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Lesson Plan Template

Student-Teacher: Hamda Bader Almehairbi.

Date: 12-2-2018

Grade Level: Grade1.

Subject: Science.
Learning Outcome:
1- compare different types of animals.
2- learned about some of the animals that live in Abu Dhabi.
3- learned about some of the animals that live in the Article circle.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before class?)
students use? Be specific) All resources out on tables beforehand.
Animals toy. PowerPoint. Work sheet. All students sit on carpet.
Picture of the part of each body of animals. Key vocabulary
White boards. Fly- Jump
Small cards have names of different types of animals and Climb- slither
how they move. Magnet. Swim- run
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)
Time: 10 mints.

I will show the students PowerPoint about the animals.

One Group

I will ask the students if they have idea about the animals how they look like and were they live.
I will teach the students and I will compare between two types of animals they live in different place

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)



Each group will have animals toy and picture of skin of animals and they will use the cards (how the move

and what are they look like) also they will match the animals toy with a correct picture.

Time: 5mints.
Whole Group

I will let the students to clean up everything and they will set on the carpet.

I will ask the students what they learned during the lesson and if they can compare between the animals they live in the hot
desert and cold desert. And I will show them photo of different animals and they will answer my questions.

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