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Synchronization of Low-Frequency Oscillation in
Power Systems
Kwan-Shik Shim, Seon-Ju Ahn and Joon-Ho Choi *
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500-757, Korea;
simgong@chonnam.ac.kr (K.-S.S.); sjahn@chonnam.ac.kr (S.-J.A.)
* Correspondence: joono@chonnam.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-62-530-1742; Fax: +82-62-530-1749

Academic Editor: Gianfranco Chicco

Received: 14 January 2017; Accepted: 14 April 2017; Published: 19 April 2017

Abstract: This paper presents the well-documented concept of synchronization of low frequency
oscillation occurring in power systems and describes the characteristics of sync occurring in basic
electrical circuits. The theory of sync, observed in basic circuits, is extended to analyze the dynamic
characteristics of low-frequency oscillation in power systems.

Keywords: interarea mode; local mode; low-frequency oscillation; mode; power system; sync

1. Introduction
In a power system, generators and loads are interconnected through a network, and the generators
are operated in synchronization at a constant system frequency. If the speed of one generator deviates
from the synchronous speed, the power change affects all other generators in the system. When this
happens, the system maintains synchronous speed by applying the appropriate control action, such
as altering the controllers in the exciter or turbine. However low-frequency oscillation can occur if
the setting of the controllers or the state of the network is inadequate. In particular, the high-speed
excitation system (used to prevent the loss of synchronizing torque and to improve transient stability)
tends to weaken the damping characteristics of low-frequency oscillations [1].
In a power system, low-frequency oscillation is a phenomenon wherein oscillation continues for a
relatively long period of time, which can threaten the stability of the system. The dominant oscillation
modes occur mainly in a frequency range of 2.0 Hz or less, and especially in the wide-area mode at
1.0 Hz or less. The local mode oscillates several local generators, while the wide-area mode oscillates
many generators between areas [2–5].
Until now, low-frequency analysis in the power system was performed by computing the
eigenvalue of the system state matrix. Eigenvalue analysis can accurately calculate the dominant
oscillation mode of a large-scale system, and many commercial programs related to eigenvalue analysis
and controller design have been developed [6–8].
Synchronization (meaning that all machines of a system are operating at the same frequency) is the
most important principle for the stable operation of large-scale power systems. Therefore, commercial
frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) is a topic of considerable interest.
Sync is a phenomenon wherein two events occur simultaneously and continuously for a specific
period of time. We also say that sync is a spontaneous order characterized by self-organization and
simultaneity [9]. So far, various sync phenomena have been explored involving both living and
nonliving objects, including fireflies, brain waves, quantum choruses, asteroid belts, and pacemaker
cells, as well as complex network architectures that include regular networks of coupled dynamical
systems and small-world networks. These references characterize sync with self-organization and
spontaneous order [10,11]. This principle of sync in dynamic systems has recently been expanding into

Energies 2017, 10, 558; doi:10.3390/en10040558 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2017,
2017, 10, 558
2017,10, 558 2ofof
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into power system analysis [12–14]. Dorfler et al. [12] proposed a closed-form condition for
power systemanalysis
synchronization analysis [12–14].
of the[12–14].
fully Dorfleretet
nonlinear, al.[12]
al. [12]proposed
non-equilibrium, aclosed-form
closed-form conditionfor
network. forsynchronization
and Bullo
ofof the
the fully
fully nonlinear,
nonlinear, non-equilibrium,
non-equilibrium, and
and dynamic
dynamic network.
[13] described a coupled oscillator approach to the problem of synchronization and transient Dorfler
Dorfler and
and Bullo
Bullo [13]described
[13] described
ina coupled
a coupled
power networks, oscillator
oscillatorand approach
approach to
Shim ettoal.the the
[14] problem
proposed of synchronization
of synchronization
methods to search and
and transient
thetransient stability
synchronization ininpower
place in power andsystems.
and Shimetetal.
Shim al.[14]
proposedmethods methodstotosearch searchthe thesynchronization
synchronizationthat thattakes
power systems.
In this paper, the term ”sync” is differentiated from ”synchronization,” a term that has been
widely InInused
this inpaper,
power the
the term”sync”
systems ”sync”
for some isisdifferentiated
time. from”synchronization,”
Synchronization ”synchronization,”
is important for system aaterm
term thathas
frequency, hasbeenbeen
widely used
used inin power
power systems
systems for
for some
some time.
time. Synchronization
sync of low-frequency oscillation involves not only frequency but also phases. isis important
important for
for system
system frequency,
frequency, but
syncThis of low-frequency
of low-frequency
paper describes oscillation
oscillation involves
involves not
the phenomenon not only frequency
only frequency
wherein low-frequency but also phases.
but alsooscillations
phases. occurring within a
This paper
paper describes
describes the
the phenomenon
phenomenon wherein
power system are synchronized with one another. First, sync is defined, and low-frequency
low-frequency oscillations
oscillations occurring
then the within
within syncaa
power system
system are
are synchronized
synchronized with
with one
one another.
another. First,
First, sync
sync isis
phenomenon occurring between voltages and currents in a simple circuit is explained. In addition, defined,
defined, and
and then
then the
the sync
sync phenomenon
the betweenvoltages
sync of between
low-frequency voltages andcurrents
oscillation currents
in a power ininaasimple
system iscircuit
explained. InInaddition,
by the synchronization the syncofof
the parallel circuit. oscillation
This in inaapower
paper power system
is thesystem
first workisisanalyzed
to analyze bybythe thecauses
the synchronization
synchronization occurring
of synchronization ofinin the
parallel circuit.
circuit. This
This paper
paper isis the
the first
first work
work toto
frequency oscillation in a power system using sync of a dynamic system. analyze
analyze the
the causes
causes ofof synchronization
synchronization ofof low
low frequency
oscillation ininaapower
The structure power system
of this paper using
is as sync
sync ofofaadynamic
follows. dynamic 2system.
Section system.provides a definition of sync, and gives an
example of sync in a basic circuit. Section 3 describes22the
The structure
structure of
of this
this paper
paper isisasas follows.
follows. Section
Section provides
sync of aadefinition
low-frequency sync, andgives
oscillation,gives an
and an
Section of sync
of sync inthe
4 discusses in a basic
a basic
results circuit.
circuit. Section
of the sync 3 describes
3 describes
in two-area systems the
the syncsync of low-frequency
of low-frequency
and Korea Electric Power oscillation,
Corporation and
Section 4 4 discusses
discusses the
the results
results ofof the
the sync
(KEPCO) systems. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusion. inin two-area
two-area systems
systems and
and Korea
Korea Electric
Electric Power
Power Corporation
(KEPCO) systems.Finally,
presentsthe theconclusion.
2. Sync of Basic Circuits
Definitionof Sync
2.1. Definition ofofSync
To analyze
Toanalyze the
occurs inin
a dynamic system, it is important that thethesystem contains a
To sync that occurs in aadynamic
dynamic system,
system, ititisisimportant
important that
that system
the system contains
large number of interconnected oscillators, capable of of
independent oscillation, that operate
operateat the
large number
number ofofinterconnected
interconnected oscillators,
oscillators, capable
capable independent
of independent oscillation,
oscillation, that
that operate atatthe
same amplitude.
amplitude. The
The system
system characteristics
characteristics should
should depend
depend onon thethe phase
Because a power
a power system
same amplitude. The system characteristics should depend on the phase [10]. Because a power system
connectedto the
producingsimilar similaroutputs,
providethe theideal
has multiple generators connected totothe same bus producing similar outputs, they provide the ideal
for the
of sync.
occurrenceofofsync. sync.
Figure 1 shows
sine wave
If two
two signals
signalsare areidentical
identical inamplitude,
amplitude, at specific
a specific time,
Figure signals are identical ininamplitude, atataaspecific time,and
time, and
and their phase difference is ◦ 180°, the two signals oscillate in the opposite direction; their sum
their phasedifference
differenceisis180 180, the
◦ , thetwo
oscillateininthe theopposite
becomes zero, as in Figure 1a. If the phase difference is 0°, the two signals overlap, combining to
zero, Figure1a.1a.IfIfthe
thephase differenceisis0◦0,◦ the
phasedifference , thetwo
create a larger signal, as in Figure 1b. Accordingly, it is called “−sync” if the phase difference between
signal, Figure1b. 1b.Accordingly,
“− sync”ififthe
sync” thephase
betweenthe thetwo
the two signals is 180°, or “+sync” if the
◦ ,◦ or difference is 0°. ”Quasi sync” is used to describe situations
180 , or“+sync”
“+sync”ififthe differenceisis0◦0.◦ .”Quasi
thedifference ”Quasisync”
in which there is neither +sync or −sync.
neither +syncoror−− sync.

Figure Syncof
Sync ofofsignal.
signal. (a)–sync;
(a) –sync;and
–sync; and(b)
and (b)+sync.
(b) +sync.

2.2. Syncin
Sync ininBasic
Basic Circuits
Figure showsa asimple
shows simpleserial
anda aparallel
circuit.In InInorder
order totosee
see therelationship
the relationship
between the
between the phases
the phases
phases ofof two
of two voltage
two voltage sources
voltage sources
sources and and a load
and aa load current,
load current, the
current, the figure
the figure represents
figure represents a current
represents aa current source
current source
that suppliesconstant
supplies constantpower
constant powerto
power tothe
to theload
the load without
load without being
withoutbeing affectedby
affected bythe
by thephase
the phaseof
phase ofthe
of thevoltage
the voltage
voltage source. In
In Figure
In 2, it is assumed that current I , by
Figure 2, it is assumed that current0I00,, by the
by thecurrent
the current source, is much larger than currents I and I
current source, is much larger than currents1 II11 and2 I2,2 , , by
voltage source.
Energies 2017, 10, 558 3 of 11
Energies 2017, 10, 558 3 of 11

Figure 2. Serial andparallel
voltage and
and current
current sources.
sources. (a) (a) Parallel
Parallel circuit;
circuit; andand
(b) serial circuit.
serial circuit.

In the
In the circuit,
circuit, ifif the
a current of I 0 = 0[A], the load current can be expressed as a function of the phase angle of the voltage
current of I0 = 0[A], the load current can be expressed as a function of the phase angle of the voltage
source as
source as follows:
IL (δ1I,Lδ(δ21), δ=
)= Ys1EE11∠δ Ys 2Y
∠δ11++ Es2
E22 ∠δ2
∠δ (1)
where Y and Y
s1 and
Ys1 are the
Ys2s2 are the composite
composite admittances
admittances of
of the
the circuit.
circuit. In
In the
the parallel
parallel circuit,
circuit, the
the composite
admittances are as follows:
admittances are as follows:
Z1 Z2Y += Z
2 + 2 Z LZ+1Z
L Z+ Z1ZLL ,Y = Z1ZZ Z2Z L++ ZZ1Z2LZL + Z1 ZL
2 +Z
Ys1 = s1
Z , Yss2
2 = 1 Z2 (2)
Z2 2 1 Z1
In the
In the serial
serial circuit,
circuit, the
the composite
composite admittances
admittances are
are as
as follows:
Ys1 = Z1 + Z2 + ZL = −Ys 2 (3)
Ys1 = Z1 + Z2 + ZL = −Ys2 (3)
The condition for making load current IL constant for the change of phase angles δ1 and δ2 of the
source for
canmaking load through
be obtained current Ithe
L constant for the changeofofthe
partial differentiation phase
loadangles and
currentδ1for δ2 of
each the
angle. Thatsource
is: can be obtained through the partial differentiation of the load current for each phase
angle. That is: ∂I ∂I
∂IL L + ∂ILL = 0 (4)
∂δ+ ∂δ = 0 (4)
∂δ1 1 ∂δ22
If the
If thevoltage
voltagesources areare
sources the the
same in magnitude,
same in magnitude, and admittances Y1 and YY21are
and admittances identical,
and Y2 areYidentical,

= 1. In the parallel circuit, the relation between phase angles δ and δ that satisfy (4)
Ys1 E1 /Ys2 E2 = 1. In the parallel circuit, the relation between phase angles δ1 and δ2 that satisfy
1 2 are as follows:
(4) are as follows: δ1 − δ2 = π (5)
δ1 − δ2 = π (5)
In the serial circuit, the relation between phase angles that satisfy (4) are as follows:
In the serial circuit, the relation between phase angles that satisfy (4) are as follows:
δ1 − δ2 = 0 (6)
δ1 − δ2 = 0 (6)
In these conditions, the load current does not flow. If I0 is constant, the load current IL = I0. Conversely,
if the maximum load current flows, the voltage phase difference in the parallel circuit is as follows:
In these conditions, the load current does not flow. If I0 is constant, the load current IL = I0 . Conversely,
if the maximum load current flows, the voltageδ1phase
− δ2 = 0difference in the parallel circuit is as follows:

The voltage phase difference in the serial circuit

δ1 −isδ2as=follows:
0 (7)
δ1 − δ2 = π (8)
The voltage phase difference in the serial circuit is as follows:
Figure 3 shows a vector diagram representing the voltage-current relationship. In the vector
1 − δ2difference
diagram of the parallel circuit, if the voltage δphase =π is 180°, the load current by the voltage (8)
source does not flow, and the phase difference between currents I1 and I2 also becomes 180°. However,
if theFigure 3 shows
difference a vector
of the voltagediagram representing
phase approaches 0°, the
the voltage-current
phase differencerelationship. In theI1 vector
between currents and I2
diagram of the parallel circuit, if the voltage phase difference is 180 ◦ , the load current by the voltage
also approaches 0°, and the load current by the voltage source becomes the maximum level. The
oppositedoes not flow, and
phenomenon the phase
occurs difference
in a serial between currents I1 and I2 also becomes 180◦ . However,
if the difference of the voltage phase approaches 0◦ , the phase difference between currents I1 and
Energies 2017, 10, 558 4 of 11

I2 also approaches 0◦ , and the load current by the voltage source becomes the maximum level. The
Energies phenomenon
2017, 10, 558 occurs in a serial circuit. 4 of 11

Figure 3. Voltage-current phase relationship of serial and parallel circuit. (a) +Sync in parallel circuit
Figure 3. Voltage-current phase relationship of serial and parallel circuit. (a) +Sync in parallel circuit
(large current);
current); (b)
(b) −sync
−syncin inparallel
(c) +sync
circuit (small
(small current);
and (d) −sync in parallel circuit (large current).
and (d) −sync in parallel circuit (large current).

In a parallel circuit, if voltage is +sync, the current also becomes +sync and, therefore, the
In a parallel circuit, if voltage is +sync, the current also becomes +sync and, therefore, the
maximum load current flows. However, if the voltage is −sync, currents I1 and I2 become −sync and,
maximum load current flows. However, if the voltage is −sync, currents I1 and I2 become −sync and,
therefore, the load current by the voltage source becomes 0. Sync in a serial circuit is opposite to that
therefore, the load current by the voltage source becomes 0. Sync in a serial circuit is opposite to that
in a parallel circuit.
in a parallel circuit.
Thus, in a parallel circuit, voltages are synchronized to −sync if the load current is small, and to
Thus, in a parallel circuit, voltages are synchronized to −sync if the load current is small, and to
+sync if the load current is large. In a serial circuit, on the other hand, they are synchronized to −sync
+sync if the load current is large. In a serial circuit, on the other hand, they are synchronized to −sync
if the load current is large, and to +sync if the load current is small. Table 1 summarizes the above
if the load current is large, and to +sync if the load current is small. Table 1 summarizes the above
description of sync in parallel and serial circuits.
description of sync in parallel and serial circuits.
Table 1. Sync in basic circuits
Table 1. Sync in basic circuits.
Circuit Voltage Load Current Voltage Phase Difference
Circuit Voltage−sync –sync Load Current
small 180° Voltage Phase Difference
+sync +sync large 0°
−sync –sync small 180◦
Parallel –sync +sync large 0°
Serial +sync large 0◦
–sync +sync –sync
+sync small large 180° 0◦
+sync –sync small 180◦
3. Sync of Low-Frequency Oscillation
3. Sync of Low-Frequency
Low-frequency Oscillation
oscillations in the power system usually contain multiple modes, which are
affected by generator inertia, transmission
Low-frequency oscillations in the power line impedance, and governor
system usually and excitation
contain multiple modes, control.
oscillation is a phenomenon in which generators oscillate at a 0.2–2.0 Hz frequency,
affected by generator inertia, transmission line impedance, and governor and excitation control. and is divided
into local mode
oscillation and interarea
is a phenomenon modegenerators
in which [1,3]. In the local at
oscillate mode, some
a 0.2–2.0 Hzlocal generators
frequency, and isoscillate
divided at a
specific frequency, and in the interarea mode, generators oscillate in a group.
local mode and interarea mode [1,3]. In the local mode, some local generators oscillate at a specific
Sync occurring
frequency, in a large-scale
and in the interarea dynamic oscillate
mode, generators system in is aboth an extensive and simultaneous
phenomenon. Generator
Sync occurring in output is changed
a large-scale by disturbances
dynamic system issuch bothasan
load change, but
extensive andconstant power
is supplied to the load through an appropriate control operation. In such a situation,
phenomenon. Generator output is changed by disturbances such as load change, but constant power if the system
has a vulnerable
is supplied to thedamping characteristic,
load through low-frequency
an appropriate oscillationIncontinues,
control operation. and oscillations
such a situation, are
if the system
synchronized with one another.
has a vulnerable damping characteristic, low-frequency oscillation continues, and oscillations are
synchronized with one another.
3.1. Sync of Local Mode
The adjacent generators in the same area are connected strongly from an electrical standpoint.
The oscillations between these generators tend to oscillate at the same frequency, which are relatively
higher. A mode in which only some local generators participate in oscillation is called a “local mode”
Energies 2017, 10, 558 5 of 11

3.1. Sync of Local Mode

Energies 2017, 10, 558 5 of 11
The adjacent generators in the same area are connected strongly from an electrical standpoint. The
Energies 2017, 10, 558 5 of 11
4 showsthese generators
generator tend to
groups oscillate at the same
interconnected with frequency, which are
other generator relatively
groups higher.
through a
A mode
network. inInwhich
Figure 4such only some sync
a system,
shows localgroups
generator generators
among the participate
generators in
interconnected oscillation
with the isgenerator
other called
occursa simultaneously
“local mode”
groups [3,4].
throughwith a
that Figure
among 4
theshows generator
areas groups
themselves. interconnected with other generator groups
network. In such a system, sync among the generators inside the area occurs simultaneously withthrough a network.
In such
that amonga system, syncthemselves.
the areas among the generators inside the area occurs simultaneously with that among
the areas themselves.

Figure 4. Local and wide area network.

Figure 4.
Figure Local and
4. Local and wide
wide area
area network.
Sync between generators in Area 1 is determined by load condition. During normal parallel
operation, the overall system load is always larger than the by output of the localDuringgenerator group. If the
Sync between
Sync between generators
generators in Area 1 is determineddetermined by load
load condition.
condition. normal parallel
output sum of the generators in Area 1 is P G1, and the total load is PL, the following equation is
operation, the
operation, theoverall
systemload load is always
is always larger
larger thanthan the output
the output of theoflocal
the generator
local generator
If the
If the output
output sum of sumtheofgenerators
the generators in Area
in Area 1 is 1PG1
is, Pand
G1 , andthe the
is PisL, Pthe
L , the following
following equation
equation is
is established:
established: P G1 < PL (9)
PG1 < P
PG1 <Area
PL L (9)
Under this condition, the overall network (except 1) is equivalent to an infinite bus, as shown (9)
in Figurethis5.condition, the
Therefore,the overall
it can networkthat
be assumed (except Area is
the Area
load 1)very
is equivalent
large in the to an infinite
parallel bus, as
circuit shown
shown in
Under this condition, overall network (except 1) is equivalent to an infinite bus, as shown
in Figure
Figure 2. 5. Therefore,aitlarge
Accordingly, can be assumed
current flows that
from theAreaload1 isto very
the large in the
network. The parallel
voltage circuit
phase shown in
in Figure 5. Therefore, it can be assumed that the load is very large in the parallel circuit shown in
of Area2.
Figure 2.1Accordingly,
Accordingly, aa large
large current
satisfies the following: current flows
flows from
from Area
Area 11 to to the
the network.
network. The The voltage
voltage phase
phase difference
of Area 1 satisfies the following:
of Area 1 satisfies the following: Δδ = δ − δ = 0 (10)
∆δ = |δ1111− δ1212 | = 0 (10)
Δδ = δ11 − δ12 = 0 (10)
where δ 11 and δ12 are the phase angles of generator terminal
where δ11 and δ12 are the phase angles of generator terminal voltage of Area 1. voltage of Area 1.
where Inδthe
In the
11 and
vector diagram
δ12 are the phase of aaangles
of parallel
parallel circuit in
of generator in Figure
terminal 3, voltage
3, if aa large
if large load current
of load
Area current
1. flows, the
flows, the phase
difference of
In theofvectorthe generator
the generator terminal
diagramterminal voltages
of a parallel becomes
circuit in Figure small
small3,and, and, therefore,
if a therefore,
large loadgenerators generators within
current flows, the
local group
difference are
group are synchronizedsynchronized
of the generator to
to +sync +sync
terminal with with one another.
one another.
voltages becomes Thus,
small generators
generators in
in a local
and, therefore, a local bus connected
bus connected
generators within to to
a large-scale
local groupnetworknetwork
are areare
synchronized synchronized
to +syncto to +sync
with onewith withoneone
another. another.
Thus, ThisThis
generators phenomenon
in a local is isconnected
bus the
same same
as theas
the concept
aconcept of
of local
large-scale local
network mode in a linear
in asynchronized
are linear analysis.
analysis. to +sync with one another. This phenomenon is the same as
the concept of local mode in a linear analysis.

Figure 5. Equivalent
Figure 5. Equivalent system
system with
with infinite
infinite bus.

Figure 5. Equivalent system with infinite bus.

3.2. Sync
Sync of
of Interarea
Interarea Mode
3.2. Sync in
in the
of Interarea
Generators Mode
the same
same local area can
local area can also
also oscillate against generators
oscillate against generators in in the
the other
other local
local areas.
This is
is called
called “interarea
This Generators “interarea oscillation”
oscillation” and the
andcan oscillation
the also
oscillation mode
mode is
is called
called “interarea
“interarea modes”.
modes”. If generator
in the same local area oscillate against generators in the other If
local areas.
groups inindifferent
different areas
connected through
connected long-distance
through transmission
long-distance lines, the
transmission generator
lines, the groups
This is called “interarea oscillation” and the oscillation mode is called “interarea modes”. If generator
between areas
groups between are weakly
areas connected
are weakly from an
connected electrical
from an standpoint. For interarea
electrical standpoint. modes,
For interareathe generators
groups in different areas are connected through long-distance transmission lines, themodes,
in a local area
generators in swing
a local together
area swing against other
together local areas
against other at a frequency
local areas at aoffrequency
0.2–1.0 Hz of[3,4].
0.2–1.0 Hz [3,4].
groups between areas are weakly connected from an electrical standpoint. For interarea modes, the
If localingenerators
generators a local areaareswingsynchronized to +sync,
together against otherthe generator
local areas at group
a frequencyof thatof local
Hz can
converted to an OMIB (one machine infinite bus) system. If this occurs,
If local generators are synchronized to +sync, the generator group of that local area can be areas 1 and 2 can be
considered to be connected to a parallel circuit, as shown in Figure 6. Therefore,
converted to an OMIB (one machine infinite bus) system. If this occurs, areas 1 and 2 can be the sync of interarea
modes can deal
considered to bewith the sync
connected to aofparallel
a parallel circuit.
circuit, as shown in Figure 6. Therefore, the sync of interarea
Energies 2017, 10, 558 6 of 11

If local generators are synchronized to +sync, the generator group of that local area can be
converted to an OMIB (one machine infinite bus) system. If this occurs, areas 1 and 2 can be considered
to be connected to a parallel circuit, as shown in Figure 6. Therefore, the sync of interarea modes can
Energies 2017, 10, 558 6 of 11
deal with the sync of a parallel circuit.

Figure 6.
Figure Equivalent system
6. Equivalent system with
with infinite
infinite bus.

If Areas 1 and 22 are

are weakly
weakly connected,
connected, it
it can
can be
be assumed
assumed that
that there
there is
is aasmall
Therefore, the load is small in the parallel circuit shown in Figure 2, and a small current flows from
Area 1 to Area 2. The voltage phase difference
difference between
between Area
Area 11 and
and Area
Area 22 satisfies
satisfies the
Δδ = δ − δ = π (11)
∆δ = |δ11 − δ2 2 | = π (11)
where δ1 and δ2 are the phase angles of bus voltage.
where 1 and
Inδthe δ2 are
vector the phase
diagram of aangles
parallelof bus voltage.
circuit, if a small load current flows, the phase difference of
In the vector diagram of a parallel
the generator terminal voltages becomes large. Therefore,circuit, if a small load current flows,
the generators of Areathe 1phase difference
and Area 2 are
synchronized to −sync with each other. This is similar to the concept of interarea mode in a linear2
of the generator terminal voltages becomes large. Therefore, the generators of Area 1 and Area
are synchronized to −sync with each other. This is similar to the concept of interarea mode in a
sync of interarea modes depends on the load distribution and network configuration. If the
load nearsync
The of interarea
the generator modes
group is depends
small, theonpower
the loadflow distribution and network
from the local area to the configuration. If the
network is large.
load near the generator group is small, the power flow from the local area
Conversely, if the load of a local area is large, the power flow from the local area to the network is to the network is large.
small. if thepower
The small load of a local
flow means areathat
is large, the power
the generator flow between
groups from the areas
local area to the network
are weakly connected is
small. The small
to the network. power flow means that the generator groups between areas are weakly connected to
the network.
In Figure 6, if the small power flows from areas to the network, Area 1 and Area 2 are weakly
In Figure
connected to the6, network.
if the small power flows
Therefore, from areas
the generator to the
groups arenetwork, Area 1toand
synchronized −sync Area 2 are
with eachweakly
connected to the network. Therefore, the generator groups
This is similar to the sync of the parallel circuit flowing small load current. are synchronized to − sync with each other.
This However,
is similar toif the
the sync of the of
difference parallel circuit flowing
the generation or thesmall
load load current.
between areas is large, the sync of the
However, if the difference of the generation or
interarea mode may vary to quasi sync, due to an unbalanced power flow. the load between areasThis
is large,
doesthenotsync of the
satisfy the
interarea mode may vary to quasi sync, due to an unbalanced power flow.
sync condition that the magnitude of the oscillators should be the same. If the sync of the balance This does not satisfy the
sync condition
state that the magnitude
(−sync) is changed to the +syncoforthe oscillators
quasi sync, the should
system be stability
the same. If the is
margin sync of the Various
reduced. balance
state ( − sync) is changed to the +sync or quasi sync, the system stability
controllers operate to maintain stable and optimal operation in power systems. In this process, margin is reduced. Various
controllers are
generators operate to maintain
self-organized andstable and optimal
synchronized to eachoperation
other. in power systems. In this process,
generators are self-organized and synchronized to each other.
3.3. Sync in Wide Area System Operation
3.3. Sync in Wide Area System Operation
When low-frequency oscillation occurs in a power system, local generators are synchronized to
When low-frequency oscillation occurs in a power system, local generators are synchronized
+sync with each other. Because the overall system load is much larger than the local area load in
to +sync with each other. Because the overall system load is much larger than the local area load in
normal power systems, the excess power flows from the local area to the network, and +sync occurs.
normal power systems, the excess power flows from the local area to the network, and +sync occurs.
This sync of a local mode is simple.
This sync of a local mode is simple.
However, the sync of an interarea mode is not simple. In a typical power system, the generator
However, the sync of an interarea mode is not simple. In a typical power system, the generator
and the load are distributed over a wide area. The sync of an interarea mode can occur in various
and the load are distributed over a wide area. The sync of an interarea mode can occur in various
forms, as a network configuration. When this happens, both the load and the generator participate in
forms, as a network configuration. When this happens, both the load and the generator participate in
the oscillation. Therefore, the load with the oscillating generator can be treated as a group. If the loads
the oscillation. Therefore, the load with the oscillating generator can be treated as a group. If the loads
of areas 1 and 2 are large, as shown in Figure 6, the small power and current flow through the
of areas 1 and 2 are large, as shown in Figure 6, the small power and current flow through the network.
network. Therefore, the interarea mode is synchronized to –sync in typical power systems.
Therefore, the interarea mode is synchronized to –sync in typical power systems.
The network configuration can be changed by the system failure, or the insertion of a large load
and generation. This change can be varied with the sync of interarea mode. That is, −sync is changed
to +sync or quasi sync. For the stable operation of the wide area power system, with the large
damping factor of the low-frequency oscillation mode, the local mode must remain a +sync, and the
interarea mode must remain a –sync. The sync of the complex system may be the basis of the stable
operation of the large-scale power systems.
Energies 2017, 10, 558 7 of 11

The network configuration can be changed by the system failure, or the insertion of a large load
and generation. This change can be varied with the sync of interarea mode. That is, −sync is changed
to +sync or quasi sync. For the stable operation of the wide area power system, with the large damping
factor of the low-frequency oscillation mode, the local mode must remain a +sync, and the interarea
mode must remain a –sync. The sync of the complex system may be the basis of the stable operation of
the large-scale
Energies power systems.
2017, 10, 558 7 of 11

4. Numerical Examples

4.1. Two-Area
4.1. Two-Area System
A two-area
A two-area system
system has been used
has been used to
to verify
verify the
the sync
sync of
of low-frequency
low-frequency oscillations.
oscillations. Figure
Figure 77 shows
aa two-area
two-area system
system [1,2].
[1,2]. The
The system
system parameters
parameters were
were identical
identical to to those
those in
in [2].
[2]. Dynamic
Dynamic simulations
were performed
performed forfor two
two load conditions, in
load conditions, in order
order to
to examine
examine the the sync
sync of
of low-frequency
low-frequency oscillations.
In Case 1, a small power flow exists from Area 1 to Area 2, due to the presence of
In Case 1, a small power flow exists from Area 1 to Area 2, due to the presence of equal loads in equal loads in each
area. In
area. In Case
Case 2,
2, with
with aa load
load in
in Area
Area 22 larger
larger than
than the
the generation,
generation, aa large
large power
power flow
flow exists
exists in
in the
the tie
line. The power flows in the tie lines for Case 1 and Case 2 are 50 MW and 400
line. The power flows in the tie lines for Case 1 and Case 2 are 50 MW and 400 MW, respectively.MW, respectively.

Figure 7. Two-area systems (Case 1: 50 MW; and Case 2: 400 MW).

Figure 7. Two-area systems (Case 1: 50 MW; and Case 2: 400 MW).

The test results for each case are shown in Figure 8. Approximately 4.0 s after fault clearing, the
The test
generators G1results
and G2 forwere
each synchronized
case are showntoin+sync Figureand8. Approximately
G3 and G4 to +sync 4.0 s after fault
in each clearing,
case. Since thethe
generators G1 and G2 were synchronized to +sync and G3 and G4 to +sync in
overall load is greater than the generation of each local area, a large current flows from the local area each case. Since the
to load is greater
the network, and thethan the generation
generators in a localofarea
eacharelocal area, a large
synchronized tocurrent
+sync withflows from
each the local
other, area
as shown
to the
in network,
Table 1. Figure and8athe generators
shows Case 1, inin
a local
which area are synchronized
generator groups intoAreas
+sync1 with
and 2each
are other, as shown
oscillating in –
in Table 1. Figure 8a shows Case 1, in which generator groups in Areas 1 and
sync. Since the power flow from Area 1 to Area 2 is small, the voltages are synchronized to –sync. 2 are oscillating in –sync.
the power flow from
8b shows CaseArea
2, in1which
to Arealocal
2 is small, the voltages
area generators areare synchronized
oscillating to –sync.
in +sync, as in Case 1.
Figure 8b shows Case 2, in which local area generators are oscillating
However, with a large power flow, the generators of Area 2 dominate the wide-area oscillation. in +sync, as in CaseIn 1.
However, with a large power flow, the generators of Area 2 dominate the wide-area
this case, the generators of a specific local area dominate the wide-area oscillation, and this kind of oscillation. In this
case, thecan
system generators of a specific
easily become localeven
unstable, areawith
a smallthedisturbance.
wide-area oscillation, and this kind of system
can easily become unstable, even with a small disturbance.
The two-area systems described above have a symmetric network structure. Therefore, two-area
systems two-area
an idealsystems
wherein syncaboveofhave a symmetric
low-frequency network can
oscillation structure.
occur, Therefore,
as shown in two-area
systems are an ideal system wherein sync of low-frequency oscillation can occur,
8. However, if the operating conditions of a system like Case 1 are changed to those of Case 2, the as shown in Figure 8.
However, if the operating conditions of a system
sync of the system also changes, and sync breakdown can occur. like Case 1 are changed to those of Case 2, the sync of
the system also changes, and sync breakdown can occur.

4.2. KEPCO System

The sync of low-frequency oscillation was examined in the KEPCO system, consisting of
281 generators and 1584 bus bars [15]. A simplified diagram of the KEPCO system and generator
groups are shown in Figure 9. In a KEPCO system, the loads are concentrated in the Gyeongin and
Gyeongnam areas.
this case, the generators of a specific local area dominate the wide-area oscillation, and this kind of
system can easily become unstable, even with a small disturbance.
The two-area systems described above have a symmetric network structure. Therefore, two-area
systems are an ideal system wherein sync of low-frequency oscillation can occur, as shown in Figure
8. However, if the operating conditions of a system like Case 1 are changed to those of Case 2, the
Energies 2017, 10, 558 8 of 11
sync of the system also changes, and sync breakdown can occur.

Energies 2017, 10, 558 8 of 11

4.2. KEPCO System

The sync of low-frequency oscillation was examined in the KEPCO system, consisting of 281
generators and 1584 bus bars [15]. A simplified diagram of the KEPCO system and generator groups
are Figure
Figure 8.
shown Sync
Sync of
of generator
9. In and
Figure and bus
bus voltage
a KEPCO voltage in
in two-area
system,two-area system:
the loads (a) Case
Case 11 (power
(power flows:
are in the50
flows: MW);
MW); and
and and
(b) Case
Case 22 (power
(power flows:
flows: 400
400 MW).
Gyeongnam areas.

Figure 9. Simplified diagram of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) system.
Figure 9. Simplified diagram of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) system.

Numerous oscillation modes were calculated in the linear analysis of the KEPCO system.
Numerous oscillation
Dominant oscillation modesmodes were calculated
are represented in Tablein2.the linear
“real” andanalysis
“imag” inof Table
2 mean system.
the real
Dominant oscillation
and imaginary modes
parts of arerespectively;
modes, represented “damping”
in Table 2. and
“real” and refer
“freq”, “imag” in Table
to the 2 mean
damping the
and frequency of modes, respectively.

Table 2. Oscillation modes of KEPCO system

Modeno Freq (Hz) Damping (%) Dominant State
Real Imag
1 −0.2236 3.9364 0.6265 5.67 29252 : GR 4G 22.0 :
Energies 2017, 10, 558 9 of 11

real and imaginary parts of modes, respectively; “damping” and “freq”, refer to the damping constant
and frequency of modes, respectively.

Table 2. Oscillation modes of KEPCO system.

Modeno Freq (Hz) Damping (%) Dominant State
Real Imag
1 −0.2236 3.9364 0.6265 5.67 29252 : GR 4G 22.0 :
2 −0.5509 6.9511 1.1063 7.90 23436 : IC 2ST 16.0 :
3 −0.5278 6.2897 1.0010 8.36 23433 : IC 1ST 16.0 :
4 −0.5029 5.9437 0.9460 8.43 23433 : IC 1ST 16.0 :
5 −0.5575 5.8178 0.9259 9.54 27155 : YG 5G 22.0 :
Energies 2017, 10, 558 9 of 11

The dominant
Therefore, mode with
the mode with 0.626
the worst damping can
Hz frequency characteristics wasas
be considered the
an0.626 Hz frequency
interarea mode.
mode, with the
The mode shapes for dominant oscillation modes are calculated, with the results shown in Figure 10.
southeast area generators, including the Gori area (GR: Gori; US: Ulsan; and WS: Wolseong), and the
It is shown that
northwest areathe mode shapes
generators, are distributed
including with the same
the Seoincheon area phases in the same areas,
(SIC: Seoincheon; and and the phase
IC: Incheon),
mutuallythe areas is distributed 180 degrees out of phase.

Figure 10.
Figure 10. Sync
the interarea
interarea mode.
mode. GR:GR:
GoriGori area generators;
area generators; US: area
US: Ulsan Ulsan area generators;
generators; IC:
IC: Incheon
Incheon area generators; and SIC: Seoincheon area
area generators; and SIC: Seoincheon area generators. generators.

The main load on the KEPCO system is in the Gyeongin area, including Seoul. In most cases, the
Therefore, the mode with 0.626 Hz frequency can be considered as an interarea mode, with the
power generated in the southern area is transmitted to the Gyeongin area. As shown in Figure 9,
southeast area generators, including the Gori area (GR: Gori; US: Ulsan; and WS: Wolseong), and
there is a large load near the Seoincheon area, and a large load near the Gori area. Therefore, the
the northwest area generators, including the Seoincheon area (SIC: Seoincheon; and IC: Incheon),
power flowing from the southeast area to the northwest area is not large, and the two areas are
mutually oscillating.
connected weakly.
The main load on the KEPCO system is in the Gyeongin area, including Seoul. In most cases,
When a large load current flows in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized to + sync. Therefore, local
the power generated in the southern area is transmitted to the Gyeongin area. As shown in Figure 9,
generators are synchronized to +sync because there is a large current flow from the local area to the
there is a large load near the Seoincheon area, and a large load near the Gori area. Therefore, the
network. The southeast area generators, centering on the Gori area, were synchronized to +sync and
power flowing from the southeast area to the northwest area is not large, and the two areas are
the northwest area generators to +sync.
connected weakly.
When a small load current flows in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized with −sync. Since the
When a large load current flows in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized to + sync. Therefore, local
southeast and northwest areas are weakly connected, a small current flows from the southeast area
generators are synchronized to +sync because there is a large current flow from the local area to the
to the northwest. So, the southeast area generator group and the northwest area generator group are
network. The southeast area generators, centering on the Gori area, were synchronized to +sync and
oscillating in –sync, as shown Figure 10.
the northwest area generators to +sync.
The mode shapes for the 1.106 Hz frequency mode were calculated, with the results shown in
When a small load current flows in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized with −sync. Since the
Figure 11. As shown, the mode shapes are distributed with the same phases. Therefore, the mode can
southeast and northwest areas are weakly connected, a small current flows from the southeast area
be considered as a local mode of the northwest area generators, including the Seoincheon area.
to the northwest. So, the southeast area generator group and the northwest area generator group are
The Seoincheon area is located near the Gyeongin area with the large load. A large amount of
oscillating in –sync, as shown Figure 10.
power is transmitted from the Seoincheon area to the Gyeongin area. When a large load current flows
The mode shapes for the 1.106 Hz frequency mode were calculated, with the results shown in
in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized to +sync. Therefore, local generators are synchronized to +sync
Figure 11. As shown, the mode shapes are distributed with the same phases. Therefore, the mode can
because there is a large current flow from the local area to the network. The northwest area
be considered as a local mode of the northwest area generators, including the Seoincheon area.
generators, centering on the Seoincheon area, were synchronized to +sync.
be considered as a local mode of the northwest area generators, including the Seoincheon area.
The Seoincheon area is located near the Gyeongin area with the large load. A large amount of
power is transmitted from the Seoincheon area to the Gyeongin area. When a large load current flows
in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized to +sync. Therefore, local generators are synchronized to +sync
because there
Energies 2017, is a large current flow from the local area to the network. The northwest10area
10, 558 of 11
generators, centering on the Seoincheon area, were synchronized to +sync.

Figure 11.
11. Sync
Sync of
of the
the local
local mode.
mode. IC
IC steam
steam turbine
turbine unit
unit 1;
1; IC
IC steam
steam turbine
turbine unit
unit 2;
2; IC
1GT: IC gas turbine unit 1; IC 3GT: IC gas turbine unit 3; SIC GT1: SIC gas turbine unit 1; and SIC
1GT: IC gas turbine unit 1; IC 3GT: IC gas turbine unit 3; SIC GT1: SIC gas turbine unit 1; and SIC GT4:
GT4: SICturbine
SIC gas gas turbine
unit 4.unit 4.

The Seoincheon area is located near the Gyeongin area with the large load. A large amount of
power is transmitted from the Seoincheon area to the Gyeongin area. When a large load current flows
in a parallel circuit, it is synchronized to +sync. Therefore, local generators are synchronized to +sync
because there is a large current flow from the local area to the network. The northwest area generators,
centering on the Seoincheon area, were synchronized to +sync.
If a system structure in operation at −sync is changed, and sync is weakened or disappears, the
wide-area oscillation increases and even a small disturbance can lead to the system becoming unstable.
This can be seen in the example of the two-area system described above. Therefore, the system should
be operated in a way that +sync between a local area and another area does not occur.
The real power system is not symmetrical as in the case of the two-area system. Additionally,
when oscillation occurs, various modes are synthesized. The oscillations of the local generators are
synchronized to +sync exactly. In many cases, however, when interarea oscillations occur, the voltage
and current are synchronized in quasi sync. This is because the network is not symmetrical and the
generator is affected by other modes.

4.3. Discussion
This paper shows that low-frequency oscillations in the power system can be analyzed from the
synchronization of simple parallel circuits. The results can be summarized as follows:
The local mode, which only oscillates several local generators, is synchronized with +sync.
Because a power system is connected in parallel, and the overall system load is always larger than the
local generation, a large current flows to the network and the local generators are in + sync.
The interarea mode, which is characterized by groups of coherent generators swinging against
each other, is synchronized with −sync. If the amount of power transfer on the tie-lines between the
areas is small, the network is weakly connected and a small current flows to the network; the generator
groups between the areas are in −sync.
When the system is operating reliably with −sync, if the synchronization becomes weakened or
disappears, a sync breakdown phenomenon can occur. This can make a particular local generator group
dominate the overall system oscillation, which can make even a small disturbance affect the whole
system to be unstable. When such a global oscillation occurs, adaptive wide-area damping control
can be effective [16]. Therefore, when system oscillation is analyzed by the sync of low-frequency
oscillations, it is possible to determine the stability margin of the overall system.

5. Conclusions
This paper described the phenomenon wherein low-frequency oscillations are synchronized with
one another in a power system. The sync of low-frequency oscillation was defined, and sync between
Energies 2017, 10, 558 11 of 11

voltages and currents in basic electric circuits was derived and proved. In addition, the sync of the
power system was analyzed by extending the sync of the basic electrical circuit.
Sync concepts proposed in this paper were applied to two-area systems and the KEPCO systems,
and it was confirmed that the synchronization phenomenon can be usefully applied to the power
system. The sync of low-frequency oscillation can be applied to the synchro-phasor and it can be used
in real-time system operation.

Author Contributions: Kwan-Shik Shim prepared the manuscript and completed the theory and simulations.
Joon-Ho Choi supervised the study and discussed the results. Seon-Ju Ahn commented on the manuscript. All of
the authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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