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SwiftBites Swift Cheat Sheet

Variables and Constants Strings and Characters Control Flow

var myImplicitInteger = 7 var concatenate = "Wi" + "Fi" // WiFi var count = 1
var myImplicitDouble = 7.0 var empty = "Wi".isEmpty // false while count < 4 { // while loop
var myImplicitBoolean = true var interpolate = "Age:\(4)" // Age:4 count++
var myExplicitString:String = "hi" var initial:Character = "A" // A }
let myIntegerConstant = 7 var unicodeHeart = "\u{2665}" // ♥
let level = 7 // switch statement
Comments for character in "Hello".characters { switch level {
print(character) case 1...4: print("Beginner")
// single line comment
} default: print("Expert")
/* multiple line
comment */
var amount = "4 kgs"
amount.insert("2",atIndex:0) // 24 kgs Functions and Closures
Tuples amount.removeAtIndex(1) // 2 kgs
func greetFriend(name:String) {
var month = (7, "July")
print("Hi, \(name)!")
var monthNumber:Int = month.0 let country = "New Zealand"
var monthName:String = month.1 country.hasPrefix("New") // true
greetFriend("Maria") // Hi, Maria!
country.hasSuffix("land") // true
greetFriend("John") // Hi, John!
var favoriteAnimal:String? = "penguin" Classes and Structures
favoriteAnimal = nil var myArray:[Int] = [4, 5, 6]
class Point {
var x = 1, y = 3
Operators myArray.count // 3
func sum() -> Int {
myArray.isEmpty // false
var x = 10, y = 3 return x + y
var addition = x + y // 13 }
var mySet:Set = [9, 7, 8]
var subtraction = x - y // 7 }
var multiplication = x * y // 30 var pointA = Point() // New instance
mySet.insert(5) // 9, 5, 7, 8
var division = x / y // 3 var pointB = pointA // Reference
mySet.sort() // 5, 7, 8, 9
var remainder = x % y // 1 pointB.x = 17 // 17
var greaterThan = x > y // true pointA.x // 17
var myDictionary = [1:"A", 2:"B"]
var lessThan = x < y // false pointA.sum() // 20
var equal = x == y // false myDictionary.keys // 1, 2
var notEqual = x != y // true struct Shape {
myDictionary.values // A, B
var not = !true // false var width = 0, height = 0
var and = true && false // false }
Control Flow
var or = true || false // true var shapeA = Shape(width:2, height:3)
for value in myArray { // for-in loop var shapeB = shapeA
var ternary = x < y ? "L" : "G" // G total += value shapeB.width = 27 // 27
var nilCoalesce = nil ?? "N" // N } shapeA.width // 2 (value type)


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