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Kenpo´s sophisticated basics (by Ed Parker)

The following tape is a segment originating from Ed Parker's videos on advanced

concepts and principles of Kenpo. In the first tape of this series on sophisticated
basics which stresses methods of studying as well as intricacies of stances as you
view the material take note of the methods used great interest in viewing at Parker's
chemical from new and very prospective comprehending the relationship of precise
categorize basic ingredients you'll make conscious of the importance of progressive
learning as well as recognize the value of a parking discovery as a result of his
findings his system has undeniably been recognized as American chemical let us
now here from Senior Grand Master and Parker some I have a part I've organized
the following material on basics is what I feel is a logical in sequence order of
priorities to ensure your comprehension prioritize subjects in their proper order is a
means of increasing retention American Capital is divided into three major divisions
basics self-defense and freestyle or spot each a further broken down into
subdivisions technically speaking basics all physical moves or just executed with
specific intent or purpose depending upon how these moves was just as
unemployed they can be pleasant professor of canon accomplish both purposes
simultaneous when applied they can be used to oppose ride bottle or steel's state
spray dislocate fraction corruption made rich care claw close pope slice rake for
check the new trip grabbed Locke twist page but by the pool along with numerous
other, it's stated differently basics of the fundamentals of That he the development of
the mind and body it is preparation for physical combat like other fields of learning its
roots stem from a logical and systematic foundation paralleling all written language
age who were with the defense of core offenses can be considered an alphabet of
motion when Elvis of motion combined they form words of motion combinations of
words of motion then form sentences of motion through my many years of
experience I have develop methods to aid you in your understanding the basics as
mentioned previously comparable rudiments allow spoken language can be
employed to boost our understanding of chemical learning moves in isolated steps is
like learning words phonetically for example when we learn to pronounce the words
Backed and wrapped we learn to save them phonetically as@back at and wrapped
this method of pronouncing and enunciating our words taught us how to become
articulate with all vocabulary likewise motion learned in isolated steps teaches us to
become articulate with all movements it teaches us how to pronounce each move
correctly distinctly and consistently only have to slowly learning each move
phonetically can we combine moves to formulate words of motion sentences a
motion and even paragraphs of March another method that can be employed is by
the numbers teaching basics beer fanatics is like teaching movements by the
numbers utilizing this method accentuates correct and also positions it additionally
teaches the value of torque complete utilization of body weight and all other practice
necessary to complete and/or maximize the by the number method is not to be used
in a realistic situation once she moves a learned phonetically and maximum power is
experienced number stages I limited and direct action takes precedent just as we do
not speak to each other phonetically on a daily basis likewise phonetics of motion
also dropped the costs of higher learning and/or actual, another method is a use of
the clock principle I use a number of visual aids tangible as well as intangible to
make learning easier one method is the use of the clock principle this is a mental
visually used to teach you the proper positioning of your feet and hands in the
performance of your basics forms orbit: basics emotion self-defense techniques
freestyle techniques etc. for example before starting a form you'll be asked to pick
yourself standing in the middle of a large clock that has been placed on the floor the
wall you face when first starting represents 12 o'clock to you right 3 o'clock directly
behind you 6 o'clock and to your left 9 o'clock as you move from your starting
position your to mentally picture where the other numbers on the clock of this giving
you a more precise sense of direction when performing this principle also applies
while learning self-defense techniques 12 o'clock is the starting direction regardless
of where the attack step from flags rear otherwise to use another example UAV
facing 12 o'clock with your post attacking you from 3 o'clock you maybe talk to have
your left foot step back to 9 o'clock as you face your phone was attacking from 3
o'clock three viewports I involved here the original direction in which you were facing
that's 12 o'clock the angle from which your opponent attack you that was 3 o'clock
and the correct position of your foot 9 o'clock which is necessary for the attack in
short the clock principle is a directional reference used to aid you in selecting the
proper direction when attacked retaliating overworking your basics to further
enhance retention I employ the mathematic and geometric symbol concepts these of
visual aids that can be used tangibly or intensity using actual illustrations that you
can see it or through verbalizing a mental picture instead their three mathematic SG
geometric symbols that can enhance your learning three mathematic symbols of the
- use the subtraction the + used in addition and the time sign used in multiplication
with three geometric symbols of the circle square and triangle all of the symbols we
use periodically throughout my videos to simplify your both mathematic and
geometric symbol concepts and the clock principle can be used interchangeably
thus providing similar results and benefits for example visualize yourself standing
again in the middle of a big clock as you will notice a line drawn from my o'clock to 3
o'clock will give you a - superimpose it with a line from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock it will
create a + draw straight line from mid part of seven and eight to midpoint of wanted
to then superimpose a straight line from mid part of 10 and 11 to midpoint of 45 and
you will have a times × connect all of the numbers with cannot and you will have a
circle draw flowlines then toxic comforts and you will develop a square divide the
square in half from corner to corner and you will form two triangles which could be
condensed to one another value that the clock mathematic and geometric concert
offer other than eating you in determining proper angles and directions is a health
issue input approximately sitting the ought to the specific measurements of your
anatomy examples or proportionately fitting the ought the specific measurements of
your anatomy will be demonstrated in this tip him and him and a more sophisticated
visually encompassing all of these methods in addition to others can be found in the
universal pattern this past is the most important catalysts contributing to my creative
knowledge through it and buy it I've been able to extensively structure American
Capital it has opened up untold avenues that have given the asses beyond my
comprehension because of it I have learn to effortlessly convert embryonic moves to
sophisticated boots and to differentiate between the terms opposite reverse
especially when applying their defense somewhere as well as offense to get a trifle
idea of how to be applied visualize yourself in the middle of a completed universal
pattern as you can observe the directions angles and THAT you can pursue a
numerous if you would take one of the past pullout some of the small patents
contained within a number of benefits can be derived their overlapping circles using
both arms which can be used as an exercise were employed on a part-time
horizontal figured using a single can also be used as an exercise or employed on a
part following a path of action from extended out about into an inward form locked is
a pattern of the shaded square as you can observe from the few sample shown it
would take a number of takes to explain the universal pattern in its entirety however
other applications can be viewed drop my series of tips I'm convinced the basics can
be more fully understood give greater value and be more quickly learned if teaching
methods encouraged analyzing and comparing past and present life experiences
when you can relate to something or some concept that you already submitted with
basics become easier to learn your having experience that concept in another field
related or not easy substitution of the newly learned skills the principles employed in
a game of family billiards is a good example the three major principles of one proper
alignment to sink the ball of your choice into the pocket a choice using the two stick
and ball to to contemplate positioning the cue ball so that it will again be aligned to
make the next shot and three should your winning streak it had the ability to place
the cue ball in an awkward position to disallow your opponent from making a clear
shot to send another example let us examine this very volatile it's weird learn that
alphabets can be written in uppercase or lowercase all interests defensive and
offense movements are comparably applied that is examiner left punch to head
followed by a right punch to discover to defend yourself let us use a right extended
out of block to the left punch and a right inside download noble block to the right
punch you'll find that the blocks a much faster and safer than if we were to use our
right fist two blocked punts the parallel here is at the high extended out of block is in
uppercase movement whereby the second block is a location as examples
demonstrate when you
experiences and/or concepts parallel neural you can be assured where
understanding the concepts of American Another unique teaching technique which I
often employ while teaching basics is a rearrangement concept since many only
interested in obtaining sufficient knowledge of how to cope with average
incompetence the rearrangement concept works well the concept teaches you how
for basic moves to the rearrangement process can produce 24 possible
combinations without using the same combination plates knowledge of the
rearrangement concept is important because there are no two situations are exactly
alike in a confrontation therefore to have a set sequence of moves in my when
counting your opponent is unrealistic the rearrangement concept makes it capable
for you to blend with the action as it occurs even though your knowledge of moves
maybe limit it is expected of your limited knowledge that will give you the edge there
to rearrangement concepts numerical and the alphabetical the formulated
calculating how the numerical rearrangement concept work using for moves are as
follows 1×2 = 2 2×3 = 6 and sixpence for equals plentiful if you wanted to determine
the number of combinations that slide moves would produce them multiply 5×24
which will give you an answer of 126×120 is equal to 720 etc. please view the tape to
see how this concept is applied to best understand how the numerical
rearrangement concept works let us examine a self-defense techniques containing
for moves and assign each move about from one to four assuming that the sequence
of forms flows without interruption that is assigned number one to a right input block
executed on the inside of your opponent right punch number two to write shop
executed to the right side of your opponent's neck number three to write it would
horizontal elbow strike to the left side of your opponents jaw and number four to write
back down would have to strike to your opponent scored this sequence of slow
movements can be extremely effective if your opponent responds to your action and
makes no effort to intentionally or unintentionally obstruct your floor of four sequence
movements let us assume that an opponent does make an effort to defend itself by
placing his left hand in a guiding position if this occurs let us now see how we can still
use the same for moves by exercising a simple sequential chains employing the
numerical rearrangement concept to make it work all the sequence of movements
will be altered and uninterrupted flow can still be obtained despite of your opponents
a To protect itself the first move is the same with one exception your opponents left
at is in a driving position from move number one you can shift into move number four
then move number three and conclude with move number two needless to say other
combinations could be used effectively the alphabetical rearrangement concept
follows the same format used in the formation of words that has picked from our
alphabetical system when properly arranged can create words that are familiar to us
like the numerical rearrangement concept limited knowledge of the complete
alphabetical system can still prove effective if the rearrangement concept is
thoroughly understood for instance if you would only learn the alphabet from AVG
you can still benefit from this limited knowledge provided you learn that from the
seven letters of the alphabet you can create words such as at dad eggs face Fed
said death etc. when each of the seven letters or use more than once words such as
deed dad seemed etc. can then be created as you can observe you can create a
surprisingly large number of words even though your knowledge of the alphabet's
may be limited this in the succeeding videos in this series describe the five major
categories of basics that comprise American Capital they are stances movements
blocks strikes and specialized moves a myth of the first four major divisions stances
are literally parses of defense and offense the notes a methods of travel and nobody
position to enhance defense or offense blocks a methods of defense and strikes a
methods of offense the fifth division identifies those moves and methods that cannot
be categorized under the first four divisions and that unquestionably contain
individual characteristics of their own stances form the foundation of all self-defense
and freestyle moves as we explore them there divided into the attention costs more
narrow meet Twist on exams and specialized although the stances in American May
seem unnatural and contrary to conventional methods they are nevertheless
relevant against strikes delivered below as well as above the waistline stance
considerations also encompass the possibility of multiple attacks many benefits can
be derived from stances the improved balance your automatic protection to
vulnerable areas can be used to increase or decrease distance aid in increasing
one's power assist in Berkeley checking or breaking an opponents way allows for
greater maneuverability enhances an individual's peripheral vision and much more
stances can be learned in the variety of ways the simplest procedure is to learn
stationary stances this method allows you to concentrate on upper body movements
own to include coordinated moves with the Lord hath the body when first starting can
be frustrating and discouraging from stationary stances you must then progress to
stance changes while in place this phase of training incorporate shifting your weight
to one increase range this making distance and ally or two to decrease existing
range to help increase power or crowd and jam your opponent the feet and moly
moves other than. One type of stats, the desired distance in either case is
determined by the position of the upper body as observed in place stance changes
significantly reduce time and contributes to economy of motion it also increases your
ability to conquer an attack the third method is learning stances while moving when
this occurs they can also be classified as for the embodiment of us depending upon
what you wish to accomplish as circumstances dictate you can walk hassle cross
back slide shuffle hot skip jump Orly with when combining these methods stances
can be lost in transition since they are not intended to be helpful any length of time
except to help the flow of motion however if you would isolate each move specific
stances be distinguishable through continuous practice you execute stance changes
in motion balance always and power ultimately you'll also learn to relax maintain
correct form and move with effortless speed each stance must be tailored to the with
depth and height of each individual ways of discovering the proper with depth and
height of each stats employing the mathematic and geometric symbol concept will
be described and demonstrated in this state study these methods for your age
making each stats work more effectively for the tension sense is a disciplinary
stance used convey instructions it is also an interim move prior to reacting to a
command though primarily used for class instructions it can on rare occasions be
employed in combat like the military and other similar agencies the feet of place
together kept flat with the back straight pity records and wage equally distributed
between treat for position feet together Toto heal you weight distribution 5050
reason and purpose to convey instructional information to teach discipline and
respect and help you to be more attentive to him the horse stance is of two types the
training horse and the fighting horse the training horse is the basic exercise position
forming blocks punches kicks etc. and for warming up the horse stance is also utilize
as a meditating ritual when beginning and closing classes widening this stance is
called a horse stance because it resembles the position used while riding a horse
horse stance is frequently used in forms self-defense techniques and freestyle
techniques as an important stance change the distance between feet is critical that it
will vary according to you generally slightly wider than your shoulder with it defeated
too close together the stances we can and poor balance likewise if they're too far
apart stance changes and kicking becomes difficult and maneuverability hampered
the correct method to obtain a horse stance is to bend the knee slightly forward and
forced out to the sides as though they were being pushed apart holding defeated in
place avoid bending the knees to file for a place in the feet too far apart the fighting
horse is almost identical to the training horse the difference lies in placing your feet in
the direction you're facing thus both feet I online with your direction and focus
analytical study the horse stance keep your chin up rematches children's keeping
head erect and body perpendicular to the ground for shimmies out and away from
you please greater stress on the outer portion of your calf muscles your feet should
be slightly wider than the width of your shorts once a proper with has been
determined then both of you knees naturally and comfortably and you automatically
find your proper height and interesting comparison the knee can be compared with
the shock absorber and should therefore be sought all there is one it should remain
flexible between moves remaining stable when and where necessary and subject to
instant directional change the West depth and height of the stance must correspond
with your dimensions to give specific measurements is absurd the training horse
involves height and with only was the dimensions of the fighting horse a restricted
Titan depth the following method can be used to quickly determine dimensions
related to place both feet together and both heels out 10 toes of both feet out and
conclude by comfortably turning both heels out again the message just described
teaches you how to proportionately find you with what's determining your with squat
comfortably to automatically obtain your proper height and time stepped you write or
left will be sufficient to find the proper with of your training horse stance the fighting
horse basically has no however to establish a proper depth of your fighting horse you
must first find with the treat horse on your line of sight after establishing this heavy
had nice turn in the direction of your line of sight already having obtained the depth of
your fighting horse have believe you knees bent comfortably to establish your
correct height and added help please observe the following as a means of correcting
the width of your horse stance as you knees and forced out this should bow out so
that the sides of your calf muscles protrude slightly beyond the width of your efforts
notice how this angle prevents a. Originating from the top and side of your calf
muscle from entering your foot data summation of the training horse stance foot
position feet should be slightly wider than the width of your shows goes in heels out
total fuel you weight distribution 50-50 weight is forced out to the outside edges of
your feet reason and purpose to teach stamina and patience a training stance which
allows one to concentrate on hand movements only without being distracted by the
synchronization of footman's data summation of the fighting horse's foot position
both feet of pigeon toed with 1 foot ahead of as well is directly behind the other is like
a training horse with the opponent to the flight had nice a focus to the front weight
distribution 50-50 knees and forced away from each other reason and purpose
minimize target errors allow for fast shuffle side or back it in him the three types of
bone marrow stances the notable foldable and reversible they all serve useful
purposes and should be added to your reservoir of knowledge why the name Warner
the bone marrow stance was named because of the positioning of the stance as you
will notice in the graphic when the Chinese pool is superimposed on affordable stats
almost identical the forward of bit.ly forms part of the bow and the rear or stiffly
represents the air neutral bone marrow stance the notable is a strong stance and
presents Smalltalk consequently the notable is a good stance for sparring when
engaged in actual combat is also an important stance when executing your forms
and self-defense techniques notice how the notable places the reader closer to the
front than the fighting horse this is a crucial point of difference it allows faster use of
the rear arm and leg defeat appointed more toward the front and a parallel with one
another instead of pigeon toed Denise still forced out in the weight rest equally on
both feet although the feed a place on either side of the centerline they point toward
the front face in the line of sight or your opponent in comparison although the fighting
horse gives you distinct defensive advantage it limits your ability to retaliate
effectively while the notable is not as protected it is effective and much more
versatile when employing defensive and offensive tactics analytical study of the
notable front view position your arms should the right arm covers the upper region
and the left arm the Middle East your feet should be properly place on either side of
the line of sight left heel to the left of the line and the right tool to the right of
have you had a nice face the line of sight since the body is almost sightless it
presents a small time knees a forced out the feet appointed more toward the front
and a parallel to each other siding keeping head erect keeping these flexible
distribute your weight equally on both feet keep to Tony right foot to the right of your
line of sight keep the heel of your left foot to the left of the line of sight position around
so that one is high in the envelope make sure this policy is adhered to when the arms
a switched cheek your back straight finding the proper dimensions to find the proper
with overwrite notable have the heel of your left foot lineup with the total of your right
foot desk can be found by dropping the knee of your left leg said it is in line with the
heel of your right foot you should be on the ball of your left foot in your plants Uni
once you width and depth of the term have both knees been naturally and the proper
height will be arrived at automatically data summation of the notable foot position 1
foot ahead of the other utilizing the toll heel relationship to determine the proper
depth both feet should run parallel to each other and at an angle of 45° from your
phone with a distribution 50-50 reason and purpose gives you greater mobility
allowing you to retreat or advance with these the four bone marrow stance is
primarily used in a stance change to extend the reach of the rear arm and increase
its power the most important contribution the formidable is as a stance change
between new troubles the form and smoothness of this sequence will largely
determine the effectiveness of the rerun since retreating with the following Moore's
difficult and exposure to vulnerable areas is more pronounced this stance is
intended to be transitory before the pool can be formed from your notable by rotating
your rear hip so that it is even with your forward your front leg does not change but
you really becomes almost if as it pushes your rear hip forward your rear foot was still
flat pivots on the ball as a hero is thrust back to position with the toes point mostly for
the ground is literally used as a launching pad to push Breese and support your
action your weight shifts more to your front leg but the tendency to lead with your
shoulders stiffen your forwardly must be avoided to check your form observe
yourself and number the moment is a rotation of your waste or your back on Main
Street keep your shoulders square and parallel to matter but do not raise your head
nor move forward analytical study the affordable front after your item the position of
your friendly this not change it is identical to you right to pool your head does not
raise up nor does it move forward have both of your arms in position to God Michael
keep your left foot and leg panel to the line of sight top view make sure your hips and
shoulders a parallel to each other focus your eyes straight ahead have the heel of
your left foot anchored to the ground make sure your shoulders a square and parallel
to the wall in front keep your right hand high position your left hand low make sure
your forward or right knee is forced out heavy right foot turned in do not lean forward
or back with your shorts keep your ear all left hip forward your left leg is kept rigid in
this stance keep your left foot flat the toes of your left foot should point forward
finding the proper dimensions finding the proper dimensions for the foldable a simple
first find the dimensions of your right notable once this has been determined have
the heel of your left foot thrust back by pivoting on the bottom of that foot pushes left
hip forward as you stiffen your left leg so that both hips lined up with each other upon
completing this adjustment all dimensions with depth and height would be
established automatically data summation of the forward book foot position 1 foot is
ahead of the other with your right foot at a 45° angle from your phone and you left
foot at a 90° angle from basically a tool heel shield me relationship weight
distribution 6460% of your wages on the right or forwardly and 40% is on the left or
really reason and purpose gives you greater reach enhances your power and allows
you a greater foundation with which to brace yourself it is useful as a late check
buckle or break reversible on our stats the reverse bone marrow stance is essentially
the same as affordable with the head and shoulders turn to the back as a stance
change the reversible figures 3 primary purposes one it creates distance by pivoting
away to rotation can increase the power of certain strikes and three as a link stiffens
it can buckle or sweet analytical study of the reversible front for you have your rear
arm protect your upper region have you forward on protect you'll reach keep your
rear knee bent keep your forwardly stiff top view make sure your shoulders of
parallel to your line of sight keep your forward foot flat the foot position is the same
as affordable with the exception that the head nice to turn into the opposite direction
side you have you had a nice turn tell the opposite direction after establishing
affordable keep your forward arm will fleshy heal out and then accurate to the graph
keep your rear arm high keep both feet flat finding the proper dimensions again find
the proper dimensions for notable however form the notable in the opposite direction
of the intended line of sight immediately execute affordable while facing the same
direction upon completion of the foldable have you had turned in the opposite
direction toward your intended line of sight this final movement will automatically
place you in a reversible with all dimensions with depth and height adjusted to your
own specifications data summation of the reversible foot position 1 foot is head of
the other with the forward for a 90° angle heal out from your opponent and the rear
foot at 45° heal out this stance is the opposite of reverse of affordable with your head
and eyes turn toward your opponent weight distribution 4060 40% of your weight is
on the forwardly and 6% on the really reason and purpose allows one grated
distance although remaining in place give greater power using opposing force is
useful as a late check buckle or break him Neil Spence new stances are two types
wide" the major difference between the wide" meals is a space between Denise the
feet of basically the same distance apart and with as a notable but in a very in-depth
depending on circumstances three fax explains its use one the body drops and
height thereby giving power to your dominatrix as it employs the principle of
gravitational marriage avoids an attack by going under it or to help reach a little time
to as with most stance changes there is usually a rotation of the hips and shoulders
which can boost the force of a horizontal strength the combination of change in
height first rotation would increase the effectiveness of a strike moving diagonally
down three the rear knee drops down and made therefore act as a weapon as a
check or pin or as a push to buckle and opponents leg although the Widefield has
greater stability the fact remains that a close Neil can be extremely useful offense
play as well as the transit both should not be overlooked since you are definitely
alpha bits of motion that can help increase your vocabulary motion whitening stats
the white meal stance is no more than a notable with the rear knee dropped and
forced out in the direction it was facing there is no change in the positioning of the
front leg or foot however the rear heel is raised off the ground to allow the need to
bend down further both knees and forced the part hence the name whitening the
stances quite low the weight equally divided between the 2 feet in the back district
analytical study of the widening front view keep your right arm will make sure your
knees a forced hot have you weight equally distributed on both links keep your eyes
straight ahead keep your left arm high keep your forward foot position in the same
positions is that all you left notable talk to keep your shoulders in line with your hips
your really is at a 30° angle to your line of sight keep your body parallel to the wall in
front of you side view can't the backstreet keep your buttocks tucked in make sure
they heal your right foot is off the ground keep the ball of your right foot on the ground
keep your head erect patient hands and arms in guard position keep your left foot flat
finding the proper dimensions first find the proper dimensions for notable now
banned drop and for sure we need out on a city Bianco from your upper body which
is vertical and direct make sure urea me is one handsome in your hand from the
ground although the width and depth of this stance is the same as a notable even
though the rear heel is raised a hand span measurement should aid you in obtaining
the proper height for the stance decimation of the widening preposition forefoot is at
a 45° angle to your opponent rear foot at a 45° angle from your opponent resting on
the ground like a notable on your body drops in position weight distribution 50-50
rear knee is forced out reason and purpose the drop in height gives added power
that is gravitational marriage avoids an attack you to get access to all targets can act
as a pin or check and gives greater stability close Neil stats the closing stances no
more than affordable with the rear knee dropped 1 to 2 inches from the ground the
width remains the same but the depth may fluctuate a sliding the rear foot forward on
your line of sight this of course depend on the necessary adjustments needed at the
time because of circumstance like the widening there is no change in the positioning
of the front leg or foot and the rear here is also raised off the ground to allow the need
to bend freely the forward me is the only one for stopped the rear and he is kept in an
close to forwardly hence the name closely stance is exceedingly low the weight
equally divided between 2 feet and the back is straight close Neil was lower than the
white meal system rear is kept close to the ground the weight though equally
distributed is centered over the write me analytical study of the closely front view
keep your right arm will have your right knee brought straight down heavyweight
distributed equally on both links keep your eyes straight ahead spume left arm high
faucet left me out your forward a left foot should be positioned identically to that of a
left notable top few your shoulders should be in line with your hips make sure you're
rightly is parallel to your line of sight line your body to that wall in front side view keep
your back straight talk your buttocks in raise your right heel off of the ground keep
the ball of your right foot onto the ground keep your head erect make sure your arms
and hands are in guard position keep you for the left foot flat keep your right knee 1
to 2 inches off the ground finding the proper dimensions the first step is to find the
proper dimensions for affordable once obtain bend and drop your route me straight
down toward the floor and about 1 to 2 inches from it make sure your rear knee does
not touch the ground although the width and depth of the stance is the same as
affordable even though the rear heel is raised having area me want to 2 inches from
the ground should aid you in obtaining the proper height for the stats decimation of
the closely foot position forefoot is at a 45° angle to your opponent rear foot is at a
90° angle to your opponent resting on the ball of the foot with the heel off the ground
rear foot may shuffle forward if an adjustment is needed like affordable on your body
drops in position weight distribution 50-50 reviews drop straight down so that it
parallels a vertical angle of your head reason and purpose the drop in height gives
added power through gravitational marriage avoids an attack allows for better
access to low targets can act as a pin check will be used to fracture and also gives
instant stability him accidents also consist of two types 45° and $.93 in both of the
Stances the forward leg rest lightly and is poised to kick shifting the weight off the
front leg also provides a defense against a possible link suite with approximately
90% of the body weight centered little and on the really is this very strain on the
relate that explains in part why these two types of Stances a usually transitory 45°
While executing the 45° Stance the rear foot is flat and points off to the side of the
45° angle with the knee bent facing the same direction since the size and this stance
a relatively close together the 45° Women in transition protects the growing the ball
of the front foot while resting on the ground is in line with the rear heel and place far
enough forward suicide view shows it angle the following to be a little less than
analytical study of the 45° Front view keep your right arm will remain flat on your right
foot keep 90% of your weight on your right foot your eyes and head should face
straight ahead keep your left arm high keep your size relatively close to get at the
ball of your left for the 10 vicinity week should be on your left foot top view keep your
body parallel to the wall in front of you your hips should be in line with your shipments
in right knee and foot should be on a 45° angle left foot should be on a 90° side view
keep your back straight spearhead your heavy buttocks tucked in and make sure
that it sits low bend your right knee have your arms and hands in guard position bend
your left make sure your left heel is raised off the ground make sure that both of your
feet appointed away from your left foot is on a 90° in right foot is on a 45° other
helpful information that many variations of the Stats the primary difference generally
involves the forward foot although very little weight is placed upon it you may
position the front said it rests on one the ball of the foot to slide of the foot or three the
heel of the front regardless of what issues they basically serve the same purpose
special note according to history practitioners often placed her bare feet on the
ground in any one of the three variations demonstrated to feel the ground vibrations
of approaching men or horses finding the proper dimensions a helpful aid in finding
the proper dimensions for a 45° This again use the plus symbol to visually assist you
position the rear foot 7 foot points out on a 45° Place the heel of your forward foot
against the heel of your rear foot not proceed to lift your forward foot and scratch a
parallel an imaginary line with a big tool of that foot and lift your forward foot and
place the heel of that foot on the imaginary line that was just mentally drop placed
10% of your weight on the ball of your forward foot and leaned back so that the
remaining 90% even weight rests on your relay data submission of the 45°
Preposition toes in front of your forwarding are on a 90° angle to your post with the
rear foot at a 45° angle to your point there 45° from each other weight distribution
1019 10 December weight is on the forward leg 90% on the really reason and
purpose useful in transition poised for kick better use against a from attack useful
defensively as well as offensively forwardly cannot be easily upset by the Suite 90°
The rear for this flat when forming the 90° Stats however the difference is the
direction of the toes and foot which point off to the side at a 90° angle with the knee
bent in the same direction the size in this case and not close together as a 45° This
stance normally occurs from us a price flank attack with there isn't enough time for
the rear foot to shift into a 45° angle with time being the primary factor the forward
foot is unanimity that is activated when this occurs the rear foot remains at 90° angle
to the forward foot there's no protection to the groin because of the legs being so
wide apart therefore other hand positions I'm necessary to compensate for this the
ball the front foot is also
with the rearview and place far enough forward to the side view shows the ship
unless Denver analytical study of the many weekends front view keep the right arm
will make sure that you size of pot rather than to get keep your right foot flat on the
ground keep your eyes and had focused straight ahead keep your left arm high at
the ball of your left foot at least 90% of your weight on your right foot at least 10% of
his weight on your left copier your body should be parallel to the wall in front line to
hips up with your show make sure your right knee and foot on a 90° angle side you
keep your back straight keep you head erect keep your buttocks tucked in and make
sure it sits low make sure that both feet appointed away from place jobs and hands in
guard physician keep your left knee bent range you left heel off the ground you left
foot is also on a 90° angle you right is on a 90° angle loss finding the proper
dimensions again visualize an imaginary + this time have your rear foot point out on
a 90° as with the 45° Stance the heel of your forward foot is placed against the heel
of your rear foot that you forward foot and draw an imaginary line with the big toe that
seemed foot that you forward foot and place the heel that foot on the imaginary line
that was mentally drop face 10% of your weight on the ball of your forward foot and
leaned back in orbit you really should the remaining 90% of your weight rests on that
link decimation of the 90° Preposition toes in front of your forward leg is at a 90°
angle from your opponent with the rear foot parallel to your pool 90 duty to your
forward foot and boast a 90° from Egypt weight distribution 1090 10% of the week is
on the forwardly 90% on the really reason and purpose this stance is useful in
transition when your poise for kick is best use against flak is useful defensively as
well as IT would be difficult to upset your forwarding with history him the two stances
of two types front and rear both have numerous applications there are more
commonly used as a means to advance or retreat without rotating The body or they
may be used as a stance change to protect the growing to break only to check or
when rotating out of the stats review be used to switch the for the rear arms without
shifting the feet when assuming the stats they can be used as a fall to four suite or
kick and on occasion maybe be used as the symptom wintry start twist is a short term
for twisted horse so called because his stance can be readily formed from a horse
stance by twisting the waste and allowing the feet to pivot freely a good twist sits
quite low and maintains have to wait on the ball of the rear foot with practice both the
steps can be held comfortably since strength comes from resting when the on the Of
the other front twice and easy method to form a front Tristan's other than twisting into
it, our stance is to start, left notable and have the reader or right foot slide directly
forward and pass the front foot while the told the right foot continued to point off to
the site as you wait moves forward the heel of the stationary or left leg comes off the
ground permitting the knee of the same leg to bend forward until it rests on the Of the
right-wing right foot lies flat on the full the feet and basically and right angles a little
less than the width of a horse stance apart once position in the front twice the
shoulders and hips do not rotate and the maneuver prior to establishing the front
twist is called a right front across the analytical study of the front twice front view
keep your eyes and had focused forward keep your right arm will keep your right foot
flat distributed week equally on both legs and feet keep your left arm high have you
left the rest on your right Do not allow any space between your legs have you left foot
rest of the ball of the foot of top keep your hips in line with your shoulders and your
right foot should also be parallel to the wall in front keep your upper torso on a 45°
angle to the wall in front side view spear back straight keep your buttocks tucked in
bend you left me and have it rests on the center of your right calf make sure your left
heel is off of the ground keep his head erect facia arms and hands in guard position
keep your right knee bent keep your forward foot flat and have it point out and away
from you finding the proper dimensions first find the proper dimensions for left
notable now slide the rear or right foot directly forward and pass the front or left foot
so that it is approximately half the distance or with a one horse stance would be for
you this maneuver will aid you in obtaining the proper width and depth of your front
twists to obtain the proper height rest you left me on the Of your right-click and drop
your body weight to do it securely rests on your right Do not allow any space
between your links data summation of the front twist foot position forward for this
Parliament opponent and place flat on the floor rear foot is on a 45° angle to your
opponent and on the ball of that foot weight distribution 50-50 50% of the leaders on
the forward leg 50% on the really reason and purpose used in transition when going
uniform of backward allows for fast drop in height used to stop with to conceal the
really prior to kicking with it protects the growing assists in breaking away as a check
or used as a suite ritualist. Tristan's can also be positioned from the left notable by
having your right foot slide directly to the back of an passed in the head of your left
foot while the toes of your right foot continue pointing in the same direction as the
weight moves forward you left foot remains flat as your right foot is planted on the
ball of the foot at the best half of your left leg when the rear twist is produced in this
manner the shoulders or hips like the front twists do not rotate in the maneuver prior
to establishing the rear twist is called a right rear cross analytical study of the rear
twist front view God with your left arm high and your right arm will keep your left foot
flat balance your weight equally on both of your legs keep your eyes and had
focused forward patient right knee on your left Do not allow any space between your
legs and thighs at the ball of the foot will talk to you have you hips lineup with your
shields place left for on a 45° angle to the wall in front of you think she'll body on a
45° angle to the wall in front of heavy right foot patient in a vertical and upright
position side view keep your back straight talk your buttocks in and sit low then you
write me keep his head erect patient rounds and hands and got position bend you
left me raise your right heel off the ground heavy right foot point in and towards
heavy left foot point away from finding the proper dimensions like the front twists find
the proper dimensions a left notable this time sliding right foot directly to the back of
an passed and the head of your left foot Synod again travels approximately half the
distance or with of the horse stance as it pertains to you this maneuver will aid you in
obtaining the proper width and depth of your rear twist that's from this position drop
your body weight selected right knee rests securely on top of your left Thus your
proper height resulting decimation of the retreats foot position for foot or lead foot is
a 45° angle from your opponent resting on the ball that foot your rear foot should
rigidly the fourth foot is parallel to your opponent and rest flat weight distribution
50-50 50% of wheat is unfolding and 50% on the really reason and purpose used in
transition when going either forward or backward allowing for fast drop in height
used to stop with to break or check to protect the growing him the one legged stance
can be formed several weeks the name is self-explanatory however what constitutes
a right or left one expense is different from the other stances learned in the state in
this case is a supporting way the leg during the bodyweight that determines a right or
left one leg stats bearable on me the language is raised is not use as a determining
factor to cause of the numerous positions directions and heights it can be placed the
one expense is calmly used while jumping from site to site to avoid a frontal reactor it
may arise out of a Stats to avoid a leg sweep generally it is a very useful transitory
stance while shifting from one stance to another on occasion it may be used
deceptively while freestyle the hand positions can also vary depending upon the
position Jews when performing a one leg stats important note: expense can befall by
raising the rear leg instead of forwarding does not have to be the 14th analytical
study of the one leg stats front view keep your right arm will keep your eyes and hit
focused straight ahead keep your left arm high lift your left leg up in the air keep your
right foot flat 100% of your weight is on your right foot top you keep your hips and
languages Shilts keep your body parallel to the wall in front of make sure your right
knee and foot on a 45 the grand position you left me on a 90° side view keep your
back straight keep your head erect make sure your arms and hands and guard
position keep your buttocks ducting and habits it will bend your right me menu left me
and reason to ace make sure both feet appointed away from even with you left within
the air which still face on a 90° angle position your right foot on a 45° finding the
proper dimensions to the dimensions width and depth of missing height is really your
only concern in executing a one leg stats in executing one extends been
disappointingly too comfortable and balance position and maintain make sure that
your entire weight is scented on disappointingly you can execute a one-week stance
from any other stances mention that this videotape coccus suspended late to any
hyper position training head in any direction and place your hands and arms in any
position you would still be position in a one leg stats data summation of the one
expense for position your legs suspended beneath point to the left or right really
spent the foot of the 45° angle, left notable to your code really can be raised instead
of the forward leg if desired weight distribution 100% on disappointingly recent
purpose use want to protect a growing utilizes economy motion when executing a
psychic delay to suspend in the air him the two specialized stances on the concave
and the diamond stances because their transitory stances used to heighten as well
as support the effects of the technique they will be demonstrated and not explain as
heretofore presented that the technique become death demonstrates both the
diamond and concave statutes technique also employs a number of the stances
previously discussed and how the clock principle satisfactory pinpoints direction
please note the employment of the left transitory notable if reversible left affordable
left postmeal and weight postmeal stances sleep of death is forefront right steps to
straight punch the technique requires that you step back with the right foot toward six
Clark intellect transitional notable facing 12 o'clock extent back with your right foot
executor right (to the outside of your opponents) continue to ride the force of your
points punch by pivoting in the left reversible simultaneous with you. Have your right
hand grab your opponents right wrist while delivering a left it would horizontally heal
palm strike under and to the outside of your Polish radio the explosive floor direction
should die your opponent directly and down past your right hip instantly reversed the
flow of your action as you pivot counterclockwise into a left affordable facing 12
o'clock as you visit maintain control the opponents right wrist with your right hand
while simultaneously delivering left out of technical strength to your opponents right
lower rib cage again reversed the flow your action as you pivot clockwise into left
reversible facing 12, as you could maintain control the opponents right wrist while
simultaneously delivering a left it would heal palm strike to the back of his right show
the explosive flow of your action should check your opponent Dagley and down to
the ground deep into the air tour your opponent with both feet cocked under you and
we both a man's cock to decide to be chess, and baking fashion preparatory to
executing your specialized diamond stats land in the time stance on your opponent
so that he was a both feet straight to your opponents kittens right heel to write kidney
left heel to left you immediately slide both heels off your opponents kittens using
quality timing take advantage of your opponents by the reaction by executing
simultaneous hereupon strikes the back of your opponents mass storage right heel
pump to write mastoid left heal palm to left master they should study opponent as
well as drive his face into the ground from the reaction of your opponents face hitting
the ground and bouncing back up simple to the hands along opponents face and
under his chin immediately switch into a concave stance as you pull up and toward
you with both of the hands using in these degrees down against your opponent
shoulder blades intention here is to stretch your opponents neck and throat to their
limits without disengaging from your opponent to seven that clockwise to snap his
neck this is accomplished by putting up in a kinship own ship with your right hand
and pushing down on the back of your poem said with the left hand with the right
hand knockoff to your right here, and you left hand pushing opponents it down
immediately followed by pivoting to a left postmeal stats as you deliver a right in with
Hansard to the bridge of your opponents knows this should break his nose sufficient
to a right closeness stance as you drop you left me onto your opponents up a spine
with this action simultaneously execute a left hand push the back of the opponents
headed to again forces face to the ground using opponents body as a springboard to
bounce up the and turn your body counterclockwise in midair using the
synchronization of your rotational force and marriage of gravity land with your left
foot to the right of your opponents body as you deliver a write-down looping
roundhouse kick to your opponents head be sure to bring you left me deeply when
executing your right roundhouse kick from the point of contact of your right kick
executor right front cross of and come out twice toward 1030 the designation of the
left or right stats is determined by the leadoff only as well as the direction you're
facing in the case of both had a nice time each stance is established the only
exception rests with the monthly expense because the suspended leg can be found
in a number of positions and directions disappointingly that determines whether the
one-week stance is left or right I will give them jive sophisticated basics one review
the many methods of study discussed as well as the stances illustrated by rewinding
the tape as often as required this can help your training immensely and assist you in
achieving your goals more expeditiously blasted rearrangement concepts along with
the many methods discussed and you will establish good solid basics to do so will
lead you in converting embryonic movements to sophisticated movements obviously
there are many approaches to teaching basics whatever the approach I admonish
you to follow a progressive lesson plan geared to individual ability determine your
strong points as well as those that come naturally then proceed to cultivate these
positive attributes first an important reminder information contained in this issue to
tapes covers a vast array of experiences is for the novice as well as advanced
practitioners therefore your caution to practice only those exercises paralleling your
ability and skill him him him him him him and him and him and

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