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Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014)

Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/pip.2466


A review of floating photovoltaic installations:

Kim Trapani1* and Miguel Redón Santafé2
MIRARCO, Sudbury, ON, Canada
Ingeniería Rural y Agroalimentaria, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

The paper gives a review of the various projects that have been realised in throughout the years. These have all been in
enclosed water bodies such as reservoirs, ponds and small lakes. The main motivation for the floating photovoltaic (PV)
panels was the land premium, especially for agricultural sites were the land was more valuable for growth of the crops
(in these cases, grapes because the sites were wineries). The PV panels of the existing projects are mounted on a rigid
pontoon structure and vary between horizontal and tilted installations. Future concepts proposed for marine and large
lacusterine sites are envisaged to incorporate laminated thin film PV, which would allow the structure to be flexible and
able to yield with the oncoming waves, and submergible arrays, which would be submerged in harsh weather conditions.
Interest and research has been developing in this niche field throughout the years and has currently reached the megawatt
scale with even bigger plans for the future. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
floating PV; offshore PV; submerged PV; flexible thin film

Kim Trapani, MIRARCO, Sudbury, ON, Canada.
E-mail: ktrapani@mirarco.org

Received 11 September 2013; Revised 13 November 2013; Accepted 4 December 2013

1. INTRODUCTION The existing floating PV projects include conventional

PV arrays, as well as concentrated PV arrays that benefit
The 21st century has seen a shift towards redevelop- from the surrounding water body to prevent overheating
ment of the energy sector, with the aim of featuring of the solar cells. The review given here within is limited
more renewable energy technologies within in. This to only conventional PV arrays for the novel floating ap-
was primarily brought upon by protocol agreements plication. The pre-mature stages of this technology appli-
and legislative requirements, such as the Kyoto cation limit the projects that have been developed around
Protocol. European Union country members also have the world. The review provided will aim to illustrate each
binding agreements to produce a percentage of their of the projects in existence and the installation and tech-
energy from renewable energy technologies by 2020 nological variations between each. For the most part,
[1], or they would stand to pay penalties. For most these installations are mounted upon a pontoon-based
renewable energy technologies, biomass, solar and others, floating structure and are installed in either reservoirs or
large footprint areas are required for multi-megawatt scale ponds used mainly for irrigation purposes (motivated by
electricity generation, which puts restriction on land use increasing demand for energy in modern irrigation
for agricultural purposes. This has brought forth the systems and agriculture). Common benefits from these
debate of land use for energy versus food [2,3], intensify- installations were a reduction in water evaporation from
ing efforts for research in offshore renewable technologies the reservoir/pond [7] and decreased algal growth (due
[4], and so the development of the floating photovoltaic to the reduction in sunlight penetration within the water
(PV) array concept for commercial electricity generation. body) [8]. Also, electrical yields were slightly improved,
Economics for this concept have been developed by the in most reported cases, probably because of the cooling
first author in [5,6]. benefit offered by the underlying water surface as

Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

A review of floating photovoltaic installations K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé

illustrated by Bahaidarah et al. [9] while testing a PV 2.1. Projects 2007–2009

panel that was in direct contact with water.
The project that has received most news coverage and is
usually claimed as being the first floating PV project,
2. FLOATING PHOTOVOLTAIC although a floating PV project for research purposes had
INSTALLATIONS been installed the previous year in Aichi, Japan, was that
of Far Niente wineries in California, USA. SPG Solar
The propriety nature of the technology somewhat limits the was contracted by the owners of the winery to install the
literature available on floating PV installations. Through on- array in 2008[10]. Their motivation for the deployment
line research and direct contact with the developers of the PV panels on top of their water reservoir was not
(commercial and academic), Figure 1 was compiled. to displace land that was used to grow the vines—and so
This figure illustrates the floating PV projects developed a more precious resource for their business. The installa-
worldwide to date solely for electricity generation, tallying tion was based on modular crystalline PV panels that were
the installations to 19 in total. mounted at an optimal tilt on top of individual pontoons.

Figure 1. Floating PV projects timeline.

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip
K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé A review of floating photovoltaic installations

Figure 2. TTi’s ‘Floatovoltaic’ product incorporated within the Far Niente floating PV project.

The mounting structure includes walkways between the water-cooled system was kept clean because of the 10-
rows of panels and along the sides to facilitate cleaning min regular water coverage). Hammond et al. [13] esti-
and maintenance of the panels. The array is based on mates an 8% reduction in efficiency due to surface solar ra-
Thompson Technology Industries (TTi’s) ‘Floatovoltaic’ diation occlusion from the bird dropping, which could be
product (illustrated in Figure 2). Having this effective cover recovered to a 3% loss after a heavy rainfall.
from the pontoon and the PV panels on the reservoirs The installation in Gundlach Bunchu Wineries (2008)
resulted in reduction of water evaporation from the reservoir. also in California is very similar to that in Far Niente (even
Research in Australia suggests that 40% of open reservoir’s in motivation, it being on a winery too); the project was
water could be lost through evaporation [11]. This could be designed and executed also by SPG Solar. The main differ-
correlated to water loss in the Napa Valley region because ence between the two is the array size, with that of Far
world radiation maps indicate that they have similar mean Niente being much bigger at 175kWp rated, while that of
solar radiations. So, a significant reduction in water evapora- Gundlach Bunchu being just 30kWp.
tion is definitely positive for the farming business. One of the biggest projects developed is that of Bubano,
The Aichi, Japan project, referred to previously, was Italy, at 500kWp. This was realised by Byro, in 2009,
developed by a research team from the National Institute which is a collaboration of four local companies that retain
of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan equal shares in the project. This system is grid connected
developed their own floating PV prototype. The aim of and takes revenue from the feed-in tariff. Prior to installa-
their research was to compare the electricity output from tion, a preliminary environmental impact assessment was
an array that was water cooled and another that was air required to outline any potential hazards to the ecosystem
cooled [12]. The panels in this case were installed as an and lake fauna. The buoyancy for the installation is
array lying at a slight tilt (1.3° south facing) on top of foam maintained with hollow polyethylene cubes at the two
polystyrene board floating on top of the water body. The opposite edges and through which struts for the PV panel
major variance in experimental results between the two mounting are ran through (Figure 3). The array is modular
systems was mainly due to the accumulation of bird with four buoyancy cubes of either side holding four PV
dropping over the air-cooled PV system (where the panels mounted at a slight incline. An interesting feature

Figure 3. Schematic design of the floating PV installation in Bubano.

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip
A review of floating photovoltaic installations K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé

of this project is that this was the first floating PV project and also to create a channel through which the panels can
that was exposed to snow and ice. The impact was only be air cooled from underneath (because there is no gap
to the surface panels, because the climate it was set in behind the panels, as those by SPG Solar, by which the
was not cold enough for the surrounding waters to freeze. panels can be air cooled). Also, the buoyancy at the sides
Thus, the mooring and structure for the thaw/freezing rather than underneath allows a channel by which any
conditions need not be taken into consideration. The devel- individual panel can be physically reached. At the Solarolo
opers claim a 20–25% increase in electricity output as a re- site, the cubic buoys are extended to the edge of the
sult of the cooling effect from the water, consistent with reservoir, as a platform, to allow continuous access to the
the negative temperature coefficient performance for PV installation (access to the Bubano site is solely by boat).
modules (higher temperatures leading to lower efficiencies
and lower temperatures leading to higher efficiencies).
Further on the topic of evaporation of water reservoirs, 2.2. Projects 2010–2013
a research team in Spain developed a 24kWp floating PV
array on a water treatment reservoir in Negret, in 2009, In 2010, the only project realised was that at Petra Winery in
with the primary array of reducing water evaporation, Italy, which was grid connected later in 2011. A special fea-
which was expanded to a 300kWp array later the following ture of this installation is that it includes a tracking system
year because of its good performance. This project is a col- that rotates the system according to the sun’s motion. This
laboration between the Polytechnic University of Valencia was designed and constructed by Terra Moretti Holdings,
and the company CELEMIN ENERGY. The array is made while the research group at Scienza Industria Technologia
up of a number of modules each holding two panels, tilted (SCINTEC) were responsible with the tracking and safety
at 10° (facing south) and fabricated by rotomoulding using systems. The motivation for this installation is similar to that
medium density polyethylene [14] (refer to Figure 4). The Far Niente, because it is also situated in a winery. The struc-
platform has inserts for the electrical cables and the metal ture of the array is made almost entirely of metal struts, with
struts from the top. Its base is smooth and rounded to buoyancy (and integrated tracking system) underneath
protect the reservoir’s geomembrane, and each of the mod- maintaining the whole structure afloat. The structure is
ules are connected together with metal pin links, creating a designed to hold the crystalline panels at an optimal orienta-
flexible elastic system able of deforming to the concave tion of 40°, while tracking the solar motion.
profile of the reservoirs according to the changing water The same group, SCINTEC, also developed the installa-
levels. Recorded annual electrical yield for the Negret PV tion at Lake Colignola in 2011. This was developed at a
array averaged at just under 30GWh since 2009 [7], at a prototype, 30kWp in size and similar to the Petra Winery
capacity factor of approximately 13.5%. Economics given installation with a motor running the tracking system and
by Ferrer-Gisbert et al. [7] indicate that almost 45% of the was constructed entirely of metal struts with low-lying
costs were pontoon-associated costs. The economic analy- tabular buoyancy keeping it afloat. The interesting aspect
sis highlighted in the same paper indicates profitability for of this development was the utilisation of mirrors to reflect
the array installation at the Negret site, with an internal rate additional solar radiation onto the PV panels (similar appli-
of return of 12.65%, which does not include any economic cations with ground-mounted installations are reported in
savings from the reduction in water loss. [15,16]). The Lake Colignola’s project PV panels are
The Solarolo project (2009), also in Italy, was designed mounted horizontally rather than tilted, with mirrors
by D.A.E.I.T. on top of an irrigation pond where they positioned on the south and north face of the panel. The mir-
elected to only tilt them at 8° to maximise the power rors were placed at an angle of 60° and 60°, respectively
density output by footprint of the array. The design realised [17], and this is expected to double the solar radiation
by D.A.E.I.T. consisted of a modular array unit, of 20kWp. effective on the PV panels. This implies higher operational
The array unit construction is very similar to the structure temperatures, so the proximity of the PV panels to the water
in Bubano. The design logic behind this (and the installa- is key in cooling the array in order to maintain the panel’s
tion in Bubano) is to minimise the structure components efficiency. Testing estimates a 60–70% increase in annual

Figure 4. Polytechnic University of Valencia and CLEMIN ENERGY floating PV design.

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip
K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé A review of floating photovoltaic installations

yield compared with a conventional fixed-ground mounted holds the title for the largest floating installation at almost
installation [18]. 1.2MWp. The array is the similar to that in Piolenc and was
SCINTEC’s next contribution to the field of floating PV constructed as modular panel units (consisting of 4530
was thanks to their partnership with the French company 260-W solar panels) in France and then delivered to site.
Osesol. Osesol have installed a 100kWp floating PV array To match the installation at Bubano is the 500kWp
at Pommeraie-sur-Sevre (2012), in France, following the installation at Hapcheon Dam, South Korea, in 2012. This
initial success they had with their 4kWp prototype in project is the first of a planned series of investments by Ko-
Vendée (2011), also France. The Osesol installations are rea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water), who plans to
mounted on a structure constructed entirely from PVC, build an installed capacity of 1800MWp by 2022 jointly
which resulted in some cost savings as compared with with private companies. One of the motivations for the
the installations in Italy, which required metal struts for project was the lack of available ground and rooftop spaces
the PV panel mountings. The other project SCINTEC for the large scales of PV installations envisaged and in the
helped design was in Korea, Cheongju (2012), built by case of the ground installations also the limitations due to
Techwin in collaboration with Koinè Multimedia and environmental planning. The crystalline PV panels of the
SCINTEC. This project was especially challenging arrays are mounted on metal struts, which are tilted at the op-
because of the climatic conditions the project was set in, timal solar radiation angle and kept afloat by mini-platforms.
with the waters surrounding the project subject to freezing The materials chosen in the design had enhanced water and
temperatures during the winter months. Special consider- moisture resistance to decrease the chances of freezing
ation was taken in the choice of the individual components and cracking.
within the installation, so that they were able of withstand- On smaller scales in 2013, there were two additional
ing the seasonal freezing and thawing. projects: one in Singapore and the other in Canada, both
In 2011, D.A.E.I.T. and SPG Solar added two new pro- for research purposes. The one in Canada will be
jects to their repertoire. D.A.I.E.T. installed a replica of discussed in the following section, because differently
their Solarolo project in Avetrana, also in Italy, at the same from all the other projects, it is not mounted on a rigid
20kWp scale. In the case of SPG Solar, they changed their pontoon but mounted directly onto the water surface
design to accommodate the larger installation scale at utilising a laminated thin film PV product. The project
Petaluma, California, with an installed capacity of in Singapore is located in Bishan Park and was developed
350kWp. Instead of the modular design used at Far Niente, by Phoenix Solar as a test project, being monitored for
they adopted a singular large pontoon structure on which 1 year, with data being recorded for research. The
the tilted PV panels were mounted and with on-board outcome of this project could potentially lead to larger
inverters placed. The pontoon was tension tied to four installations in Singapore. The panels here are mounted
buoys at each side of the rectangular floating structure, on a single pontoon with the crystalline panels at a slight
which were moored to the reservoir’s bottom. incline, due south.
The majority of the projects discussed within are
installed in ponds and reservoirs used for irrigation, while
a couple are in small lakes. The PV project in Canoe Brook
Water Treatment Plant in New Jersey, USA, as indicated 3. FLOATING PHOTOVOLTAIC
by the name was installed floating in a water treatment CONCEPTS
reservoir (like the Negret reservoir in Spain). This is a
112kWp installation designed by ENERActive, and their 3.1. Flexible floating photovoltaic concepts
main challenge was to adjust the mooring (which was
subcontracted to Seaflex) to the changing levels in water The projects realised throughout the 2007–2013 period are
within the reservoir and keeping the polystyrene floating exclusive to self-contained water environments such as
structure (holding the tilted array of PV panels) in place reservoirs, ponds and small lakes. This means that the
during the freezing/thaw cycles. requirements for the structure and mooring do not have
Moving on to the Ciel et Terre development (installed to abate to the higher component requirements of a marine
in 2011) at the Piolenc site, in France, this was originally (or large lacustrine) environments, which would endure
an abandoned quarry that has since been flooded. The PV additional loading from the tides, high winds and waves.
panels are held tilted towards the sun with metal struts, The two concepts that have been proposed for such
which also links the array together, and is kept afloat with offshore environments have a similar logic in design and
buoyancy underneath each row within the array. The site differently from the existing floating PV installations,
developers, Ciel et Terre, have submitted an application which incorporate mainly crystalline PV panels that are
for a 12 MW installation at the same site, which would make rigid: they utilise flexible thin film PV (Figure 5) to gener-
it the larger installation to date. Ciel et Terre have also ate electricity. This is so that the structure yielded with the
established bases in other countries, mainly Japan and India, wave motion, rather than withstand its force, and hence,
and have submitted application for multi-megawatt installa- allowing the moorings to be subjected to significantly less
tions in those countries on top of dams and lakes. Their last loading force (which are a huge issue in reliability of
accomplishment was in Okegawa, Japan (2013), which offshore structures) [19].

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip
A review of floating photovoltaic installations K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé

Figure 5. Schematic of the thin film floating PVs.

Figure 6. MIRARCO’s floating PV prototype (left) and the control ground mounted nearby panels (right)—Sudbury, Canada.

3.1.1. MIRARCO’s floating photovoltaic project. prototype, it was not feasible to integrate the buoyancy
The first of these offshore floating PV concepts within the laminate, so thin strips of neoprene were glued
discussed here within was developed at MIRARCO to the back of the array. The neoprene strips allowed the
(2010), a mining research company in Sudbury, Canada, panels to be linked together into array, hence not requir-
with the aim of providing an alternative method for ing further components for linking of the panels. Identical
electricity generation for remote mines. This concept PV panels were installed as a control on the ground
features a single scalable array (either with larger panels nearby in order to allow comparison between the two
and/or with a greater number of panels). The system is setups (Figure 6).
designed to have the terminal connectors connected to
each other within the array, with the number of panels
connected in series and parallel depending on the required
output voltage. Buoyancy is designed to be potentially
incorporated within the laminated thin film PV panels
themselves with air pockets trapped within the lamination.
The design is aimed to decrease the number of components
within the project to maintain procurement and operations
and maintenance costs down and also increase the project’s
reliability (with less components prone to fail). Also, the
aim is to have the panels in direct contact with the water
surface to enhance the direct cooling by the water and
allow self cleaning.
MIRARCO has recently launched a 0.5kWp test
project on a small pond in Sudbury, Canada (as featured Figure 7. Schematic of the 2MWp SUNdy concept, the hexago-
in Figure 1), for data collection and analysis. For this nal design consisting of 4200 individual panels.

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip
K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé A review of floating photovoltaic installations

Figure 8. SCINTEC submergible floating PV concept.

3.1.2. Det Norske Veritas’s floating photovoltaic in Figure 8. The system cannot undulate with the
project. oncoming waves due to it being rigid, so instead to
The other flexible floating PV concept is called SUNdy withstand rough sea conditions, it is designed to be able
(2012), realised by Det Norske Veritas. The overall de- to submerge up to 2 m. The submersion and floating of
sign is as described by Figure 7 and consists of a series the array is achieved by pumping in and out water re-
of thin film PV panels connected together and then onto spectively in surrounding enclosed buoys. For normal
the electrical bus lines running through the hexagonal operating conditions, the array is designed to be under
vertices. The panels themselves are envisaged to be just 0–2 mm of water, which according to research
laminated and adhered to a flexible foam surface, which undertaken by SCINTEC would not deter the solar
would give the panels buoyancy and structure. The radiation effective on the PV panel’s surface [21], while
panels are each rated at 560 W and embedded within it would aid with the cooling of the panels to improve
the underneath flexible foam is a three-phase micro- its electrical efficiency.
inverter, which converts the electricity from dc to ac
directly. At the edge of the float, embedded is also a
marine grade connector, which allows the panels to 4. CONCLUSION
be connected to each other both mechanically and elec-
trically. A transformer is located at the centre of the The review given herein gives a timeline of the projects
hexagonal structure from which the electricity is deliv- that have been realised to date. All of the projects in exis-
ered to shore. Plans are for walkways and water can- tence are kept afloat using some kind of pontoon
nons, for the cleaning of the panels, to be located structure and incorporate rigid PV panels. Also, these
between the centre and the vertices to allow access to projects are installed in small water bodies such as
the equipment. The structural design is inspired from reservoirs, ponds and small lakes. The large number
a spider web and is designed to be compliant with of projects that have been developed in the short 5-year
the waves while still being structurally strong and period since floating PV installations have started to
capable of maintaining its shape. The whole structure crop up is a clear indication of the interest and niche
is designed to be kept in place thanks to catenary need of such a technology.
mooring at each of the vertices. Concepts for future develops are looking at larger
expansions of water on which to introduce this technol-
3.2. Submerged photovoltaic concept ogy to. This would mean that such an installation
would be subjected to larger loads by the harsher sea
The invention by M. Rosa Clot, P. Rosa Clot and S. wave environments. The concepts proposed for such
Carrara [20] (SCINTEC) has some elements from both environments envisage a flexible thin film structure able
the existing projects and the concepts mentioned in of undulating with the waves or else conventional rigid
Section 3.1. This is because it utilises a rigid concept PV arrays that could be submerged in rough water con-
that is also in direct contact with the water as illustrated ditions. Further research and proven demonstration of

Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip
A review of floating photovoltaic installations K. Trapani and M. Redón Santafé

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Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014) © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/pip

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