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MIGRATION ENFORCEMENT Ahead of Wednesday's Taskforce looking at some of the work that ie ‘happening to reduce the overaltilegal population, thought it would be help fo set out the structural changes I have already made, and will be making, 1o Jeumigration Enforcement to support this. This has been informed by the Review that you commissioned whitet Home Secretary and my subsoquont discussions on this subject with interested parties, | have started from ‘fst principles and strongly beliave in the need to radicaly reshape IE to focus on what only it as an organisation can really deliver. that = arresting, detaining and forcibly removing dlagal migrants. {also wich it to focus te cfforts in the eximinal sphere more on its work with the NCA, to tackle orpanised Immigration crime and make sure that we target the gangs and criminals profirg from people trafficking and smuggling. This wil require IE to become mor inteligence and data led organisation which ruthlessly prioritise its resources | have also reached a number of conciusions about areas of work which, while important, ! do not believe should be led by IE. Removing these functions trom Iz ‘should lead to a leaner and more focused organisation, wih far greater clay on is ‘overall objectives as outined above, Fist, biometios returns isa potential game change in toms of the numbers we can remove. | do not think that having negotiations on such agreaments led by lei the Dost approach. For that reason, I have moved responsibiliy for their negotiation te {he Home Office's infemational Directorate, led by Richard Clarke. We ato aeady ‘making good progrose in ths area ~ indeed, | hope to visit Pakistan inthe coming months fo fralise a biometic returns agreement wih the Pakistani Goverment ‘support of your visit lator this year. Moving this responsibilty to the International Diroctorato wil alow me to use all of the Home Offee's levers more effectively and ‘ensure that this specific priority is communicated to cther Government Departments, ‘towing them to play a fuller role in lobbying on tis topic. | would be grateful for any hhelp you can provide when you visit key countries. and for your support ‘highlighting the importance of this issue to colsagues across Whitehall ‘Secondly, I do not see the need for IE to have its own strategy team From what | have observed over the last few months, this just oreates confusion and torsion between policy and operations. Indeed, while | recognise that operational arees require some capabilty to drive planning and transformation within their businesses, | do not see the noed for any of the operational areas to have their own dedicatos strategy teams. | will therefore be strengthoring the Immigration Strategy tears withh, IPG to allow it to provide greater cross-system leadership. This should create # mote cohesive system with greater claty afound individual area's roles and responsibiities. Thirdly, whilst work on the Compliant Environment i, and must remain, priory, think it has become somewhat of a distraction for IE. However, 1 recognise the fundamental importance of this work on making immigration a cross-governmert priority and to driving up the number of voluntary and assisted retuine ‘Consequenty, | intend to create a new Director role, sat outside of IE, which wil lead ‘cur work on this important programme, Ths wil be a Home Ofice post and fs ely to report directy to the Second Permanent Secretary in order to give it the weight needed across Whitehall | would lice that team to be able to pull In high qualty people from across Govemment in order to ensure that everyone is playing a vole What is @ genuine cross-Govermment effor. The Home Office alana cannot dalver this programme of work and ! would ask for your support as you, more than anyone, will understand the likely resistance from some quarters. However, the Compliant Envionment will not work by sel. Mlegel and woul be itegal migrants ard the public more widely, need to know that our immigration system has tee’, and tht f people do not comply on their oun we will enforce tht feturm, inctuding through aresting and detaining them, That is why 1 vl be refocusing IE's work to concentrate on enforced removal. In partcuar I wil be reafocating £10m (Ineluding fom low-level erime and ineligence} withthe aim of increasing the number of enforced removals by more than 10% or ever the net few years: something | believe is ambitious, but dolverablo. Clearly, the resumption of Detainod Fast Trakc would be of significant help n this regan In terms of the detention estate want fo encure that we have sulicent beds to both

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