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CAP526 – Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Home Work – 4


Q1: Life cycle of all bugs shows up the same phases, justify it by taking few

ANSWER: Bug can be defined as the abnormal behavior of the software. No

software exists without a bug. The elimination of bugs from the software depends
upon the efficiency of testing done on the software.

n software development process, the bug has a life cycle. The bug should go
through the life cycle to be closed. A specific life cycle ensures that the process is
standardized. The bug attains different states in the life cycle. The life cycle of the
bug can be shown diagrammatically as follows:
A sample guideline for assignment of Priority Levels during the product test phase

Critical / Show Stopper — An item that prevents further testing of the product or
function under test can be classified as Critical Bug. No workaround is possible for
such bugs. Examples of this include a missing menu option or security permission
required to access a function under test.

Major / High — A defect that does not function as expected/designed or cause

other functionality to fail to meet requirements can be classified as Major Bug. The
workaround can be provided for such bugs. Examples of this include inaccurate
calculations; the wrong field being updated, etc.

Average / Medium — The defects which do not conform to standards and

conventions can be classified as Medium Bugs. Easy workarounds exists to
achieve functionality objectives. Examples include matching visual and text links
which lead to different end points.

Minor / Low — Cosmetic defects which does not affect the functionality of the
system can be classified as Minor Bugs.

Q2: Suppose that you are running tests in windows calculator and find that
1+1=2, 2+2=5, 3+3=6, 4+4=9 ...... and

6+6=13…? Write a bug title and bug description that effectively describes the

Bug Title:- Incorrect Sum when an even number is added to


Bug Description :- Actual sum = Expected sum + 1 whenever

and even number is added to itself. This does not happen

with odd numbers.

Q3: Write the test cases and write them in proper test case format for a web
page having following fields:

I) roll number

II) Class

III) Registration number

IV) Section

V) Session

VI) Course

VII) Email id


Q4: Smart monkeys, macros and dumb Monkeys are different give one


Q5: For a Project list the major Risks and risk Mitigation Strategies for


A simple definition of a “risk” is a problem that could cause some loss or threaten
the success of our project, but which hasn’t happened yet. (And we’d like to keep it
that way.) These potential problems might have an adverse impact on the cost,
schedule, or technical success of the project, the quality of our products, or team
morale. Risk management is the process of identifying, addressing, and eliminating
these potential problems before they can damage our project.

Many risks arise because of dependencies our project has on outside
agencies or factors. We cannot usually control these external dependencies,
so mitigation strategies may involve contingency plans to acquire a
necessary component from a second source, or working with the source of
the dependency to maintain good visibility into status and detect any
looming problems.
Requirements Issues:
 lack of a clear product vision
 lack of agreement on product requirements
 inadequate customer involvement in the requirements process
 unprioritized requirements
 new market with uncertain needs
 rapidly changing requirements
 ineffective requirements change management process
 inadequate impact analysis of requirements changes
Management Issues:
· inadequate planning and task identification
· inadequate visibility into actual project status
· unclear project ownership and decision making
· unrealistic commitments made, sometimes for the wrong reasons
· managers or customers with unrealistic expectations
· staff personality conflicts
Lack of Knowledge:
· lack of training
· inadequate understanding of methods, tools, and techniques
· insufficient application domain experience
· new technologies or development methods
· ineffective, poorly documented, or ignored processes
· technical approaches that may not work

Catastrophic risks
If a catastrophic risk occurs we will make an honest reassessment of the viability
of the project and involve the relevant project stakeholders. If a catastrophic risk
occurs we will cancel the project. We will take away our lessons learned and any
valuable project bi-products. We do not recognize any catastrophic risks. If one
occurs we will pretend everything is fine and hope that none of the stakeholders
Risks that consume development resources
The project has a fixed deadline. The requirements are prioritized. If we lose time,
we will reduce project scope. The features specified are all essential If we lose
time, we will delay delivery. If we lose time, we will make time estimates for the
remaining features, and meet with the customers to reconsider scope and delivery

Q6: Process of creating the plan that matters, not the plan itself, give a case


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