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1. aboard:
 On or into (a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicles):
They crossed the sea Mediterranean aboard a ship to reach the smell of hope.

2. About:
 On the subject of, concerning so as to affect:
Caring about one another able to make the change.
Be grateful about all things that make your life better.
Life is all about having a dream.
 British- Used to indicate movement within a particular area:
I seek about the classroom for something that I don't know.
 British- Used to express location in a particular place:
Until I found my homework paper scatter about the area of the rear door.
 Used to describe a quality apparent in a person:
His insistence on his dream comes from his passionate about the things he does.
3. Above:
 In extended space over and not touching:
A dense cloudy creep above the mountains.
 Extending upwards over:
I put my briefcase over my head and my arms above it to protect me from the rain.
 Higher than and to one side of; overlooking:
I haven't believed my trip until I saw the docked ships above the sea.
 At a higher level or layer than:
The eye never rises above the eyebrow.
 Higher in grade or rank than:
The IELTS exam required an English level above B2 as a minimum to ensure your
capability in the basic skills.
 In preference to:
Even with fatigue. You must put your future above your comfort.
 At a higher volume or pitch than:
I raise the voice of singing only to cover up above this noise sweeping my head.
 Higher than (a specified amount, rate, or norm):
I cannot imagine any task that can afford a higher degree of boredom above this kind
of homework.

4. Across:
 From one side to the other of (a place, area, etc.):
For each use, tens of silly sentences ran across millions of synapses in my mind.
 Expressing position or orientation:
Even more, a highly complicated chemical reaction happens across a tiny gap between
neurons and the synapses for just many useless sentences.
5. After:
 In the time following (an event or another period of time):
‘Use ' after ' use ', all my motivation just goes down.
 In phrases indicating something happening continuously or repeatedly:
Week after week, I only have to spend more and more time on this kind of homework.
 North American Past (used in specifying a time):
I only have this, which keeps me up until fifteen after two.
 During the time following the departure or action of:
I take care of fixing my bad mood after I leave this to take a break.
 Behind:
I am just wondering about the circuits after this plastic cover that perform this
phenomenon called PC.
 In pursuit or quest of:
I am now pursuing after even the half number of prepositions requests.
 Next to and following in order or importance:
Homework comes logically after spiritual health, but for the reason that makes the
challenge come first of all, it makes me in a locked circle.
 In allusion to (someone or something with the same or a related name):
I have no idea who I am named after him.

6. Along:
 Moving in a constant direction on (a more or less horizontal surface):
I keep checking out along this list of sentences to avoid any probable mistake.
 Used to refer to the passage of time or the making of progress:
Breaks delay going further along the time doing this.
 Extending in a more or less horizontal line on:
I was doing this when I was lying along the bed.

7. Amid:
 Surrounded by; in the middle of:
My own dream is to be amid a storm inside an unbreakable glass shack.
 In an atmosphere or against a background of:
My voice was lost amid this high noise.

8. Anti:
 Opposed to; against. Informal :
I am definitely anti every single unit of this education system.

9. As:
 Used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has:
I can just consider this type of work as a waste of time.
 During the time of being, (the thing specified):
It was the most uninspiring thing I have ever done as a student.
10. Before:
 During the period of time preceding (a particular event or time):
I have to think before writing. I have to finish before moving. I have to move before
 In front of:
All the progress you've been waiting for was happening before my eyes.
 In front of and required to answer to (a court of law, tribunal, or other
I have no accusation that requires me to appear before the court.
 In preference to; rather than:
Finishing this puts it before any desire for me to take advantage of it.

11. Below:
 At a lower level or layer than:
The blood pressure that occurs below my cerebral cortex in front of the pressure of
work and the acceleration of time.
 Lower in grade or rank than:
Our desire to discriminate is what makes us hate to stay in a lower position below our
 Lower than (a specified amount or standard):
I don't have much time to formulate below than twenty uses for different prepositions
in one hour.
 Extending underneath:
The water is playing below my legs.

12. Beside:
 At the side of; next to:
I have fragmented my computer screen in the half so that the Web browser is on the
left beside the text editor on the right.
 Compared with:
Beside other homework, this remains the most confusing among them.
 In addition to; apart from:
They have assigned us to do this work beside other works that seem more difficult.

13. But:
 except; apart from; other than:
I deal with all the prepositions but ones, which carries a lot of uses.
 Used with repetition of certain words to give emphasis:
Nobody, but nobody, was able to treat some prepositions that up to twenty-one uses
like (by) in a situation requires forty prepositions.

14. Concerning:
 On the subject of or in connection with; about:
I carry a lot of ambiguity concerning the utilitarian of this kind of business.
 Considering; Taking into consideration:
Considering the time left, I will take this as a simple example of this use as usual.
15. Despite:
 Without being affected by; in spite of:
They are still studying despite the hopeless future.

16. Down:
 From a higher to a lower point of (something):
All Facebook users keep getting down an infinity of publications without any
consciousness or control.
 At or to the part of (a river or stream) that is nearer the sea:
I don't imagine having anything that could arouse my curiosity down the valley
 Moving or at a point further along the course of (something):
I was walking down the aisle before the lesson started.
 informal At or to (a place):
My imagination often prompts me to live down a country where I have not been born.
 Throughout (a period of time):
Study down hours.

17. During:
 Throughout the course or duration of (a period of time):
No progress during the study session.
 At a particular point in the course of:
An unexpected interruption during this period.

18. Except:
 Not including; other than:
Most online dictionaries only offer different meanings to words without mentioning
uses except Oxford Dictionary.

19. Excluding :
 Not taking someone or something into account; except:
Higher education guarantees you the future excluding the job.

20. Following :
 Coming after or as a result of:
The unemployment is the normal state following the university studies in
underdeveloped countries.

21. Minus:
 With the subtraction of:
Ninety-three minus seven is eighty-six.
 [informal] Lacking; deprived of:
He was graduated minus the lowest level of culture.
 (Of temperature) below zero by:
The boiling point of liquid nitrogen is minus 195.79 degrees Celsius.
22. Onto:
 Moving to a location on the surface of:
Birds glide onto the facade of solar panels.
 Moving aboard (a public service vehicle) with the intention of travelling in it:
Moving onto the bus.
 Mathematics; Expressing the relationship of a set to its image under a mapping
when every element of the image set has an inverse image in the first set:
An element from the group B has the projection element onto the element from other

23. Opposite:
 In a position on the other side of a specific area from; facing.:
The only thing that sits opposite me is, of course, my computer.
 (of a leading actor) in a complementary role to (another):
A rising star opposite an outstanding actor.

24. Outside:
 Situated or moving beyond the confines or boundaries of:
He's a very lucky person who lived outside this country.
 Not being a member of (a particular group):
Whoever deserves a position is outside the political commission here.
 Beyond the limits or scope of:
Working outside the limit of endurance makes him fall to the level of negligence.

25. Per:
 For each (used with units to express a rate):
I spend 3 to 5 min per sentence example.
 Archaic By means of:
Send it per mail.

26. Plus:
 With the addition of:
I just got a dull feeling plus the lost time.
 Informal Together with:
I have reached 27 prepositions plus 23 prepositions uncompleted yet.
 (Of temperature) above zero:
The weather is not less than plus 10 degrees throughout the day.

27. Regarding :
 In respect of; concerning :
Regarding my desire to complete, a coincidence such as these prepositions constantly
with a single use makes me more comfortable.

28. Save :
 literary, formal ;Except; other than:
I didn't see any new in the list of prepositions save this one.
29. Since:
 In the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under
consideration, typically the present:
Now I feel better with the 30 prepositions since I have been started on this deal.

30. Than:
 Introducing the second element in a comparison:
If they did all the uses for each preposition, I assure that there is no one who drafted
fewer sentences than me.
 Used in expressions introducing an exception or contrast:
Nothing has kept me awake until now other than this.

31. Underneath:
 Situated directly below (something else):
Forty prepositions will be written underneath each other.
 So as to be concealed by (something else):
Now, the bribes are being delivered openly ... There is no need for anything to be
hidden underneath it.
 Partly or wholly concealed by (a garment):
His sweat is clear underneath his clothes from the intensity of fatigue.

32. Unlike:
 Different from; not similar to:
The preposition 'unlike' is unlike any other prepositions treated before.
 In contrast to; differently from:
Unlike the moment of the end, it's the only moment you feel relaxed.
 Uncharacteristic of (someone):
from day to day, unusual behaviours become a part of me, which was unlike me.

33. Until:
 Up to (the point in time or the event mentioned):
I will not sleep until the last preposition.

34. Up:
 From a lower to a higher point of (something):
he has cruised up the sea level.
 To a higher part of (a river or stream), away from the sea:
I have no curiosity to sail up the River Nile.
 Along or further along (a street or road):
He celebrated a party up the bridge.
 informal At or to (a place):
the blood went up the head.

35. Upon:
 more formal term for on, especially in abstract senses:
He took all responsibility upon himself.
36. Versus:
 Against (especially in sporting and legal use):
I have no interest in sports to talk about one team versus another.
 As opposed to; in contrast to:
Great effort versus negligible interest.

37. Via :
 Travelling through (a place) ; route to a destination:
Many cerebral orders pass via the Backbone’s marrow.
 By way of; through:
These commands are branching via a complex network of neural pathways.
 By means of:
Its transmission is carried out via the neurotransmitter that carries a small amount of
electrical charge.

38. Without :
 In the absence of :
Here I have reached the end without any awake.
 Not having the use or benefit of:
The first person finishes boring work without any stimulus.
 often with verbal noun In circumstances in which the action mentioned does
not happen:
Reaching the end without paying attention is cruel to me.
 Archaic, literary Outside:
Now, the barbarians without history.

39. Towards: (written on the paperwork)

40. Past: (written on the paperwork)

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