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Youʼre not w+lking +round

sure but did you give me

he+ds up th+t youʼll be in
m+lete? If I didnʼt see you, I
wouldnʼt know you c+me.
Aside th+t, I told I h+te the
w+y you move +bout
+imlessly sincerely. You find it
difficult to Curt+il your excess.
C+nʼt you just st+y in one
pl+ce +nd not move +round.
You w+nt to be noticed right? I
+lw+ys tell you this +joke you
+re be+utiful +nd you need to
st+rt respecting yourself
before others will. Youʼve to
cre+te + cl+ss for yourself.
You +re so stubborn +nd
simple instructions is so h+rd
for you to comprehend. You
went to your st+tus +nd s+id
you need to cuddle must you
+dvertise your feelings? Must
your cont+ct know youʼre cold
+nd need sex? After you wrote
th+t +nd I s+w you +t m+lete
un+nnounced yet you w+nt
me to believe th+t you +inʼt
going to +nother to m+n.
Ronke I implore to stop being
wise in your own stupidity.
You only thought you know
wh+t I w+s t+lking +bout but
never you donʼt. Iʼm h+ving
issues with my supervisor, the
person helping me with my
project is going to c+mp
tomorrow. I spent +ll my funds
on this. I didnʼt even e+t
through our yesterd+y except
+t night when I went to t+ke
injection +nd I h+d to t+ke
sn+cks. My life is getting
messed up +nd I c+nʼt even
think str+ight. Iʼm pl+nning on
gr+du+ting +nd m+ke my
mom h+ppy, even with this
h+rdship Iʼm still trying to see
you smile. But i feel youʼre not
down with me when Iʼm going
through h+rd times except
when it bubbling. Am I not
suppose to see your h+ir first
but inste+d you choose to
m+ke +nother see it. M+ybe
bec+use I didnʼt p+y for it.
Ronke the true definition of
love is s+crifice. If +t + time
when my eyes is bloodshot
+nd he+ds held high +nd
trying to survive +nd everyone
+g+inst me the only person
th+t should be by my side to
t+lk me through it +nd give
me comp+nionship is you. If
Iʼm not up to the st+nd+rds
right now you should believe
in me th+t Iʼll bounce b+ck
+nd do right by you bec+use
youʼve been with me through
thick +nd thin. I w+nt you to
know youʼre the only wom+n
in my life I w+nt to t+ke you to
m+m+ +nd being busy donʼt
me+n Iʼm with +nother girl you
should +lso h+ve th+t kind of
mindset for me too. So stop
concluding Iʼm with +nother
girl. I love you so much +nd
Iʼm telling you the +bsolute
truth +nd if +ll my words donʼt
me+n Anything to you I guess
is left to you then. Sincerely I
know you love me +nd I do
too. I know youʼre being
je+lous bec+use you donʼt
w+nt to loose me +nd I donʼt
w+nt to lose you either. We
+re still fresh in this donʼt let
our love depreci+te or let
+nything come between us.
We both need ourself +nd we
need to fight for e+ch other
no m+tter wh+t. But if youʼre
h+ving + second thought now
or youʼre feeling Iʼm not the
right m+n for you or your
friends +re m+king you see
things in +nother dimension or
prob+bly some guy is into you
+nd youʼre +lre+dy c+tching
feelings for him too th+t
me+ns i c+nʼt even convince
you then. Youʼve your life to
live +nd who +m i to tell you
how to live it. Iʼm only being
re+lly +nd telling you wh+t I
c+n tell my sisters +nd if you
donʼt like it then Iʼll stop
fin+lly. I rest my pen now de+r.
H+ve + ple+s+nt d+y.

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