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Journal of Foraminiferal Research, V. 10, no. 1, p.

1-30, January 1980



M. L. BREMER,',~


The paleobathymetry and paleoecology of the Plio- (marker-bed). In the Pliocene section the fauna is
cene/Pleistocene boundary stratotype section at Le characterized by frequent fluctuations between the
Castella (Calabria, Italy) has been derived from a Cassidulina laevigata-Uvigerina peregrina assem-
study of benthonic and planktonic foraminifera. blage and the Cibicidoides floridanus assemblage; in
A Q-mode principal component analysis simplified the Pleistocene unit, the Cassidulina laevigata-Uvi-
the benthonic census data to a few assemblages which gerina peregrina assemblage dominates. The only re-
were subsequently compared to the present day ben- ported recent occurrence of C. floridanus with abun-
thonic population described by Parker (1958) in east- dances similar to those of Le Castella is in the Gulf of
ern Mediterranean surface sediments. The comparison Mexico.
indicates that the Le Castella benthonic foraminifera Relatively high percentages of warm-water plank-
are similar to those occurring between 130-700 m in tonic foraminifera are associated with the Cassidulina
the Mediterranean today-a range occupied by the In- laevigats-Uvigerina peregrina assemblage, whereas
termediate Water Mass. relatively low percentages are associated with the Cib-
Benthonic foraminiferal principal component I1 icidoides floridanus assemblage. The integrated plank-
summarizes the greatest dimension of variation in the tonic and benthonic foraminiferal evidence delineates
Le Castella faunal census data. The taxa Cassidulina a record of two climatic regimes in the stratotype. A
laevigata, Uvigerina peregrina, Bulimina costata, B . series of frequent climatic fluctuations, alternating be-
aculeata + marginata and Hyalinea balthica dominate tween a characteristically Mediterranean climate and
one end-member of principal component 11; Cibici- one comparable to the Gulf of Mexico today, char-
doides floridanus dominates the other. acterizes the late Pliocene. The Pleistocene regime is
The relative abundance of these two assemblages typified by a relatively constant climatic regime com-
changes just above the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary parable to that of the Recent.

INTRODUCTION and paleoclimate of the section have been the object

The marine section at Le Castella (Calabria, Italy) of scientific interest for many years. Benson (1975)
is the generally accepted Pliocene-Pleistocene bound- studied the ostracodes in an attempt to reconstruct
ary stratotype. For this reason, the paleobathymetry depths and bottom temperatures; Marchetti (1975)
studied the pollen spectra to identify the climatic re-
gime; Lamb and Beard (1972) grouped planktonic fo-
1 Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Ocean-

ographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543.

raminifera into warm and cold categories to infer sur-
2 Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
face-water temperatures. Emiliani and others (1961)
Ohio 45221. and Emiliani (1971) studied the isotopic composition





- 30

30" -45
4 0' 20" 30°
Location of the section at Le Castella and of the surface sediment
samples of Parker (1958). After Parker (1958, p. 222). For depth 75
and location of samples see Parker (1958, p. 223-224).

in the test of planktonic foraminifera to delineate sur- 105

face temperatures. These studies suggest that the sed-

iments of Le Castella record frequent environmental FIGURE 2
changes with a tendency for surface temperatures in Location of the samples within the section at Le Castella. Major
the Pleistocene to be lower than those in the Pliocene. foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton datum events are
shown. From Haq and others (1977, p. 485).
Although abundant and diverse, the benthonic fo-
raminifera of Le Castella have never been thoroughly
studied. They have a unique potential for the recon-
struction of the environment at the sea floor. By study-
the planktonic and the benthonic foraminifera; in this
ing both the benthonic and planktonic foraminifera of
way it is possible to evaluate the relationship of change
the Le Castella section, it is possible to reconstruct
at the sea surface to change at the sea floor.
the environment of the deposition as well as the ocean-
ographic and climatic regime of that time. Specifically,
the objectives of this study are the following:
Many of the well-exposed outcrops of Italian Plio-
1) to estimate the paleobathymetry of Le Castella,
cene/Pleistocene are located in the Catanzaro-Nicas-
tro structural trough of central Calabria (Bayliss,
2) to reconstruct and interpret environmental
1975). This trough is considered to have formed in the
changes of Le Castella.
early to middle Miocene with downwarping continuing
The first 'objective is accomplished by examining the at least until early Pliocene (Burton, 1965, 1971).
bathymetric distribution of the Le Castella assem- There are small, isolated areas in this trough in
blages in the present-day eastern Mediterranean fau- which the basement is overlain by sedimentary rocks
nas described by Parker (1958). Q-mode principal of Triassic to early Eocene age (Burton, 1965, 1971).
components analysis is used to define the assemblages For the most part, however, the youngest sedim'entary
and examine their distribution. Although time con- rocks found within the trough are conglomerates,
suming, this approach is inherently more objective and sandstones, clays and limestones of middle to late
complete because more species are considered and Miocene age. The sands, clays and marls deposited in
relative species abundance information is considered the early Pliocene contain rich planktonic and ben-
in greater detail. thonic foraminiferal faunas thought to represent a rel-
The second objective is achieved by studying both atively deep-water environment (Bayliss, 1975). De-


position of clays, marls and thin sandy horizons 1.0 -

continued until early Pleistocene. Today, many of
these Pliocene/Pleistocene sections are several hundred Ii
.9 - -17
meters above sea level. -6
The 155 m composite section at Le Castella consists *mi3
of gray silty claystones and thin- sandy horizons (Fig. .8 -
2). The thin sandy layer which occurs approximately
45 m below the top of the section is thought to be the
.7 -
lithostratigraphic marker bed of the Pliocene/Pleisto-
cene boundary as defined by Gignoux (1910). The
marker bed and some of the other sandy horizons .6 -
within the section are thought to have a turbidity cur-
rent origin (Bayliss, 1975). 0

The sediments at Le Castella contain shallow-water .5 -

benthonic foraminifera such as Elphidium sp., Florilus

boueanus, Asterigerinita mamilla and Ammonia bec- fil
c, ,4-
carii which today do not live in water deeper than 200 P
m. Also present are deeper-water species such as 0

Uvigerina peregrina, Cibicidoides floridanus and An- .3 -

gulogerina angulosa. These live in water greater than
200 m in the present-day eastern Mediterranean and -
they are the dominant forms in the Le Castella fauna. 0 %
None of the shallow-water taxa ever exceeds 3% in
relative abundance, and these shallow-water species .i -
probably are not reworked or displaced. Thus, with
the use of multivariate statistical techniques designed
0 :
to emphasize abundant species, it is possible to extract -

ecological information and gain valuable insight into

the paleoenvironment of this marine boundary strato-
type section.
- .I -
* *
2- 0 : 0


-.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .6

The biostratigraphic framework for this investiga- FIGURE 3
tion is that of Haq and others (1977). Working with Plot of Le Castella samples on the second and third principal com-
the same set of samples, they found the following da- ponent axes generated by the first principal components analysis
tum events recorded in the Le Castella section: the to show the composition of the samples in terms of the principal
sequential FAD (first appearance datum) of four component assemblages. The coordinates are factor loadings. The
samples fall into two clusters. Samples 18, 17, 13, 11 and 6 have
species of the coccolithophore genus Gephyrocapsa, factor loadings for principal component I1 which are higher than
the LAD (last appearance datum) of Discoaster brou- those of the other samples. They are characterized by high abun-
weri, the LAD of the planktonic foraminifer Globiger- dances of Brizalina attica and Bulimina exilis.
inoides obliquus and the FAD of Globorotalia trun-
catulinoides. The positions of these datum events in
the section are shown in Fig. 2. DESCRIPTION O F THE FAUNA
If the Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica FAD (1.62 Ma)
and the Discoaster brouweri LAD (1.65 Ma) are cho-
sen as the two most reliable datum events (Haq, per- The samples in this study were collected by F. Bar-
sonal communication) an average sedimentation rate bieri in 1971. They are the same as those studied by
of 9.7 cd10,OOO years is obtained for this section. Rio (1974) and Haq and others (1977). Sixty samples
Assuming constant sedimentation the time range of taken at approximately 2- to 3-m intervals span the
the section is estimated to be 1.55 Ma to 1.75 Ma. 150-111 section (Fig. 2).


Factor scores for the first ten Q-mode principal components. They represent the proportional contributions of each of the species to each of
the principal components.

Principal component
Taxon I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO
Ammonia beccarii .007 .018 -0.25 .011 .031 .188 - .046 - .005 ,117 - .476
Asterigerinita mammila .001 - .001 .001 .001 .001 -.001 -.001 - .ooo .004 - .007
Bigeneria nodosaria .002 - .002 - .005 .ow -.001 .001 - .ooo .ooo - .003 - .003
Brizalina albatrossi .013 .00s -.015 - ,006 - .003 ,020 - .006 -.OW ,004 - .040
Brizalina attica .017 .055 ~ .053 .05 1 .114 .055 .I92 -.018 ,049 ,022
Brizalina catanensis ,041 .I92 -.I50 .716 - .627 .082 .028 .010 -.I29 .008
Brizalina difformis .008 ,047 .030 .097 .I22 .ow ,047 .069 .064 .036
Brizalina dilitata .028 .065 .059 .lo3 ,228 .I61 - ,087 .031 -. 174 ,429
Brizalina pseudoplicata .001 .000 ,001 .ooo .ooo - .005 .001 - .ooo .001 ,001
Brizalina alata .oo7 .031 .008 .016 -.001 .018 -.OM .003 -.033 .035
Bulimina aculeata + marginata .195 ,266 - .289 - ,232 .084 .207 .053 .039 - .784 -.180
Bulimina costata .199 .267 -.701 -.201 - ,034 .246 -.I50 - .002 .477 ,036
Bulimina exilis .005 .020 - .044 .020 ,078 .158 .934 -. 147 ,116 -.001
Bulimina gibba .oo3 .012 - .003 .061 -.011 .088 .011 .003 .006 ,013
Cibicides boueanus .OS5 ,005 -.012 .041 -.016 .010 .001 .021 .041 .050
Cassidulina crassa .006 ,020 .016 .012 .016 - .002 - .007 .001 -.015 .013
Cassidulina laevigata .335 .421 ,196 .396 ,503 .021 - ,082 - ,002 .IO5 -.010
Cassidulina subglobosa .I02 ,028 .070 .OS6 .046 .068 .001 .020 - ,017 -. 180
Cibicides lobatulus .037 ,054 .049 ,072 .111 .034 .004 .015 .061 .011
Cibicidoides Joridanus ,701 - .655 - ,056 .078 - ,027 .082 .013 .003 - .066 ,059
Eggerella bradyi .004 -.01I - ,022 .022 - ,003 ,003 .001 .007 .002 - .005
Elphidium crispum .001 ,003 .003 .000 .001 .002 .001 - ,000 .005 - .007
Epistominella evax .002 .001 - .008 -.012 - .005 - .040 .146 .983 .05 1 - .022
Epistomeinella rugosa
convexa .023 - .006 .032 - ,004 .001 .012 - .008 -.001 .023 - .048
Florilus boueanum .005 .014 -.018 -.001 .030 .030 .008 .002 - .046 .016
Gavelinopsis praegeri .021 .061 .027 - .001 .031 -.008 -.009 .002 .004 .052
Globobulimina affinis .034 .025 - .041 - .010 .022 - ,041 - .001 .003 .001 .059
pseudospinescens .OlS .046 - ,033 - .019 .024 - .007 - ,001 -.001 -.042 ,039
Gyroidina altqormis .001 -.001 .022 ,001 .001 .002 - .ooo .000 .Ooo - .003
Gyroidina umbonata .046 .018 .033 .077 .072 ,040 ,004 .004 ,016 - .062
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii .070 - .006 .028 .ooo -.016 .073 -.021 - .002 .030 -.170
Hanzawaia rhodiensis .001 - .ooo .003 -.001 - .003 .000 .001 - .ooo .003 .006
Hoglundina elegans .004 .009 .012 .003 .011 .010 - .006 .002 - .006 .037
Hyalinea balthica .IO8 .217 .401 - ,330 -.369 .464 .007 .020 .030 .360
Amphicoryna scalaris ,009 .033 ,026 - .038 - ,034 - .066 ,018 - ,006 .014 ,103
Melonis barleanus .I21 - .047 ,028 .062 .065 .083 - .030 ,016 .076 .348
Miliolinella circularis .001 .006 .005 .010 .012 - .008 .005 .ooo .008 - .002
Neoconorbina terquemi ,005 .017 .002 .010 .028 .020 -.013 .003 - .006 .035
Oridorsalis tener ,028 - .000 - ,074 - .008 .006 - .009 - .008 - ,004 .023 ,009
Planorbulina mediterranensis .001 - .002 ,000 .ooo .ooo .003 - .001 ,000 .001 - ,003
Planulina arimenensis .I23 - ,011 .092 - .090 -.117 .048 .006 .023 .062 .012
Pseudoclavulina crustata .013 - .004 .008 -.021 - .028 .015 - .002 -.001 .027 -.018
Pullenia bulloides ,024 .026 - .028 - .003 .010 -.017 .005 - .004 .007 - .006
Pullenia quinqueloba .012 .002 .013 - ,009 - .ooo .019 - .001 ,002 - .029 - ,033
Pyrgo anomala .002 .003 .002 - .003 - .001 -.010 .002 - .001 - .005 -.014
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana .007 .015 ,015 - .003 .007 - .022 .001 - .001 -.014 -.017
Rotamorphina involuta .001 ,001 - .003 .001 -.001 .001 - .ooo - .Ooo .001 -.001
Sigmoilina distorta .008 .011 ,022 - ,008 - ,005 - .008 ,001 -.001 .010 .003
Sigmoilina tenuis .007 .011 .015 - .011 - .014 -.010 .ooo - ,003 .022 - .007
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri .055 .027 .065 -.014 - .020 ,071 - .026 .001 .060 .030
Siphonina reticulatu .018 -.023 -.004 .005 -.016 .025 - .004 ,009 .017 .055
Sphaeroidina bulloides .I69 .075 .143 - .062 - .045 .068 - .032 - .004 ,086 - .275
Spiroloculina canaliculata ,004 ,005 .013 -.011 - .009 ,017 .002 ,002 -.016 .036
Textularia calva ,034 .017 .076 -.042 - .042 .141 -.033 ,007 ,079 -.012



Principal component
Taxon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Textularia conica .001 .002 ,002 -.001 -.002 -.008 .022 .007 .002 -.OM
Textularia sagittula ,021 -.003 .028 -.003 -.OOO .049 -.012 .002 ,005 -.055
Trifarina angulosa .158 ,131 ,349 -.057 -.072 ,188 -.046 -.005 .117 -.476
Uvigerina auberiana .OS1 -.047 -.048 .036 .020 .072 -.044 -.006 .113 -.242
Uvigerina peregrina .427 .336 .064 -.215 -.214 -.708 .126 -.049 .007 .138
Valvulineria bradyana .015 ,029 .012 ,083 .148 ,073 -.030 .017 -.050 .203

At least 150 benthonic foraminifera were randomly ther set will be described as well as when considered
selected from the greater than 150-micron fraction separately. This is the case in our initial principal com-
(using a numbered grid and a random number table), ponents analysis; samples 18, 17, 13, 1 1 and 6 are dis-
were identified and counted. The taxonomy is de- tinctly different from all of the other samples in that
scribed in Appendix l and the Le Castella benthonic they have very high relative abundances of Brizalina
foraminiferal census data are given in Appendix 2. attica and Bulimina exilis. For this reason, those sam-
After eliminating all species of benthonic foraminif- ples were considered separately and eliminated from
era with maximum abundances of less than 1 percent, subsequent calculations.
the samples were described in terms of 60 species. After a second principal component analysis of all
Some of the more abundant species are Uvigerina per- samples except 18, 17, 13, 1 1 and 6, the samples
egrina, Cibicidoidesfloridanus, Cassidulina laevigata, grouped into one cluster when plotted against principal
Bulimina costata, B . aculeata + marginata, Brizalina components I1 and 111. The factor scores and loadings
attica and B. exilis. produced by this analysis are shown in Tables 1 and
In order to simplify the data, a Q-mode principal 2. The factor scores for the principal components rep-
components analysis was performed. A description of resent the proportional contribution of each species to
the mathematics of the technique may be found in each of the assemblages. The factor loadings for the
Davis (1973) and Daultrey (1976). Examples of the use principal component assemblages represent the rela-
of this and similar techniques in paleoecology are tive abundance of each of the faunal assemblages with-
found in Imbrie and Kipp (1971), Haq and Lohmann in each of the samples.
(1976), and Lohmann (1978). The computer program Inspection of the factor scores shows that principal
CABFAC (Klovan and Imbrie, 1971) was used to per- component assemblage I (the vector mean) is defined
form the calculations. by abundant and ubiquitous species such as Cibici-
The principal components analysis is advantageous doides floridanus, Uvigerina peregrina, Cassidulina
for two reasons. Firstly, it results in a substantial sim- laevigata, Bulimina costata and Bulimina aculeata
plification of the faunal census data while retaining + rnarginata. Principal component assemblage I1 is
most of the information about the relative species defined by two end-member assemblages: one is dom-
abundances. Secondly, it makes possible an objective inated by Cibicidoides floridanus and the other is
comparison of the Le Castella fauna to other data sets, dominated by Cassidulina laevigata, Uvigerina pere-
in this case, the Recent fauna of the eastern Mediter- grina, Bulimina costata, B . aculeata + marginata,
ranean. and Hyalinea balthica. The Cassidulina laevigata-
An initial principal components analysis trans- Uvigerina peregrina assemblage is abundant from
formed and reduced the 60 benthonic species to ten sample 45'to the top of the section (Fig. 4;Appendix
assemblages. Principal component assemblages I1 and 2).
I11 grouped the basic data into two clusters, one of
which consists of samples 18, 17, 13, 1 1 and 6 (Fig. 3).
The Q-mode principal components analysis is de-
signed to describe the major dimensions of an ellip- Parker (1958) and Ryan (1972) constructed warm-
soidal array of points (in this case, the samples are the cold climatic curves for the eastern Mediterranean
points and their coordinates are the species abun- based on planktonic foraminifera (Parker identified the
dances). If the technique is applied to a data set con- species associated with relatively warm and cool en-
sisting of two ellipsoids or clusters of points, then nei- vironments qualitatively and Ryan identified them


Factor loadings for the first ten Q-mode principal components. They represent the abundance of each of the assemblage in each of the
samples. We have followed Kaiser’s Rule (Cooley and Lohnes, 1971, p. 104) and retained principal components with eigenvalues greater than
unity. Although a specific environmental significance was attributed only to the second principal component, all ten principal components
were used to calculate the second index of similarity for the paleobathymetric estimate. In this way we maximize the proportion of the
benthonic foraminiferal faunal census data used to estimate paleobathymetry.

Principal factor loadings

Sample Comm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO

60 ,9671 .4413 .3057 - .6080 - .2843 - .0892 .3095 -.1252 ,0077 .3249 .0574
59 .9356 373 1 - .0407 .3215 - .0980 -.I550 .0210 .0199 -.0016 .0130 .1526
58 .9650 .8512 .2976 .3142 -.1579 -.I201 ,0268 .0063 - ,0020 ,0636 .0944
57 ,9044 .9191 .1130 - .OW8 - .0669 .0453 - .0536 .0125 .0022 -.1512 -.I203
56 3691 S603 .3618 .3776 - ,2697 -.1981 .3353 .0221 .0193 -.I673 .1686
55 .9405 ,7909 .3003 -.0232 -.0601 .1215 - .0296 .0448 .0104 - .4501 -.0164
54 3957 .7635 ,2362 .2547 - ,0963 -. 1092 - .3722 .0539 - ,0320 .0496 -.1612
52 .9299 .8861 .2765 .1629 - .0640 ,0198 .1248 - .0456 .0003 .I368 - ,0294
51 .9840 ,4876 .4919 -.1004 s755 - .3938 -.0631 .0139 -.mol - .0673 .0202
50 .7605 .3998 ,2765 .1760 .2632 .4507 .2560 -.1122 .0396 -.2021 .3169
49 .9397 ,7273 .5 146 .2475 .0807 ,2318 -.0216 -.0410 .0028 .0111 ,1487
47 .9232 .6770 .3949 .2157 -.2178 -. 1798 - ,3352 .0798 -.0235 .0216 .2508
46 .9585 .9376 ,0952 -.0819 - .0991 .0360 -.0192 .0127 - ,0008 -.1924 -.I221
45 ,9008 .8265 -.3406 .I743 - .0020 - .0842 .2077 -.0183 ,0079 ,0432 -.1374
44 .9570 .8661 - ,0373 .2758 - .2008 - .2859 - .0399 .0543 -.0021 .0034 .0467
43 .9471 .9090 ,1570 .0842 .0873 .I619 .0483 - .0626 - .0075 .I275 -. 1808
42 ,9669 .9366 -.1318 .2126 .0602 ,0460 .0978 -.0079 .0045 ,0015 -.IO85
41 ,9249 .8467 - ,3832 .0333 .1949 .1409 .0075 - ,0034 - .0004 - .0175 .0417
40 ,9524 .9650 -.0251 ,0474 .lo54 .0395 -.0193 - .0002 .OW6 - .0627 - .0358
39 .9354 A687 .0288 .2054 .2267 ,2416 -.0016 - .0500 - .0063 ,1249 - .0993
38 .9562 .9272 -.I957 -.0451 .0181 -.0103 - .2093 .0180 -.0189 .0804 .0697
37 .9637 3969 .2031 .2439 .I054 .0270 -.0118 -.0180 - .W92 .0718 - .2024
36 .9276 3817 ,1786 .5227 -.1630 - .2287 .4300 - .0495 ,0183 .1239 - .0463
35 .9627 ,8801 -.2330 .2425 -.1371 -.1983 .lo67 .0274 - ,0004 - .0397 - ,0565
34 .9812 .9669 - .0872 .I017 .040 1 .0305 - .0255 - .OH9 - .0095 .lo17 -.I199
33 .9525 .8974 .0500 .I027 .0154 .0086 - .3538 .0399 - .0257 .0654 .0455
32 .9012 3932 -.1309 .0879 .0689 .0940 .0477 - .0070 .0047 - ,0837 -.2359
31 .9615 .9463 -.I246 .0697 -.0124 -.0251 -.1623 ,0326 -.0126 - ,0243 -.1290
30 ,9695 3864 .I557 - .2789 -.1523 .0291 - .0820 .0256 - .0011 - .2203 - .0425
29 .9371 .9190 -.1238 -.1449 - .0253 .0478 - .0537 - .W03 .0057 -.IO13 .2005
28 .9694 .7866 .3870 -.3158 -.0617 .0628 -.I682 - .0526 -.0201 ,2438 ,0515
27 ,9908 ,0457 .I979 -.1543 ,7166 - .6234 .0815 .0359 .0092 -.1237 ,0135
26 .9992 .0629 ,0050 - .0231 -.0214 - .0077 - ,0494 .1507 .9830 .0498 -.0155
25 .9084 .9276 .0324 -.1570 - .0034 .I022 ,0028 - .0264 .OOO8 .o002 -.IO52
24 ,9646 .9181 -.2122 - .2442 - .0675 -.0167 .0926 - .0345 .0060 .0462 ,0157
23 .9748 .8545 -.0512 - .2427 -. 1484 ,0261 .0745 ,0248 .0198 - .3904 - .0397
22 .9658 .9048 - ,3233 - .0722 .0086 - .0076 - .0907 ,0233 - ,0004 -.0735 .1520
21 .9485 3719 - .4201 - ,0247 .0561 .0102 ,0820 -.0139 ,0039 ,0229 -.0216
20 .9782 .8474 .I310 -.4119 ,1725 - .0186 .1414 -.0418 .0019 .0949 -.0311
19 .9652 .8676 .1610 - .4029 .0893 -.1140 .0304 - .0178 - ,0018 .0341 - .0302
16 .9693 3798 - ,3925 - .0937 .097 1 .0566 .0548 -.0136 - ,0014 ,0922 .0900
15 .9596 ,9071 p.2514 -.0739 .I639 .0790 .0450 -.0410 .0017 .1323 .1175
14 .9491 ,6996 .4194 - .4770 -.1654 ,0417 - .0647 - ,0433 -.0141 .1482 .0165
12 .9706 3243 - .4958 - .0860 ,0389 - ,0596 -.0115 ,0130 ,0017 .0129 I1802

10 .9838 .748 I -.6173 -.OS11 .0797 -.0127 ,1275 .0110 ,0061 ,0029 .1165
9 .9573 .6554 .2688 - 3373 -. 1927 .0720 .I815 .1259 -.0105 -.1272 - .0560
8 .9832 .0097 .03 11 - .0496 ,0299 ,0978 .1643 .9514 -.1477 .I231 .0018
7 .9664 3666 - .3603 -.1059 - .0586 -.I215 -.1934 .0399 -.0158 ,0339 ,1257
5 .7408 .4027 .3830 .1705 .4055 .4547 .0097 .0890 ,0238 ,1407 .1578
Variance 63.78 7.73 6.00 3.62 3.15 2.49 2.10 2.03 1.99 1.43
Cum. Variance 63.78 71.51 77.51 81.14 84.28 86.77 88.87 90.91 92.89 94.32


% with a factor and vector analysis). Parker used Has-

tigerina aequilateralis, H . pelagica, Globigerinoides
ruber and G . sacculifer, to indicate relatively warm
58 temperatures. Ryan found that H . aequilateralis, Glo-
-57 bigerinoides ruber and Globorotalia truncatulinoides
55 are associated with relatively warmer temperatures in
!% the Mediterranean. With the exception of G . trunca-
52 tulinoides, we have used Ryan’s warm-water species.
51 Because of its evolutionary appearance near the base
50 of the Pleistocene, G . truncatulinoides is not mean-
49 ingful as a paleoecological indicator in a section as old
as Le Castella.
46 At least 200 planktonic foraminifera in each of the
45 Le Castella samples were examined and counted. The
44 combined relative abundance of the two “warm”
species was calculated. Values for this combined
41 warm species range from 0 to 37%. Temporal varia-
40 tions in warm planktonic foraminifera are plotted next
to those of benthonic foraminiferal principal compo-
nent I1 in Fig. 4. The C. laevigata-U. peregrina as-
39 semblage is associated with low abundances of warm-
-38 water planktonic foraminifera and the C. floridanus
37 lu assemblage is associated with high relative abun-
dances of warm-water planktonic foraminifera.

Much attention has been focused on the paleoecol-
-27 ogy, biostratigraphy and paleomagnetic stratigraphy
26 of the Le Castella section because of its importance
24 as the PlioceneIPleistocene boundary stratotype. The
23 results of some of the relevant paleoecological studies
22 are summarized in the following.
19 and C13/C12
Emiliani and others (1961) analyzed the oxygen iso-
topic composition of the tests of planktonic foraminif-
16 era. The 47 samples studied spanned the entire sec-
tion. They concluded that a major shift in temperature
could be discerned in the section, with a trend from

IO t
B The percent “warm” planktonic foraminifera is the combined abun-
7 dance of Hastigerina aequilateralis and Globigerinoides ruber. The
values for principal component assemblage I1 are factor loadings.
+ . . ’ . . - ““‘(a- Negative factor loadings for benthonic principal component assem-
-.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 blage I1 indicate the presence of the C . floridanus assemblage and
positive factor loadings represent the presence of the C. laevigata-
FACTOR LOAD” U . peregrinh assemblage. Note that the C . floridanus assemblage
FIGURE 4 is associated with high abundances of warm water planktonic fo-
Plot of benthonic foraminiferal principal component assemblage I1 raminifera and the C. laevigata-U. peregrina assemblage is asso-
(A) and percent “warm” planktonic foraminifera (B) down section. ciated with low abundances of warm water planktonic foraminifera.


warmer temperatures in the Pliocene to cooler tem- that psychrospheric ostracode faunas were present in
peratures in the Pleistocene. Emiliani (1971) subse- the Pliocene, gradually decreased, and disappeared in
quently studied both the carbon and oxygen isotopic the Pleistocene; and furthermore, that this faunal trend
composition of the tests of planktonic foraminifera at could be seen at Le Castella. Benson postulated that
Le Castella. In this study, 63 samples were taken from early Pleistocene sill depths at the Straits of Gibraltar
a 27-meter interval spanning the marker-bed which and the Straits of Messina were approximatly 1,500 m.
represents the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. He These sills are at approximately 300 m today. The os-
found that although the isotopic ratios varied, the tracode evidence suggested that the change from 1,500
boundary itself was not characterized by a strong gra- m to 300 m was gradual.
Planktonic foraminifera
Marchetti (1975, p. 472) studied the pollen spectra
Lamb and Beard (1972) determined the percentages of five samples (taken from an interval of 15 m which
of warm-water and cold-water planktonic foraminifera spanned the marker-bed) from Le Castella. A se-
throughout the section at Le Castella. Their results quence of climatic phases was delineated, beginning
showed no striking temperature change across the with a “moderately cool period, through a dry-warm
marker-bed, but their data suggested that, on the av- one, to oceanic and oceanic-temperate conditions.”
erage, the Pliocene part of the section represents an
environment which was relatively warmer than that of
the Pleistocene part of the section.
The paleobathymetry of the section can be estimat-
Benthonic foraminifera ed by examining the bathymetric distribution of the
Le Castella assemblages in the present-day eastern
Several investigators have made qualitative esti-
Mediterranean. There are two major assumptions in
mates of depth and temperature based on benthonic
such an estimate.
foraminifera. Emiliani and others (1961) gave a quali-
The first assumption is that the ecologic response of
tative description of the benthonic foraminiferal fauna.
the benthonic foraminifera under study has not
By selecting eight of the species and considering the
changed significantly since the time of the latest
depth at which these species live today, they estimated
Pliocene. The second assumption is that at the time
that the Le Castella sediments were deposited in ap-
the Le Castella sediments were deposited, the hy-
proximately 500 m of water. They also noted that the
drography of the eastern Mediterranean was similar
fauna varies markedly from sample to sample and in-
to what it is today. This assumption is necessary be-
terpreted this to mean that the environment underwent
cause benthonic foraminifera respond not only to
numerous variations. They also related the appearance
depth but also to a variety of physical and chemical
of Hyalinea balthica in the Pleistocene to decreasing
factors that vary as a function of depth. In short, we
temperatures. Using the same method as Emiliani
are assuming that the bathymetric distribution of the
(1961), Bandy and Wilcoxon (1970) estimated that the
Le Castella assemblages has not changed.
benthonic foraminiferal faunas represented water
We have calculated two indices of similarity in our
depths of 600-1,000 m, or perhaps more. Lamb and
comparison of the benthonic foraminifera of Le Cas-
Beard (1972) concurred with the depth estimate of
tella with those of the present-day eastern Mediter-
Bandy and Wilcoxon (1970). Iaccarino (1975, p. 455)
ranean. The first index is simply the percentage of
indicated that the benthonic foraminiferal faunas and
benthonic foraminifera in one of Parker’s samples
ratios of planktonic to benthonic foraminifera sug-
which remains after eliminating all taxa which do not
gested a “reasonably deep open sea sedimentary en-
occur at Le Castella. The second index is derived from
vironment. ”
an estimate of the proportion of the fauna (in ‘one of
Parker’s samples after all taxa which do not occur at
Le Castella were eliminated) which can be attributed
Benson (1975) presented ostracode evidence that to the Le Castella assemblages.
the sill depths of the Straits of Gibraltar and the Straits Values for the first index of similarity are given in
of Sicily were deeper than today at the time the Le Cas- Appendix 3; they range from 0-100%. For surface
tella sediments were deposited. In a study of many samples obtained between depths of 106 m and 1,884
Neogene Mediterranean sequences, Benson found m, an average of 77.4% of the benthonic foraminifera


An estimate of the factor loadings for the Le Castella samples in Parker’s (1958) present day eastern Mediterranean benthonic foraminiferal

Sample Comm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO

BS32 .012 ,024 .038 .025 .046 .075 .025 ,004 .009 .035 ,004
4662A .029 .os5 .028 .036 .049 .080 .068 - .009 .013 .os5 ,086
4666 .465 ,268 .289 .lo4 .460 .I71 .125 - .OS9 ,016 .077 ,180
466 1 .005 ,027 .021 .028 .022 .033 .028 - .00S .004 .027 - ,007
4658 .323 ,245 .261 .068 .373 .118 .lo2 -.041 .014 .085 .131
4667 .476 .245 ,309 .006 .531 -.012 .128 - .024 ,016 .021 .145
4657A .402 .321 .334 .128 .340 .165 - .026 - .016 .005 .OS5 .139
4649A .490 .433 .429 .001 .205 -.I71 - .084 .046 .006 -.159 .113
4654A .016 .043 .047 ,050 .039 .066 .026 .002 .012 .055 .002
4668 .033 .075 .047 ,064 .OS6 ,084 .071 - .023 .013 ,048 .os 1
4654B .066 .065 .084 .044 .065 ,106 .lo5 .I30 .004 ,096 .020
4721A .670 .492 .459 ,249 .211 .310 - ,018 - .035 .001 .073 ,087
4652 .48 1 .497 .404 .159 - .003 - .065 -.174 .029 - .005 ,046 .093
BS21A .735 .551 ,446 .061 -.166 -.I73 -.269 .OS8 -.011 - ,061 .301
BS20 .762 .553 ,450 - .044 .006 -.271 -.316 .073 -.015 - .OS9 ,303
4657B ,742 ,544 ,442 -.loo -.164 - .295 -.217 .035 -.015 . I17 ,255
BS29 .732 .673 .373 - .306 -. 105 - ,053 .035 .036 .004 ,032 .168
4648 .875 ,627 ,425 - .296 - .267 -.217 - .046 - ,023 - ,006 .064 .256
4647 .523 ,486 .435 - .OS9 -.185 - .044 -. 180 ,026 - .006 - .095 .125
4657 .830 .576 .432 -.176 -.I18 - .244 -.421 ,041 - .029 .I12 .120
4718 .829 .510 .391 - .OS7 - .252 -.I83 - .553 .090 - .037 - .008 ,032
4694 .774 ,577 .422 - .402 - .242 -.191 .021 -.021 - ,004 .072 - ,007

4723 ,752 .550 .376 .118 -.154 -.I03 - .474 .OS6 - .028 ,071 .162
4687 ,886 .549 .359 - .03 1 -.286 -.196 -.531 .121 - .029 -. 186 .049
4685 .952 .695 .275 -.136 -.316 - .209 - .422 .loo - .024 -.171 .114
4664 .648 .597 .218 -.251 -.153 - .028 - .os5 - .OS9 - .002 .I80 .343
4660 309 .628 .278 - ,200 -.221 -.128 - .298 - .002 -.021 .I77 ,335
47 14 ,138 ,276 ,068 .022 -.033 .013 .039 .OS6 ,006 ,007 .226
4656 .757 .436 .308 ,051 -.186 -.172 -.599 .I02 - ,038 .022 ,182
4713 .064 ,233 .OS8 - .002 - ,039 -.012 .020 - ,022 .005 .046 - ,034
BS9 .459 .422 .256 .097 -.160 -.I54 -.385 .060 - .029 ,057 - ,027

4654 .192 .235 .150 .OS3 - .OS7 -.035 - .255 .03 1 - ,012 - .002 .202
4686 .907 .495 ,340 .032 -.241 - .205 - ,641 ,125 - .040 - .073 ,107
4702 .lo8 .173 - .020 ,039 .038 .034 ,067 -.031 .001 .090 ,245
4650 .148 .206 .060 .038 .011 ,009 - ,001 - .028 ,007 .IO5 ,297
4670 .246 .364 .220 .020 -.I15 - .064 - ,211 .034 --,012 -.035 ,004
467 1 .528 .478 .173 .073 -. 138 -.I51 - ,441 .074 - .026 .003 .145
4693 .057 .146 ,057 .036 - ,040 -.os1 - ,042 - .001 -.010 .033 -.155
4699 .030 ,150 - .006 - .008 .003 ,004 .027 -.017 ,002 .062 .056
4688 .043 .071 .oos ,025 - ,001 -.016 .074 - ,022 - ,002 .030 -. 172
4716 .032 .089 ,010 .025 - ,004 - .014 .048 - ,019 .003 .025 -.141
4705 .040 .069 - ,006 .028 ,000 -.015 .071 -.021 - .002 .029 -.166
4673 .034 ,082 - .009 .027 ,005 - .009 .079 - .024 - .ooo .036 -.137
4678 ,011 .034 .002 - ,004 - .005 - ,007 .040 -.012 -.001 .012 - ,088
4683 .004 .017 .004 -.013 - .006 - .004 .024 - .007 -.001 .005 - .049
4689 .371 ,434 .077 .032 -.118 -.143 - .369 .066 - .030 .007 - .004

4698 .015 .064 .048 - .OS9 - .036 - .022 - .009 - .009 - .004 .041 - .039
470 1 ,002 .013 .005 -.015 - ,006 - .003 .020 - ,006 - ,001 .004 - .040
468 I .002 .013 .005 -.015 - .006 - ,003 .020 - .006 p.001 .004 - .04O

4710 .012 .062 .047 - .039 - ,034 - .023 - .033 - .002 - .005 .027 - .028
471 1 .001 .008 .011 .022 - ,007 - .004 - .009 .002 -.001 ,010 .003
4708 .002 .013 .005 -.015 - .006 - ,003 .020 - .006 -.001 ,004 - .040

4676 .210 .096 -.012 .029 ,102 .151 .110 - .042 .024 .018 ,390
Variance 13.628 6.471 1.321 3.OS5 1.680 5.705 .251 ,026 .612 2.591
Cum. Variance 13.628 20.099 21.420 24.475 26.155 31.860 32.111 32.137 32.749 35.340


COMMUNALITY recorded by Parker also was included at Le Castella.

For water shallower than 106 m, the average is 53.7%;
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 for water deeper than 1,884 m, the average is 25.4%.
0 The second index of similarity is the communality
obtained in a principal components comparison (Klo-
van and Imbrie, 1971, p. 64) of the benthonic forami-
100 nifera of Le Castella and that of the present-day east-
ern Mediterranean. The communality is an estimate of
the proportion of the fauna which can be attributed to
200 the Le Castella assemblages. An index of 1 would in-
dicate that all the fauna in one of Parker’s samples
could be attributed to the Le Castella assemblages; an
300 index of 0 would indicate that none of the fauna in one
of Parker’s samples could be attributed to the Le Cas-
tella assemblages. Figure 5 is a plot of Parker’s sam-
400 ples against depth and the second index of similarity.
The similarities rise sharply at about 130 m, remain
high until they begin to decrease rapidly at about 700
500 m, at which depth their values remain consistently
4 low down to 3,974 m.
600 Both the first and second index of similarity are high
within the depth range of 130 to 700 m. That is, within
2fJ 700
this range the Le Castella and surface faunas have a
maximum number of species in common and the pro-
portions of these species are most similar. Thus, the
% 800
water depth during deposition of the Le Castella sed-
iments is inferred to have been between 130 and 700
\ m.
This depth estimate is significantly shallower than
900 that of Bandy and Wilcoxon (1970) and Lamb and
Beard (1972); it is consistent with that of Emiliani and
others (1961). Using an approach similar to that of Ban-
dy and Wilcoxon (1970), we were able to generate a
number of different depth estimates simply by select-
ing different taxa and emphasizing different depth dis-
tribution data sets. Figure 6 shows, for example, that
their technique can be used to produce a depth esti-
mate of -350-500 m which is consistent with ours
(-130-700 m). We think that our approach for esti-
mating bathymetry is inherently more objective be-
cause it uses a much greater number of taxa, and it
considers relative species abundance information in
greater detail.

t t
larity indicates the proportion of the benthonic foraminifera in one
of Parker’s samples which can be attributed to the Le Castella
assemblages. The plot shows the bathymetric distribution of this
FIGURE 5 index of similarity. The dashed lines indicate the approximate depth
The second index of similarity (communality) versus depth for Par- region in which the communalities are high (Le., the Le Castella
ker’s (1958) surface sediment samples. This second index of simi- and surface sediment samples are similar).


Because semi-enclosed seas are extremely sensitive
to climatic change, it is important to examine the as-
sumption that the hydrographic structure of the Med-
iterranean was similar at the time of deposition of the
Le Castella sediments to what it is today. For in-
stance, Ryan (1972) showed that the Pleistocene sap-
ropels of the Mediterranean probably were deposited
during periods of stagnation which developed at times
of glacial retreat. The fresh meltwater at the surface
would produce intense stratification of the water col-
umn and stagnation of the lower layers.
If the environment of the eastern Mediterranean
changed significantly during the deposition of the Le
Castella sediments, the changes should presumably be
recorded in the benthonic foraminiferal faunas. Prin-
cipal component assemblage I1 represents the major
dimension of variation in the fauna. As stated previ-
ously, it summarizes the reciprocal variation between
two assemblages. The taxa in the C. laevigata-U. per-
egrina assemblage occur in the present-day eastern
Mediterranean with relative abundances similar to
those of Le Castella. The C. floridanus assemblage is
The present bathymetric range of selected Le Castella taxa. Some
much more abundant at Le Castella than in the pres- of the rarer taxa are included. The dashed portion of the ranges
ent-day eastern Mediterranean. The greatest observed indicates depths at which the taxa become much less abundant.
relative abundance of C. Poridanus at Le Castella is The stippled area is the region where the depth ranges of all the
53% whereas in the present-day eastern Mediterra- taxa occur with relative abundances similar to those of Le Castella.
nean it is only 10%. Where do benthonic foraminiferal The sources of the depth ranges of each of the species are the
following: Martinotiella communis, Murray (1970), M u m (1976);
faunas with relative abundances of C. floridanus Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri, Parker (1958), Lamy (1973); Uvigeri-
greater than 30% occur today? The only such record nu auberiana, Mum and others (1976); Sphaeroidina bulloides,
is that of Bandy (1956) (Cibicides pseudoungerianus Berggren, 1975, Berggren and others (1976), M u m (1976); Pullenia
sensu Bandy = Cibicidoides floridanus of this paper). bulloides, Berggren and Haq (1976), Berggren and others (1976),
He reported C. floridanus in the northeastern Gulf of M u m and others (1976); Melonis soldanii, Parker (1958); Melonis
barleeanus, Parker (1958); Planulina arimenensis, Mum and others
Mexico with relative abundances up to 47% (the max- (1976); Bulimina marginata, Parker (1958), Colom (1974), M u m
imum at Le Castella is 53%). and others (1976);Bulimina aculeata, M u m and others (1976); Bri-
The factor loadings for principal component assem- zalina albatrossi, Parker (1954), Parker (1958); CibicidoidesJlori-
blage I1 are plotted in Fig. 4. The appearance of this danus Parker (1958); Uvigerina peregrina, Phleger and Parker
curve changes at sample 46, 7.2 m above the marker- (1951), Mum and others (1976); Bulimina tenuata, M u m and others
( 1976).
bed. Above sample 46, the C. laevigata-U. peregrina
assemblage dominates (factor loadings in this portion
of the curve range from -.0407 to 3146). Below sam-
ple 46, the curve is characterized by rapid fluctuations other does not coincide with, but is very close to, the
between C. laevigata-U. peregrina and the C . flori- Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary (above the marker-
danus assemblage (factor loadings in this portion of bed).
the curve range from -.6173 to ,4194). This variation The high relative abundances of Cibicidoides flori-
in principal component I1 suggests that significant danus in the lower part of the section suggest that at
changes occurred in the paleoenvironment of the east- times during the Pliocene, conditions may have exist-
ern Mediterranean during the deposition of the Le ed at Le Castella which are not found in the eastern
Castella sediments. If these variations are attributed Mediterranean today.
to local climatic change, then there seem to have been Samples 18, 17, 13, 11 and 6 with high abundances
two climatic regimes in the eastern Mediterranean dur- of Brizalina attica and Bulimina exilis (which were
ing Le Castella time. The shift from one regime to the deleted from the final principal components analysis)


also suggest that the environment of the eastern Med- ing the deposition of the Le Castella sediments. The
iterranean may have been different at times during the demarcation point between these two regimes is very
Pliocene. These two taxa do tlot occur in the present- close to the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. The Plio-
day eastern Mediterranean with abundances like those cene regime was characterized by frequent climatic
of the Le Castella. In fact, no Recent analog has been changes, while the Pleistocene regime was compara-
found. tively stable.
In our estimate of the paleobathymetry of Le Cas- The planktonic foraminiferal faunas in the Pleisto-
tella, we assumed that at the time the Le Castella sed- cene unit indicate relatively cool temperatures. The
iments were deposited, the hydrography of the eastern similarity of the associated benthonic foraminifera
Mediterranean was similar to what it is today. At the with those at intermediate depths in the present-day
times that the C. laevigata-U. peregrina assemblage eastern Mediterranean suggests that the Pleistocene
dominated the benthonic foraminiferal fauna, this as- environment at Le Castella was somewhat similar to
sumption seems reasonable. When the C. floridanus the Recent.
assemblage dominated the fauna, the environment at In contrast, the planktonic foraminifera of the Plio-
Le Castella probably was different from any in the cene unit indicate frequent fluctuations between a rel-
present-day eastern Mediterranean. Bandy (1956) re- atively cooler and a relatively warmer climate. The
corded C. floridanus in relative abundances greater benthonic foraminifera suggest that these climatic
than 25% in depths ranging from 200 m to 600 m; this fluctuations may have had a direct effect on the hy-
range is similar to our estimated depth range (130-700 drography at depth.
m) for Le Castella. For this reason, although the hy- The cooler phases in the Pliocene were associated
drography at Le Castella probably did change, we with a benthonic foraminiferal fauna similar to that of
think that our depth estimate for Le Castella is rea- the Le Castella Pleistocene and the Recent eastern
sonable. Mediterranean at intermediate water depths. The
warmer phases were associated with a rich benthonic
VARIATION foraminiferal fauna dominated by C. $oridanus. Fau-
By comparing the curves for benthonic foraminiferal nas such as these have not been found in the present-
principal component I1 and warm-water planktonic fo- day eastern Mediterranean. Today similar faunas are
raminifera, it is possible to study the relationship be- found only in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico (Bandy,
tween changes at the sea surface and changes at the 1956). Therefore, during the warmer phases of the
bottom (Fig. 4). Results show that the temporal vari- Pliocene, the Le Castella environment in the eastern
Mediterranean may have been more like that of the
ations of warm planktonic foraminifera parallel those
of the C. laevigata-U. peregrina and C . floridanus Gulf of Mexico. To characterize the environment of
assemblages. The C . laevigata-U. peregrina assem- this time, it is instructive to examine the differences
blage is associated with the low percentages of warm- between the Gulf of Mexico (following the classifica-
water planktonic foraminifera and the C. floridanus tion of the adjacent seas of the North Atlantic of Sver-
fauna is associated with high percentages of warm- drup and others [1942] we will include the Caribbean
water planktonic foraminifera (Fig. 4). as part of the Gulf of Mexico) and the Mediterranean.
Ciaranfi and Cita (1973) used planktonic foraminif- They can be summarized as follows:
era to delineate climatic change in the Pliocene of the 1. They are at different latitudes.
Mediterranean. Two of the warmest peaks on their 2. They differ in their degree of isolation from the
inferred climatic curve occur in the latest Pliocene. Atlantic Ocean. The minimum sill depth between
Separating the two warmest peaks is a relatively cool the Mediterranean and the Atlantic is approxi-
interval of short duration. These warm peaks may cor- mately 300 m (Sverdrup and others, 1942, p. 637-
relate with those of Le Castella; both occur just below 646). The sill depth between the Gulf of Mexico
the Globorotalia truncatulinoides FAD (Fig. 2). The and the Atlantic is approximately 1,500 m. How-
frequent climatic changes at Le Castella coupled with ever, Benson (1975) gave ostracode evidence that
the fact that the sedimentation rate, probably, was not indicates that early Pleistocene sill depths at the
constant, make peak-to-peak correlation with the cli- Straits of Gibraltar and the Straits of Messina
matic curves of Ciaranfi and Cita (1973) and others were approximately 1,500 m.
very difficult. 3 . Only Atlantic surface water flows into the Med-
The integrated benthonic and planktonic foraminif- iterranean (Lacombe and Tchernia, 1972, p. 32),
eral data appear to delineate two climatic regimes dur- whereas Atlantic surface water and a consider-


able amount of Subantarctic Intermediate Water subtropical high. The benthonic foraminiferal assem-
flow into the Gulf of Mexico. blages of the Pliocene unit at Le Castella suggest that
4. The structure of the water column between 200- the subtropical high was episodically displaced north-
800 m is different in the Gulf of Mexico and the ward. Climatic conditions at Le Castella, therefore,
Mediterranean. At these depths, temperatures in periodically alternated from Mediterranean to tropical
the Gulf of Mexico range from 6-18"C, and in as in the Gulf of Mexico.
the Mediterranean they range from 13"-15"C.
Salinities in the Gulf of Mexico range from 34.90- MEDITERRANEAN INTERMEDIATE WATER
36.70%0,and in 'the Mediterranean they range The depth estimate in this study corresponds rough-
from 38.45-38.94%0. ly to the average depth of 130-600 m given for the
Temperature and salinity ranges in the Mediterra- Mediterranean Intermediate Water by Sverdrup and
nean are narrower because vertical convection occurs others (1942). Hooper (1969) performed a factor anal-
more frequently and extends to greater depths than it ysis of Parker's samples of surface sediment with sim-
does in the Gulf of Mexico (Sverdrup and others, ilar results. He noted that the faunas of Parker's sam-
1942). The salinity differences are attributable to cli- ples taken between 201 and 799 m were similar and
mate. Van Loon (1972, p. 109) gives a world map of that this depth range corresponded roughly to the av-
mean precipitation minus evaporation. Values of the erage depth of 200-700 m given by Pollak (1951) for
evaporation surplus in the Mediterranean range from the Mediterranean Intermediate Water. But the bathy-
-50 to more than -100 cm per year, as compared to metric extent of the Mediterranean Intermediate
-25 cm in the Gulf of Mexico. These differences are Water is quite variable.
related to large-scale features of atmospheric circula- Is there a consistent relationship through time be-
tion. The Mediterranean is within the narrow belt of tween the benthonic foraminifera and the water mass
subtropical highs, the horse latitudes. The Gulf of in which they lived? All attempts to relate the principal
Mexico lies south of this belt (Trewartha, 1968, p. 88). component and factor assemblages and water mass
In the subtropical cell the high pressure pattern is origin of Parker's samples have proven unsuccessful.
maintained by descending air. This air warms adi- Assuming that the distribution of benthonic foraminif-
abatically and develops a low relative humidity (Donn, era is related to hydrography, there is a plausible phys-
1975, p. 241). This in turn leads to high rates of evap- ical explanation for this lack of success. Pollak (1951)
oration in the Mediterranean. showed that the Adriatic is a source of Mediterranean
Any model invoked to explain the variation in the Intermediate Water. He found that the water structure
Le Castella benthonic and planktonic foraminiferal is directly affected by the prevailing weather regime
faunas must take into account the fact that the changes and that it changes both seasonally and yearly. In the
observed are periodic. For this reason the gradual tec- presence of such variable hydrography, it is probable
tonic uplift of the sills and exclusion of deep Atlantic that a benthonic foraminiferal fauna from a sample
water postulated by Benson (1975) would not explain (which represents an average of the faunas of 100
the frequent oscillations in the foraminiferal faunas years or more) could be correlated not with the hy-
(Fig. 4). At least two possible mechanisms would pro- drography at one point in time, but with the average
duce periodic changes: (1) eustatic fluctuations in sea hydrography. We can speculate that the close similar-
level and (2) climatic change. ities between 130 and 700 m may represent an average
A change in sea level today would have a pro- faunal response to the average vertical extent of the
nounced effect on the Mediterranean because it would Mediterranean Intermediate Water. It is, however,
change the effective sill depth. The surface and inter- difficult to test.
mediate water masses are more sensitive to sea level
change when the sill is closer to the surface. If, as SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
Benson (1975) proposes, the sill depths during Le Cas- 1. Using Q-mode principal components analysis, a
tella times were greater, then the fluctuations of sea quantitative comparison is made between the ben-
level would have had much less effect than they would thonic foraminiferal assemblages of Le Castella and
today. those of the present-day eastern Mediterranean de-
We suggest that the foraminiferal faunas varied as scribed by Parker (1958). This comparison indicates
a function of climate. The Mediterranean is extremely that the Le Castella taxa were similar to those found
sensitive to climatic change because it is a semi-en- today between 130-700 m-a range occupied by the
closed sea and it lies within the narrow belt of the Intermediate Water Mass.


2. No direct relationship between the benthonic fo- Tjalsma were very helpful. We would like to thank G.
raminiferal assemblages and water mass is observed. P. Lohmann for his support, guidance and construc-
We suggest that this is due to the variable hydrography tive criticism, and B. U. Haq for his aid in establishing
of the eastern Mediterranean at intermediate depth. the biochronology . Special thanks also are extended
The paleobathymetric results correspond with the av- to Frances Parker for her help in developing the taxo-
erage depth of the Mediterranean Intermediate Water. nomic framework, and to Ruth Todd and Wylie Poag
3. The Pliocene unit is characterized by frequent for their help with the taxonomy.
alternations of the Cassidulina laevigata-Uvigerina Particular thanks are due to Bob Commeau and Jack
peregrina assemblage and Cibicidoides floridanus as- McLane of the Office of Marine Geology, Atlantic and
semblage. The Pleistocene unit is characterized by the Gulf of Mexico Branch, U.S.G.S., for their care and
dominance of the C. laevigata-U. peregrina assem- skill in taking the electron micrographs. John Grover,
blage . Anne Edwards and Harlow Farmer are thanked for
4. In places Cibicidoides floridanus occurs in the their help and encouragement. Many thanks are due
Pliocene unit of Le Castella in relative abundances to Sandy Tonge of the Woods Hole Oceanographic
greater than those of the present-day eastern Mediter- Institution and Jean Carroll of the University of Cin-
ranean. The only record of Cibicidoides Jloridanus cinnati who typed the manuscript.
with abundances similar to those of Le Castella is in This research was supported by G.S.A. Penrose
the Gulf of Mexico. Bandy (1956) recorded C. pori- Bequest Grant #2134-76, a Woods Hole Oceanograph-
danus in relative abundances greater than 25% in ic Institution Summer Student Fellowship, the Grad-
depths ranging from 200-600 m in the northeastern uate Research Council Summer Fellowship from the
Gulf of Mexico; this is similar to our estimated depth University of Cincinnati, and support from the Uni-
range (130-700 m) for Le Castella. versity of Cincinnati General Fund; also contract 251
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APPENDIX 1 Bulimina marginata d’orbigny, 1826

PI. 1, Fig. 7
Bulimina marginata D’ORBIGNY, 1826, p. 269, no. 4, pl. 12, figs.
In this section we present synonymies and a few brief discussions 10-12. BRADY,1884, pl. 51, figs. 3-5. CUSHMAN AND PARKER,
of those taxa which constitute 5% or more of the total fauna in at 1947, p. 119, pl. 28, figs. 5 , 6 (extensive synonymy). PHLEGER
least one sample. Because the paleoenvironmental reconstruction A N D PARKER,1951, p. 16, pl. 7, figs. 27, 28. PHLEGER AND
is based on comparison of the Le Castella faunas and the modern OTHERS,1953, p. 262, pl. 6, figs. 25, 26. PARKER,1958, p. 262,
faunas of the eastern Mediterranean described by Parker (1958), the pl. 2, fig. 23. BELFORD,1966, p. 555, pl. 5 , figs. 4, 5. MURRAY,
taxonomic concepts are, wherever possible, the same. 1971, p. 119, pl. 49, figs. 1-7. COLOM,1974, p. 117, text figs.
16: d’-h’, k’-0’.
Bulimina costata d’Orbigny, 1826
Textularia calva, Lalicker, 1935 PI. 1, Fig. 8
PI. 1, Fig. 1
Bulimina costata, D’ORBIGNY,1826, p. 269, no. 1. D’ORBIGNY,
Textularia calva, LALICKER,1935, p. 1, pl. 1, figs. 1-2. PARKER, 1852, p. 194. FORNASINI, 1901, p. 174, text fig. 1. CUSHMAN
1958, p. 254, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4. A N D PARKER, 1947, p. 115, pl. 27, figs. 2, 3. PARKER,1958, p.
261, pl. 2, figs. 19, 20. MURRAY, 1971, p. 115, pl. 47, figs. 1-7.
Bulimina exilis Brady, 1884
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri (Silvestri), 1884 PI. 1, Fig. 10
PI. 1, Figs. 2, 3
Bulimina elegans d’Orbigny var. exilis BRADY,1884, p. 399, pl. 50,
Planispirina celata BRADY,1884, p. 192, pl. 8, figs. 1-4, figs. 5 , 6.
(non Spiroloculina celata Costa). Bulimina exilis Brady. PHLEGER A N D OTHERS, 1953, p. 32, pl. 6, fig.
Sigmoilina schlumbergeri SILVESTRI,1904, p. 267. PARKER,1958, 24. PARKER,1958, p. 261, pl. 2, fig. 29.
p. 256.
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri (Silvestri). BARKER,1960, p. 16, pl. 8,
Bulimina gibba Fornasini, 1901
figs. 1-4.
PI. I , Fig. 9
Family NODOSARIIADAE Bulimina gibba FORNASINI, 1901, p. 378, pl. 0, figs. 32-34. PARKER,
1958, p. 261, pl. 2, fig. 29.
Amphicoryna scalaris (Batsch, 1791)
PI. 1, Fig. 4
Globobulimina affinis d’Orbigny, 1939
Nautilus scalaris BATSCH,1791, pl. 2, figs. 4a, b. PI. 1, Fig. 5
Lagenodosaria scalaris (Batsch). TODD,1958, p. 258, pl. 1, figs. 32,
Bulimina afinis D’ORBIGNY, 1939, p. 105, pl. 2, figs. 25,26. PARKER,
1958, P. 262, PL. 2, FIGS.24, 25.
Amphicoryna scalaris (Batsch). BARKER,1960, pl. 63, figs. 28-31.
BERGGREN AND OTHERS,1976, p. 209, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4.
Family BULIMINIDAE Brizalina attica (Parker), 1958
PI. 1, Fig. 13
Bulimina aculeata d’orbigny, 1826
PI. 1, Fig. 6 Bolivina attica PARKER,1958, p. 259, pl. 2, figs. 12-14.
Bulimina aculeata D’ORBIGNY, 1826, p. 269, no. 7. BRADY,1884,
pl. 51, figs. 7-9. CUSHMAN AND PARKER, 1947, p. 120, pl. 28, Brizalina catanensis (Seguenza), 1862
figs. 8-11. PHLEGER AND OTHERS, 1953, p. 32, PI. 6, figs. 21, PI. 1, Fig. 15
22. PARKER,1958, p. 261, pl. 2, figs. 17, 18. BELFORD,1966, p. Bolivina catanensis SEGUENZA, 1862, p. 29, pl. 2, figs. 3a, b. PAR-
58, pl. 5 , figs. 1-3. COLOM, 1974, p. 115, text fig. 16:g. BERG- KER,1958, pl. 2, figs. 10, 11.
GREN AND HAQ, 1976, p. 108, pl. 4, figs. 1-5.
Remarks. Distinction between this species and the apparently re-
lated form B . marginata d’Orbigny has been made on the basis of Brizalina difformis (Williamson), 1858
the undercut chamber margins, particularly in the early stages, in PI. 1, Fig. 12
B . marginata and the greater development of apically directed Textularia variabilis Williamson var. difformis, WILLIAMSON, 1858,
spines in B . aculeata (F. Parker, personal communication; Belford, p. 77, pl. 6, figs. 166, 167.
1966). Many individuals at Le Castella possess the attributes of Bolivina difformis (Williamson). PARKER, 1958, p. 260, pl. 2, fig. 9.
both. It is possible that they are intergrades between two species,
that they represent intergrades between two end-members of one Brizalina dilatata (Reus), 1850
species or they are the megalospheric and microspheric forms of PI. 1, Fig. 14
one species. The problem needs further study. For the purposes of
this study, the two taxa were lumped. We illustrate the end-mem- Bolivina dilatata REUS, 1850, p. 381, pl. 48, figs. 5a-c. CUSHMAN,
bers in the plates. 1937, p. 78, PI. 9, figs. 17-20.


Bolivina dilatata Reuss var. dilitntissima SILVESTRI,

1893, p. 100. Family UVIGERINIDAE
PARKER,1958, p. 260, pl. 2, figs. 5-7.
Uvigerina auberiana d’Orbigny , 1829
PI. 2, Fig. 1
Brizalina alata (Seguenza), 1862
PI. 1, Fig. 11 Uvigerina auberiana D’ORBIGNY, 1829, p. 106, pl. 2, figs. 23, 24.
BERGGREN A N D OTHERS, 1976, p. 211, pl. 3, figs. 1-7.
Vulvulina d a t a SEGUENZA, 1862, p. 115, pl. 2, figs. 5, Sa.
Bolivina beyrichi var. alata Seguenza. BRADY,1884, p. 442, PI. 53, Uvigerina peregrina Cushman, 1923
figs. 2-4. PI. 2, Figs. 2, 3
Bolivina alata (Seguenza). CUSHMAN,1937, p. 106, pl. 13, figs. 3-
11. PHLEGERA N D PARKER,1951, p. 12, pl. 6, fig. 11. COLOM, Uvigerina pygmaea d’orbigny. BRADY,1884, pl. 74; figs. 11, 12
1974, p. 119, text fig. 17: 11-12. (non d’orbigny). FLINT,1899, p. 320, pl. 68, fig. 2.
Loxostomum alatum (Seguenza). PARKER,1958, p. 262, pl. 2, figs. Uvigerina peregrina CUSHMAN,1923, p. 166, pl. 42, figs. 7-10.
30-32. PHLEGER A N D PARKER,1951, p. 18, pl. 8, figs. 22, 24-26. PAR-

Brizalina alata (Seguenza). BELFORD,1966, p. 24, pl. 1, fig. 12. KER, 1958, p. 262, pl. 2, figs. 37, 38. MURRAY, 1971, p. 121, pl.
BERGGREN AND HAQ, 1976, p. 75-78, pl. 3, fig. 1. 50, figs. 1-7. PFLUM A N D OTHERS, 1976, p. 25, pl. 8, figs. 2, 3.
Uvigerina mediterranea HOFKER,1932, p. 118, fig. 32a-f. LONGI-
NELLI,1956, p. 163, pl. 23, figs. 20, 25.
Trifarina angulosa (Williamson), 1858
Sphaeroidina bulloides d’Orbigny , 1826 PI. 2, Fig. 4
PI. 2, Figs. 5, 6
Uvigerina angulosa WILLIAMSON, 1858, p. 67, PI. 5, fig. 140. BRA-
Sphaeroidina bulloides D’ORBIGNY,1826, p. 267, no. 1, Modtles, DY, 1884, pl. 74, figs. 15, 16.
no. 65. PARKER A N D JONES,1865, pl. 2, fig. 58 (figure after Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson). PARKER,1958, p. 259, pl. 21,
d’orbigny’s Modkle). GRADSTEIN,1970, p. 23, figs. 3a-d. figs. 1, 2.

1 Textularia calva Lalicker. Sample 36. x 113. 9 Bulimina gibba Fornasini. Sample 8, X 136.
2, 3 Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri (Silvestri). 2. Apertural view, 10 Bulimina exilis Brady. Sample 18, x 136.
sample 40, ~ 6 2 3.
. Front view, sample 59, ~ 7 2 . 11 Brizalina alata (Seguenza). Sample 9, ~ 3 9 .
4 Amphicoryna scalaris (Batsch). Sample 47, X 157. 12 Brizulina difformis (Williamson). Sample 26, X 119.
5 Globobulimina af3nis (d’orbigny). Sample 28, X 136. 13 Brizalina nttica (Parker). Sample 29, x 106.
6 Bulimina aculeata d’Orbigny. Sample 55, X 110. 14 Brizalina dilitata (Reuss). Sample 50, x 120.
7 Bulimina marginata d’Orbigny. Sample 60, x 144. 15 Brizalina catanensis (Seguenza). Sample 51, ~ 8 6 .
8 Bulimina costafa d’Orbigny. Sample 60, X210.

1 Uvigerina auberiana d’Orbigny. Sample 45, x 153. 9, 10 Cassidulina laevigata d’orbigny. 9. Sample 55, X56. 10.
2, 3 Uvigerina peregrina Cushman. 2. Sample 54, X I O O . 3. Sample 51, ~ 9 5 .
Sample 3 1, x 109. 11, 12 Cassidulina crassa d’Orbigny. 11. Sample 19, ~ 2 0 9 .12.
4 Trifarina angulosa (Williamson). Sample 52, X 127. Sample 19, x157.
5 , 6 Sphaeroidina bulloides d’orbigny. 5. Sample 36, x 124. 6. 13-15 Epistomineh evax Bandy. 13. Umbilical view, sample 36,
Sample 59, x 118. x 144. 14. Apertural view, sample 26, x69. 15. Spiral view,
sample 26, x 106.
7, 8 Globocassidulina subglobosa Brady. 7. Sample 32, X 122.
8. Sample 45, x 112.

1, 2 Cibicides boueanus (d’orbigny). 1. Umbilical view, sample 8 Hyalinea balthica (Gmelin). Sample 35, X 120.
51, x190. 2. Spiral view, sample 41, ~ 1 8 6 . 9-11 Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob). 9. Umbilical view,
3, 4 Pullenia bulloides (d’orbigny). 3. Apertural view, sample sample 38, x49. 10. Apertural view, sample 38, ~ 8 2 11..
33, x80. 4. Side view, sample 46, ~ 1 0 4 . Spiral view, sample 38, ~ 8 9 .
5-7 Planulina arimenensis d’Orbigny. 5 . Umbilical view, sam- 12-14 Cibicidoides floridanus (Cushman). 12. Umbilical view,
ple 59, x95. 6. Apertural view, sample 58, X82. 7. Spiral sample 59, ~ 9 0 13.
. Apertural view, sample 44, X46. 14.
view, sample 44, ~ 6 0 . Spiral view, sample 39, ~ 8 0 .






Trifarina angulosa (Williamson). LOEBLICH A N D TAPPAN,1964, p. Hyalinea balthica (Gmelin), 1791

571, pl. 450, figs. 1-3 (paratypes figures; lectotype 2F3576 and PI. 3, Fig. 8
paratypes 2F3575 designated). MURRAY, 1971, p. 123, pl. 51,
“Ammonshorner der ostsee,” Schroeter, 1782. SCHROETER, 1783,
figs. 1-6. COLOM,1974, p. 123, text figs. 19, q-t.
p. 20, PI. 1, fig. 2.
Nautilus balthicus GMELIN,1791, in Linnaeus, Systema Naturae,
Family DISCORBIDAE 13th ed. Leipzig, p. 3370.
Epistominella evax, Bandy, 1953 Operculina annomoides BRADY,1884 (non Gromovius), p. 745, pl.
PI. 2, Figs. 13-15 112, figs. 1, 2.
Anomalina balthica (Schroeter). CUSHMAN, 1931, p. 108, pl. 19, fig.
Epistominella evax BANDY,1953, pl. 23, p. 179. 3.
Hyalinea balthica (Schroeter). HOFKER,1951, p. 508. PARKER,
Valvulineria bradyana (Fornasini), 1846 1958, p. 275, pl. 4, fig. 39. LOEBLICH A N D TAPPAN,1964, p.
686, fig. 552, no. 2, 3. BELFORD,1966, p. 124, pl. 14, figs. 1-8.
?Discorbina bradyana FORNASINI, 1900, p. 393, text fig. 43. GRADSTEIN, 1970, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 15, 16. MURRAY, 1971, p.
Valvulineria complanata (d’orbigny). MARKS,1951, p. 64, pl. 6, 173, pl. 72, figs. 5-8. COLOM,1974, p. 151, fig. 37.
figs. 13a-c. TODD,1958, p. 196. PARKER,1958, p. 268, 269, pl.
3, figs. 42-44.
Planulina arimenensis d’orbigny, 1826
Remarks. Le Castella specimens agree well with the type illus-
PI. 3, Figs. 5-7
tration of bradyana, with specimens referred to this species by
Mediterranean authors, but also with specimens identified as V. Planulina arimenensis D’ORBIGNY, 1826, p. 280, no. 1, pl. 14, figs.
complanata in the collections of F. L. Parker. However, the type 1-3. BRADY,1884, pl. 93, figs. 10, 11. PHLEGER AND OTHERS,
illustrations of complanata differ significantly from that of bradyana 1953, p. 48, pl. 11, figs. 3, 4. PARKER,1958, p. 276, pl. 4, fig.
and it is not clear whether the two forms are conspecific. Pending 43. LOEBLICH AND TAPPAN,1964, p. 686, fig. 552, la-c. BERG-
classification of this, the name bradyana is used here in preference GREN AND HAQ, 1976, 107, pl. 2, fig. 11.
to complanata.
Gavelinopsis praegeri (Heron-Allen and Earland),
1913 Cassidulina crassa d’Orbigny, 1839
Discorbina praegeri HERON-ALLEN AND EARLAND, 1913, p. 122, PI. 2, Figs. 11, 12
PI. 10, figs. 8-10. Cassidulina crassa D’ORBIGNY, 1839, p. 56, pl. 7, figs. 18-20. PHLE-
Gavelinopsis praegeri (Heron-Allen and Earland). TODD, 1958, p. GER AND PARKER,1951, p. 12, pl. 14, fig. 4a, b. PARKER, 1958,
197. PARKER, 1958, p. 264, pl. 3, figs. 24,25. GRADSTEIN, 1970, p. 44, pl. 10, fig. 1. BARKER,
1960, pl. 54, figs. 4,5. GRADSTEIN,
p. 15. MURRAY, 1971, p. 133, pl. 55, figs. 1-5. 1970, p. 12.
Globocassidulina crassa (d’orbigny) BELFORD,1966, pl. 26, figs.
Cibicides boueanus (d’orbigny), 1846
PI. 3, Figs. 1, 2 Cassidulina laevigata d’Orbigny, 1826
PI. 2, Figs. 9, 10
Truncatulina boueana D’ORBIGNY,
1846, p. 169, pl. 9, figs. 24-26.
Cassidulina laevigata D’ORBIGNY,1826, p. 282, pl. 15, figs., 4, 5.
BELFORD,1966, p. 138, pl. 24, figs. 1-4; text figs. 16: 1-2.
Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob), 1798
Cassidulina laevigata d’Orbigny var. carinata SILVESTRI, 1896, p.
PI. 3, Figs. 9-11
104, pl. 2, fig. 10 (C. laevigata in expl. of plate).
Nautilus lobatulus WALKERAND JACOB,1798, p. 642, pl. 14, fig. Cassidulina carinata Silvestri. PHLEGER AND OTHERS,1953, p. 44,
36. PI. 9, figs. 32-37. PARKER,1958, p. 271, pl. 4, figs. 15. MURRAY,
Cibicides lobatulus (Walker and Jacob). CUSHMAN,1931, p. 118, 1971, p. 187, PI. 78, figs. 1-5.
pl. 21, fig. 3. PARKER,1958, p. 275. GRADSTEIN,
1970, p. 13. Remarks. The taxonomy of carinate vs. non-carinate cassidulinids
MURRAY,1971, p. 175, pl. 73, figs. 1-7. is complex. We follow Belford (1966) who, based on morphologic

1-3 Gyroidina umbonata (Silvestri). 1. Umbilical view, sample 7-9Oridorsalis tener (Brady). 7. Umbilical view, sample 14,
39, x 120. 2. Apertural view, sample 41, x 148. 3. Spiral x 113. 8. Apertural view, sample 29, ~ 9 6 9.
. Spiral view,
view, sample 41, x 199. sample 14, x94.
4-6 Gyroidinoides neosoldanii (Brotzen). 4. Umbilical view, 10, 11 Melonis barleeanus (Williamson). 10. Sample 59, X 105. 11.
sample 36, x110. 5. Apertural view, sample 37, x110. 6. Apertural view, sample 49, x 107.
Sprial view, sample 45, x 126. 12, 13 Melonis soldanii (d’orbigny). 12. Apertural view, sample
39, x95. 13. Sample 40, x 152.


studies by Nprvang (1958) considered the carinate (carinata) and Family OSANGULARIIDAE
non-carinate or weakly carinate (laevigata) forms as taxonomically
identical. Le Castella individuals agree well with those identified as Gyroidinoides neosoldanii (Brotzen), 1936
C. carinata Silvestri in the collections of F. L. Parker. They are PI. 4, Figs. 4-6
peripherally compressed with slight to moderate umbonal inflation, Gyroidina neosoldanii, BROTZEN,1936, p. 158.
generally subcircular in outline (although some individuals exhibit Gyroidina cf. G . neosoldanii Brotzen. PARKER,1958, p. 265, pl. 3,
an undulating, petaloid periphery). figs. 13-18.
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii Brotzen. BERGGREN A N D OTHERS, 1976,
Globocassidulina subglobosa Brady, 1881 p. 217, pl. 5 , figs. 6-8.
PI. 2, Figs. 7, 8
Cassidulina subglobosa Brady. BRADY,1884, p. 430, pl. 54, fig. 17.
PHLEGER A N D OTHERS,1953, p. 45, pl. 10, fig. 4. PARKER,
p. 272, pl. 4, fig. 13. Melonis barleeanus (Williamson), 1858
Globocassidulina subglobosa (Brady). BELFORD,1966, p. 149, pl. PI. 4, Figs. 10, 11
25, figs. 11-16. LOHMANN, 1978, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9.
Nonionina barleeana WILLIAMSON, 1858, p. 32, pf. 3, figs. 68, 69.
Nonion barleeanum (Williamson). PARKER, 1958, p. 258, pl. 1, figs.
36, 37.
Pullenia bulloides (d’orbigny), 1826 Melonis barleeanus (Williamson). BERGGREN A N D HAQ, 1976, p.
PI. 3, Figs. 3, 4 105, pl. 1, figs. 19, 20. BERGGRENAND OTHERS, 1976, p. 220,
pl. 4, fig. 13, 14.
Nonionina bulloides D’ORBIGNY, 1826, p. 293. D’ORBIGNY,1846, Remarks. Melonis barleeanus is more compressed and less deep-
p. 107, pl. 5, figs. 9, 10. ly umbilicate than Melonis soldanii. Because the two taxa inter-
Pullenia sphaeroides (d’orbigny). BRADY,1884, p. 615, pl. 84, figs. grade at Le Castella, they were lumped. We illustrate the two end-
12, 13. members in the plates.
Pullenia bulloides (d’orbigny). PARKER, 1954, p. 538, pl. 11, fig. 17.
BERGGREN A N D OTHERS, 1976, v. 1, p. 217, pl. 5 , figs. 6-8.
Melonis soldanii (d’orbigny), 1846
Florilus boueanum (d’orbigny), 1846 PI. 4, Figs. 12, 13
Nonionina boueana, D’ORBIGNY, 1846, p. 108, PI. 5, figs. 11, 12. Nonionina soldanii D’ORBIGNY, 1846, p. 109, figs. 15, 16.
Nonion boueana (d’orbigny). CUSHMAN, 1939, p. 12, pl. 3, figs. 7, Nonion soldanii (d’orbigny). CUSHMAN, 1939, p. 13, figs. 10, 11,
8. pl. 4, fig. 23.
Florilus boueanum (d’orbigny). BERGGREN A N D HAQ, 1976, p. 107,
pl. 3, figs. 15-18.
Cibicidoides floridanus (Cushman), 1918
Family ALABAMINIDAE PI. 3, Figs. 12-14

Gyroidina umbonata (Silvestri), 1898 Truncatulinafloridana CUSHMAN, 1918, p. 62, pl. 19, fig. 2.
PI. 4, Figs. 1-3 Cibicides aff. floridanus (Cushman). PHLEGER A N D PARKER, 1951,
p. 30, pl. 16, figs. 1-4. PARKER,1958, p. 274, pl. 4, figs. 36-38.
Rotalia soldanii d’Orbigny var. umbonata, SILVESTRI, 1898, p. 329, Cibicidoides Boridana (Cushman). BERGGREN A N D HAQ, 1976, p.
pl. 6, figs. 14a-c. 107, pl. 3, figs. 13, 14.
Gyroidina umbonata (Silvestri). PARKER, 1958, p. 197, pl. 1, fig. 18. Remarks. Phleger and Parker (1951) called attention to the highly
variable nature of this species. Parker (1958) noted the apparent
Oridorsalis tener (Brady), 1884 relationships of this form to the ungerianus-pseudocrngerianus
PI. 4, Figs. 7-9 group. In fact, an examination of a large number of specimens in F.
Oridorsalis tener (Brady). BERGGREN A N D OTHERS,
1976, pl. 4, figs. L. Parker’s collections reveal that she also included under the name
6-8. LOHMANN, 1978, pl. 4, figs. 5-7. floridanus specimens referable to C. mediocris Finlay (= C . pseudo-
Oridorsalis tener tener (Brady). PFLUMA N D OTHERS,1976, p. 218, ungerianus Cushman, in part, not the holotype; see Belford, 1966;
pl. 6, figs. 2-4. Berggren and others, 1976).
Remarks. We follow the species concept of Lohmann (1978) who The characteristics which distinguish C.floridanus and mediocris
points out that this species of Oridorsalis is characterized by the were discussed by Parker (1958, p. 275); she combined these two
curved nature of the sutures on the spiral side, the equal size of the taxa because they intergrade. Similar intergradation is seen through-
chambers in the final whorl, and the compressed cross-sectional out the section at Le Castella, and for this reason, the two taxa
outline. were combined.


Percentages of species of benthonic foraminifera from samples (sample numbers across the top of table) of the Le Castella.

22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II IO 9 8 7 6 5

Ammonia beccarii 1 1 1 1 3
Asterigerinita mammila
Bigeneria nodosaria 1 1
Brizalina albatrossi 1 1 2 1 1 1
Brizalina attica 2 34 51 3 2 63 45 8 13 53 11
Brizalina catanensis 9 7 1 1 2 1 14 I 23 1 18 1
Brizalina difformis 3 14
Brizalina dilitata 3
Brizalina pseudoplicata 3
Brizalina alata
Bulimina aculeata + marginata 5 2 6 8 1 2 9 1 19
Bulimina costata 4 4 1 6 1 4 3 1 8 7 2 1 1 4 1 3 2 0 8 1
Bulimina exilis 1 44 36 1 9 14 1 4 86 8 2
Bulimina gibba 1 3 1 1 I 1 3
Cibicides boueanus 2 1 1 5 4 2 2 1
Cassidulina crassa
Cassidulina laevigata 4 7 8 6 2 1 1 0 1 3 9 1 1 1 5 1 22
Globocassidulina subglobosa 6 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 4 1 6
Cibicides lotatulus 1 1 2 1 9
Cibicidoides floridanus 33 36 16 14 1 1 39 29 7 43 1 53 11 43 9 1
Eggerella bradyi 1 1
Elphidium crispum
Epistominella evax
Epistominella rugosa convexa 1
Florilus boueanum I 1 7
Gavelinopsis praegeri 1 1
Globobulimina affinis 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1
Globobulimina pseudospinescens 1 4 3 1 2
Gyroidina altiformis
Gyroidina umbonata 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 1
Hanzawaia rhodiensis
Hoglundina elegans 1 6
Hyalinea balthica
Amphicoryna scalaris
Melonis barleanus 1 1 3 3 3 1 5 9 1 13 11 3 5
Miliolinella circularis 2
Neoconorbina terquemi 1 1 1 1 2 1
Oridorsalis tener 2 1 2 2 1 2 7 2 1 3
Planorbulina mediterranensis
Planulina arimenensis 1 8 1 2 5 5 1 4 5 1 3
Pseudoclavulina crustata 1 1
Pullenia bulloides 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 I
Pullenia quinqueloba 1
Pyrgo anomala
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana
Rotamorphina involuta 1
Sigmoilina distorta
Sigmoilina tenuis 1
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2
Siphonina reticulata 1 2 1 1 3 4 I
Sphaeroidina bulloides 1 10 5 3 4 2 2
Spiroloculina canaliculata 1 2
Textularia calva 1 I 1
Textularia conica
Textularia sagittula 1 1 1 1 1
Trifarina angulosa 1 1 2 1 1 3 I 1 1
Uvigerina auberiana 2 4 7 5 1 3 1 I 3 2 1
Uvigerina peregrina 15 5 11 4 7 7 15 10 6 8 23 1 5
Valvulineria bradyana 2 1 1 3 5
Miscellaneous 5 2 4 6 3 5 5 6 7 5 6 7 2 3 3 1
Total number counted 142 136 155 185 115 159 153 176 104 174 157 162 92 161 155 155 142 6.5



40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23

Ammonia beccarii 1 1
Asterigerinita mammila 1
Bigeneria nodosaria 1
Brizalina albatrossi 1 1 1 1 2 1
Brizalina attica 1 1 1
Brizalina catanensis 2 3 1 1 89
Brizalina difformis 1 4 I
Brizalina dilitata 1 2 3 7 1 2
Brizalina pseudoplicata
Brizalina alata 1 I
Bulimina aculeata + marginata 6 3 1 4 2 1 7 4 16 7 4 2 7 6 2 0
Bulimina costata 2 1 6 3 4 2 1 1 1 0 6 I 1 2 9 1 0 6
Bulimina exilis 1
Bulimina gibba 8
Cibicides boueanus 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 2 3 3 2 2 2
Cassidulina crassa
Cassidulina laevigata I1 20 8 15 4 2 10 14 10 7 7 5 13 9 3 4
Globocassidulina subglobosa 4 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 13 5 1 3 1 1 6 2 3
Cibicides lobatulus 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
Cibicidoides jloridanus 20 18 30 14 7 28 22 21 23 23 17 22 9 3 18 22 21
Eggerella bradyi 1 1 1
Elphidium crispum 1
Epistominella evax
Epistominella rugosa convexa 75 3
Florilus boueanum 1
Gavelinopsis praegeri 1 1
Globobulimina afJinis 2 1 1 1 5 1 5 2 2
Globobulimina pseudospinescens 1 3 1
Gyroidina altiformis
Gyroidina umbonata 3 4 2 2 1 4 1 1 4 10 1 1 1
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii 2 3 5 4 5 2 4 1 3 3 2 4 1 4 1 1
Hanzawaia rhodiensis 2
Hoglundina elegans 1
Hyalinea balthica 1 3 15 11 I 1
Amphicotyna scalaris 1 1
Melonis barleanus 6 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 8 3 1 1 6 3
Miliolinella circularis
Neoconorbina terquemi 1
Oridorsalis tener 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2
Planorbulina mediterranensis 1
Planulina arimenensis 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 6 2 3 1 1 1 2 4 5
Pseudoclavulina crustata 1 3 I 1
Pullenia bulloides 3 3 1 2 4 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
Pullenia quinqueloba 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pyrgo anomala
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana 1
Rotamorphina involuta
Sigmoilina distorta 1
Sigmoilina tenuis I 1 1 1
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri 5 4 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 I 1
Siphonina reticulata I 1 2 1 4 1 1
Sphaeroidina bulloides 5 8 4 5 9 8 6 7 10 9 3 3 5 1 9 6 3
Spiroloculina canaliculata 1 1
Textularia calva 3 1 7 1 1 2 I 1 1
Textularia conica 1
Textularia sagittula 2 2 2 2 1 1 2
Trifarina angulosa 4 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 8 1 5 5 2 1 1 1
Uvigerina auberiana 2 4 5 2 1 1 5 1 5 6 2 1 4 2 4 1
Uvigerina peregrina 11 8 20 13 3 11 12 25 8 16 16 14 18 1 3 IO 7 10
Valvulineria bradyana 1 1 1
Miscellaneous 1 . 5 5 2 3 4 4 5 6 4 5 4 5 0 3 7 6 5
Total number counted 128 187 107 160 118 225 153 149 199 141 145 140 149 149 178 141 208 322



60 59 58 57 56 55 54 52 51 50 49 47 46 45 44 43 42 4'

Ammonia beccarii
Asterigerinita mammila
Bigeneria nodosaria 3
Brizalina albatrossi 1 1
Brizalina attica 1
Brizalina catanensis 1 1 29 1 1
Brizalina dijjformis 1 1 1
Brizalina dilitata 1 20 5
Brizalina pseudoplicata
Brizalina alata 1 3 2 9 1
Bulimina aculeata + marginata 12 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 1 5 I 3 4 3 1
Bulimina costata 41 3 4 1 1 9 5 2 2 7 6 1
Bulimina exilis
Bulimina gibba
Cibicides boueanus 2 3 1 1 5 1 2 1 3 1 4
Cassidulina crassa 1 1 2 1 2 19 1
Cassidulina laevigata 2 6 10 9 11 27 7 14 15 14 10 10 4 2 15 11 20
Globocassidulina subglobosa 1 2 3 3 5 3 1 2 2 3 1 5 4 2 3 3
Cibicides lobatulus 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 1
Cibicidoides floridanus 6 17 10 16 8 14 10 14 3 4 4 7 20 24 18 14 23 49
Eggerella bradyi I 1
Elphidium crispum 1
Epistominella evax
Epistominella rugosa convexa
Florilus boueanum 2 2
Gavelinopsis praegeri 4 2 3 6 3 1 2 4 1
Globobulimina af$nis 1 2 1 2 4 3
Globobulimina pseudospinescens 1 2 1 2 1 1 1
Gyroidina altiformis 1
Gyroidina umbonata 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4
Groidinoides neosoldanii 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 3 3 4 2
Hanzawaia rhodiensis 1
Hoglundina elegans 2 2
Hyalinea balthica 7 12 11 31 4 9 2 1 6 1 3 1 6 1 0 1 5
Amphicoryna scalaris I 1 10
Melonis barleanus 8 4 1 1 2 5 1 2 7 1 1 3 2 4 2
Miliolinella circularis 1
Neoconorbina terquemi 1 2 1
Oridorsalis tener 1 1 2 3
Planorbulina mediterranensis 1
Planulina arimenensis 4 7 7 6 1 3 2 4 2 1 1 5 3 6 9 3 2 1
Pseudoclavulina crustata 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
Pullenia bulloides 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1
Pullenia quinqueloba 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Pyrgo anomala 1 1
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana 3 2 1 1 1
Rotamorphina involuta
Sigmoilina distorta 3 1 2 2 1 1
Sigmoilina tenuis 2 2 1 1
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri 4 5 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
Siphonina reticulata 2
Sphaeroidina bulloides 8 7 3 4 5 6 5 2 1 6 1 4 2 7 5 3 2
Spiroloculina canaliculata 1 3 1 1
Textularia calva 4 4 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 1 1
Textularia conica 1
Textularia sagittula 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1
Trifarina angulosa 1 5 6 8 5 1 5 1 3 2 4 4 2 8 8 7 9 1 0
Uvigerina auberiana 4 1 2 11 5 3
Uvigerina peregrina 5 12 14 13 10 14 25 12 13 1 12 28 15 4 16 9 1 7
Valvulineria bradyana 10
Miscellaneous 4 7 4 6 3 3 6 1 6 5 6 6 1 7 5 7 2 5
Total number counted 141 133 149 160 153 250 230 152 128 225 121 101 137 142 153 138 145 154


Parker's (1958) present day eastern Mediterranean benthonic foraminiferal faunal census data as rearranged for this analysis (in three parts).
Values are percentages. Listed across the bottom are the percentages of the benthonic foraminifera in each of Parker's samples retained after
the species which do not occur at Le Castella were eliminated.

Sample 4647 4657 4718 4694 4723 4687 4685 4664 4660 4714 4656 4713 BS9 4654 4686 4702 4650 4670
Tax"" Denth in meters 366 384 541 561 561 631 647 658 665 665 680 684 731 746 199 799 859 996

Ammonia beccarii
Asterigerinita mammila
Bigeneria nodosaria 2 .3 4 2 1 .2 3 .5
Brizalina albatrossi .4 .4 1
Brizalina attica 1
Brizalina catanensis 5 2 1
Brizalina difformis .E
Brczalina dilitata 3 2 4 9 9 .5 6 3
Brizalina pseudoplicata .4 .2 5 .6
Brizalina alata
Bulimina aculeata + marginata 11 13 11 17 4 2 0 2 1 3 2 1 6 5
Bulimina costata 4 10 5 11 2 2 7 14 16 .4 1 .E .4 .5 .5 5 1
Bulimina exilis
Bulimina gibba 6 .6 1
Cibicides boueanus
Cassidulina crassa .7 2 5 2 2 1 . 5 4 1 7 4 1 2 5
Cassidulina laevigata 3 2 1 1 2 1 .5 .2 .2 .6
Globocassidulina subglobosa 1 2 1 2 1 2 .5
Cibicides lobatulus 3 1 1 . 4 2 1 1 .3 .2 2 1 .7 2 3
Cibicidoides floridanus 1 2 8 3 1 0 6 7 2 .3
Eggerella bradyi L
Elphidium crispum .L
Epistominella evax
Epistominella rugosa convexa 2 .2 2 8 13 3 2 3
Florilus boueanum
Gavelinopsb praegeri .7 .6 .7 2 .2 .2 .4 .7 .5 .5 .6
Globobulimina affinis
Globobulimina pseudospinescens 2 2
Gyroidina altiformis 8 3 4 . 7 2 2 3 9 7 2 1 5 3 5 3 2 4 3 2 6 5
Gyroidina umbonata .6 .7 .3 .3 .2 1 .7 1 .6
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii 3 5 2 4 . 4 6 2 3 1 4 5 6 1 1 4 5 2 1 3 2 0
Hanzawaia rhodiensis 2 .3 1 .2 3 1 .4 1
Hoglundina elegans 2 2 .2 .2 .7
Hyalinea balthica 2 2 . 4 1 3 1 2 . 6 .4 .5
Amphicoryna scalaris 5 2 2 . 7 2 . 6 2 .2 .6 1 .5 .6
Melonis barleanus 3 5 1 . 7 5 2 13 12 24 10 7 4 10 1 42 32 8
Miliolinella circularis .7 2 2 .E .6 1 2 1 1 2 2
Neoconorbina terquemi .2 .E .7 .5 2
Oridorsalis tener
Planorbulina mediterranensis .4
Planulina arimenensis 1 5 4 3 1 5 4 2 3 5 . 5 4 1 3 1 1 . 6
Pseudoclavulina crustata 5 1 3 . 8 2 1 2 1 . 2 1
Pullenia bulloides
Pullenia quinqueloba .6 2 1 .3 1 3 .6
Pyrgo anomala .6 2 .2 1 .2
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana 1 2 .3 .7 .3 .5
Rotamorphina involuta .4 .3 5 1 .7 .5 .3 1
Sigmoilina distorta 2 1 .4 2 .6 .2 1 .4 1 2 .4
Sigmoilina tenuis .3 3 .6 .6 1 .5 .6
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri 3 .3 .2 2 .6 .3 4 2 1 .6
Siphonina reticulata .7 .3 1 .4 .3 .3 .2 2 1 3 2 .6
Sphaeroidina bulloides 2 4 . 8 1 1 4 3 . 6 .3 4 1 2
Spiroloculina canaliculata .7 .4 1 1 .2 1 1
Textularia calva 2 .3 1
Textularia conica 2 . 3 1 . 2 1 1
Textularia sagittula 2 .4
Trifarina angulosa .7 1 4 .4
Uvigerina auberiana 3 5 9 3 .6 .6 3 . 5 7 1
Uvigerina peregrina 13 26 35 8 22 37 33 14 28 5 41 3 16 17 48 3 7 13
Valvulineria bradyana .3 .2 .5
Percent Accounted For 93 100 90 76 82 84 95 92 96 69 87 70 63 77 80 88 69



Sample BS32 4662A 4666 4661 4658 4667 4657A 4649A 4654A 4668 4654B 4721A 4652 BS21A BS20 46578 BS29 4648
Taxon Depth in meters Bay 51 71 75 82 86 IC4 106 115 117 143 179 201 205 210 256 287 338

Ammonia beccarii 2 7 4 2 5 .5 2
Asterigerinita mammila 4 13 4 38 5 2 3 .5 16 11 9 4
Bigeneria nodosaria .6 .6 2 2 .2 6 s 1 1 2 5 3 . 7
Brizalina albatrossi
Brizalina attica .2 I .5 .7 .6 2 .4
Brizalina catanensis 5 4 8 3 8 .3 2 2 8 4 2 2
Brizalina difformis .5 I 3 .3
Brizalina dilitata 2 1 2 3 1 1 3
Brizalina pseudoplicata .3 .3 .5
Brizalina alata
Bulimina aculeata + marginata .2 .6 6 . 3 2 2 6 5 3 7 5 7
Bulimina costata .6 .6 1 .6 1 3 4 9 1 0 1 5
Bulimina exilis
Bulimina gibba 1 4 2 4 1 1 4 3 7 3 9 5 1
Cibicides boueanus
Cassidulina crassa 3 .5 2 3 3 .3 .7 I .4
Cassidulina laevigata 1 1 0 1 7 7 8 5 1 14 5 3 2 1 4 I
Globocassidulina subglobosa 1 .4
Cibicides lobatulus 10 3 7 6 4 . 6 7 1 4 3 1 5 5 9 1 1 3 2 2
Cibicidoides floridanus .7 .5 I .3 .4 1 4 3
Eggerella bradyi
Elphidium crispum 7 1 4 2 3 2 2 .4 5 6 .2 .4
Epistominella evax
Epistominella rugosa convexa
Florilus boueanum
Gavelinopsis praegeri .3 .3 2 3 1 2 5 2 .3 I .3 I
Globobulimina affinis
Globobulimina pseudospinescens
Gyroidina altiformis . 7 . 6 2 1 2 1
Gyroidina umbonata .3 1 . 2 2 1
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii .3 .3 .7 2 2 1 3
Hanzawaia rhodiensis 6 7 2 7 5 5 4 1 .5 1 .7 .7 .3 .3 .7
Hoglundina elegans .2 1 .3 .5 I .7 2 .3 .4
Hyalinea balthica 2 2 3 6 3 6 2 6
Amphicoryna scalaris .3 .3 1 .5 . 3 3 2 1 1 4 2 . 4
Melonis barleanus 4 8 1 6 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 2 7 8 7
Miliolinella circularis 2 .6 .3 1 .6 .3 .3 1 4 .4 2 .5 3 2 2 .6 2 .4
Neoconorbina terquemi 2 7 5 3 4 5 1 1 3 .3 1 .6 .3 .3 1
Oridorsalis tener
Planorbulina mediterranensis 13 1 2 . 2 2 4 I .7 .4 .6 .3 .3 .7 .6
Planulina arimenensis .3 2 1 . 4 2 . 5 3
Pseudoclavulina crustata .5 2 . 3 . 7 I 2 I
Pullenia bulloides
Pullenia quinqueloba .2 .5 .3 .3 .3 .4
Pyrgo anomala 1 1 1 3 .5 .6 .7 .2 .3 .5 1
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana .6 .5 1 .5 1 .3 .6 .3 .2 2 2 I
Rotamorphina involuta
Sigmoilina distorta .2 I .2 .6 7 .5 .3 .3 1 I 1
Sigmoilina tenuis .3 .4
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri 2 .6 .7 .2 I 1 1
Siphonina reticulata 1 .7 .5 1 .2 1 1 .4
Sphaeroidina bulloides .2 .3 2 . 5 2 4 2 3 3
Spiroloculina canaliculata .3 .6 I .6 .5 .3 .4 .3 .7 .3 .5
Textularia calva 2 3 4 3 3 2 2 5 3 2 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 2
Textularia conica .4 1 2 .3 .3 .3 2 .4 3 2 .5 1
Textularia sagittula 1 .3 7 4 2 5 2 2 9 6 5 2 2 . 3 2 . 4
Trifarina angulosa 2 .6 .4
Uvigerina auberiana 1 2 1 3
Uvigerina peregrina .6 .3 3 IO .5 5 11 21 22 19 9 16
Valvulineria bradyana .2 2 .3 1 .3 .4 2 2 .3 .3
Percent Accounted For 37 60 53 72 63 64 67 78 46 43 61 65 87 87 88 95 83 89




Sample 4671 4693 4649 4688 4716 4705 4673 4678 4683 4689 4698 4701 4681 4710 4711 4708 4676
Taxon Depth in meters 1016 1073 1265 1312 1378 1788 1844 1862 2358 2442 2738 2760 2852 3241 3309 3499 3974

Ammonia beccarii
Asterigerinita mammila
Bigeneria nodosaria
Brizalina albatrossi 4 2
Brizalina attica
Brizalina catanensis .3
Brizalina difformis
Brizalina dilitata 2 2
Brizalina pseudoplicata 50
Brizalina alata
Bulimina aeuleata + marginata
Bulimina costata 2 6 3
Bulimina exilis
Bulimina gibba
Cibicides boueanus
Cassidulina erassa .6 2
Cassidulina laevigata
Globocassidulina subglobosa .3
Cibicides lobatulus .6 4 2
Cibicidoides jforidanus 4 2 8
Eggerella bradyi
-Elphidium crispum
Epistominella evax
Epistominella rugosa eonvexa .6 3
Florilus boueanum
Gavelinopsis praegeri .6
Globobulimina affinis
Globobulimina pseudospinescens
Gyroidina altiformis 5 4 34 11 12 18 14 23 5 8
Gyroidina umbonata .3
Gyroidinoides neosoldanii 9 36 15 67 49 82 64 19 5 18 6
Hanzawaia rhodiensis 1 2
Hoglundina elegans 16 .6
Hyalinea balthica
Amphicoryna scalaris
Melonis barleanus 5 14 6 13
MiliolineJla circularis 3 4 2 5
Neoconorbina terquemi
Oridorsalis tener
Plan orbulina mediterranensis
Pia nul ina arimenensis 4
Pseudoc1avulina crustata
Pullenia bul/oides
Pullenia quinqueloba .6
Pyrgo anomala
Quinqueloculina lamarekiana
Rotamorphina involuta
Sigmoilina distorta 45
Sigmoilina tenuis .3
Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri .6
Siphonina reticulala 1
Sphaeroidina bulloides 1 2 .6
Spiroloeulina canaliculata .3
Textularia calva
Textularia eonica
Textularia sagittula
Trifarina anulosa
Uvigerina auberiana .6
Uvigerina peregrina 23 7 3 2 25 6 6
Valvulineria bradyana
Percent Accounted For 82 54 80 78 73 100 84 42 10 59 18 50 0 12 50 0 13


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