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Monmouth University

School of Social Work

BSW Program
SW 326 Social Welfare Policies and Services II
Monday, March 26, 2018
Guest teacher: Gina Daniel, MSW, LCSW
Topic: Module 7 – Implementing the Policy
Framework for Policy Implementation
Evaluation of Implementation
Text: Jansson, B.S. (2008). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social
justice. (5th Ed). Belmont, CA: Thompson Brooks/Cole.
Reading Preparation/Assignment:
Chapter 14 – Assessing Policy: Towards Evidence-Based Policy
Students will have a better understanding of how evidence-based policy and its relationship
to evidence-based practice impacts the daily work of a school social worker.
Students will understand the concept of evidence-based policy and the role of social
workers’ participation in policy advancement for social justice.
Warm-up activity:
Kahoot! game utilizing social work trivia and policy implementation concepts. (10 min)
Elaborate on my professional path and ask them to share the top three things they believe
that I do each day – they will call out answers that I will write on the board. (5 min)
Content of Lesson: (20-25 min)
 Connect their answers to policy that drives my actions.
 Using a visual aid (powerpoint), provide lecture material to support the tasks I do as
a school social worker and how these tasks are impacted by policy and procedure.
 Discuss my role in implementation and assessment of policy.
 Discuss practical, real-world experiences related to new policy implementation from
two perspectives.
 Example: Truancy Law change at the State level impacts the current policy
and procedures that the public school district uses.
 Example: Student Assistance Program
 Example: Child Abuse reporting
 Example: Impact of policy on employees/social workers in direct practice.
 Take questions from students.
Small Group activity: (10-15 min)
Provide small groups with a school district policy to view the impact on daily practice. Each
group will briefly report out on the impact on social workers within each policy summary.
Wrap-up: (5 min)
Summarize and assess what they learned by asking them to complete the evaluation/feedback
form – adding a statement about what their take-away from today’s lesson is.
Any questions left unanswered?

Optional or if needed: Discuss the recent article below

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8aV6aqPjA0&t=60s

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