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Postpaid Recovery Activity

We run Postpaid recovery to recover the aborted files from Rater.

Pre-checks to perform this activity.

1. Check for current open month period there are any files
which aborted by Rater. We can check this with below query.

For Bill cycle 1817 Month 4 SQL will be like:

select file_status,count(*), cur_pgm_name, trunc(sys_creation_date), data_group

from ac1_control where nxt_pgm_name='RATER' and file_status in
(,'AF','IU') and data_group like '%1817%' and trunc(sys_creation_date) between '17-
MAR-13' and '16-APR-13' group by file_status,
cur_pgm_name,trunc(sys_creation_date), data_group;

[Note: to check cycle period for particular bill cycle below query can be run]

Select * from pm1_cycle_state where cycle_code=1817 and partition_id=2 order by


Take cycle_start_date and cycle_close_Date for current open cycle from above

2. Stop postpaid rater for respective rater partition

3. Once we identify all AF/ IU files on rater machine, we need
to mark it �IU� use below SQL for the same

update ac1_control set file_status='IU' where nxt_pgm_name='RATER' and

and data_group like '%1817%' and trunc(sys_creation_date) between '17-MAR-13' and

4. Export below env variable on respective UNIX rater machine


5. Start postpaid recovery with below command.

nohup pm1PostpaidRaterRecoveryShell_sh 2 1 &

Note: Please make sure you are running above commond on right partion.
Above commond for partition 2. You need to change parameter marked in yellow.

6. This will process all the files successfully and will

create log for the subscribers which are failing with UQ errors. We
can get this subscriber list from error log file at below path.

purt02@pkgrt02!VEL:purt02/var/vel/projs/pm/work/postpaid> pwd
we need to get this subscriber and customer list for marking for rerate.

grep 'Name=SUBSCRIBER_ID' POSTPAID_RCV3_1_Log_20130402_112536.log > subs.txt grep

'Name=CUSTOMER_ID' POSTPAID_RCV8_1_Log_20130401_154312.log > cust.txt

it will create two text files with problematic subscriber and customer list.
We need to mark it for rerate by inserting it into subscriber_rerate table.
With below insert statement.

insert into subscriber_rerate (

SELECT DISTINCT 1817, 4, 2013, s.customer_id, 'MAN_RERATE', s.subcriber_id ,
sysdate, sysdate, 'RATER', 'MAN_RERATE', 'R', null from temp_sub_cust s);

All these subscriber should be move to rpr1_subs_rerate table.

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