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Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research

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Estimation of design runoff curve numbers for

Narmada watersheds (India)

Surendra Kumar Mishra , Sarita Gajbhiye & Ashish Pandey

To cite this article: Surendra Kumar Mishra , Sarita Gajbhiye & Ashish Pandey (2013) Estimation
of design runoff curve numbers for Narmada watersheds (India), Journal of Applied Water
Engineering and Research, 1:1, 69-79, DOI: 10.1080/23249676.2013.831583

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Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2013
Vol. 1, No. 1, 69–79, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23249676.2013.831583

Estimation of design runoff curve numbers for Narmada watersheds (India)

Surendra Kumar Mishra, Sarita Gajbhiye∗ and Ashish Pandey
Department of Water Resource Development & Management, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, India
(Received 21 May 2013; accepted 31 July 2013 )

Employing 10 years daily rainfall–runoff data, frequency-based design curve numbers (CNs) of different rain durations and
for 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 years return periods were derived for normal, dry, and wet weather conditions, representing
50%, 10%, and 90% probability of exceedance, respectively. Among the three distributions, Gumble (extreme value) type 1,
log normal, and log Pearson type 3, the last performed better than the others. When compared, the design CN-values yielded
runoff values quite close to the conventionally derived design runoff, exhibiting the validity of the derived design CN-values.
Keywords: SCS-Curve number; frequency analysis; NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service); probability distri-
bution; Design flood

Introduction to AMC III (wet) or AMC II (normal) levels. Hjelmfelt

Rainfall-generated runoff is very important in various activ- (1982) statistically related the AMC I through AMC III
ities of water resources development and management, such levels, respectively, to 90%, 10%, and 50% cumulative
as: flood control and its management, irrigation schedul- probability of the exceedance of runoff depth for a given
ing, design of irrigation and drainage works, design of rainfall. The curve numbers are treated as random variables
hydraulic structures, hydro-power generation, etc. Deter- with the curve numbers associated with antecedent mois-
mining a robust relationship between rainfall and runoff ture condition II (AMC II) representing the central tendency
for a watershed has been one of the most important prob- (Hjelmfelt 1991). For gauged watersheds, Hawkins (1993)
lems for hydrologists, engineers, and agriculturists since suggested using the CN-computation from event rainfall–
its first documentation by P. Perrault (in Mishra & Singh runoff data, and considering the median CN to correspond
2003a) about 330 years ago. The process of transformation to AMC II and the upper and lower bounds of the scatter
of rainfall to runoff is highly complex, dynamic, nonlinear, rainfall–runoff plot to AMC III and AMC I, respectively.
and exhibits temporal and spatial variability. It is further For hydrologic design purposes, Hawkins (1993) and
affected by many parameters and often inter-related physi- Hawkins (2001) derived CN values from the ordered
cal factors. Rain (precipitation) is the major component of rainfall–runoff data, and McCuen (2002) developed con-
the hydrologic cycle and this is the primary source of runoff. fidence intervals for CN values (from 65 to 95), treating
The soil conservation service curve number (SCS-CN) CN as a random variable. Mishra et al. (2004) compared
method (SCS 1956) converts rainfall to surface runoff (or the existing SCS-CN and the modified Mishra and Singh
rainfall-excess) using a CN derived from watershed char- (2003a, 2003b, 2003c) models using the data from small
acteristics and 5-days antecedent rainfall. This model is to large watersheds and found the latter to perform signifi-
selected for predicting runoff as: (1) it is a familiar pro- cantly better than the former. Jain et al. (2006) quantitatively
cedure that has been used for many years around the world; evaluated the existing SCS-CN model, its variants, and the
(2) it is computationally efficient; (3) the required inputs modified Mishra and Singh (2003a) models for their suit-
are generally available; and (4) it relates runoff to soil ability to particular land use, soil type, and combinations
type, land use, and management practices. To derive CN thereof, using a large set of rainfall–runoff data from small
values (valid for storm duration less than 1 day) for an un- to large watersheds within USA.
gauged watershed, SCS (1956) provided tables based on The above approaches, however, utilize discrete (gener-
the soil type, land cover and practice, hydrologic condition, ally annual extreme) storm events of varying time duration
and antecedent moisture condition (AMC). Fairly accu- (less than or equal to 1-day) for computing CNs (SCS 1971;
rate mathematical expressions (Ponce and Hawkins 1996) Hawkins 2001). Consequently, the resulting CNs are appli-
are also available for CN conversion from AMC I (dry) cable to storm durations of less than 1 day, to only those high

∗ Corresponding author. Email: gajbhiyesarita@gmail.com

© 2013 IAHR and WCCE

70 S.K. Mishra et al.

rain and short duration events from which they were derived (1) Estimation of CN-values for various wetness con-
and not appropriate for events of low magnitude and/or ditions and durations:
long duration. It is a common experience that for a given (a) Prepare a series of available daily rainfall (P)
amount of rainfall on a watershed, the event produces a and runoff (Q) data for a certain (say 1-day)
high or low runoff depending on (besides other parameters): rain duration, exhibiting runoff factor (C =
the small or large time interval/duration, with the infiltra- Q/P) > 1 and assign the probability to P using
tion and evaporation losses depending significantly on how Weibull’s plotting position formula.
long the water remains in the watershed. Thus, it is appro- (b) Describe CN (Equations (2) and (3)) for 10%,
priate to explore the application of the SCS-CN concept to 50%, and 90% probability of exceedance to
long duration storm events by investigating the CN depen- correspond to dry, normal, and wet weather
dency on rain duration and, in turn, avoiding CN-variability conditions, respectively. Since these values
due to varying event duration, which is otherwise accounted are derived from daily P–Q data, the derived
for in terms of AMC in the original procedure. CN-values correspond to 1-day rain duration.
Standard probability distributions commonly used for (c) From the above daily P–Q data, we derive two-
design flood estimation are normal, log normal (LN), Pear- daily, three-daily, four-daily, P–Q series, by
son, log Pearson type III (LPIII), and extreme value type 1 summing the rainfall and corresponding runoff
(Gumbel 1958; Chow et al. 1988; Wilson 1990; Haktanir values for respective durations.
1991; Haktan 1992; Hosking & Wallis 1993; Abdul-Karim (d) Repeat steps (a) and (b) for deriving CN values
& Chowdhury 1995; Pandey & Nguyen 1999; Wurbs & for different wetness conditions and rain dura-
James 2009; Ibrahim & Isiguzo 2009; Ewemoje & Ewe- tions separately. Plot CN vs. rain duration for
mooje 2011; Izinyon et al. 2011). This study suggests a each wetness condition.
procedure to determine the CNs for use in design runoff (2) Estimation of design CN:
estimation and validate these design CNs employing the (a) For design purpose, CN values for three dura-
observed data. Thus, the objectives are: (i) to investigate the tions, namely, 1-day, 2-day, and 3-day, and
impact of rain duration on CNs; (ii) to derive design CNs three wetness conditions are considered. In a
for different rain durations, wetness conditions, and differ- similar procedure to step 1, CNs are derived for
ent return periods; and (iii) validate the derived design CNs each year using respective duration and year P–
using observed data. Q series; and annual CN-series for each wetness
This study suggests the direct application in designing condition and duration prepared.
the CN, which gives the rainfall-generated runoff. Hence, (b) For a given wetness condition and duration, fit
from the hydrological design point of view, the study pro- a suitable frequency distribution to the annual
vides the mechanism for flood forecasting and subsequently CN-series to derive CNs for different return
for the design of suitable structures, etc. Especially in flood periods, and plot them for different return
affected areas, this study can be used for river modelling to periods, wetness conditions, and rain durations.
mitigate the effects of flooding. (3) Validation of design CN estimates:
(a) For a given duration, prepare annual maxi-
mum rainfall (P)-series and annual maximum
Materials and methods
runoff (Q)-series separately to determine differ-
SCS-CN method ent return period P- and Q-values separately,
The existing SCS-CN equation is expressed as using the above frequency distribution proce-
(P − 0.2S)2 dure. The latter are considered as observed
Q= , (1) Q-values.
P + 0.8S (b) Compute runoff (Q) from P that corresponds
where P is the rainfall (mm), Q the direct runoff (mm), and to the same duration and return period and CN
S the potential maximum retention (mm). The parameter that corresponds to the same duration and return
S depends on the soil type, land use, hydrologic condition, period, and for all three wetness conditions.
and AMC. S (mm) is mapped on to the CN value as below Assume these as computed Q-values for three
25400 wetness conditions and compare these with the
S= − 254. (2) above observed Q-values.
S can be derived from Equation (2) as follows:

S = 5[P + 2Q − (4Q2 + 5PQ)]. (3) Study area
For estimation of the design CN value for long duration Narmada catchment
(i.e. more than 1 day) rain events, the proposed procedure The River Narmada is one of the major rivers, with 41 trib-
is as follows: utaries, flowing through the central parts of India. It starts
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 71

Figure 1. Location map of the study area.

from the Amarkantak plateau of the Maikala range in Shah- evapotranspiration vary from 4 mm/day in winter
dol district in Madhya Pradesh, at an elevation of about to 10 mm/day in summer. The area comprises
1059 m above mean sea level. The river travels a distance both flat and undulating lands covered with tim-
of 1312 km before it joins the Gulf of Cambay in the Arabian ber, grasses, and cultivated land. Soils vary from
Sea, near Bharuch in Gujarat. The stream flow data used in black to mixed red soils. Nearly 65% of the catch-
the study relate to River Narmada at Banjar at Bamhani, ment area is covered with forest. Agricultural crops
Manot, Burhner at Mohgaon, and Shakkar at Gadarwara as are grown over 29% of the area and the remaining
shown in Figure 1 and described briefly as follows: area comes under degraded lands and water bod-
ies. The soils in the area are characterized as black
(a) Banjar catchment: The River Banjar is a trib- grey, red, and yellow colours, often mixed with red
utary of the river Narmada and its catchment and black alluvium and ferruginous red gravel or
is geographically located in the Mandla district, lateritic soils. These soils are commonly known as
between 21◦ 65 55 N and 22◦ 29 00 N latitudes and black soils.
80◦ 22 00 E and 81◦ 00 00 E longitudes. The water- (b) Manot catchment: The Narmada catchment up to
shed covers an area of 2542 km2 and it is situated Manot lies between the north latitudes 22◦ 26 to
in the eastern part of Madhya Pradesh. The cli- 23◦ 18 and east longitudes 80◦ 24 to 81◦ 47 . The
mate of the Mandla district is characterized by a length of the river Narmada from its origin up to
hot summer and general dryness, except during the Manot is about 269 km, with a drainage area of
southwest monsoon season. The climate of the basin 4884 km2 . The catchment is covered by forest and
can be classified into sub-tropical and sub-humid, its topography is hilly. Its elevation ranges from
with an average annual rainfall of 1178 mm. About 450 m near the Manot site to 1110 m in the upper
90% of the annual rainfall is received during the part of the catchment. It has a continental type of cli-
monsoon season (June–October). The estimates of mate, classified as sub-tropical and sub-humid, with
72 S.K. Mishra et al.

an average annual rainfall of 1596 mm. It is very comprises both flat and undulating lands covered
hot in summer and cold in winter. Over the major with forest and cultivated lands. Soils are mainly
part of the catchment, the soils are red, yellow, red and yellow silty loam and silty clay loam. For-
and medium black, with a shallow to very shallow est and agricultural lands share nearly 58% and 42%
depth. In some small pockets of plain land, soils are of the catchment area, respectively.
moderately deep and of a dark grayish clay type. (d) Shakkar catchment: The Shakkar river rises in
Approximately 52% of the catchment area is under the Satpura range, east of the Chhindi village,
cultivation, about 35% under forest, and 13% under
(c) Burhner catchment: The Burhner river rises in the
Maikala range, south-east of the Gwara village in
the Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh, at an eleva-
tion of about 900 m at north latitude 22◦ 32 and east
longitude 81◦ 22 . It flows in a westerly direction
for a total length of 177 km to join the Narmada
near Manot. Its catchment area up to Mohegoan is
about 3978 km2 . The elevation at Mohegoan gaug-
ing site drops to 509 m. The climate of the basin
can be classified into sub-tropical and sub-humid
with an average annual rainfall of 1547 mm. The
evapotranspiration varies from 4 mm/day in win-
ter to 10 mm/day in summer. The catchment area
Figure 4. Ordered daily runoff data for determination of CN for
three wetness condition for Manot catchment.

Figure 5. CN variation with rainfall duration (≥1 day).

Figure 2. Ordered daily runoff data for determination of CN for
three wetness condition for Banjar catchment.

Figure 6. Ordered daily runoff data for determination of CN for

Figure 3. CN variation with rainfall duration (≥1 day). three wetness condition for Burhner catchment.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 73

Chhindwara district, Madhya Pradesh, at an ele- season. The normal annual rainfall is 1192.1 mm.
vation of about 600 m at latitude 22◦ 23 N and The normal maximum temperature received dur-
longitude 78◦ 52 E. The watershed covers 2220 km2 ing the month of May is 42.5◦ C and the minimum
area. The climate of the basin is generally dry, during the month of January is 8.2◦ C. Soils are
except in the southwest and during the monsoon mainly clayey to loamy in texture, with calcare-
season. The southwest monsoon starts from the ous concretions invariably present. They are sticky
middle of June and lasts until the end of Septem- and in summer, due to shrinkage, develop deep
ber. October and up to the middle of November cracks. They generally predominate in montmoril-
constitute the post monsoon or retreating monsoon lonite and beidellite type of clays. Over the rest
of the alluvial areas, there are mixed clays, black
to brown to reddish brown in colour, derived from
sandstones. Traps are observed, which are sandy
clay in nature, with calcareous concretions. Near
the banks of the rivers and at the confluence, light
yellow to yellowish brown soils are noticed, which

Table 1. Estimation of design 1-day rainfall (mm), CN, and

runoff (Q) values for dry condition.

Curve Number (CN)

Return Rainfall Qo Qc
period (yr) (LP-III) LP-III G LN (LP III) (LP III)
Figure 7. CN variation with rainfall duration (≥1 day).
Banjar catchment
2 77.20 76.34 74.79 75.39 34.62 26.94
5 120.56 81.00 82.17 80.94 62.46 70.17
10 155.83 83.03 87.06 84.00 89.76 107.20
25 208.71 84.89 93.24 87.39 138.01 162.82
50 254.71 85.93 97.83 89.65 186.83 210.81
100 306.86 86.76 102.38 91.74 249.67 264.79
200 366.11 87.43 106.91 93.69 330.42 325.67
Manot catchment
2 105.46 82.40 87.76 88.13 60.12 99.30
5 131.37 88.79 91.56 90.95 99.44 124.36
10 148.05 91.90 94.08 92.46 124.21 137.44
25 168.79 95.01 97.27 94.09 153.79 151.01
50 184.06 96.91 99.63 95.16 174.69 159.44
100 199.24 98.54 101.97 96.13 194.79 166.75
200 214.46 99.96 104.31 97.04 214.35 173.16
Burhner catchment
Figure 8. Ordered daily runoff data for determination of CN for 2 112.14 86.53 85.94 86.52 103.17 75.56
three wetness condition for Shakkar catchment. 5 137.06 92.26 92.44 91.23 127.89 114.34
10 157.63 94.77 96.75 93.79 146.87 142.01
25 188.54 97.57 102.20 96.60 173.90 181.17
50 215.43 98.43 106.24 98.46 196.40 210.63
100 245.96 98.74 110.25 100.16 221.03 242.09
200 280.76 99.93 114.24 101.74 248.15 280.48
Shakkar catchment
2 84.91 78.28 77.85 78.23 53.60 35.50
5 131.55 81.07 81.79 81.06 82.50 80.04
10 166.98 82.55 84.39 82.58 120.00 116.27
25 216.87 84.13 87.68 84.23 178.00 168.36
50 257.80 85.15 90.13 85.31 225.80 211.34
100 301.99 86.08 92.55 86.30 276.50 257.73
200 349.83 86.93 94.97 87.21 297.40 307.82

Notes: LP-III = Log Pearson type III, G = Gumble, LN = Log

Normal distribution, Qo = Observed runoff, Qc = Computed
Figure 9. CN variation with rainfall duration (≥1 day). runoff.
74 S.K. Mishra et al.

were deposited during the recent past. These soils decrease, because of the longer time available for water loss
are clayey to silty in nature. in the watershed, and vice versa. It is apparent from these
figures that for all the three wetness conditions, the Manot
catchment exhibits the highest CN-values, and the others
Results and discussion for normal condition show only a little difference, indicat-
Development of CN-duration relationship ing that the Manot catchment is the highest runoff-producing
Using the whole set of daily data available and filtered for catchment. It is consistent with the physical characteristics
C > 1 as stated earlier, 1-day CN values were derived for for all others and is dominated by forest land, whereas the
different wetness conditions as shown in Figures 2, 4, 6, Manot catchment by agricultural land.
and 8 for the Banjar, Manot, Burhner, and Shakkar catch-
ments, respectively. Similarly, CN-values for 2 days, 3
days, 4 days, etc. were derived from 2 daily, 3 daily, 4
daily, P–Q series, respectively. The CN values derived for
different wetness conditions and durations are plotted in Fig-
ures 3, 5, 7, and 9, for the respective catchments. As shown
in the figures, the CN values decay almost exponentially as
the duration increases. The derived pattern is consistent with
the notion that as the rain duration increases, the CN values

Table 2. Standard error for 1-day rainfall and runoff.

Rainfall (mm) Runoff (mm)

period (yr) LP-III G LN LP-III G LN

Banjar catchment
2 15.23 14.26 13.81 8.70 10.98 9.87
5 18.58 24.00 17.50 11.76 18.49 13.32
10 20.72 32.42 20.54 14.25 24.97 15.78
25 23.33 43.71 23.66 17.95 33.66 19.21
50 25.21 52.30 26.16 21.14 40.28 21.46
100 27.05 60.92 28.15 24.75 46.92 24.63
200 28.87 69.58 30.20 28.82 53.59 27.57
Manot catchment
2 18.32 8.21 14.84 14.39 8.18 14.14
5 22.20 13.83 16.57 16.16 13.77 16.13
10 24.59 18.67 17.58 17.04 18.60 17.30
25 27.45 25.17 18.74 17.91 25.08 18.67
50 29.48 30.12 19.54 18.44 30.01 19.62
100 31.44 35.09 20.28 18.89 34.96 20.52
200 33.36 40.07 20.99 19.28 39.93 21.38
Burhner catchment
2 21.50 8.86 15.60 14.60 8.37 14.90
5 22.89 14.92 17.15 16.29 14.09 16.48
10 23.72 20.15 18.04 17.52 19.02 17.41
25 24.70 27.17 19.06 19.19 25.65 18.46
50 25.39 32.51 19.76 20.49 30.69 19.18
100 26.05 37.87 20.40 21.85 35.75 19.85
200 26.68 43.25 21.01 23.27 40.83 20.49
Shakkar catchment
2 16.77 14.66 13.60 10.88 4.71 6.61
5 20.54 24.68 16.94 13.60 7.93 9.01
10 22.92 33.33 19.06 16.55 10.71 10.65
25 25.83 44.93 21.66 20.38 14.44 12.75
50 27.92 53.77 23.53 23.14 17.28 14.33
100 29.95 62.63 25.35 25.79 20.13 15.93
200 31.95 71.53 27.15 26.93 22.99 17.55

Notes: LP-III = Log Pearson type III, G = Gumble, LN = Log Figure 10. Design curve number for (a) wet, (b) normal, and (c)
Normal distribution, CN = Curve Number. dry condition and different return periods for Banjar catchment.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 75

Determination of design CNs employed for the derivation of the design CN-values,
To enhance the field utility of the CN-methodology, corresponding to different return periods. The results are
CN values for three wetness conditions were derived shown in Tables 1 and 2, for example, for dry condi-
for three durations, namely, 1 day, 2 days, and 3 days, tions. Based on the minimum standard error (Table 2)
for each year and for all the four catchments sepa-
rately. For a given duration and wetness condition, the
annual CN-series was derived for each catchment. Then,
LN, Gumbel (G), and LPIII frequency distributions were

Figure 11. Computed and observed runoff for different wetness Figure 12. Design curve number for (a) wet, (b) normal, and (c)
conditions and return periods. dry condition and different return periods for Manot catchment.
76 S.K. Mishra et al.

of rainfall and runoff and CN < 100 (Table 1) criteria, notion that CN in the existing methodology increases
the results of LPIII distribution were adopted. It is seen as the AMC level changes from AMC I (dry) to AMC
from Table 1 that, for a given return period, as the dura- III (wet).
tion increases, the quantum CN-value decreases, and vice
versa. Alternatively for a given duration, the reverse trend
is apparent with the return period. Similarly, for a given Validation
return period and duration, as the degree of wetness pro- For validation, the above design CN-values for all three
gresses from dry to wet, then the design CN-values also wetness conditions were used in the SCS-CN equation
increases. The last inference is consistent with the general (Equation (1)) for determination of a design runoff from the
rainfall of the same return period and duration. This design
runoff, termed as the computed design runoff (Q-computed),
was compared with the conventionally derived design

Figure 13. Computed and observed runoff for different wetness Figure 14. Design curve number for (a) wet, (b) normal, and (c)
conditions and return periods. dry condition and different return periods for Burhner catchment.
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 77

runoff (termed as observed runoff, Q-observed), for the respectively. It is seen from the results that for a given
same return period, from the observed annual maxi- duration, the Q-computed is generally quite close to the
mum runoff series, employing the same LPIII distribution. Q-observed for all return periods and for all catchments.
The computed runoff values for different return periods, These design CN values can be useful in the field for estima-
durations, and wetness conditions (Table 1) are plot- tion of the design flood, using the unit hydrograph approach,
ted against the corresponding observed design runoff in for the basins requiring a storm duration of the order of 1,
Figures 10(a)–(c), 12(a)–(c), 14(a)–(c), and 16(a)–(c) for 2, and/or 3 days.
the Banjar, Manot, Burhner, and Shakkar catchments,
respectively. Both Q-observed and Q-computed (for differ-
ent wetness conditions) runoff values for different durations
and return periods are compared through a line of perfect
fit in Figures 11(a)–(c), 13(a)–(c), 15(a)–(c), and 17(a)–(c)
for the Banjar, Manot, Burhner and Shakkar catchments,

Figure 15. Computed and observed runoff for different wetness Figure 16. Design curve number for (a) wet, (b) normal, and (c)
conditions and return periods. dry condition and different return periods for Shakkar catchment.
78 S.K. Mishra et al.

and vice versa. For a given wetness condition and dura-

tion, the CN value increases as the return period increases.
This study will be very helpful for hydrologists and
engineers engaged in flood forecasting, looking for suit-
able sites for hydro-electric plant, etc. and also for soil

Notes on contributors
Dr S.K. Mishra received an M.Tech degree in Civil engi-
neering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
India, in 1985; and a PhD degree in Hydrology from Uni-
versity of Roorkee, India, in 1999. He is currently an
Associate Professor in the Department of Water Resource
Development and Management, IIT Roorkee and has 8
years of postgraduate level teaching experience in univer-
sity and 17 years of research experience. He is carrying out
research work in the field of rainfall-runoff, sediment yield,
water quality modelling using SCS-CN concept, reservoir
operation, river meandering, dam break analysis, and infil-
tration. He has published more than 100 research papers
in refereed journals, conference and workshop proceed-
ings, and edited books. He is a member of the International
Association of Hydrological Sciences, Institution of Engi-
neers (India), Indian Association of Hydrologists, Indian
Water Resources Society (Roorkee), and Board of Advisors
(ψ-fronts – Multiple Sciences journal) Jabalpur.
Sarita Gajbhiye received her B.Tech degree in Agricul-
tural engineering in 2007 and her M.Tech degree in
Soil and water engineering in 2009, both from the Col-
lege of Agricultural Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi
Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Jabalpur (MP). She is currently a
PhD student in the Department of Water Resource Devel-
opment and Management, IIT, Roorkee (UK) India. Her
current research interests include geographical informa-
tion systems, rainfall-runoff sediment yield modelling, and
Dr Ashish Pandey received M.Tech and PhD degrees from
the College of Agricultural Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru
Krishi Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Jabalpur and IIT Kharagpur
India, in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Presently, he is teach-
ing as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Water
Resource Development and Management, IIT Roorkee and
Figure 17. Computed and observed runoff for different wetness has 10 years of teaching and research experience. He is car-
conditions and return periods. rying out research work in the field of RS and GIS applica-
tions in hydrology, soil and water conservation engineering,
and irrigation water management. He has published more
than 50 papers in national and international journals. He
Conclusions has published around 100 research papers in refereed jour-
The design runoff values derived from design storm and nals, conference and workshop proceedings. He is a member
design CN-values are generally quite close to the conven- of International Society of Soil and Water Conservation
tionally derived design runoff for a given rain duration. (Beijing), International Society of Hydrological Sciences
For a given duration, as the wetness level (wet through (UK), Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Dehradun),
dry) decreases, the CN value decreases, and for a given Indian Association of Hydrologist (Roorkee), Indian Asso-
AMC, as the duration increases, the CN value decreases, ciation of Soil and Water Conservationist (Dehradun),
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 79

Indian Society of Technical Education (New Delhi), Insti- Nigeria. Sci Res Essay. 4(6):636–646. Available from:
tution of Engineers (India), and Soil Conservation Society www.academicjournals.org/SRE
of India, New Delhi. Izinyon OC, Ihimekpen N, Igbinoba GE. 2011. Flood frequency
analysis of Ikpoba River catchment at Benin City using log
Pearson type III distribution. J Emerg Trends Eng Appl Sci.
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