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Pattern Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5

TV advertisements Lead to
changes in the outlook of a .770

TV advertisements attracts
our attention when planning .722
to buy a product

TV advertisements create a
sort of confusion in selecting .573
the product

TV advertisements create
conflict between parents and
.499 .353
children over purchase of
products advertised.

TV advertisements provide
adequate and relevant .767
product information

TV advertisements Create
awareness of the products

TV advertisement helps to
identify the right product

TV advertisements are very


Products advertised through

.432 .412
celebrities are reliable

TV advertisement can be
watched any number of .703

Number of advertisement in
between the events are .619

Products advertised in TV is
.317 .419
consistent with actual

TV advertisement can
quickly recollect as
.312 -.361 .344
compared to print media

TV advertisements make
false claims on the uses
Advertisements do not tell
the truth.

TV advertisement force the

people to buy the product .542
which they don't need

There is too much of TV

-.320 .457

TV advertisements deviate
the attention of children

TV advertisement increases
the value of the brand.

TV advertisement presents
luxury as a necessity

TV advertisement excites
and induces to buy .622
something new.

TV advertisement induces
consumers to buy products .458
beyond their capacity.

Creative but sensible

advertisements are always .311

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 15 iterations.

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