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Intro Greek Mythology and its

influence World Culture


World Civilizations Tatiana Lind 6th

This lesson was made for a classroom of no more than 20 students. The lesson is 25 mins long. The
students should have some prior knowledge of tall tales, fairytales, legends, myths etc.


OBJECTIVES  To be able to define myth

 To understand why myths are/were created in societies.

SUPPLIES  4x4 white blank pieces of paper (20)

 Pencil (One for each child)
 PowerPoint of pictures of well-known myths (Santa Claus, Tooth
Fairy, Easter Bunny, Jack Frost)
 Continuation on the PowerPoint: slide with definition of myth and
 Continuation on the PowerPoint: Examples of well-known Greek
myths (Greek Gods: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and what they rule over)

IDAHO CORE  6-9.WHC.1.6.3 Analyze the characteristics of early civilazations

STANDARDS  6-9.WHC.1.9.1 Explain the relationship between religion and the
peoples understanding of the natural world.

1. An idea or story that is believed by many people but that is
not true
2. A story that was told in an ancient culture to explain a
practice, belief, or natural occurrence

 Mythology
1. The myths of a group or culture
2. Ideas that are believed by many people but that are not true

ACTIVITY 1. Start the lesson by showing some pictures of some well-known

myths, fairytales, and legends, and see if the students can name who
they are, and what they do? (5 mins)
2. Then ask the student, why they think these myths were created. Ask
students to raise hands to give an answer and discuss (5 mins)
3. Explain what myth and mythology are and why they were created (5
4. Give some examples of well-known Greek myths (5 mins)
5. Compare and contrast to well-known myths Santa Clause Vs Zeus(5

EVALUATION 1. Hand out the piece of paper and ask students to write on one side
how they think mythology influenced modern society (5 mins)
2. This will be used as an exit ticket at the end of class


 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/myth
 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mythology
 http://www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mimik_uploads/lesson_plans/1054/Climbing%20to%20the%

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