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Video Observation (#5): March 15, 2018

Content/Subject: Math Lesson Title: Equivalency Name: Bri Brady


Standards CCSS Math:

GMP1.4: Check whether your answer makes sense

GMP1.5: Solve problems in more than one way

GMP2.1: Represent problems and situation mathematically with

numbers, words, pictures, symbols, gestures, tables, graphs, and
concrete objects.

Objective/Target and I can Learning Targets:

statements – written in Math:
student friendly language I can write and show word sentences in multiple ways.
I can use equivalency to show numbers in more than one way.

Some students will need synonyms for the word equivalency in
order to better gain understanding.
Students might need help ripping out math pages in their

By the end of the lesson students should understanding the
definition of the word equivalency. Students should also be able
to represent numbers in multiple equivalent ways.

Formative Assessment:
Students will be observed through the class mini
lesson/discussion. Students will also complete a page out of their
math journal to show understanding.
Lesson Management: Focus Engaging the Learner:
and Organization Introduction of a new vocabulary word, as well as, the
connection to the word and nicknames will engage learners.

The teacher should see the students sitting at the carpet,
crisscross actively engaging in class discussion. After the teacher
should see the students working at their desk independently or as
a whole group.
Introduction: Creating Generate Interest:
excitement and focus for the TTW talk about nicknames and how they are like equivalency.
lesson target TTW also warm up the students brains with some math

Prior Knowledge:
The students will need to know simple addition, subtraction, and
number sentences. Students will also need to have knowledge on
tallies, dominos, coins, etc.

TTW use a warm up to get them thinking about math. TTW
guide them into what they will be learning based on addition and
subtraction knowledge.

Input: Setting up the Lesson 1. Task Analysis:

for Student Success Needed:
 The learner will need to use their discussion skills.
 TLW need to use their addition and subtraction skills.
 TLW need to use critical thinking skills.

 Access prior knowledge of math skills and practicing those
 Showing students a teacher lead example before asking their
 Modeling how we use different objects to show a number.

2. Higher Level Thinking: Revised Bloom’s or Questions to engage

students’ thinking:
 Remembering: Recall what you know about addition, subtraction
and number problems.
 Understanding: Explain how we know that the number story is
 Applying: What number(s) do you know that are equivalent to ___
 Analyzing: Can you identify the why they are the same?
 Evaluating: How can we find out if they are equal? How can we
find other ways to represent the number?
 Creating: What other objects could we use to represent ____

3. Accommodations; differentiating to meet student needs:

 Using the board as a visual representation to students for better
 Writing the Vocabulary word on the board and discussing the
synonyms for the word in relation to nicknames.

 Section take home practice/homework (parent link)
 Student Journal extension pages

4. Methods, Materials, and Integrated Technology

 Engage the learner by talking about people that we know that have
nicknames and relating that to equivalency and how it still means
the same thing.
 Create a class discussion having students turn and talk about
students or people they know that have nicknames that still mean
the same thing.

 Teacher Edition Math
 Math Journals
 Pencil
 Projector
 Marker
Modeling: “I DO” SHOW/TELL:
 Tell the students we will be talking about how
numbers can be represented by word problems in
different ways that still mean the same thing.
 How we use different objects to show equivalency to
a number

 Showing examples
 Giving students examples of tallies, dominos, etc.

Checking for Understanding: Student input though observation and active participation
Guided Practice: “WE DO”  Discussion of nicknames and how they mean the same
thing but are different.
 Discussion of how nicknames relate to equivalency.
 Creating a list together on the board of ways to represent
different numbers.
 Working together on Math Journals
Collaborative (“YOU DO Students will work on their math journals to show understanding.
TOGETHER”) and/or Some examples we will work though together, but students
Independent Practice (“YOU should be aiming and should be able to complete the math
DO”) journal page independently.

Closure Close by student completion of journal. Any students who finish

early can get on Exact Path Math on the computer
(individualized math learning program).

Assessment Observation of student journal work and observation during class

discussion. Lots of assessment will be done though active
participation in the mini-lesson/discussion.

Reflection: for every lesson -

questions to ask yourself after
the lesson

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