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Scot Crum Band Methods

Rocky Road High School Band Program

Classroom Management:
To be in Band is an incredible opportunity and privilege for all students. The student is
responsible for their own actions and behavior when conducting themselves on any independent
school districts premises. Students may not be adjusted to the certain requirement of performance
behaviors that are required in a band setting, and should be willing to abide by these rules. If the
student is not willing to learn the proper behaviors this may cause multiple distractions and deter
the band from always performing at its best. Each instance of students disobeying these rules,
regulations, and performance techniques will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Classroom Expectations.
Students are expected to:
a. Show up to their respected classes and rehearsals in a timely manner before the rehearsal
starts (Those that have conflicts will be asked and we will figure out the details of that
students time conflicts.).
b. Always have their equipment and music, every day, and every rehearsal.
c. Not speak out if turn in rehearsals.
d. Keeping hands, and other body parts to themselves,
e. Students must behave outside of the band hall with the same expectations that hey have
in it (as a band member you are representing more than yourself, you’re representing an
entire program).
f. Respecting all instructors and students at all times.
g. Keep electronic devices on silent/off during class time.
- No electronic devices are allowed during rehearsal/class time

1. Verbal Warning.
- Students that are a first offender will be called into the office and given a verbal
warning for their actions.
2. Phone Call to Guardian.
- For a second offense, the students will be sent home with a written note saying detailing
the specifics of the student’s misbehavior
3. Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference.
- For a third time offense, the student’s parent will be called and we will set up a time to
talk about the student’s behavior.
4. Principle/Administrative Conference
- For students that are a fourth time offender, the administration, parents, and director
will be the deciding factors in the consequences of the students actions.
Scot Crum Band Methods

The Rocky Road High School Band program has a ZERO

tolerance policy. We will not excuse or dismiss any misuse or illegal use
of substances and drugs. Any use of illegal drugs or alcohol on or off
campus at a school-sponsored activity will result in the searching of
student’s belongings and will be reported to the proper authorities.

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