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Name: Maryam Abdulla Alblooshi – Grade Level: 4 CCSS Math Strand: Fractions and

H00296768 decimal numbers.

CCSS Standards: Number and operations – fractions

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

Students will be able to tell how to write the fraction of a hundred to a decimal number by
using the place value chart.
Students will be able to use the shading form to add fractions with a denominator of 100.
Students will be able to calculate an addition operation that has different denominator by
making them like fractions.


teacher books _

student book(s) Page 670 and page 672.

worksheets/ papers Worksheet for the review.

teacher materials Cupcake worksheet for the review + envelops + different logos club + Horse flash
cards + Forms for the shading + moneybox for the fractions + flash cards for the
money + worksheet for the assessment.

student materials/ Small boards + markers + forms for the shading + colors.

technology _

other _

Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

Hundredth A place value position. One of one hundred equal


Like fractions Fractions that have the same denominator.

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Some students will know how to make the fraction of hundred to a decimal but they focused
with the place values.
Some students will know how to add fractions but they don’t know that the name of the
fractions that have the same denominator is like fractions.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
The teacher explanation is not clear.
Students will be confused when the teacher will give them the moneybox.

The teacher will provide more examples and explain them in a simple way.
The teacher should give students clear instructions about how to use the moneybox.

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher language:
The teacher explaining the main concept and her instructions.
Student’s interactions to answering the activating and using Math language.

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

The teacher will give each student a paper that shaped like a cupcake for the review and after 3 min the 5min
teacher will discuss two questions with the students. (3 min)
After that, the teacher will give each group an envelope and each envelope contains different football
logos and students should arrange the logo to know the tittle of the lesson. (2 min)
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 35min
First, the teacher will start explaining how to write the fraction of a hundred to a decimal number by using
the place value chart and the teacher will say a hint word to make it easy for students to know how write
a decimal number. After that, the teacher will model how to write the fraction of a hundred to a decimal
number. Then she will give each group a horse that contains a fraction and by the small board students
will write the decimal number of this fraction. ( 7 min)

Second, the teacher will explain how to use the shading form to add fractions with a denominator of 100
and she will model 2 examples for students in the board and then she will put an addition operation and
she will explain how to shade the operation by using the shading form and after that she will give each
group colors and shading forms that has an addition operation and students in groups will solve the
addition operation and write the correct answer. After finishing this activity the teacher will students
practice individually in their book page (670). ( 10 min)

Third, the teacher will put an addition operation in the bored without using the shading form and she will
ask students (can we make this denominator to a 100) and then the teacher will start explaining how to
calculate an addition operation that has different denominator by making them like fractions by using the
flash cards money. ( 10 min)

After that the teacher will say the instruction for the activity that predicts that the moneybox is a fraction
the number in the top is nominator and the number in the bottom in denominator and between them is
an addition operation. Then, she will give each group two moneybox one with denominator of 10 and one
of denominator of 100 and students will write the answers of the operation in the small board. After
students finish this activity they will practice in their books page (672). ( 8 min)
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 5min
The teacher will give each group a house that has four windows and each window has a question and in
groups students will solve the questions.

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