasm the
student to start reading:
∞ distributing small reading books to encourage them to start
∞ distribute mugs and badge that have a quote about reading

∞ invite export persons to talk about the benefits of reading

strategy 2: decorate the library in a way that attracts student to read inside
∞ bring comfortable tables and chairs and decorate them in a nice
∞ make a corner in library that includes all the new books, and the
most famous stories in world
∞ brings more books according to what student want by letting
them sending a list of names of books they would like to read
∞ hang quotes about reading all around the library
∞ make the entrance for library attracting by writing a quote for

objective 3: to convince 60% of MU student to read in the university library by the
end of spring semester 2017-2018
strategy 1: prepare a special event called ‘’weekly reading in MU’’ at the
university library
∞ distribute small gifts (mugs, pens, keychains look like books) for
every student borrow book from the library

∞ make reading fun as making a game and give free book for the
student who wins
∞ invite weekly writers to come to our library and talks about
their books.
∞ let student read story affront their classmates
∞ make competition with a prize each semester and let the
instructors be the supervisor

strategy 2: increasing my campaign on media as publishing weekly

journal or catalog of books (where some student prefers to read on a
cellphone as pdf)

∞ send Pdf book copies to student especially for the newest

international books
∞ send emails for student for the new books that library brinks
∞ invite student to talk and share their experience with a book
they’ve read online
∞ make online reading competition

Key message:
 Today a reader, tomorrow a leader
 It’s called “reading”, it’s how people install new software into their brains

 You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a

Slogan: Read, Lead, Succeed

3) Implementation: controlled media used by the university as the website, direct

emails, posters, pressures... while the uncontrolled is the outer medium that isn’t
under PR practitioner’s control as FB, social networks...
4) Besides, the moderate public is the public that has a direct relationship with the
target public, as the instructors, while the intervening public is public that share
the same interest as “ikraa” foundation.
5) Evaluation:
we can count how many people showed up to the events for impact. In addition,
we can count how many broachers disturbed and flyers were taken. also, our firm
will count media impression from the events, and count the number of students
who attend events.
However, on our Facebook page, we count the number of likes, tags and shared
pots. and number viewing on video
and count number of the hashtag and see impression if they are positive or not.
besides, we would collect the same group of student again, in the focus group and
see if their information about reading increased.
For the survey, we would resend our survey and see the percentage change in the
question, so if the percentage change has a positive correlation, then we can
conclude that student is encouraged to read.
And at the end, we would see if studying is reading, and visiting the library, and
see if the number of borrowed books increased.

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