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WwmwffiWwwWW mmmtmm
Fanta,stic four.string fretting fella, rEN porTER, firlds
frantically funky fa,cete of flawless fonr-fiug.er.frieudly
firrgerboa,rd frolics. Frequently.
.rr Lrerl ir, ri,rr 2 ro*.sold o,rt sorri I rcccornend that Iou try to master it.witlrout
t,, .rt .r"t,,,t.,t ,,r,,g pla)'ing with muted notes first.
Thi\ is,i lerInlit,,e \hich qi\L's tLc plarcl L:tstl)l I ve supplied a derno (*,it[r a bachng
rr (htu.e io inlnr.Ir(e u percilssi\e L'leincnt irlto his track for you to jam o\€r) which is based around a
.,.1r, rI ..,,- i.,... ,,., i,{ uI.n rr-., - il
lour blr blues scale rilT E. u,ith the occasional
hce slqrprrt,uLrl pr11)i),q h chri(1rcs. majol third throrvn in to keep it grooqr The
TLis rrrortlr rolurrrrr r'\nr)ds these l)lsl( i.leis. pattcm no\.es up and dou,r the neck .1 fail bit, alld
arxlirhrxhcls tLr t{\Iri.pe to ne\ re,rders tlro cnplovs muted notes to drive it along. Gl
nr.t lx rrnlirr]ili,rr rr tl lL Ic) Leeirr rvitl. I\c
l lriL lr rlrorrld hclp ror r lo Two-octave G major
not.rted hvo L'\crrLn,s
ascending and
irte_qntc xnrtrLL rot{.' irn) \ou pl.n.iD1r.
muted notes
Thc flrsi LI.IC r. r:o tnrcx.1z. BYto r)s1rr:^vs
r t\\1)-oct|L\( sr.rlt pl.1\erl in thlrds, \itl, ,r[rteL] based on tie
notes intftn|r.ed PI. eech note three tirles FEmg*r psefitisrt$
once clerrlr. 1l er tlre ard tLild tirrrcs *it| AU of these exereises *e much esier ir you
rlutes rshorr as \ ir tlx,tnb . Tlrcsr: arc achicrr:d odopt a ore-irg€Fper-aret teehnique .s shown
ll lcstnrq rrurn tLru orr firqer o1 the lretho.rrd in the photograph b6low. It 6p tne thtrmb 6mly
mchored tn the oetrtre of the l,aek of the Deck,
hrn(lor tLr sirifg [inlllr enorqh to stop jt dngils. Obviously this tecLique s€ts ersier as you
bul noi so llrn l\ lLrtl \orr x.trlrlh fret tle rrote. nove further up tho lretbo dl
Thc hrgcLnrq iirL thl rsccrxtirrq iilrr of thc sc. c
has Lcerr pLuir['d. ]ltlxrrr,ll the (i1) contains a
dcsccndine lo sion ol tLr.crcrcisc ls uell rrse
\\\ the sane linqerirq to pl,l botl.

N&1K ry74?: 1#.:\14.:Eb 7AT7

T|e secolrl er,urple FIG 2. cD Tr.{cri.12. BrrE
z) sLors ar crcrcisc Lav,d orr r rcrlc irr litLs. TLis
shoLrld lr pl,tcrlxith thr srtonrl lin,:,'r'ol thl
lietbolrd hrrncl rrt llre eiglrlh trel. l]sing x one
hngr:r-per',tiet rtleLr li.rL rl,e rest ol rl,e rxnes. Tl,i\
crtjcisc is tt rhricalh rcn dc rrtlnrq. arrd Iil


405.3 I

ft.tihq sE
temd irgr


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