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Anat omy of t he Respirat ory Syst em - Fet al Pig

Final Report
St ude nt Jessica C hen
St ude nt ID 10147
Le s s o n Anatom y of the Respiratory System - Fetal Pig
Ins t it ut io n O cean C ounty C ollege
Se s s io n Accelerated 4 (7.5 week sem ester) 7/14/2017 - 9/3/2017
Co ur s e BIO L-131-DL1
Ins t r uc t o r C hris Pericone

Exercise 1

1. What is t he pur po s e o f t he alve o li? Ho w wo uld yo u de s c r ibe t he s hape o f t he alve o lar

T ype I c e lls ? Ho w do t he s e c e lls he lp t he alve o li c ar r y o ut t he ir f unc t io n?

Alveoli functions to allow gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and
blood vessels. Alveolar Type I cells are squam ous and very thin. These squam ous and thin cells
help the alveoli carry out their function because it gives rise to m ore surface area and m akes it
m ore perm eable, which enables efficient gas exchange between the blood and alveoli.

2. What ar e t he f unc t io ns o f t he ps e udo s t r at if ie d c iliat e d e pit he lium o f t he t r ac he a?

The pseudostratified ciliated epithelium of the trachea functions to protect the trachea, nasal
cavity and bronchi by secreting and m oving m ucus. The m ucus helps collect any foreign m aterials
such as dust and the cilia helps to m ove the m ucus and foreign m aterial.

3. What is t he f unc t io n o f t he br o nc hio le s ?

Bronchioles are branches of the bronchi that do not have hyaline cartilage, and ensures air is
supplied to the alveoli of the lungs or surfaces where gas exchange occurs. Bronchioles represent
the last conducting portion of the respiratory system . Term inal bronchioles give rise to respiratory
bronchioles (part of the respiratory portion of the respiratory system ) which leads to the alveoli.

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4. What is t he f unc t io n o f t he s mo o t h mus c le in t he t r ac he a? Whe r e is s mo o t h
mus c le lo c at e d in t he wall o f t he t r ac he a in r e lat io n t o t he c iliat e d e pit he lium and
c ar t ilage ?

The sm ooth m uscle in the trachea functions in the contraction and dilation of the trachea. The
sm ooth m uscle in the trachea wall is located in between the ciliated epithelium and cartilage or
between rings of cartilage. The sm ooth m uscle is im portant in keeping the lum en of the trachea
open, but allows flexibility during inspiration and expiration.

Photo 1: Simple Squamous, Lung - Low Powe r

1 alve oli

2 bronchiole

3 blood ve sse l

Data Table 1: Re spiratory Syste m Slide Magnification

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Slide Magnification

Simple Squamous, Lung - Low Powe r 60x

Simple Squamous, Lung - High Powe r 600x

Pse udostrat. Ciliate d - Low Powe r 60x

Pse udostrat. Ciliate d - High Powe r 600x

Photo 2: Simple Squamous, Lung - High Powe r


1 alve oli

2 capillarie s

Photo 3: Pse udostrat. Ciliate d (Trache a) - Low Powe r

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1 ciliate d ce lls

2 cartilaginous rin

Photo 4: Pse udostrat. Ciliate d (Trache a) - High Powe r

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1 ciliate d ce ll

Exercise 2

1. Why ar e t he t r ac he a and e s o phagus s o c lo s e in pr o ximit y? What is dif f e r e nt abo ut

t he ir s t r uc t ur e s and ho w do e s t hat r e lat e t o t he ir f unc t io n?

The trachea and esophagus are very close in proxim ity to allow for coordination of breathing and
swallowing. To clarify, the epiglottis covers the trachea opening when swallowing so food does not
enter the lungs. The trachea is a wide, hollow tube m ade up of cartilaginous rings and is rigid,
which allows for air flow to and from the lungs for respiration. O n the other hand, the esophagus is
a m uscular tube com posed of four layers. C ontraction of the m uscle assists in m oving food down
the esophagus.

2. T r ac e t he pat hway o f t he o xyge n f r o m t he mo ut h o r no s e t o t he c e lls o f t he bo dy.

O xygen from the m ouse or nose flows through the pharynx to the larynx and then enters the
trachea. It then flows into the bronchi and then the bronchioles, before reaching the alveoli. At the
alveoli, gas exchange occurs where oxygen enters the blood to cells of the body.

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3. Us ing Figur e 1A o r a t e xt bo o k, e xamine t he s t r uc t ur e o f t he human lungs and t he
pig lungs and de s c r ibe t he dif f e r e nc e s be t we e n t he m.

Hum ans have three lobes on the right lung and two lobes on the left lung. However, pig lungs
consist of four right lobes and three left lobes.

4. De s c r ibe t he t e xt ur e o f t he lung. Why do e s it have t his t e xt ur e ?

The lung appeared sponge-like and sm ooth and firm . The spongy texture is vital for optim al gas

Photo 5: Larynx and Trache a

1 larynx

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2 trache a

Data Table 2: Re spiratory Disse ction Comme nts

Structure s Comme nts

Larynx and Trache a n/a

Lobe s of the Lungs and Diaphragm n/a

Photo 6: Lobe s of the Lungs and the Diaphragm

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1 apical lobe

2 apical lobe

3 cardiac lobe

4 cardiac lobe

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5 diaphragmatic lobe

6 diaphragmatic lobe

7 inte rme diate lob

8 diaphragm

Pane l 1: Obse rvations of Bronchus and Te xture of the Lung

The lungs' texture appeared spongy. It felt sm ooth and firm .

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