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MakalahBahasa Inggris Teknik

’’The formations of Adverbs’’

Dosen Pengampu : Sulamit Syeba, M.Pd



1. I MADE BUDIKE (ACE 117 017)

3. AHMAD NUR HASIM (ACE 117 007)
4. MALDRIN (ACE 117 043)
5. ANTONIUS (ACE 117 051)
6. ALDO DESE (ACE 117 031)
7. YOGI PRADITIA (ACE 117 058)
8. MULIANTO (ACE 117 019)






Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, puji
syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang telah melimpahkan Rahmat,
Hidayah, dan Inayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat merampungkan penyusunan
makalah Bahasa Inggris Teknik dengan judul “ The Formations of Adverbs “
tepat pada waktunya.

Penyusunan makalah semaksimal mungkin kami upayakan dan didukung

bantuan berbagai pihak, sehingga dapat memperlancar dalam penyusunannya.
Untuk itu tidak lupa kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang
telah membantu kami dalam merampungkan makalah ini.

Namun tidak lepas dari semua itu, kami meminta maaf sepenuhnya bahwa masih
terdapat kekurangan baik dari segi penyusunan bahasa dan aspek lainnya. Oleh
karena itu, dengan lapang dada kami membuka selebar-lebarnya pintu bagi para
pembaca yang ingin memberi saran maupun kritik demi memperbaiki makalah

Akhirnya penyusun sangat mengharapkan semoga dari makalah sederhana ini

dapat diambil manfaatnya dan besar keinginan kami dapat menginspirasi para
pembaca untuk mengangkat permasalahan lain yang relevan pada makalah-
makalah selanjutnya.

Palangkaraya, 15 Maret 2018


KATA PENGANTAR……………………………………….......................i.

DAFTAR ISI………......……………………………………………………ii.


1.1. LATAR BELAKANG………………………………………...

1.2.RUMUSAN MASALAH………………………………..……..
1.3.TUJUAN PENELITIAN……………………………..……….


2.1. PENGERTIAN ADVERB..........................…………………

2.2. JENIS JENIS ADVERB.....................………………………

2.3. DERIVATION OF ADVERBS.............................................


3.1. SIMPULAN……………………………………………………

3.2. SARAN……………………………………….………………

1.1. Background

Adverb is an adverb that serves to provide an explanation of Verb (Verb) or action

activities performed by the Subject sentence. Adverbs always provide verb and
adjective adjectives. This mebedakan with adjectives that have the main function
as penjuka noun (noun). Adverb is one of the eight types of words in English
(parts of speech) that must be mastered by anyone who wants to master this
international language well.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

a. How to Know the Understanding Adverb.

b. How to Know the Types of Adverbs.

1.3. Research Objectives

a. To know Understanding Adverb.

b. To know the Adverb Types

2.1. Understanding Adverb

Adverb (adverb) is one of the eight parts of speech used to describe or
describe verbs (adjectives), adjectives, or other adverbs. If you find a sentence in
English containing a word that ends with -ly like quickly, slowly and so on, well
it's probably an adverb, and when there's an adverb, there's one of the three
elements (verb, adjective, adverb) described. But remember, there are also many
adverbs who are born as adverbs so do not need a suffix -ly like fast, well and so
on. In the conversation and the word adverb is used a lot. Therefore, if you want
to be proficient in English, adverb material is one of the grammar that must be
well controlled.

2.2. Types of Adverbs

A. Adverbs of Manner
This is the most commonly known type of adverb in the lesson study. Adverb
of Manner is a description of the way that is done (predicate) by the subject.
In general, this adverb of manner is characterized by the word ending "ly",
such as: beautifully, slowly, quickly, loudly, and others.
Examples of sentences that use adverb of manner:
o The man sings the song beautifully.
o She moved slowly and spoke quietly.
o All people make the project carefully
The words "beautifully", "slowly", "quietly" and "carefully" are adverbs of
the way that the subjects of each sentence above

B. Adverbs of Frequency
Adverb of Frequency is a type of adverb that provides information to the
Verb (Verb) with the information frequency (how often it is done). Adverb of
frequency most often used in the sentence is: often, seldom, usually, always,
sometimes, ever, never, and others.

Examples of sentences that use Adverb of Frequency are as follows:

o We usually have breakfast before we go to school
o Everybody ever makes mistakes in his life
o She often goes by herself.
The words "usually", "ever", and "often" are examples of adverb of frequency
because it explains how much breakfast activity, making mistakes, and going
by the subject of a sentence

C. Adverbs of Place
Adverb of place is an explanation of the place used by the subject line in
doing the job (predicate) it. Each complete sentence will include information
on which the actors' activities are carried out.
In general, Adverb of Place is in the form of a phrase (a collection of words
that make up meaning and not yet have a Subject and Predicate structure).
Frequently used phrases are Prepositional Phrase or phrases containing
prepositions such as "on", "to", "in" and others.
Examples of sentences that use Adverb of Place are:
o All students sit on the chairs in the classroom
o She has lived on the island all her life.
o She still lives there now.
The phrases "in the classroom", "on the island" and the word "there" are

D. Adverbs of Time
In addition to providing a description of tenmpat, there is a type of adver that
gives the time. This is what we call Adverb of Time. In theory, this type of
adverb is no different from adverb of place. Sentences that use adverb of
Examples are as follows:
o Please, come on time
o Do not gome too late
o She finished her tea first
The words and phrases "on time", "too late", and "first" are examples of
adverb of time that provide information on when the predicate activity is done
by the subject line.

E. Adverbs of Purpose
Adverb of Purpose is often included in the "to infinitive" discussion of the
verb1 form beginning with the word "to". These phrases are generally to give
meaning to a purpose or purpose.
Examples of sentences that use Adverb of Purpose are as follows:
o We do this exercisecarefully to make sure that ever thing is on the
o She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
o She shops in several stores to get the best buys.
The phrases "to make", "to avoid", and "to get" are examples of adverb of
purpose in English sentences.

F. Adverb of Degree
Adverb of degree is used to describe the level, level or intensity of a situation.
Used digunaka to clarify adjective but not wrong also if used to memangakan
verb and adverb itself.
English vocabulary considered as adverb of degree for example:
Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very,
extremely, and more.
Examples of its use in English sentences
o The weather is extremely cold
o We have almost finished before they destroy all things
o The girl prepares too hard for the competition
The word "extremely" is used to describe the adjective "cold". The word
"almost" used to describe the verb is "finished". The third sentence uses the
"too" vocabulary to describe the adverb itself as "hard".

2.3. Derivation of Adverbs

List dan Contoh Kalimat Adverb Dervation

Imbuhan (Preffix/Suffix) Contoh

a- Away , along , aside
-ever Whatever, whenever, forever, wherever
-fold Therefold
-ily Happily
-ly Clearly, Quickly
-where Somewhere, anywhere
-wise Otherwise, likewise

itulah beberapa contoh adverb derivation untuk lebih jelasnya berikut ini contoh

1. I live far away from my parents

Arti : saya tinggal jauh dari orang tua saya

2. There are a lot market along the way

Arti : ada banyak sekali toko di sepanjang jalan

3. I hope we will together forever

Arti : Aku harap kita akan bersama selamanya.

4. With GPS, You can find the way anywhere and anytime
Arti : Dengan GPS, kau akan menemukan jalannya dimanapun dan kapanpun.

5. The Queen lives happily ever after

Arti : Sang ratu hidup bahagia selamanya.

Itulah beberapa contoh kalimat adverb derivation, perlu anda ingat bahwa terdapat
perbedaan antara verb derivation dan adverb derivation. Walaupun memiliki
konsep yang sama yaitu penambahan noun untuk menjadi kata yang berbeda
namun memiliki perbedaan fungsi dan penggunaannya. Verb Derivation
merupakan sebuah Verb (kata kerja) yang diberi imbuhan (affix) baik itu di awal
kata maupun di akhir kata sehingga menciptakan arti yang berbeda dari kata
awalannya. Jadi anda perlu membedakan dimana kata tersebut merupakan kata
keterangan atau kata tersebut merupakan kata kerja. Jika bingung kami beri
contoh sebuah kata Verb Derivation agar anda dapat membedakannya.

1. -ate, Acitvate
I will activate the portal for three days
Arti : Aku akan mengaktifkan portal ini untuk tiga hari.

2. Be-, behappy
Just behappy, cause everything is gonna be okay
Arti : Berbahagialah, karena semua akan baik-baik saja.

3.1. Conclusion
Based on the needs of students about the English language engineering,
need knowledge of students about understanding adverb and its types in English.
Both the benefits directly or indirectly from the application of the brief
explanation. Much of the knowledge gained in learning about adverbs and their
types in English is primarily a brief understanding of adverbs and their types.
The fundamental knowledge about adverbs is needed by students. Especially for
students who are still minimal information about the importance of improving
student knowledge.

3.2. Suggestion
Feedback and criticism of the reader is needed writers to make this
Scientific Writing become more perfect. Because there are still many
shortcomings and errors in writing this Scientific Writing Works. To that end, the
authors expect criticism and suggestion readers for the creation of a more perfect
Scientific Writing.

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