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Interview Questions for AIG Candidates

1. Tell us a little about yourself and what qualifies you for the AIG position at Pearsontown.

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2. Consider the following scenario: You just tested a second grader for AIG qualification and the parent is
convinced they will qualify. The second grader did not qualify. Explain how you lead the follow-up conference.

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3. This position requires you to work with students, teachers, administration and parents. Explain a difficult
situation you have had with a staff member and how you handled it.

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4. Describe your approach to collaborating with others and how you respond when others do not agree with
your thinking.

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5. Consider the following scenario: A parent comes to you with a concern that their child is not being
challenged in his/her classroom. The parent goes on to say that they only do busy work and the classroom
teacher does not understand the needs of gifted students. What is your response?

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6. Research shows that AIG students need extra challenges to extend their learning and help them grow..
What are some ideas you have for enhancing our AIG program inside the classroom, outside the classroom,
and after the regular school day?

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7. Explain the lesson plan you brought and describe how you would implement it at Pearsontown with 50 AIG
students at that grade level.

1 2 3 4 5

Total Score: ___________

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