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Destiny Still

Instructional Tech in Ed

Drills & Practice

Drill and Practice software is a type of software that has problems and
exercises for students to work on example problems and be able to receive
feedback on each problem completed correctly or allows the student to
continue in the practice; an example of drill and practice could be Khan
Academy. Benefits of drill and practice could be one on one type of learning,
you go at your own pace. If you do not correctly answer the question they give
you a similar problem, giving you a chance to keep going until the concept is
understood. Another benefit could be immediate feedback, if you answered the
problem correctly you would get an “OK, Good Job, Nice” and if incorrectly the
program would describe what’s wrong, how it is wrong, and what to do to fix it.
The type of program also gives motivation and provides efficient learning for all
students by dealing with each need for each student and and practicing on their
own. Limitations considered for this type of program is not allowing the student
to be able to manipulate what they have learned into everyday activities.
Another reported limitation is abusing the program and overly using it. When
using the program setting time limits, assign working on the program for
individually or in groups, and also place the electronic program as a learning
station in your classroom for students to use while the rest of the students are
in other stations to allow the student using the program to strengthen their
weaknesses. This function can be used in the classroom to efficiently help your
students to not be left behind with any subject. If they have a weakness with a
certain math topic the software can channel on that one student and be able to
help them get on the same page as the class. If they have a weakness in
english comprehension, various of reading and questions following can help the
child and strengthen there reading literacy. https://www.khanacademy.org ,
Khan Academy is a great website that can help in any subject. It provides
feedback for the student, whether correct or wrong of a problem, and also
strengthens in whatever the student has a weakness in. Limitations could
definitely be abusing the program, overusing it by allowing to take place of your
lessons does the student no justice. The program should be a practice and a
support to your lessons, not a new way to introduce your students to new

Is software that strictly gives instructions and teaches throughout a video.
Throughout the video it should give you all the information needed in order to
understand the topic. It also gives you practices to help with your
comprehension of the topic you are being informed about. Tutorials give you
the benefit of giving you a self-contained and self-paced type of instruction. It is
basically one on one time, and enabling you to strengthen your weaknesses.
Limitations of tutorials is a directed type of teaching strategy, it discourages
students to apply what they learn to other problems and also does not allow
students to generate their own knowledge and branch out upon the topic.
Tutorials can be used in the classroom for self paced learning, another way of
learning strategies for the lesson, and also for those that want to learn different
subjects that are considered low demand within that school. A great site with
tutorials for various learning strategies is youtube; any subject can be find
within youtube and can give you instructions for example adding unlike
fractions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEo0rSZ4O3w ; within this site
your able to self pace yourself until your able to grasp whatever concept you
may need to strengthen yourself. For using youtube for educational purposes
you could separate the children, and during station time have their own time
and be able to have reinforcement of a lesson they may not understand.
However limitations with this site, or whichever tutorial site, it is a directed type
of learning, and also can be inefficient. At times some teachers may disagree
what is being displayed and decide it is not a necessary concept to learn.

Simulation based software is mainly to model and idealize how a system
may work, whether how to do something or those that teach about something.
Various of benefits occurs with the use of simulation, such as compressing and
slowing down processes for students to be able to understand. It can be used
in the classroom in replace of experiments and cost effective. For example
learning how to fly a plane, dissections, and dangerous liquids. On the other
hand there are limitations with the use of simulations, such as accuracy and
misuse of software. Flying a simulated plane can be much different and a lot
more easier than a real plane in the air including a lot of pressure to get back to
the ground safely. Misusing the software would be certain things that could be
done on paper like the display of a food chain electronically which could also be
done on paper. An example of a simulating site could be for the subject of
science of growing a flower
https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm?method=cResource.dsp Details
ResourceID=615 , throughout the experiment it's slowed down and allows you
to be able to recap and also see what's necessary and how to grow a plant.
Each student could individually be given a simulated plant and take care of it on
their own simulation. This could give each student dependency and allow them
to be observative of their own plants.

Instructional Games
Instructional Games software is a motivational type of teaching strategies
that encourages the engagement of students. The benefit of instructional
games is simply enabling teachers better opportunities to get there students to
focus on a curriculum topic. Limitations of instructional games is students not
being able to understand the difference of learning and having fun. Schools at
times discourage the use of games because it takes away from the motivation
of actually wanting to learn and actually grasping concepts. The Instructional
Games also diminish there actual educational value, which takes away from the
learning that was to originally occur. When using instructional games it is
important to use the software appropriately, make sure all students are
involved, and emphasize the sole purpose of the game which is the educational
purpose while also having fun. An instructional game that is used is Kahoot,
https://kahoot.it . The teacher basically creates the questions and the students
have options of choosing which answers the question. Kahoot is able to fit the
needs of the topic that was taught, and also helps the teacher reinforce the
lesson in a fun way. The game allows for all students to be involved and
individually answer the questions. However the game is also based on how fast
you answer the question, and if it's correct, not being able to comply to either
rule does not boost your points and also takes away from the educational

Problem Solving
Although the root use of problem solving software isn’t really defined, it’s
mainly used for three main components: acknowledging a problem, activities of
physical operations, and generating ideas throughout the mind. Problem
solving software is known to motivate students and encourage their interest in
activities. It also prevents students from being tunnel minded or programmed
with information, instead allowing them to think on their own and apply different
ideas to various of problems. Limitations of problem solving is many
packages describe the program with different terms, making it unclear. Another
reported limitation is the purpose of the program isn’t suitable for all children
and doesn't positively affect the students to where the program becomes a
necessity. Problem solving can be used for resolving issues in everyday life, or
even solving math story problems. http://www.poptropica.com , and
http://pbskids.org are good sites for problem solving. It puts kids in real world
situations, allowing them to strategically think how to fix and resolve issues in
whatever situation.
However, since problem solving is such a broad strategy for teaching students,
in order for it to be most effective they encourage to decide which particular
type of problem solving they want you to master- thinking critically, or thinking
of various ways to solve a problem.

Integrated learning are systems that offer computer-based instruction and
other resources to support instructions for the teacher. Tutoring and an
increase on curriculum standards plus standardized tests were created to
uphold educational accountability and be able to keep track of your students
developmental progress. Keeping up with ILS your able to do directed learning,
and constructivism.

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