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Acute kidney injury

P. Cockwell, S. Stringer and J. Marriott
Key points The diagnostic criteria for AKI is based on an increase in
serum creatinine or the presence of oliguria (see Table 17.1).
DIAGNOSEDWHENTHEEXCRETORYFUNCTIONOFTHEKIDNEY Criteria have recently been introduced for the definition and
DECLINESRAPIDLYOVERAPERIODOFHOURSORDAYSANDIS staging of the condition; the acronym RIFLE is used (Risk,
PRODUCTSANDWATER which is now becoming established in clinical practice (see
are already hospitalised for other medical conditions; up to
7% of these sustain AKI and this increases to 30% or more
s $RUGINVOLVEMENTINTHEDEVELOPMENTOF!+)ISCOMMON in those who are critically ill. Most cases are caused by pre-
s 4HEREARENOSPECIFICSIGNSANDSYMPTOMSOF!+)4HE renal AKI and are reversed with appropriate intervention.
CONDITIONISTYPICALLYINDICATEDBYRAISEDBLOODLEVELSOF However, severe AKI, as defined by the requirement for dialy-
CREATININEANDORALOWURINEOUTPUT sis treatment, is often associated with failure of one or more
s 4HECLINICALPRIORITIESIN!+)ARETOMANAGELIFE THREATENING non-renal organs (this is called multi-organ failure); in this
COMPLICATIONS CORRECTINTRAVASCULARFLUIDBALANCEAND setting there is a mortality rate of 70% in patients with sepsis
CAUSINGDAMAGEWHEREPOSSIBLE in the community is responsible for around 1% of all hospital
chance to recover.
IN!+) Classification and causes
s 4REATMENTOF!+)ISESSENTIALLYSUPPORTIVE THOUGHTHEREARE AKI is not a single disease state with a uniform aetiology,
CONDITIONSTHATCAUSE!+)THATAREREVERSIBLEWITHSPECIFIC but a consequence of a range of different diseases and con-
ditions. The most useful practical classification comprises
three main groupings: (i) pre-renal, (ii) renal, or (iii) post-
FAILUREOFOTHERORGANS renal. More than one category may be present in an individ-
ual patient. Common causes of each type of AKI are outlined
in Table 17.1.

Definition and incidence Table 17.1 Classification of acute kidney injury

Acute renal failure (ARF) is a common and serious prob- Acute kidney injury Typical %
type cases Common aetiology
lem in clinical medicine. It is characterised by an abrupt
reduction (usually within a 48-h period) in kidney function. 0RE RENAL 40–80 2EVERSIBLEnRENALPERFUSION
This results in an accumulation of nitrogenous waste prod- THROUGHHYPOPERFUSION
ucts and other toxins. Many patients become oliguric (low
urine output) with subsequent salt and water retention. In )NTRA RENALINCLUDING 10–50 2ENALPARENCHYMALINJURY
patients with pre-existing renal impairment, a rapid decline !4.
in renal function is termed ‘acute on chronic renal failure’.
The nomenclature of ARF is evolving and the term acute
kidney injury (AKI) is being increasingly used in clinical !4. ACUTETUBULARNECROSIS
practice. 255

© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Glomerulor filtration rate criteria Urine output criteria

Increased creatinine ×1.5 or

Risk Urine output <0.5 mL/kg/h x6 h
GFR decrease >25% High sensitivity

Increased creatinine × 2 or Urine output <0.5 mL/kg/h x12 h

Injury GFR decrease >50%

Increased creatinine × 3 or GFR decrease

Urine output <0.3 mL/kg/h

Failure >75% or creatinine > 4 mg per 100 mL x24 h or anuria x12 h High specificity

(acute rise of >0.5 mg per 100 mL dL)

Persistent acute renal failure = complete loss

Loss of renal function >4 weeks

End stage End stage renal disease

renal disease


Pre-renal acute kidney injury

The kidneys are pre-disposed to haemodynamic injury
owing to hypovolaemia or hypoperfusion. This relates to the This is caused by impaired perfusion of the kidneys with
high blood flow through the kidneys in normal function; the blood, and is usually a consequence of decreased intravascular
organs represent 5% of total body weight but receive 25% volumes (hypovolaemia) and/or decreased intravascular pres-
of blood flow. Furthermore, the renal microvascular bed is sures. Some of the commonest causes of pre-renal AKI are
unique; firstly, the glomerular capillary bed is on the arte- summarised in Fig. 17.2. Perfusion of the kidneys at the level
rial side of the circulation; secondly, the peri-tubular capil- of the microvascular beds (glomerular and tubulo-interstitial)
laries are down-stream from the glomerular capillary bed. is usually maintained through wide variations in pressure and
Finally, renal cells are highly specialised and are, therefore, flow through highly efficient auto-regulatory pathways, such
pre-disposed to ischaemic and inflammatory injury. as the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) and

Pre-renal failure

nEffective extracellular volume Altered renal vascular regulation

Excessive sweating
Inappropriate diuretic therapy AFFERENT ARTERIOLAR
Diabetes m osmotic diuresis CONSTRICTION
Haemorrhage (preglomerular)
Burns Sepsis
Drugs e.g. NSAIDs, amphotericin,
nCARDIAC OUTPUT ciclosporin, adrenaline (epinephrine),
Acute myocardial infarction noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
Cardiac failure

Septicaemia with vascular bed dilation mn circulating volume (postglomerular)
Anaphylaxis Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
Pharmacologic vasodilation Angiotensin II receptor antagonists


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Table 17.2 Common clinical factors known to cause acute tubular necrosis—cont'd

Clinical factor Mechanism



understood fully but probably results from a combination 2APIDLYPROGRESSIVEGLOMERULONEPHRITIS

of factors including hypoperfusion, haem-catalysed free
Glomerulonephritis refers to an inflammatory process within
radical tubular cytotoxicity and haem cast formation and
the glomerulus. If that process causes AKI it is called rapidly
precipitation leading to tubular injury.
progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN). This is an important
The vascular bed and development of acute tubular necrosis.
cause of AKI occurring without a precipitating other illness.
Regional blood flow within the kidney varies, resulting in
Most cases of RPGN are caused by a small vessel vasculitis;
relatively hypoxic regions such as the outer medulla. This
this gives a pattern of injury in the glomerulus that is called
area is also the site of highly metabolically active parts of
a focal segmental necrotising glomerulonephritis (FSNGN)
the nephron. Owing to the relatively poor oxygen supply
with crescent proliferation; crescents are the presence of cells
and high metabolic demands, the outer medulla is at risk of
and extra-cellular matrix in Bowman's space. Most cases of
ischaemia, even under normal conditions. The regulation of
FSNGN are caused by anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-
regional blood flow in the kidney, and therefore the oxygen
associated small-vessel vasculitis (SVV). Anti-neutrophil
supply to these areas, relies upon vasomotor mechanisms
cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) refer to the presence of cir-
mediated in part by adenosine. Adenosine appears to exert
culating antibodies that are targeted against primary neutro-
either vasoconstrictor or vasodilator effects within the kid-
phil cytoplasmic antigens (proteins including proteinase 3 and
ney depending upon the relative distribution of A1 and A2
The two main types of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-
Clearly, any circumstance that interferes with the delicate
associated SVV are Wegener's granulomatosis and micros-
balance of blood flow and, therefore, oxygen supply within
opic polyangiitis. Other important causes of RPGN include
the kidney can result in ATN because of ischaemia and a
Goodpasture's disease, which is caused by antibodies against
greater vulnerability to nephrotoxins. The likelihood of ATN
glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM antibodies),
is increased by underlying conditions that pre-dispose to
Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) which usually affects
ischaemia such as pre-existing CKD of any cause, atheroma-
young women and is more common with black ethnicity, and
tous renovascular disease and cholesterol embolisation from
secondary vasculitis are triggered by drugs, infection and
upstream atheromatous plaque rupture.
tumours. There are many drug triggers for secondary vascu-
Common causes of acute tubular necrosis. Table 17.2 shows
litis; the commonest clinical presentation is a cutaneous vas-
a summary of some of the common factors encountered clini-
culitis, secondary to immune complex deposition. Kidney
cally that may cause ATN.
involvement can occur and has been reported with a range
of drugs.

Interstitial nephritis
The kidney is vulnerable to a range of immunological pro-
cesses that can cause AKI. These are divided into glomerular Interstitial nephritis is thought to be a nephrotoxin-induced
causes (glomerulonephritis) and interstitial causes (interstitial hypersensitivity reaction associated with infiltration of inflam-
nephritis). Rarely, acute pyelonephritis, which is an infection matory cells into the interstitium with secondary involvement
of renal parenchyma, usually as a consequence of ascending of the tubules. The nephrotoxins involved are usually drugs
infection, can cause AKI. and/or the toxic products of infection. Drugs that have been
most commonly shown to be responsible include NSAIDs, ureters (e.g. calculi or clots), a problem within the wall of ure-
antibiotics (especially penicillins, cephalosporins and qui- ter (malignancies, benign strictures) and external compres-
nolones), proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole, furo- sion (e.g. retroperitoneal tumours). It is extremely unusual
semide, allopurinol and azathioprine, although many other for drugs to be responsible for post-renal AKI. Practolol-
drugs have been implicated. induced retroperitoneal fibrosis resulting in bilateral ureteric
obstruction is a rare example.

Differentiating pre-renal from renal acute

kidney injury
It is sometimes possible to distinguish between cases of pre- Clinical manifestations
renal and renal AKI through examination of biochemical The signs and symptoms of AKI are often non-specific and
markers (see Table 17.3). In renal AKI, the kidneys are gener- the diagnosis can be confounded by coexisting clinical con-
ally unable to retain Na+ owing to tubular damage. This can ditions. The patient may exhibit signs and symptoms of vol-
be demonstrated by calculating the fractional excretion of ume depletion or overload, depending upon the precipitating
sodium (FENa); in practice this is not often done because it conditions, course of the disease and prior treatment.
lacks sensitivity and specificity and may be difficult to inter-
pret in the elderly who may have pre-existing concentrating
defects. Acute kidney injury with volume depletion
FENa sodium clearance/creatinine clearance In those patients with volume depletion, a classic pathophysi-
ological picture is likely to be present, with tachycardia, pos-
urine sodium u serum creatinine tural hypotension, reduced skin turgor and cold extremities
FENa (see Table 17.4). The most common sign in AKI is oliguria,
serum sodium u urine creatinine
where urine production falls to less than 0.5 mL/kg/h for
If FENa <1%, this indicates pre-renal AKI with preserved several hours. This is below the volume of urine required to
tubular function; if FENa >1% this is indicative of ATN. effectively excrete products of metabolism to maintain a phys-
This relationship is less robust if a patient with renal AKI iological steady state. Therefore, the serum concentration of
has glycosuria, pre-existing renal disease, has been treated those substances normally excreted by the kidney will rise and
with diuretics, or has other drug-related alterations in renal differentially applies to all molecules up to a molecular weight
haemodynamics, for example, through use of ACE inhibi- of around 50 kDa. This includes serum creatinine, which at
tors or NSAIDs. One potential use of urinary electrolytes a molecular weight of 113 Da is normally freely filtered by
is in the patient with liver disease and AKI; where the diag- the kidneys but with loss of kidney function the serum level
nosis of hepato-renal syndrome is being considered, one of climbs. Whilst the term uraemia is still in widespread use, it
the diagnostic criteria is a urinary sodium <10 mmol/L merely describes a surrogate for the overall metabolic distur-
bances that accompany AKI; these include excess potassium,
hydrogen ions (acidosis) and phosphate in blood. Most cases
Post-renal acute kidney injury
of AKI are first identified by an abnormal blood test, though
Post-renal AKI results from obstruction of the urinary some patients may have symptoms that are specifically attrib-
tract by a variety of mechanisms. Any mechanical obstruc- utable to AKI; these include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
tion from the renal pelvis to the urethral orifice can cause gastro-intestinal haemorrhage, muscle cramps and a declining
post-renal AKI; these can be divided into causes within the level of consciousness.

Table 17.4 Factors associated with acute kidney injury

Table 17.3 Differentiating pre-renal from renal acute Volume depletion Volume overload
kidney injury
(ISTORY 4HIRST Weight increase

5RINESODIUMM%Q, <20 >40 0HYSICAL $RYMUCOSAE Ankle swelling


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Acute kidney injury with volume overload 1. Measurement of BP which needs to be interpreted in
respect of the baseline for the affected patient together
In those patients with AKI who have maintained a normal
with the patient's heart rate.
or increased fluid intake as a result of oral or intravenous
2. Auscultation of the heart for the presence of 3rd (and 4th)
administration, there may be clinical signs and symptoms of
heart sounds; the presence of these indicate cardiac strain
fluid overload (see Table 17.4).
associated with fluid overload.
3. Presence of added sounds in the chest, in particular fine
inspiratory crackles that are found in some patients with
Diagnosis and clinical evaluation pulmonary oedema.
In hospitalised patients, AKI is usually diagnosed inciden- 4. A chest X-ray for the presence of pulmonary oedema.
tally by the detection of increasing serum creatinine and/or a 5. Pulse oximetry to assess arterial oxygen saturation.
reduction in urine output. 6. Whilst the presence of pitting oedema of the legs or
The assessment of renal function is described in detail in sacrum indicates longer term fluid overload, it may be
Chapter 18. However, unless a patient is at steady state, mea- a useful marker of overall endothelial function and the
surement of serum creatinine does not provide a reliable guide potential for extravascular fluid accumulation.
to renal function. For example, serum creatinine levels will 7. Decreased skin turgor is a sign of fluid loss.
usually rise by only 50–100 Mmol/L per day following com-
plete loss of renal function in a previously normal patient.
These changes in serum creatinine are not sufficiently respon- Intravascular monitoring
sive to serve as a practical indicator of glomerular filtration Central venous pressure (CVP) can be measured following
rate, particularly in AKI in critical care scenarios. insertion of a central venous catheter, and is a measure of
In the hospital situation, when AKI is detected incidentally, the pressure in the large systemic veins and the right atrium
the cause(s) of the condition, such as fluid depletion (hypovo- produced by venous return. CVP assesses circulating vol-
laemia), infection or the use of nephrotoxic drugs, are often ume and, therefore, the degree of fluid deficit, and reduces
apparent on close examination of the clinical history. The the risk of pulmonary oedema following over-rapid trans-
development of AKI in this setting is more likely to occur in fusion. CVP should usually be maintained within the nor-
people with pre-existing CKD. People with normal baseline mal range of 5–12 cmH2O.
kidney function usually need to sustain at least two separate Most patients with AKI do not require invasive monitor-
triggers for the development of AKI; for example, hypovol- ing to the extent described above and recover with supportive
aemia will rarely cause AKI in this setting, but when hypo- care based on careful clinical observations.
volaemia occurs in the presence of nephrotoxic drugs then
AKI may occur. In patients with pre-existing CKD, AKI (i.e.
acute on chronic renal failure) can occur in patients with one Monitoring key parameters in acute
trigger. By definition, the worse the baseline kidney function, kidney disease
the smaller the trigger required for the development of AKI. Serum electrolytes including potassium, bicarbonate, cal-
Irrespective of the presentation of AKI, it is wise to consider cium, phosphate and acid–base balance should be measured
the complete differential diagnosis in all people; active exclu- on a daily basis. In patients with severe AKI, acid–base
sion of post-renal AKI and immune and inflammatory AKI balance may need assessing every few hours as this may
should be considered in all cases. In AKI without an obvious direct fluid replacement, respiratory support and dialysis
precipitating pre-or post-renal cause, there is a greater need to treatment.
consider these causes. Although the majority of patients have
ATN, other causes such as rapidly progressive glomerulone-
phritis, interstitial nephritis, multiple myeloma or urinary tract
obstruction must be screened for and systematically excluded. Course and prognosis
In addition to supportive care that is generic for all causes Pre-renal acute kidney injury
of AKI, disease-specific treatment may also be required. The
investigation of AKI is outlined in Fig. 17.3. The majority of cases will recover within days of onset fol-
Various other parameters should be monitored through the lowing prompt correction of the underlying causes. The
course of AKI. Fluid balance charts that are frequently used urine output improves and waste products of metabolism
may be inaccurate and should not be relied upon exclusively. are cleared by the kidneys. Whilst the kidney function usu-
Records of daily weight are more reliable but are dependent ally stabilises to the pre-event baseline, in some patients
on the mobility of the patient. long-term kidney function resets to lower than previous
ATN may be divided into three phases. The first is the olig-
Monitoring fluid balance in acute kidney disease
uric phase where patients have sustained pre-renal AKI and
Maintaining appropriate fluid balance in AKI is a criti- move from the potential for early reversibility to a situation
cal component of the clinical management of the patient. where uraemia and hyperkalaemia develop and the patient
260 Detailed clinical assessment includes: may die unless renal replacement therapy (RRT) with dialysis
Full history
including drug history

Clinical examination, including fluid balance assessment

Pre-renal cause: postural hypotension,nskin turgor
Intra-renal cause: drug rash, vasculitic lesions
Post-renal cause: distended bladder most commonly identified by simply palpating the
abdomen. Rectal and vaginal examination very rarely performed in this setting

Pre-renal cause: concentrated urine
Intra-renal or obstructive cause: indicated by isotonic urine
Obstructive uropathy: anuria or crystalluria
ATN: abnormal urinary sediment with tubular epithelial cells and tubular casts
Glomerulonephritis or acute nephritis: proteinuria and haematuria
Microbiological culture/sensitivity
Biochemical analyses: urinary urea/creatinine concentration, osmolarity

Blood examination
Full haematology and renal biochemistry screen
Haematological tests: white cell counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Biochemical tests: serum creatinine, urea and albumin concentrations and serum osmolarity
Bacteriological and immunological tests are also of value

Renal immunology screen (ANCA, anti-GBM antibodies, serum and urine electrophoresis,
immunoglobulins, complement, ANA)

Ultrasound scan of renal tract is mandatory

Ultrasound scan to exclude obstruction and to prepare for renal biopsy if indicated

ANCA – anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies

GBM – glomelular basement membrane
ANA – anti nuclear antibody

is started. The oliguric phase is usually no longer than 7–14 circulating levels of uraemic toxins that occur in AKI result in
days but may last for 6 weeks. This is followed by a diuretic general debility. These, together with the significant number of
phase, which is characterised by a urine output that rises over invasive procedures such as bladder catheterisation and intra-
a few days to several litres per day. This phase lasts for up vascular cannulation which are necessary in the management
to 7 days and corresponds to the recommencement of tubu- of AKI, leave such patients prone to infection and septicae-
lar function. The onset of this phase is associated with an mia. Uraemic gastro-intestinal haemorrhage is a recognised
improving prognosis unless the patient sustains an intercur- consequence of AKI, probably as a result of reduced mucosal
rent infection or a vascular event. Finally, the patient enters cell turnover.
a recovery phase where tubular cells regenerate slowly over
several months, although the glomerular filtration rate often
Post-renal acute kidney injury
does not return to initial levels. The elderly recover renal func-
tion more slowly and less completely. Prompt identification and relief of the obstruction is impor-
The mortality rate of AKI varies according to the cause but tant. The prognosis is then dependent on the underlying
increases when AKI occurs in patients with multi-organ fail- cause of the obstruction of the renal tract and the baseline
ure, where mortality rates of up to 70% are seen. Higher mor- to which the kidney function returns after the obstruction
tality rates are seen in patients aged over 60 years. has been relieved. If the underlying problem is benign then
Death resulting from uraemia and hyperkalaemia are very there may be no long-term adverse consequences. However,
uncommon. Consequently, the major causes of death associ- if the cause of the obstruction is due to an underlying malig-
ated with AKI are septicaemia and intercurrent acute vascular nancy then long-term survival is dependent on whether this
events such as myocardial infarction and stroke. High can be cured. 261
17 4(%2!0%54)#3

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers

in acute kidney injury Management
ACE inhibitors and ARBs are not directly nephrotoxic and The aim of the medical management of a patient with AKI is
can be used in most patients with kidney disease. However, to prolong life in order to allow recovery of kidney function.
profound hypotension can occur if they are initiated in sus- Effective management of AKI depends upon a rapid diag-
ceptible patients such as those who are receiving high dose nosis. If the underlying acute deterioration in renal function
diuretics as treatment for fluid overload. This might result is detected early enough, it is often possible to prevent pro-
in the development of pre-renal AKI. It is, therefore, wise gression. If the condition is advanced, however, management
to monitor BP and carefully titrate dosages whilst monitor- consists mainly of supportive strategies, with close monitor-
ing renal function in such patients. Nonetheless, it is com- ing and appropriate correction of metabolic, fluid and elec-
mon to see increases in serum creatinine levels of up to trolyte disturbances. Patients with severe AKI usually require
20% on initiation of an ACE inhibitor or ARB and this is renal replacement therapy with dialysis. Specific therapies that
not necessarily a cause for discontinuing therapy with these promote recovery of ischaemic renal damage remain under inves-
agents. tigation. Patients with immune-mediated causes of AKI should
ACE inhibitor use is, however, absolutely contraindicated be treated with appropriate immunosuppressant regimens to
when a patient has bilateral renal artery stenosis, or renal treat the underlying cause of the AKI.
artery stenosis in a patient with a single functioning kidney.
If an ACE inhibitor or ARB is initiated under these circum- Early preventive and supportive strategies
stances then pre-renal AKI may ensue. This may occur since
the renin–angiotensin system is stimulated by low renal per- )DENTIFICATIONOFPATIENTSATRISK
fusion resulting from stenotic lesions in the arteries supply- Any patient who has concurrent or pre-existing conditions that
ing the kidneys, most often at the origin of the renal artery increase the risk of development and progression of AKI must
from the abdominal aorta. Angiotensin II is produced which be identified and this includes those with pre-existing CKD, dia-
causes renal vasoconstriction, in part, through increased betes, jaundice, myeloma and the elderly. These patients either
efferent arteriolar tone. This creates a ‘back pressure’ which have baseline impaired renal function or are sensitised to the
paradoxically maintains glomerular filtration pressure in an development of AKI by the co-morbid condition. Meticulous
otherwise poorly perfused kidney. If angiotensin II produc- attention to fluid balance, assessment of infection and the use of
tion is inhibited by an ACE inhibitor, or the effect is blocked drugs is crucial to minimise the risk of development of AKI.
by an ARB, then efferent arteriole dilatation will result.
Since increased efferent vascular tone maintains filtration in
such patients, then the overall result of ACE inhibitor or
ARB therapy will be to reduce or shut down filtration at the Irrespective of whether the aetiology of the AKI directly
glomerulus and put the patient at risk of pre-renal AKI (see involves nephrotoxic drugs, the drug and treatment regi-
Fig. 17.4). mens should be examined so that potential nephrotoxins are

Filtrate arteriole


A. Normal glomerulus with B. Glomerulus in an C. Glomerulus in a patient with

efferent arteriolar tone untreated patient with renal renal artery stenosis but treated
(narrowed outflow of blood) artery stenosis. There is with an ACE inhibitor or
causing a ‘back pressure’ increased efferent arteriolar angiotensin receptor blocker.
producing filtration with tone caused by the Blockade of the vasoconstrictive
water and solutes vasoconstrictive actions of effects of angiotensin II has
progressing through the angiotensin II. The efferent produced dilation of the
capsular space to the arteriole is narrowed more efferent arteriole resulting in
proximal convoluted tubule than normal promoting failure of the back pressure
filtration promoting filtration


withdrawn and avoided in the future in order to avoid exac- administration. Bolus doses of loop diuretics may induce renal
erbating the condition. Particular care should be taken with vasoconstriction and be theoretically detrimental to function.
ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, radiological contrast media, and The addition of small oral doses of metolazone may also
aminoglycosides. The doses should be adjusted of any drugs be considered. Metolazone is a weak thiazide diuretic alone
that are renally excreted or have active metabolites that are but produces a synergistic action with loop diuretics. In this
excreted renally. setting, it should be used with great care as it may initiate a
profound diuresis and the patient can rapidly develop intra-
vascular depletion and worsen renal failure
Mannitol. Mannitol has historically been recommended for
Initial treatment should include rapid correction of fluid and the treatment of AKI. The rationale for using mannitol in
electrolyte balance to maximise renal perfusion. A central AKI arises from the concept that tubular debris may contrib-
line may be considered to facilitate ease of fluid infusion and ute to oliguria. There is no evidence for mannitol producing
monitoring of intravascular volumes. In patients where it is benefit in AKI over and above aggressive hydration. Indeed,
difficult to assess fluid balance by use of clinical examination mannitol can cause volume overload. Consequently, mannitol
a urinary catheter may be placed in order that fluid losses may is now not recommended for patients with AKI.
be measured easily. However, with the recent focus on the pre- Dopamine. Historically, dopamine has been recommended
vention of catheter-related bacteraemia, central lines are sel- at low dose to improve renal blood flow and urine output.
dom used outside specialist renal and intensive care units. Dopamine at low dose acts as a renal vasodilator in normal
A diagnosis of acute deterioration of renal function caused kidneys, but in renal failure it is a renal vasoconstrictor even
by renal underperfusion implies that restoration of renal per- at a low dose. This translates into no demonstrable clinical
fusion would reverse impairment by improving renal blood benefit and it should no longer be used. Dopamine has alpha
flow, reducing renal vasoconstriction and flushing nephrotox- and beta adrenergic effects. Recently, fenoldapam, a pure
ins from the kidney. The use of crystalloids in the form of dopaminergic D1 agonist has been investigated in small scale
0.9% sodium chloride is an appropriate choice of intravenous clinical trials; the results have shown a trend towards benefit
fluid since it replaces both water and sodium ions in a con- in recovery of renal function from AKI. However, larger tri-
centration approximately equal to serum. The effect of fluid als are needed to identify if fenoldapam has a role in routine
replacement on urine flow and intravascular pressures should clinical practice (Kellum et al., 2008).
be carefully monitored. However, fluid loading with 1–1.5 L
saline at <0.5 L/h is unlikely to cause harm in most patients Drug therapy and renal auto-regulation
who do not show signs of fluid overload. There is no evidence
that colloids such as gelofusin or albumin provide any addi- Intra-renal blood flow is controlled by an auto-regulatory
tional benefit for volume expansion and renal recovery over mechanism unique to the kidney called tubuloglomerular feed-
the use of 0.9% sodium chloride. back (TGF). This mechanism produces arteriolar constriction
The use of inotropes such as noradrenaline and cardiac doses in response to an increased solute load to the distal nephrons.
of dopamine should be restricted to non-renal indications. Glomerular filtration rate and kidney workload are thus reduced.
It has been proposed that oliguria is an adaptive response to renal
ischaemia and therapy designed to improve glomerular filtra-
%STABLISHINGANDMAINTAININGANADEQUATEDIURESIS tion rate would increase solute load to the nephrons and might
Whilst loop diuretics (most commonly furosemide) may facil- increase kidney workload and worsen AKI. Clearly, reversal of a
itate the management of fluid overload and hyperkalaemia pre-renal state with fluids is a logical therapeutic aim.
in early or established AKI, there is no evidence that these
agents are effective for the prevention of, or early recovery
from, AKI. It is reasonable to use these agents whilst the urine
output is maintained as this provides space for intravenous Non-dialysis treatment of
drugs and parenteral feeding including oral supplements. In established acute kidney injury
experimental settings, loop diuretics decrease renal tubular
Uraemia and intravascular volume overload
cell metabolic demands and increase renal blood flow by stim-
ulating the release of renal prostaglandins, a haemodynamic In renal failure, the symptoms of uraemia include nausea,
effect inhibited by NSAIDs. However, there is no demon- vomiting and anorexia, and result principally from accumula-
strable impact on clinical outcomes. Indeed, diuretic therapy tion of toxic products of protein metabolism including urea.
should only be initiated in the context of fluid overload. If Unfortunately, since uraemia causes anorexia, nausea and
not, any diuresis might produce a negative fluid balance and vomiting, many severely ill patients are unable to tolerate any
precipitate or exacerbate a pre-renal state. kind of diet. In these patients and those who are catabolic, the
Doses of up to 100 mg/h of furosemide can be given by con- use of enteral or parenteral nutrition should be considered at
tinuous intravenous infusion. Higher infusion rates may cause an early stage.
transient deafness. The use of continuous infusions of loop Intravascular fluid overload must be managed by restricting
diuretics has been shown to produce a more effective diure- NaCl intake to about 1–2 g/day if the patient is not hypona-
sis with a lower incidence of side effects than seen with bolus traemic and total fluid intake to less than 1 L/day plus the 263
17 4(%2!0%54)#3

volume of urine and/or loss from dialysis. Care should be through activation of the cell membrane Na+/H+ exchanger,
taken with the so-called ‘low salt’ products, as these usually which promotes increased activity of Na-K ATPase produc-
contain KCl, which will exacerbate hyperkalaemia. ing increased intracellular sequestration of K+.
If calcium gluconate is used to treat hyperkalaemia, care
should be taken not to mix it with the sodium bicarbonate
Hyperkalaemia (by giving this through the same intravenous access site) as
the resulting calcium bicarbonate forms an insoluble pre-
This is a particular problem in AKI, not only because uri-
cipitate. If elevation of serum sodium or fluid overload
nary excretion is reduced but also because intracellular
precludes the use of sodium bicarbonate, extreme acidosis
potassium may be released. Rapid rises in extracellular
(serum bicarbonate of less than 10 mmol/L) is best treated
potassium are to be expected when there is tissue damage,
by dialysis.
as in burns, crush injuries and sepsis. Acidosis also aggra-
vates hyperkalaemia by provoking potassium leakage from
healthy cells. The condition may be life-threatening causing Hypocalcaemia
cardiac arrhythmias and, if untreated, can result in asys-
tolic cardiac arrest. Calcium malabsorption, probably secondary to disordered
Dietary potassium should be restricted to less than 40 mmol/ vitamin D metabolism, can occur in AKI. Hypocalcaemia
day and potassium supplements and potassium-sparing usually remains asymptomatic, as tetany of skeletal muscles or
diuretics removed from the treatment schedule. Emergency convulsions does not normally occur until serum concentrat-
treatment is necessary if the serum potassium level reaches ions are as low as 1.6–1.7 mmol/L (normal 2.20–2.55 mmol/L).
7.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.5–5.5 mmol/L) or if there are Should it become necessary, oral calcium supplementation with
the progressive changes in the electrocardiogram (ECG) calcium carbonate is usually adequate, and although vitamin
associated with hyperkalaemia. These include tall, peaked T D may be used to treat the hypocalcaemia of AKI, it rarely has
waves, reduced P waves with increased QRS complexes or the to be added. Effervescent calcium tablets should be avoided as
‘sine wave’ appearance that often presages cardiac arrest (see they contain a high sodium or potassium load.
Chapter 18, Fig. 18.10).
Emergency treatment of hyperkalaemia consists of the
following: Hyperphosphataemia

1. 10–30 mL (2.25–6.75 mmol) of calcium gluconate 10% As phosphate is normally excreted by the kidney, hyperphos-
intravenously over 5–10 min; this improves myocardial phataemia can occur in AKI but rarely requires treatment.
stability but has no effect on the serum potassium levels. Should it become necessary to treat, phosphate-binding
The protective effect begins in minutes but is short lived agents may be used to retain phosphate ions in the gut. The
(<1 h), although the dose can be repeated. most commonly used agents are calcium containing such as
2. 50 mL of 50% glucose together with 8–12 units of soluble calcium carbonate or calcium acetate and are given with food.
insulin over 10 min. Endogenous insulin, stimulated by For further information see Chapter18.
a glucose load or administered intravenously, stimulates
intracellular potassium uptake, thus removing it from
the serum. The effect becomes apparent after 15–30 min,
peaks after about 1 h and lasts for 2–3 h and will decrease Patients with AKI are prone to infection and septicaemia, which
serum potassium levels by around 1 mmol/L. can ultimately cause death. Bladder catheters, central cathe-
3. Nebulised salbutamol has also been used to lower ters and even peripheral intravenous lines should be used with
potassium; however, this is not effective for all patients care to reduce the chance of bacterial invasion. Leucocytosis
and does not permanently lower potassium. If used it is is sometimes seen in AKI and does not necessarily imply infec-
seen as a temporary emergency measure. tion. However, pyrexia must be immediately investigated and
treated with appropriate antibiotic therapy if accompanied
by toxic symptoms such as disorientation or hypotensive epi-
sodes. Samples from blood, urine and any other material such
as catheter tips should be sent for culture before antibiotics are
The inability of the kidney to excrete hydrogen ions may started. Antibiotic therapy should be broad spectrum until a
result in a metabolic acidosis. This may contribute to hyper- causative organism is identified.
kalaemia. It may be treated orally with sodium bicarbonate
1–6 g/day in divided doses (though this is not appropriate for
acute metabolic acidosis seen in AKI), or 50–100 mmol of Other problems
bicarbonate ions (preferably as isotonic sodium bicarbonate
1.4% or 1.26%, 250–500 mL over 15–60 min) intravenously
may be used. The administration of bicarbonate in acidotic These are a recognised consequence of AKI, probably as a result
patients will also tend to reduce serum potassium concentra- of reduced mucosal cell turnover owing to high circulating lev-
264 tions. Bicarbonate will cause an increase in intracellular Na+ els of uraemic toxins. Proton pump inhibitors are effective and
it is unlikely that any one is more advantageous than another. AKI, as complications and mortality are reduced if the serum
However, proton pump inhibitors should be used with caution urea level is kept below 35 mmol/L. Generally, replacement
in hospitals where there are significant rates of Clostridium dif- therapy is urgently indicated in AKI to:
ficile diarrhoea, as they may pre-dispose to the development of
1. remove uraemic toxins when severe symptoms are
this organism. H2 antagonists are an appropriate alternative.
apparent, for example, impaired consciousness, seizures,
pericarditis, rapidly developing peripheral neuropathy
Nutrition 2. remove fluid resistant to diuretics, for example,
There are two major constraints concerning the nutrition of pulmonary oedema
patients with AKI: 3. correct electrolyte and acid–base imbalances, for example,
hyperkalaemia >6.5 mmol/L or 5.5–6.5 where there are
s PATIENTSMAYBEANOREXIC VOMITINGANDTOOILLTOEAT ECG changes, increasing acidosis (pH < 7.1 or serum
s OLIGURIAASSOCIATEDWITHRENALFAILURELIMITSTHEVOLUMEOF bicarbonate <10 mmol/L) despite bicarbonate therapy,
enteral or parenteral nutrition that can be given safely. or where bicarbonate is not tolerated because of fluid
The introduction of dialysis or haemofiltration allows fluid to overload.
be removed easily and, therefore, makes parenteral nutrition
possible. Large volumes of fluid may be administered with-
out producing fluid overload. The use of parenteral nutrition Forms of renal replacement therapy
is rare but where appropriate factors to be considered include
The common types of renal replacement therapy used in
fluid balance, calorie/protein requirements, electrolyte bal-
clinical practice are:
ance/requirements, and vitamin and mineral requirements.
The basic calorie requirements are similar to those in a s HAEMODIALYSIS
non-dialysed patient, although the need for protein may s HAEMOFILTRATION
occasionally be increased in haemodialysis and haemofil- s HAEMODIAFILTRATION
tration because of amino acid loss. In all situations, protein s PERITONEALDIALYSIS
is usually supplied as 12–20 g/day of an essential amino acid
Although the basic principles of these replacement thera-
formulation, although individual requirements may vary.
pies are similar, clearance rates, that is, the extent of solute
Electrolyte-free amino acid solutions should be used in
removal, vary.
parenteral nutrition formulations for patients with AKI
In all types of renal replacement therapy, blood is presented to a
as they allow the addition of electrolytes as appropriate.
dialysis solution across some form of semi-permeable membrane
Potassium and sodium requirements can be calculated
that allows free movement of low molecular weight compounds.
on an individual basis depending on serum levels. There
The processes by which movement of substances occur are:
is usually no need to try to normalise serum calcium and
phosphate levels as they will stabilise with the appropri- s Diffusion. Diffusion depends upon concentration
ate therapy, or, if necessary, with haemofiltration or dial- differences between blood and dialysate and molecule
ysis. Water-soluble vitamins are removed by dialysis and size. Water and low molecular weight solutes (up to a
haemofiltration but the standard daily doses normally molecular weight of about 5000) move through pores in
included in parenteral nutrition fluids more than com- the semi-permeable membrane to establish equilibrium.
pensate for this loss. Magnesium and zinc supplementa- Smaller molecules can be cleared from blood more
tion may be required, not only because tissue repair often effectively as they move more easily through pores in the
increases requirements but also because they may be lost membrane.
during dialysis or haemofiltration. s Ultrafiltration. A pressure gradient (either +ve or −ve)
It is necessary to monitor the serum urea, creatinine and elec- across a semi-permeable membrane will produce a net
trolyte levels daily to make the appropriate alterations in the directional movement of fluid from relative high to low
required nutritional support. The glucose concentration should pressure regions. The quantity of fluid dialysed is the
also be checked daily as patients in renal failure sometimes ultrafiltration volume.
develop insulin resistance. The plasma pH should be checked s Convection. Any molecule carried by ultrafiltrate may
initially to determine if addition of amino acid solutions is caus- move passively with the flow by convection. Larger
ing or aggravating metabolic acidosis. It is also valuable to check molecules are cleared more effectively by convection.
calcium, phosphate and albumin levels regularly, and when
practical, daily weighing gives a useful guide to fluid balance.
In haemodialysis, the form of access used in AKI is a dialy-
sis line. This is placed in a vein (the jugular, femoral or sub-
Renal replacement therapy clavian), which has an arterial lumen through which the blood
Renal replacement therapy is indicated in a patient with AKI is removed from the patient and a venous lumen by which it
when kidney function is so poor that life is at risk. However, is returned to the patient after passing through a dialyser.
it is desirable to introduce renal replacement therapy early in The terms arterial and venous lumen can be misleading as 265
17 4(%2!0%54)#3

both lumens are situated in the same vein. They are part of peritoneal dialysis. Haemodialysis can also be used in patients
the same line which bifurcates and has two lumens, the lon- who have recently undergone abdominal surgery in whom
ger lumen is the ‘arterial’ lumen and the shorter the ‘venous’ peritoneal dialysis would be ill advised.
lumen. Heparin is added to the blood as it leaves the body to
prevent the dialyser clotting. Blood is then actively pumped
through the artificial kidney before being returned to the
patient (Fig. 17.5). In those patients at high risk of haemor- Haemofiltration is an alternative technique to dialysis where
rhage, the amount of heparin used can be reduced or even simplicity of use, fine fluid balance control and low cost have
avoided altogether. The dialyser consists of a cartridge com- ensured its widespread use in the treatment of AKI.
prising either a bundle of hollow tubes (hollow fibre dial- A similar arrangement to haemodialysis is employed but
yser) or a series of parallel flat plates (flat-plate dialyser) dialysis fluid is not used. The hydrostatic pressure of the
made of a synthetic semi-permeable membrane. Flat-plate blood drives a filtrate, similar to interstitial fluid, across a
dialysers are now rarely used. Dialysis fluid flows around the high permeability dialyser (passes substances of molecu-
membrane countercurrent (opposite) to the flow of blood lar weight up to 30,000) by ultrafiltration. Solute clearance
in order to maximise diffusion gradients. The dialysis solu- occurs by convection. Commercially prepared haemofiltra-
tion is essentially a mixture of electrolytes in water with a tion fluid may then be introduced into the filtered blood in
composition approximating to extracellular fluid into which quantities sufficient to maintain optimal fluid balance. As
solutes diffuse. The ionic concentration of the dialysis fluid with haemodialysis, haemofiltration can be intermittent or
can be manipulated to control the rate and extent of elec- continuous. In continuous arterio-venous haemofiltration
trolyte transfer. Calcium and bicarbonate concentrations (CAVH), blood is diverted, usually from the femoral artery,
can also be increased in dialysis fluid to promote diffusion and returned to the femoral vein; this is now very seldom used.
into blood as replacement therapy. By manipulating the In continuous venovenous haemofiltration (CVVH), a dual
hydrostatic pressure of the dialysate and blood circuits, the lumen vascular catheter is inserted into a vein (as described
extent and rate of water removal by ultrafiltration can be above). Blood is removed from the body via the distal lumen
controlled. (the one furthest from the right side of the heart) in a process
Haemodialysis can be performed in either intermittent or assisted by a blood pump, passed through a haemofilter and
continuous schedules. The latter regimen is preferable in the returned to the body via the proximal lumen. In slow continu-
critical care situation, providing 24-h control, and minimis- ous ultrafiltration (SCU or SCUF), the process is performed
ing swings in blood volume and electrolyte composition that so slowly that no fluid substitution is necessary. In addition
are found using intermittent regimens. The haemodialysis to avoiding the expense and complexity of haemodialysis,
described in this section is indistinguishable from that used as this system enables continuous but gradual removal of fluid,
maintenance therapy for many patients with end stage renal thereby allowing very fine control of fluid balance in addi-
failure, the method of access in this group is often via an arte- tion to electrolyte control and removal of metabolites. This
rio-venous fistula (see Chapter 18). control of fluid balance often facilitates the use of parenteral
The capital cost of haemodialysis is considerable, requires nutrition. Because of the advantages of haemofiltration over
specially trained staff, and is seldom undertaken outside a peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis, continuous haemofil-
renal unit. It does, however, treat renal failure rapidly and is, tration is currently the commonest type of renal replacement
therefore, essential in hypercatabolic renal failure where urea therapy used in patients in intensive care units.
is produced faster than, for example, it could be removed by

Dialyser Haemodiafiltration is a technique that combines the ability

Heparin pressure to clear small molecules, as in haemodialysis, with the large
pump monitor molecule clearance of haemofiltration. It is, however, more
P expensive than traditional haemodialysis, but does offer
potential benefits. Whilst some studies suggest that hae-
Dialyser modialfiltration may provide a clinical benefit compared
Dialysate out
to haemofiltration or haemodialysis, this is controversial
Venous (Rabindranath et al., 2006). However, enhanced combined
pressure Air/bubble control of fluid and solute removal provided by this tech-
Dialysate in monitor detector/trap
nique is likely to be increasingly used over the next decade.

Blood Arterial
pump pressure Patient Acute peritoneal dialysis is rarely used now for AKI except
in circumstances where haemodialysis is unavailable. A
Fig. 17.5 !TYPICALDIALYSISCIRCUITREPRESENTINGEMERGENCYDIALYSIS semi-rigid catheter is inserted into the abdominal cavity.
266 VIAADIALYSISCATHETER Warmed sterile peritoneal dialysis fluid (typically 1–2 L) is
Dialysis Table 17.5 Approximate clearances of common renal
fluid replacement therapies

Renal replacement therapy Clearance rate (mL/min)



Unfortunately, a number of other factors inherent in the dial-
1. Connect bag to catheter ysis process affect clearance; they include:
2. Drain dialysis fluid into abdomen
4. Drain fluid out
a. peritoneal cavity
For peritoneal dialysis other factors come into play and include:

instilled into the abdomen, left for a period of about 30 s RATEOFPERITONEALEXCHANGE

min (dwell time) and then drained into a collecting bag s CONCENTRATIONGRADIENTBETWEENPLASMAANDDIALYSATE
(Fig. 17.6). This procedure may be performed manually or In view of the above, it is usually possible to predict whether
by semiautomatic equipment. The process may be repeated a drug will be removed by dialysis, but it is very difficult to
up to 20 times a day, depending on the condition of the quantify the process except by direct measurement, which is
patient. rarely practical. Consequently, a definitive, comprehensive
Acute peritoneal dialysis is relatively cheap and simple, guide to drug dosage in dialysis does not exist. However,
does not require specially trained staff or the facilities of a limited data for specific drugs are available in the liter-
renal unit. It does, however, have the disadvantages of being ature, while many drug manufacturers have information
uncomfortable and tiring for the patient. It is associated with on the dialysability of their products and some include
a high incidence of peritonitis and permits protein loss, as dosage recommendations in their summaries of product
albumin crosses the peritoneal membrane. characteristics. The most practical method for treating
patients undergoing dialysis is to assemble appropriate
Drug dosage in renal replacement therapy dosage guidelines for a range of drugs likely to be used in
patients with renal impairment and attempt to restrict use
Whether a drug is significantly removed by dialysis or hae- to these.
mofiltration is an important clinical issue. Drugs that are not As drug clearance by haemofiltration is more predictable
removed may well require dose reduction to avoid accumula- than in dialysis, it is possible that standardised guidelines on
tion and minimise toxic effects. Alternatively, drug removal drug elimination may become available. In the interim, a set of
may be significant and require a dosage supplement to ensure individual drug dosage guidelines similar to those described
an adequate therapeutic effect is maintained. In general, since above would be useful in practice.
haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and haemofiltration depend
on filtration, the process of drug removal can be considered
analoguous to glomerular filtration. Table 17.5 gives an indi- Factors affecting drug use
cation of approximate clearances of common renal replace-
How the drug to be used is absorbed, distributed, metabolised
ment therapies, which for continuous regimens provide an
and excreted, and whether it is intrinsically nephrotoxic are all
estimate for the creatinine clearance of the system.
factors that must be considered. The pharmacokinetic behav-
Drug characteristics that favour clearance by the glomeru-
iour of many drugs may be altered in renal failure.
lus are similar to those that favour clearance by dialysis or
haemofiltration. These include:
s HIGHWATERSOLUBILITY Oral absorption in AKI may be reduced by vomiting or diarrhoea,
s LOWPROTEINBINDING although this is frequently of limited clinical significance. 267
17 4(%2!0%54)#3

-ETABOLISM functioning nephrons. Thus, a 50% reduction in the glomeru-

lar filtration rate will suggest a 50% decline in renal clearance.
The main hepatic pathways of drug metabolism appear
Renal impairment, therefore, often necessitates drug dos-
unaffected in renal impairment. The kidney is also a site
age adjustments. Loading doses of renally excreted drugs
of metabolism in the body, but the effect of renal impair-
are often necessary in renal failure because of the prolonged
ment is clinically important in only two situations. The first
elimination half-life which leads to an increased time to reach
involves the conversion of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to
steady state. The equation for a loading dose is the same in
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (the active form of vitamin D) in
renal disease as in normal patients, thus:
the kidney, a process that is impaired in renal failure. Patients
in AKI occasionally require vitamin D replacement therapy, loading dose (mg) target concentration (mg/L)
and this should be in the form of 1A-hydroxycholecalciferol
u volume of distribution( L )
(alfacalcidol) or 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol).
The latter is the drug of choice in the presence of concom-
The volume of distribution may be altered but generally
itant hepatic impairment. The second situation involves the
remains unchanged.
metabolism of insulin. The kidney is the major site of insulin
It is possible to derive other formulae for dosage adjust-
metabolism, and the insulin requirements of diabetic patients
ment in renal impairment. One of the most useful is:
in AKI are often reduced.
DRrf DR n u [(1  Feu )  ( Feu u RF)]

$ISTRIBUTION where DRrf is the dosing rate in renal failure, DRn is the
normal dosing rate, RF is the extent of renal impairment =
Changes in drug distribution may be altered by fluctuations patient's creatinine clearance (mL/min)/ideal creatinine clear-
in the degree of hydration or by alterations in tissue or serum ance (120 mL/min) and Feu is the fraction of drug normally
protein binding. The presence of oedema or ascites increases excreted unchanged in the urine. For example, when RF = 0.2
the volume of distribution while dehydration reduces it. In and Feu = 0.5, 60% of the normal dosing rate should be given.
practice, these changes will only be significant if the vol- An alteration in dosing rate can be achieved by either alter-
ume of distribution of the drug is small, that is, less than ing the dose itself or the dosage interval, or a combination of
50 L. Serum protein binding may be reduced owing to either both as appropriate. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to
protein loss or alteration in binding caused by uraemia. For obtain the fraction of drug excreted unchanged in the urine.
certain highly bound drugs the net result of reduced pro- In practice, it is simpler to use the guidelines for prescribing
tein binding is an increase in free drug, and care is, there- in renal impairment found in the British National Formularly.
fore, required when interpreting serum concentrations. Most These are adequate for most cases, although the specialist may
analyses measure the total serum concentration, that is, free need to refer to other texts.
plus bound drug. A drug level may, therefore, fall within
the accepted concentration range but still result in toxicity
because of the increased proportion of free drug. However,
this is usually only a temporary effect. Since the unbound .EPHROTOXICITY
drug is now available for elimination, its concentration will The list of potentially nephrotoxic drugs is long. Although
eventually return to the original value, albeit with a lower the commonest serious forms of renal damage are inter-
total bound and unbound level. The total drug concentra- stitial nephritis and glomerulonephritis, the majority of
tion may, therefore, fall below the therapeutic range while drugs only cause damage by hypersensitivity reactions and
therapeutic effectiveness is maintained. It must be noted that are safe in many patients. Some drugs, however, are directly
the time required for the new equilibrium to be established is nephrotoxic, and their effects on the kidney are more pre-
about four or five elimination half-lives of the drug, and this dictable. Such drugs include aminoglycosides, amphoteri-
may be altered itself in renal failure. Some drugs that show cin, colistin, the polymixins and ciclosporin. The use of
reduced serum protein binding include diazepam, morphine, any drug with recognised nephrotoxic potential should be
phenytoin, levothyroxine, theophylline and warfarin. Tissue avoided where possible. This is particularly true in patients
binding may also be affected; for example, the displacement with pre-existing renal impairement or renal failure.
of digoxin from skeletal muscle binding sites by metabolic Figure 17.7 summarises the most important and common
waste products that accumulate in renal failure result in a sig- adverse effects of drugs on renal function, indicating the
nificant reduction in digoxin's volume of distribution. likely regions of the nephron in which damage occurs.
Additional information on adverse effects can be found in
Hems and Currie (2005).
Inevitably, occasions will arise when the use of potentially
Alteration in renal clearance of drugs in renal impairment is nephrotoxic drugs becomes necessary, and on these occasions
the most important parameter to consider when considering constant monitoring of renal function is essential. In conclu-
dosage. Generally, a fall in renal drug clearance indicates a sion, when selecting a drug for a patient with renal failure, an
decline in the number of functioning nephrons. The glomeru- agent should be chosen that approaches the ideal characteris-
268 lar filtration rate can be used as an estimate of the number of tics listed in Box 17.1.
Acute tubular necrosis
Amphotericin B
Methotrexate Interstitial nephritis
NSAIDs Allopurinol
Radiocontrast media Azathioprine
Paracetamol (poisoning) Captopril
Rifampicin Cephalosporins
Glomerulonephritis Co-trimoxazole
Membranous Isoniazid
Captopril Methyldopa
Gold salts Minocycline
Heavy metals NSAIDs
Penicillamine Omeprazole
Phenytoin Penicillins
Minimal change Phenytoin
NSAIDs Pyrazinamide
Acute nephritis Rifampicin
Penicillins Renal papillary necrosis Thiazides
Aspirin + phenacetin (+ other Vancomycin
compound analgesics)
Crystaluria (leading to obstruction) NSAIDs


Box 17.1 Characteristics of the ideal drug for use in a patient Questions
that was unsatisfactorily controlled on a variety of agents. ITISLIKELYTHATSODIUMDEPLETIONWOULDRENDERTHEKIDNEYEVEN
Her drug therapy included furosemide 40 mg once a day, MOREDEPENDENTUPONVASOCONSTRICTIONOFEFFERENTARTERIOLES
amlodipine 10 mg daily and a salt restricted diet. Following a THROUGHACTIVATIONOFTHETUBULOGLOMERULARFEEDBACKSYSTEM FURTHER
routine review of her therapy, ramipril 2.5 mg once daily was SENSITISINGTHEKIDNEYTOTHEEFFECTSOF!#%INHIBITORS
added to her treatment regimen in an attempt to improve -RS*MIGHTWELLHAVEBEENSUFFERINGFROMINCIPIENTRENALFAILURE
Mrs J was recently diagnosed with gastroenteritis. A week  4HEINAPPROPRIATEUSEOFAN!#%INHIBITORSHOULDBESTOPPED AS
after her diagnosis she presented to her local hospital SHOULDTHEDIURETICTEMPORARILY-RS*SHOULDBEREHYDRATED
accident and emergency unit, with ongoing diarrhoea. Her USINGSODIUMCHLORIDEANDKIDNEYFUNCTIONMARKERS
BP was found to be 100/60 mmHg and serum biochemistry MONITOREDINTHEHOPETHATRECOVERYWILLOCCUR
revealed creatinine levels of 225 mmol/L (50–120 Mmol/L,  )NVESTIGATIONSSHOULDBEARRANGEDTODETERMINEWHETHER-RS*
(3.5–5.0 mmol/L). THE!#%INHIBITORSEE#HAPTER  269
17 4(%2!0%54)#3

Case 17.2 Case 17.3

Mr B a known intermittent heroin and cocaine abuser, was Mr D is a patient who has been admitted to an intensive care unit
discovered comatose in his room early in the morning. He with AKI, which developed following a routine cholecystectomy.
was admitted to hospital as an emergency. An indirect history His electrolyte picture shows the following:
from an acquaintance indicated that Mr B had been drinking
very heavily prior to the incident (probably more than a bottle
Reference range
of whisky in a 24-h period) and had smoked both heroin and
Sodium 138 mmol/L (135–145)
cocaine of unknown source and purity.
Potassium 7.2 mmol/L (3.5–5.0)
On examination he was found to be dehydrated and serum
Bicarbonate 19 mmol/L (22–31)
biochemistry revealed the following:
Urea 32.1 mmol/L (3.0–6.5)
Creatinine 572 mmol/L (50–120)
Reference range
pH 7.28 (7.36–7.44)
Sodium 147 mmol/L (135–145)
Potassium 6.1 mmol/L (3.5–5.0) The patient was connected to an ECG monitor and the resultant
Calcium 1.72 mmol/L (2.20–2.55) trace indicated absent P waves and a broad QRS complex.
Phosphate 2.0 mmol/L (0.9–1.5)
Creatinine 485 mmol/L (50–120)
Creatinine kinase 120,000 IU/L (<200)
Urine dipstick reacted positive for blood with no signs of red
blood cells on microscopy. The urine was faintly reddish-brown in

Question Answer

Hems, S., Currie, A., 2005. Renal disorders. In: Lee, A. (Ed.), Adverse Rabindranath, K.S., Strippoli, G.F.M., Daly, C., et al., 2006.
Drug Reactions, second ed. Pharmaceutical Press, London. Haemodiafiltration, haemofiltration and haemodialysis for
Kellum, J., Leblanc, M., Venkataraman, R., 2008. Acute Renal Failure end-stage kidney disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Clinical Evidence 09 2001, BMJ Publishing Group, London. Available Reviews, Issue 4. Art No. CD006258. doi:10.1002/14651858.
at http://clinicalevidence.bmj.com/ceweb/conditions/knd/2001/2001_ CD006258. Available at http://www2.cochrane.org/reviews/en/
270 contribdetails.jsp. Accessed Sep. 2010. ab006258.html Accessed Sep. 2010.
Further reading
Dishart, M.K., Kellum, J.A., 2000. An evaluation of pharmacological Steddon, S., Ashman, N., Chesser, A., Cunningham, J., 2007. Oxford
strategies for the prevention and treatment of acute renal failure. Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension. Oxford University
Drugs 59, 79–91. Press, Oxford.
Short, A., Cumming, A., 1999. ABC of intensive care: renal support.
Br. Med. J. 319, 41–44.


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