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Emotional Freedom Technique

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What is EFT? ............................................................................. 4

How Does it Work? ................................................................... 5

What is the Principle? ...............................................................7

Negative Feelings – How do they Form?................................9

The Recipe…………………………………………………………………………………11

STEP ONE: The Setup ............................................................ 12

The Sore Spot/Karate Chop…………………………………………………13

STEP TWO: The Sequence ..................................................... 14

STEP THREE: The 9 Gamut Procedure .................................. 15

STEP 4: Repeat the Sequence ..................................................17

What if it Doesn’t Work? ........................................................18

About Manifestyourheartsdesire…………………………………………21

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What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It works to free us

from both physical and emotional pain and relieve chronic conditions
and negative mental patterns by unblocking energy pathways or

Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most

physical pains and diseases.

EFT can eliminate beliefs that we adopted due to conditioning from our
parents, teachers, society etc that aren't necessarily serving us for
the good. E.g. Depression runs in our family, You have to work hard to
make money, I don’t deserve to be happy, No-one in our family is
successful - does any of that sound familiar? Do you want to live the
life of those adopted beliefs? Surely it would be better to have your
own beliefs that serve you and allow your true self to shine.

EFT can be used to implement new goals and help you achieve what you
want out of life.

While some people require several sessions, others find one session of
EFT can permanently eliminate an issue they have struggled with for

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How Does it Work?

In basic terms it can be compared to acupuncture without the needles!

Acupuncture and reflexology both have their basis in energy meridians
or channels. EFT works on the same principle – that by unblocking
these energy channels we release old energy that was causing our
emotional or physical problems.

Our bodies conduct and carry electricity all the time and we have pain
sensors to let us know when we are in danger. The sense of pain
travels as fast as an electrical current up to the pain receptors in the
brain so that we can remove the source of danger wherever possible.
We need the electrical sensors in us to live and survive. Without them
we would not be able to touch, taste, smell, see or hear.
We can record these electrical patterns in several ways.
Sensors can measure the electrical pathways in our brains and hearts,
with an EEC (electroencephalograph) for the brain, or an ECG
(electrocardiograph) for the heart. These measure the currents
running through these vital organs, allowing doctors to measure and
analyze their performance and health. When the energy stops flowing
we do too - we can’t live!

Long before the advent of machines to measure this energy, Eastern

philosophers and Chinese medicine practitioners discovered these
pathways. For example, reflexology has been around since Egyptian

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The science of acupuncture is about stimulating meridian points to
counter any issue that could be caused by a break down in our body’s
electrical circuits, and acupressure is an adapted form of massage that
also stimulates various energy points or meridians to unblock negative
energy. You may not be able to physically see the energy travelling
around your body, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

For a long time Western medicine has tried to cure the physical
symptoms of disease (dis-ease) by prescribing drugs to alter the
chemistry within the physical organs. However more and more Western
medical professionals are moving back to investigating the benefits of
Eastern practices and many have implemented some of the practices as
part of their treatment programme as a complementary form of

The premise of EFT therefore is to get to the source of the original

problem or condition and break the energy circuit, thereby ensuring
that the condition does not return.

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What is the Principle?

Negative emotional experiences disrupt the energy meridians that run

through our body. The physical changes we feel from those disruptions
become attached to the memory of that experience and affect the way
we see the world…until we heal that disruption. Properly applied, EFT
quickly realigns the energy meridians with respect to negative
memories, disconnects the physical discomfort that we attached to it,
and quite often removes the resulting symptoms - allowing healing to
take place on both a conscious (mind) level and sub-conscious (body)

You do not need to psychoanalyze your feelings to be free of the

effects of them. There is no need to spend hours in counselling going
over the same thing again and again and reliving all that pain. For this
reason, EFT is a great choice of treatment for those people who are
suffering from a lot of emotional pain.
Imagine you have a nasty bruise on your leg and you go to the doctor to
have it treated. If they said to treat it you needed to press down on it
over and over again, letting the pain course through your body each
time would you feel good about that solution? That is a physical
illustration of why consistent talking over of past hurts and pain may
not be the best solution.
The focus on talking things out is why many people often get worse
when going to conventional counselling. Like the bruise analogy again- if
you keep on prodding it all you feel is more pain and it’s certainly not
going to make it feel or get better, in fact it may even embed it even
deeper! If you have read about the Law of Attraction you will know
that what you focus on gets bigger, so if you dwell on the negative side
of life, then you will keep attracting negative situations.

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In EFT language, if we are forced to relive a distressing memory over
and over again we just keep on blocking up the same disrupted circuit
and not making much progress.

Using the principles of acupuncture we apply EFT by tapping with our

fingertips on various energy points to release this energy blockage. It
is actually a very simple theory and anyone can do it once you have
learned the basic sequence. These are just some of the emotions and
conditions that EFT can be used on –

emotional challenges of different kinds

traumatic memories (PTSD)
stress management
fears and phobias
wide range of physical challenges
pain management including chronic pain
self image
personal performance
business performance
sales performance
sports performance
animal healing

All of these can be treated the same way as they are all caused by
that blocked energy circuit in your meridians.

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Negative Feelings – How they Form
The first step is when a distressing memory or emotion pops up.
Whether this is something that may be caused by perception rather
than fact doesn’t matter, everything is subjective and it’s how it feels
to YOU personally. Memories from a long time ago may actually be very
different when they are revisited and not what you thought at all! EFT
also helps to sometimes realign a distorted memory that was causing
emotional difficulties to a more acceptable or truthful interpretation
and acceptance.

The second step is the memory causes a fuzzy circuit or a disruption to

your body’s energy (as Gary Craig would say – “a zzzzzz”) which is what
leads to the negative emotion.

As we said earlier, EFT can eliminate any emotional intensity that you do
not need/want and that is limiting you in your daily life and causing
issues of any kind.

Why Tap so Much?

If we have a blockage in one meridian our clever bodies will try to cope
with the problem by moving more energy through another meridian. Our
body is constantly trying to keep us balanced and working and this can
cause strain on the other electrical circuits.
So when EFT is used to tap the blockages away, it taps on all the
meridian points to relive any other underlying issues or aspects.
By doing this the likelihood of resolving the issue greatly increases.
EFT practitioners call this the Basic Recipe. It can be applied to fine-
tune your whole body, treating the problem(s) in one session. It only
takes a few minutes of your time but can have some long lasting

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Because we most often won’t know which specific meridians are the
one’s that are blocked, EFT covers this by tapping all of the ones that
are known to cause problems. Overtapping is not harmful. It’s just
being thorough. You just need to follow the sequence in order to get
the best results.
It can take a bit of explaining and time to learn the recipe but once
mastered it can be applied as needed in under a minute. Once you’ve
mastered it there are some shortcuts you can take, but starting with
the basics is the best way forward.

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The recipe
There are four steps in the EFT recipe. Two of these are the same-
repeated to complete the process.

These are:

The Setup

The Sequence

The Nine Gamut Procedure

The Sequence (again)

So let’s get started …


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STEP ONE: The Setup
We do this by repeating an affirmation (or set up statement) three
times while rubbing a spot in your chest area known as the sore spot, or
by tapping the karate chop point.

What is the Affirmation?

It’s important that our affirmations contain only positive statements.

To counteract any blocks or chances of subconscious self-sabotage, we

need to use a positive affirmation:

Even though I have this (place issue here) I deeply and completely
accept myself.

The issue can be anything from a headache, to chronic pain, to a fear

of heights, to a struggle with weight loss. Use it for whatever the main
issue is at that time.
The order of wording doesn’t need to be identical but the positivity of
the affirmation needs to be strong and consistent. You need to both
acknowledge the problem and then create self acceptance in spite of it.
The best way to say it is with feeling, clearly and with emphasis, but
even if you just repeat it in a normal voice it still works. Saying it out
loud works best, but people have found whispering or saying it in your
head still has some effect.

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The Sore Spot
As you say the affirmation, you also need to rub the “sore spot” or tap
the karate chop point.

To find the sore spot move your finger tips to the base of your throat
just below that soft unprotected part, resting your fingers on the bone
there. Now move your fingers about ten centimetres down your chest
bone and then ten centimetres to either the left or the right. You’ll
know when you get there because pressing down on it is slightly sore.
If you press vigorously there it will hurt. It feels sore because this is a
part of your body where lymphatic congestion can occur. As you rub it,
it’s like a massage, as the congestion becomes dispersed, the soreness
goes away.
If this is an area of concern to you, such as an operation site, or a long
term chronic heart condition then you can use the karate chop tapping
point instead.

The Karate Chop Point

This is the edge of your hand you’d use to karate chop four or five
bricks in half! Vigorously tap one hand with the other as you say the
affirmation three times.

So that’s the Set up ...

Now you have all the tools it’s easy to complete the set up part of the
process. Choose an affirmation and repeat it three times as you either
rub the sore spot or tap the karate chop point. Simple!

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STEP TWO: The Sequence

This is very simple to complete. All you need to do is tap your fingers
on all the important meridian points.
You can tap with either hand, using the tips of your index and middle
fingers. Each point should be tapped around seven times as you repeat
the reminder phrase at each point. Most of the points are in existence
on both parts of the body and you can tap on either side, depending on
what you most feel comfortable doing.
The meridians that have been selected have their end points close to
the skin so are the most easily accessible.
The tapping points are as follows:

EB: at the beginning of the eyebrow

SE: at the outer side of the eyebrow on the bone outside the eye
UE: under the eyebrow on the cheek bone, right under the middle of
the eye.
UN: Under the nose and before your top lip
CH: Just below the lip and just before your chin begins.
CB: The place between where the breastbone, collarbone and first rib
UA: Under the arm level with where your nipple is (for men) or the top
of your bra strap is (for women.)
18 BN: Just under the breast, or one inch below the nipple if you are
TH: On the outside of your thumb, at the tip
IF: On the top segment of the index finger level with the base of the
fingernail, on the same side as the thumb.
MF: On the side of your middle finger, closest to the thumb and level
with the base of your fingernail.

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BF: On the side of your baby finger, closest to your thumb, at a point
level with the base of your fingernail.
(note: we don’t tap the ring finger)
KC: This is the karate chop point which we have mentioned before.
When carrying out the sequence we start at the top and work our way
down in order. Once you have done it several times it becomes easier to
remember the order automatically.
As you do this you repeat a reminder phrase during the sequence to
remind us why we are tapping and keep the issue to the front of our
minds. The reminder phrase is just a shortened version of your set up
phrase in effect, so you don’t have to repeat the full phrase on each
tapping point. So if your set up phrase was “even though I have this
severe headache, I completely and deeply accept myself” – for each of
the tapping points you could just say “severe headache” or “headache”
etc. After you have done this a few times you can slowly adjust by
finding any other blocks affecting your progress. If your headache still
persists you can use the set up statement “Even though I still have a
headache….” And use the reminder phrase “still have headache”.

STEP THREE: The 9 Gamut


The Nine Gamut Procedure is designed to make your brain reprocess

the memory or issue that you are tapping on in a different way by
integrating the left and right sides of the brain.
It can appear a little strange when you first do it, but bear with it, it
has a logical explanation!
You use both counting and singing as these engage both sides of the
brain ie the creative side and the mathematical/logical side. You also
need to do several different eye movements. These also help to
reprocess the memory.

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The process is as follows:

1. close eyes

2. open eyes

3. move eyes hard down to your right

4. move eyes hard down to your left

5. roll eyes clockwise

6. roll eyes counter clockwise

7. Hum the first line of a song (eg Happy Birthday)

8. count to five fast out loud

9. Hum the first line of the song again

This process improves the effectiveness and only takes ten seconds.
While it may be prudent to temper the volume of your singing in a
public place, and your movements may make a few eyebrows rise, it is
well worth giving it a shot!
It is best to do this in strict order, but as long as you do the last three
steps in that order the others can be mixed round a little.
So now you have the process it’s easy.
You do the sequence; take a break with the nine gamut, then repeat the
sequence again to complete the recipe.

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STEP 4: Repeat the Sequence

Why do we repeat the sequence? By repeating the phrase and the

sequence we consolidate the learning.
We can apply this recipe for any need we may have. However you do
need to focus on a specific problem for it to be effective. If you make
it too general, then it’s not going to be as effective or noticeable.
One way to gauge how effective it has been is to rate yourself on how
severe the issue or pain is before you start – for example a pain of 7
out of 10. Do the process as many times as you need to, to see if you
can get it to a 2 out of 10, or whatever relief is acceptable to you.

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What if it Doesn’t Work?

EFT works in nearly all cases when it is applied correctly. The benefit
of it is that it doesn’t hurt to try it- it’s simple and is something you
can do anywhere.

It’s a gentle solution, and around ninety seven percent of users say
they find some if not all their relief from a pain (be it emotional,
physical or spiritual) through using EFT.

If you have serious emotional or physical issues, it is best to consult

both your medical practitioners and seek out someone specialising in
EFT to help you work through the issues surrounding your disability.

The reason some people find far more success in using EFT is they use
it by keeping their statements specific and focused. The broader or
more vague the issue is tends to result in less effective results. This
is because there are always lots of “aspects” to an issue, and
sometimes all of these separate aspects will need to be tapped on too.
For example in the case of a phobia of spiders, you might tap on “even
though I am terrified of spiders…..”
But this will only have limited effect, as what you need to do is work
out the aspects of the fear, such as –

“Even though their hairy legs make me feel sick”

“Even though they run too fast and it scares me”
“Even though they are harmless they look sinister”
Etc etc etc!!
Do you see how you have to zoom in to all the finer details and tap on
those as well? If you steadfastedly work on these other aspects you
will definitely see a better result.

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Another example might be –

“Nobody has ever cared about me”

Instead of “Nobody has ever cared about me”, try something like…
“Even though my mum told me in front of my friend that I was stupid…”
“Even though my husband called me names on our fifth wedding
“Even though I was told off for crying when my dog died”

These are all contributors to the bigger issue of Nobody has ever
cared about me as they are all events that have added to your sense of
not being loved.

Often one event is linked to another and will trigger a similar reaction
in similar circumstances even though it may not be applicable, so
removing the power from it also removes the effects from later
The key to success is to be as specific as possible. If you are not
seeing results then perhaps a change in the phrases you are using may
be required. Instead of trying to correct a large global issue, start off
small. You’re far more likely to see the effects you want that way.

Sometimes a symptom can be caused by a core issue that you may not
be ready to sort or admit to. These core issues need to be addressed
for you to see success.

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There are some questions you can ask yourself to see if your issue may
have a deeper core issue affecting it:

1. When was the first time you remember feeling the same sort
of feeling?

2. What does this issue make you think about?

3. If there was a deeper issue behind this one, what do you think
it might be?

If you don’t automatically know, take a guess. It’s amazing sometimes

how we can throw some light on a previously “hidden” issue. When you
take your logical mind out of the equation and go with whatever comes
into your mind first, it can very often be quite revealing.


Since its foundation in 1995 by Gary Craig in the USA, EFT continues
to provide encouraging results, even with newcomers applying EFT to
themselves. Some cases are more complex, however, and may require a
consultation with an experienced EFT Practitioner.

"Emotional Freedom Techniques have been clinically effective, when

properly applied, in over 80% of cases EFT recipients and practitioners
achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of the

This means that there is a very good chance that through using EFT:

Copyright © 2010 www.manifestyourheartsdesire.com

You can have better physical health
You can become more emotionally free
You will be able to perform at higher levels
You will have an improved quality of life and sense of wellbeing

We all deserve to be as happy as we can!!

Thank you for reading.


Copyright © 2010 www.manifestyourheartsdesire.com


My name is Karen Rains and I’ve been a qualified complementary

therapist for 7 years now.

I love all that mind body spirit stuff, in fact I can’t get enough of it!!

I hope you find this ebook useful and informative – if you have any
further questions please contact me at

or visit my website at


for more information on me and my therapies!

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and mind body spirit stuff!


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