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Teacher: Jozette Roberts

Date: Class: form 4 Time: 70mins

Unit: Matrices
Topic: Concept of a Matrix
Pre-knowledge: types of numbers, horizontal, vertical

OBJECTIVES: Pupils will: Classification

1. Define a matrix K
2. Define the order of a matrix K
3. Determine the order of a matrix AT
4. Define row matrix, column matrix and square matrix K
5. Cooperate on crossword based on matrix definitions Aff
6. Identify the usefulness of matrices for organizing data for taking inventory in businesses Aff

SET INDUCTION: (Time: 3 minutes)

Students are presented with a situation where, Mother Mabel, a shop owner sells four products cartoons of
milk, bags of sugar, bags of flour and packets of Zoomers, she opens Monday to Saturday, each day she
records how many of each item she sells.
Students are presented with the information on her recordings for the last week of sales
Monday: 4 cartoons milk, 3 bags of flour, 7 bags of sugar and 10 packets of Zoomers;
Tuesday: 5 cartoons milk, 7 bags of flour, 5 bags of sugar and 13 packets of Zoomers;
Wednesday: 9 cartoons milk, 8 bags of flour, 5 bags of sugar and 11 packets of Zoomers;
Thursday: 4 cartoons milk, 2 bags of flour, 1 bags of sugar and 10 packets of Zoomers;
Friday: 9 cartoons milk, 6 bags of flour, 5 bags of sugar and 8 packets of Zoomers;
Saturday: 9 cartoons milk, 3 bags of flour, 5 bags of sugar and 20 packets of Zoomers

Students are asked to think of an easier method of recording her data

Teacher tells students that today’s lesson will be based on determining an easier way organise data.
A matrix
(Resources required: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, smartboard)

SECTION 1 (Time: 10 minutes)

Content: Concept of a Matrix
Associated Objective: 6
Teaching Points:
1. it involves horizontal elements or rows
2. it involves vertical elements or columns
3. it is an array of elements
4. its elements are separated by a space,
5. it is enclosed by square brackets
6. it involves rows with the same number of elements
7. it involves columns with the same number of elements
8. it is denoted by a capital letter
Teaching Strategy: Student Activity Resources
Inductive method/ Guided Discovery/ Discussion White board markers
Questioning -Students will be given shown Smart board,
Questions: How are matrices organised? images of examples and non- PowerPoint
How are elements of matrices separated? examples of matrices. presentation
How are matrices Denoted/named? They will be asked to determine
Is there a specific number of elements in each the attributes of matrices from the
row? images
Should there be a specific number of elements
in each column?
What kinds of brackets are used to enclose
Sectional Review: (Time: 10 minutes)
Students will determine the concept rule: a matrix is an array of elements characterised by horizontal rows and
vertical columns, enclosed in square brackets and is denoted by a capital letter. Each row must me the same
number of elements and each element is separated by a space; the number of elements of each column must be
the same and are separated by a space.
If desks were elements, is your class a matrix?
if yes, why?
If no, Why?
SECTION 2 (Time:5 minutes)
Content: Matrices as means of organising data
Associated Objective: 6
Teaching Points:
1. Identify the two defining attributes of the data to be organised
2. Choose one attribute for rows and the other as columns
3. Choose the order for the elements of the rows or choose the order of each column
4. Choose the order of the elements for the columns
5. Place the elements in each row in the order determined by the columns
6 Alternatively place the elements in each column in the order determined by the rows
7. Place the information in square brackets
8. Observe how neat and concise the information is displayed
Teaching Strategy: Student Activity Resources
Guided Discovery Guided Practice/Discussion: Notebook. Whiteboard,
-Determine the matrix for Mother Mabel’s shop for markers.
goods sold for the last week
-Explain what elements mean based on the row
and column it belongs.
-Locate elements on based row and column
Sectional Review: (Time: 5 minutes)
Students will determine three other instances where matrices will be useful for organising data.

SECTION 3 (Time:10 minutes)

Content: Order of Matrix
Associated Objective: 2, 3,
Teaching Points:
1. the order of a matrix is the number of row multiplied by the number of brackets
2. the order of a matrix is a mathematical phrase enclosed by round brackets
3. the order of a matrix is written in the form (# rows× # columns)
4. the order of a matrix is determined by:
a. count the number of rows
b. count the number of columns
c. state the number of rows by the number of columns within round brackets
Teaching Strategy: Student Activity Resources
Inductive method/Discussion Discussion: PowerPoint presentation,
Given examples of the order matrices /White board markers
and their order student discuss key notebooks
attributes and determine an algorithm
to find the order of a matrix
Sectional Review: (Time: 8 minutes)
Students will determine the order of examples of matrices including the matrix from Mother Mabel’s shop

SECTION 4 (Time: 10 minutes)

Content: Special types of matrices
Associated Objective: 4
Teaching Points:
1. A row matrix is a matrix with only one row
2. A column matrix is a matrix with only one matrix
3. A square matrix is a matrix with the same number of rows and columns
Teaching Strategy: Student Activity Resources
Inductive method/ Guided discovery Investigation/ pair work: PowerPoint presentation,
1) List the characteristics of examples smartboard, white board and
of -row matrices markers
-column matrices
- square matrices
2) determine a name for each type of
matrix based on their common

Sectional Review: (Time: 5 minutes)

Work on crossword puzzle based on matrix definitions:

CLOSURE: (Time: 2 minutes)

Students will be asked to state the main aspects of the lesson
Matrix is an array of numbers or objects
Matrix is denoted be ca capital letter
The rows of a matrix must have equal number of elements
The columns of a matrix must have equal number of elements
The elements of a matrix are separated by spaces
A row matrix is a matrix with one row
A column matrix is a matrix with one column
A square matrix is a matrix with same number of rows and column
FINAL EVALUATION: (Time: 1 minutes)
Student will be given a sheet with three examples of matrices and asked to determine the order of each matrix

1. 2. 3.
Reasonable level Achievement: Objective
30/30 students will determine the order of the matrix in 1 correctly 3
30/30 students will determine the order of the matrix in 2 correctly 3
27/30 students will determine the order of the matrix in 3 correctly 3
CONTINUOUS EVALUATION: A Complete Course in Mathematics Vol2 pg 1012 ex 20a

Teacher Name: Jozette Roberts School Name: Fatima college Class: Form 4
Concept Name: Matrix
Criterial attributes / Essential Characteristics: it involves horizontal elements or rows, it involves vertical
elements or columns, it is an array of elements, its elements are separated by a space, it is enclosed by square
brackets, it involves rows with the same number of elements, it involves columns with the same number of
elements, it is denoted by a capital letter

Non-criterial attributes / Non-Essential Characteristics: the type of elements (symbol, number etc), the capital
letter it is denoted by, the number of elements in the matrix

Concept rule: a matrix is an array of elements characterised by horizontal rows and vertical columns, enclosed in
square brackets and is denoted by a capital letter. Each row must me the same number of elements and each
element is separated by a space; the number of elements of each column must be the same and are separated by
a space.

Teaching Points:
1. it involves horizontal elements or rows
2. it involves vertical elements or columns
3. it is an array of elements
4. its elements are separated by a space,
5. it is enclosed by square brackets
6. it involves rows with the same number of elements
7. it involves columns with the same number of elements
8. it is denoted by a capital letter
Concept examples:

A= [2 3 4]

Concept non-examples:

P= {3, 5, 6, 2} p= [1 5 3]

Relationship with another concept(s):

Simultaneous equations, transformations, vectors

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