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the Horror Bloggers Guild
Hello fellow Horror Bloggers. My name is izombiheartzoey and I am
a Hhorror Bblogger. I have been blogging about horror movies
since the January of 2014 and have been itching to start a Horror
Bloggers community. My last day of procrastination was today and I
created this site and Facebook group to launch the Horror Blogger's
Guild. Our Mission:

 Connect horror bloggers together

 Provide a space for collaboration
 Make it easy for the internet to find Horror Blogs
 Be the one stop shop for horror promotion. Save time. Send us an email and you
get your content shared with over 20 horror blogs.

Projects: Commented [TG1]: The “Projects” section is not

necessary because you have a whole page dedicated to the
 Annual Halloween Blog Carnival Halloween Carnival
Formatted: No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not
at 0.5"
Commented [AO2]: Header image needs to be changed
to one of fair-use and to fit the header limits within
Commented [AO3]: Guild badges, to promote a more
YOUR BLOG WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IMAGES exclusive community, should be sent with an acceptance
(DON'T FOR GET TO LINK BACK TO HBG.) letter to the members with a description of what they are
and how they are to be used.

Commented [AO4]: Members list can be seen as

HBG MEMBERS discriminatory since it seems like there is a hierarchy. To
help remedy this, a table with the members would help to
make status more equal.
Acid Burns Horror Show @ABsHorrorshow
Commented [AO5]: Throughout the list, you can click on
Simple Honest Reviews various links to be taken to different blogs. However, some
will open in a new tab and others will open on the current
tab. Choosing to open on a new tab can be more helpful so
they can continue to navigate on your site. At the very least,
just choosing one way of opening the link will allow the site
to be more professional.
AND MORE @thebmovieavenger
We dig deep into the dumpsters of The Indie
world to blow the minds of our viewers and
reader. We have a passion for the obscure,
odd and uncanny. We scorn the Hollywood
thought machine and all of their denizens
and hope to overthrow some of their power
with our fight. Fav Horror Movie: Nosferatu

The Backseat Driver

Reviews @bsdriverreview
In-depth film analysis and recommendation,
with a leaning toward horror. Spoilers
included because, well, it's analysis. Fav
Horror Book: Books of Blood

Blood Red Reviews @bloodredreviews

We are a brother (DJ) and sister (Tara) who
love horror movies. Sometimes we
agree other times we throw down Freddy vs
Jason style, leaving a bloody mess. Now we
are sharing our opinions with the world.
Love us or hate us, we hope you are amused.
Fav Horror Movie: Zombieland

Broke Horror Fan: Alex @brokehorrorfan

Broke Horror Fan provides the latest horror
news and showcases movie memorabilia
new and old, doubling as the ultimate gift
guide for any genre fan. We may hurt your
wallet, but you'll be happy doing it!
Fav Scary Movie: Halloween (1987)

Casey Douglass @Casey_douglass

Dark and horror fiction from the mind of a
bleak geek, along with reviews and opinion
on anything that has a twisted thread
running through it.
Fav Horror Book: The Call Cthulhu by HP
Doom Generation: Alex
Movie Reviews for the Sublimely Weird!
Two sisters doing what they do best-
reviewing the strange and unusual- the
weirder the better!
Fav Scary Movie: Inside

Found Footage Critic:

Michael @FoundFootageFan
The world's most complete database of
found footage horror films and trailers and
home to the Found Footage Files podcast.
Read found footage movie reviews, news,
interviews on Found Footage Critic. Fav
Horror Movie: The Thing (1982)

Ginger Nuts Of Horror: Jim

Ginger Nuts of Horror primary aim is to
spread the word of great horror fiction. The
site contains some fantastic interviews with
some of horror's best writers, informative
reviews, great guest posts and a host of news
relating primarily to fiction, but also some
great films.
Fav Scary Movie: Byzantium

The Girl Who Loves Horror: Michele

The Girl Who Loves Horror consists mostly
of my reviews of horror movies, and most of
those are horror movies that I am seeing for
the first time. The blog is my place to show
my love for all genres of horror, from all
different time periods.
Fav Scary Movie: Poltergeist

Gourmet Horror: Tom @GourmetHorror

So much horror is, in a word, *bad.*
Whether it be film, television, fiction,
webisode, or music, it just leaves a bitter
taste in your mouth. This blog will attempt
to separate the wheat from the chaff, to point
the way toward the best of the best. Fav
Scary Movie: Alien
The Graveyard Machine The Graveyard Commented [AO6]: This image does not link to the blog,
Machine: Eric and the only way to get to it is through the link on the title.
Keeping the links consistent through the images promotes
"Fiction after dark..and more!" At the
professionalism and keeps the user engaged. There are a
Graveyard Machine you will find short few others that have the same problem.
stories, poems, rambings, and reviews of all
things horror! Fav. Scary Book: Sharp
Objects by Gillian Flynn

Horror Binge @horrorbinge

A website featuring reviews and features
celebrating 1980s horror movies.
Fav Scary Movie: Sleepaway Camp

The Horror Bloggers Alliance

On-Line Horror Community

Horror Cabin: David

Your daily dose of horror news. Reviews,
information, previews and trailers.
Fav Scary Movie: The Exorcist

Horror Habit : Jolie Bergman Commented [AO7]: These words are independently
(@HorrorHabitBlog) linked, which could make people think it is two different
blogs instead of just one.
Dark humor-laden and spoiler-free horror
movie reviews, and the life lessons this lady
blogger learns. Filled with movies, reviews,
and ironies Horror Habit is fun and
informative place for every type of horror

Horror Homeroom @horrorhomeroom Commented [AO8]: Refer to comment AO4

Horror Homeroom focuses on horror in all
its forms (fiction, film, TV). We review new
horror film and TV as well as posting both
sustained and briefer pieces that make the
case for what’s interesting about current and
classic horror. We also offer “Top 10 Lists”
if you’re looking for something to watch!
Interrogating Ideology With A Chainsaw:
I write about Horror Movies (and other
stuff) through the severed eyes of
Philosophy, Critical Theory, and
Feminism. IIWAC is part critical theory,
part deconstruction, and part schizoanalysis,
and completely gas powered. Fav Scary
Movie: Martyrs

Midnight Triple Feature: Adam

MTF is a podcast consisting of a couple of
long time genre fans who just enjoy talking
about movies and interacting with others
who share our interests. We also write and
record reviews of newly released
independent and direct to video horror films
and anything else that sparks our interest.
Fav Scary Movie: Texas Chainsaw

Nightmare Nook Horror Blog: Zainab Ali

Horror Entertainment

The Moon is a Dead World @rynetmiadw Commented [AO9]: The colon (:) was missed in the URL
Horror movie blog covering all of the latest so clicking on the image or title does not take the user to
the website. Ensure all links are correct so you do not
releases. Also features giveaways and lists.
accidentally offend a member of the community or detract
Occasional round table discussions are from the audience you are trying to bring to them.
hosted as well.
Fav Horror Movie: Black Christmas

Parlor of Horror Greetings, My name is Commented [AO10]: Refer to comment AO4

Mike. I am a consummate horror fan. On
PoH I review and feature; horror Movies,
horror books and novels, horror collectibles,
and horror model kits. Come join the
celebration of all things horror!
Zombie: A.Giacomi @thepoeticzombie
Poetic Zombie is a blog about my ramblings
and obsessions. I like to post music that
inspires my horror writing, samples of my
horror writing, and throwbacks to horror
films/television shows/actors that I love.
Fav Scary Movie: Evil Dead

Terrible Blog For Terrible

People: Terrible Blogger
The name really says it all. This isn't your
one stop shop for horror news cribbed from
other sites or clickbait top 10 lists, it's in
depth retrospectives of action and horror -
good and bad. Best enjoyed when bored at
work or in class. Fav Scary Movie: The
Commented [AO11]: Refer to comment AO1

Commented [AO12]: The “JOIN TODAY” above the form

is not consistent with the style of the website, we suggest
choosing a font and color for various headings and ensuring
that it is consistent through the website to show more
Commented [AO13]: Having this application embedded
into the page which makes the font difficult to read.
Changing it to be a submission form on the page (versus a
third-party add-on) allows the font to be large enough to
read as well as to make headers more apparent. We also
suggest that the number of questions be reduced to be
more inviting to future members and to ensure that
questions are not repeating information. We reduced it
down to five key questions with the full guidelines above
the submission form.
Commented [TG14]: In your site, you have the tab
Blogging Resources PageTips Page named “Tips.” It would be more helpful to users if you
named it something that does not have a correlation with
Top 4 Resources for Blog Writing the dropdown tab.

This can also confuse readers (having two correlating tabs)

One of the reasons I started Horror Blogging is because I wanted to become a better writer. So, I did by showing the reader that there might only be one page
some homework, and researched a bunch about blog writing, and movie writing and this is what I have instead of two.
come up with. First let met recommend a couple books:
All tips below are free.

Film: A Critical Introduction: This book is a film textbook that covers the basics of film and is written
from the perspective of writing about film. Between chapters are examples of several styles of film
analysis. What I liked about the book most is thatUnlike most text books I have read, it was written in a
very engaging way. Unlike most text books I have read. If you get an older, edition used edition, you
can get the book super cheap.

A Short Introduction To Writing About Film: This book focuses on well... writing about film. It’s short,
too the point, and covers the most important aspects of film writing.

Five Stars: How To Become A film Critic: This is the only book I’veive been able to find that talks about
writing movie reviews. I haven't read it but it hass finally dropped in price. I'll update this with more
info after I read the book.

2. Note taking:
There are a whole bunch of note taking apps and websites and. mMost of them work the same way. You
input some texts and it’s saved like a digital sticky note. I use Evernote to take notes while I'm Commented [TG15]: Increasing the font sizes of your
watching a movie or for when after I have finished a movie. I've written notes for almost 200 movies. web links can bring attention to your readers.
What’s great about this is that it helps me save ideas for later. Formatted: Font: 13 pt

3. Editing:
Editing is the bane of my existence. I have found a couple free tools that help with editing. Both work by
posting your text into a box on their site and letting the magic happen. I find that between these two
tools I am able to uproot most of my most common errors.

Language Tool: https://www.languagetool.org/

Paper Rater: http://www.paperrater.com/free_paper_grader

4. Time Management: Commented [TG16]: This URL is a little out dated. The
website that you are referring to is now called Habitica.
Like note taking apps, there are a bunch of time management apps out there. But the best (in my Changing this could help fix any confusions.
opinion)most fun time management site is HabiticaRPG. The site lets you create a set of daily and weekly Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: +Body
habits, and rewards you with levels and loot when you check something off as done. I use this to take (Calibri), Font color: Accent 5, Pattern: Clear
huge projects and break them down into smaller chucks. I made it to level 26 and my character is riding
Formatted: Font color: Accent 5
a dragon. Woot!
Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: +Body
(Calibri), Pattern: Clear
Social Media Marketing Tips Page
Top Social Media Marketing Tips
So you have createdwrote a blog post, now what? It's time to send your post out into the world but you
only have so much time, and there is a new social network popping up every hour. Time to automate
and save your time for doing cooler things like writing posts and juggling kittens over a flaming pit. By
automating social media posts to Ffacebook, Ggoogle+, Ttwitter, and so on, you can get your posts out
into the world with less energy and more effectively.
Again, aAll tips below are free.

How to Automate Facebook, Google+ and Twitter

The fastestd and most effective way to post to these social media sites is to use a social media manager.
Luckily, there are a couple of free sites that will cover your needs. I will focus on Bbufferapp.com and
Hootsuite.com. Both websites essentially do the same thing, but have a couple of different features. Formatted: Font: 13 pt, Font color: Accent 5

1. Bufferapp is a website (and there is a browser and phone app) that collects up to ten social media
posts, and sends the posts to your social media networks at scheduled times. So Ffor example, my
schedule is set up to post on Monday’s, Wednesday's, and Thursday’s, once in the morning and once in
the evening. As I write posts, I send them to Bbufferapp via the browser extension and they are then
added to the buffer. When it is full (10 posts), that means I have scheduled post for about a week and a
half. I also don't just post my newest posts, but my older work as wellalso.

How to Use Buffer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQdiSz73ZUY

2. Hootsuite has a feature that automatically assigns a post time, or you can schedule a post manually. I
use Hootsuite to promote my email list and Facebook page. What I like to do is schedule two2 posts
twice a month for each promotion for a year.

How to Use Hootsuite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqebLAGUc1Q

Mailing List

Almost every thingeverything I've read about getting your posts read, screams that bloggers need a
hardcore mailing list. The basis for this is research that has found that emails and read significantly
more thaen social media posts. Mailing lists are tricky because theyit requires someone to actually
subscribe to your list.
And, if you get a bunch of email addresses what do you send to them? Here's what I did:

(Note: Advice is based on my experience with BlogSpot and other blogging platforms, but you can use this set up with any blog
platform (from what I have read,As far as I am aware of) Wordpress, from what I read, has better email integration.)

1. Feedburner Is a Ggoogle website that creates an RSS feed for your blog. Setting up an RSS feed for Formatted: Font color: Auto
your blog creates a URL for you blog that is readable in RSS readers. A bunch of the world uses RSS
readers to keep track of their favorite websites and blogs on their phones and tablets. Many of these
RSS readers will not have your blog in its search database unless you have created an RSS feed and have
aAdded your RSS feed to their search database. Formatted: Font: Italic

How to Set Up Feed Burner: http://www.ehow.com/how_8456585_set-up-feedburner-feed.html

2. Mailchimp is an email marketing website that does a couple awesome things:; sSends spiffy emails,
collects emails, creates a scrip so that you can collect emails on your website, and you can creates an
automated RSS to eEmail scheduled emails that can be sent out at dailyweekly or weeklydaily intervals.
The way I have it set up is to send an email at the first of the month. The email includes my banner
image for my site and a list of all the posts I wrote that week.

How to use Feed Burner with Mail Chimp: http://www.ehow.com/how_8520543_use-feedburner-mail-

Halloween Carnival Page

HBG: Halloween Blog Carnival

The Horror Bloggers Guild is hosting a second Annual Halloween Blog Carnival! The theme for the
carnival is Halloween! The sacred holiday, the season, the movies, and or the great pumpkin massacre -
be creative and have fun.

Deadline: Saturday OCT 21st15th at Noon. Commented [TG17]: This may be one of the most
important bits of information for the Carnival, increasing
font size and bolding the text can really help show that this
Instructions is important.
1. Write a post or record a podcast (Halloween Themed) by OCTct 20th
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold
2. Title your post: HBG: Halloween Blog Carnival (add a spooky subtitle if you dare!) Commented [TG18]: There were a number of different
dates as to when the Halloween Blog Carnival actually was. I
choose to put the 21st of October because it seemed to fit
3. Submit a link to your blog using the form below. best with the dates and days you were alluring to.
Formatted: Superscript

4. Before the end of the day on Saturday OCT 21st15th, tThe HBG will email and post an article with a list
of the links to participating blogs.

5. Copy & paste list of links below your blog post or in show notes and encourage your audience to check
out the carnival posts.

6. Celebrate your awesomeness - Go Trick or Treating!

Creepy things to do in the meantime…

Tell your friends about the Horror Bloggers Guild's Halloween Blog Carnival

* Required

Email *

Your answer
Blog Name *

Your answer
Link to Carnival Blog Post *

Your answer

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