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Week/Date: Monday 2/19 - Friday 2/23 Time: 8:55 - 10:05 Subject: Math

Student name or Grade/Class: Kiger 4th Grade

Long Term Goal or SOL: 4.7 Perimeter and Area


● Students will be able to solve practical problems that involve determining

perimeter and area.



Graph Paper

Set Introduction:

Whole group - everyday at the start of lesson:


● Math Checkup #20 - questions 1 & 2


● Math Checkup #20 - questions 3 & 4


● Math Checkup #20 - questions 5 & 6


● Begin with reminder about Area (Square feet/inches/cm/etc., finding the inside of the

shape, multiplication) Perimeter (ft/inches/etc., around and around the outside, add up

all of the sides)

● I will hand out the task cards that the students will use to solve each of the problems.

They will use the graph paper and answer card to show their work and answer. Group 1

& 2 will be given guidance and support if needed during the activity. Group 2 we will

work through the task cards together and work through the problems finding the area

and perimeter.


● The students will have the opportunity to build a robot or their name - finding the area

and perimeter of what they build.

● They will count the outer edges of the blocks to find the perimeter and then they will

count each block on the inside to find the area.

● Once they draw their robot or name - they will find both perimeter and area - writing on

the bottom of the page or on the back

● Once they finish they will get to color in their picture


● Measurement - Area/Perimeter test (pull out EM, HP, SW, BL)



● Ask the students - in real life, would we use perimeter or area to find out how much of a

fence we need to fence in our backyard?

● Collect their answer sheets and work papers to look over their work.


● Have each student write out how they found the perimeter and area of what they drew .

● Showing their work and writing out the steps they took during this process.


● Test on Area/Perimeter

Criteria/Evaluation Assessment:

● Students will be able to determine the perimeter and area to solve practical problems

with at least 80% accuracy through a written assessment.

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