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Nama : Galih Estupambudi

NIM : 1311020093
Prodi : Keperawatan S1/A

7 Benefits of Tomatoes for Health

Saturday, July 14th 2012 . | Health
tomat benefits of tomatoes for health and beauty also very much , is in because of the content of
the various kinds of nutrients and vitamins , which are in the tomato fruit itself. Tomatoes are
already very well known , in the culinary world of tomato fruit became the main ingredient . It
could also be a beautiful material to decorate various types of cuisine throughout the country .

sometimes we often think only if the benefits of tomatoes good for eye health . but when we
trace it even further , so a lot of benefits and other benefits . we can get it for free when we
consume tomatoes . Below are seven health benefits of tomatoes and also beauty .

For Health Benefits of Tomatoes

1 . Sources Antioxidants

We know tomatoes contained lycopene that act as antioxidants and are also able to protect our
bodies from free radicals substances substances . Quite harmful free radicals in because the can
slowly damage the tissue cells in the body and will cause various types of statement, .

2 . Maintain Heart Health

High blood pressure and cholesterol can be minimized by potassium and B vitamins that exist in
tomato fruit . Apart from that these compounds can also help prevent other miscellaneous
examples statement, illness and pain of a heart attack .

3 . Sources of Vitamin Natural

The tomato seeds were able to meet 40 % of the daily requirement of vitamin C for the body .
Not only that tomatoes also contained a lot of vitamin C and iron .

4 . Relieves Diabetes

A study has been conducted of the American Medical Association Jouurnal mention that
consuming at least 2 tomatoes with routine every day can help reduce oxidative stress type 2
diabetes .

5 . Prevent Cancer pain

Research has revealed that tomatoes can help prevent many types of cancer , for example enough
of prostate cancer and cancer of large usu . Caused by lycopene, a natural antioxidant that has
been a help to prevent the growth of cancer cells .
Benefits of Tomato for Beauty
6 . Creating Healthy Hair

Contained substances such as vitamin A is considered good for eye health , but also good for the
health and strength of the hair so as not to fall out .

7 . Brighten Dull & Facial

coat the skin with tomatoes and then for 10 minutes and notice the difference . your face looks
bright and shining , but this must be done on a regular basis. It could also be a beautiful material
to decorate various types of cuisine throughout the country .

word synonym maning

ingredient substance bahan
throughout through sepanjang
compounds combination gabungan
miscellaneous various Bermacam-macam
requirement needs kebutuhan
conducted conduct mengadakan
considered respected dihormati
strength power kekuatan
difference distinction perbedaan
growth accretion pertumbuhan

Medical terms :
1. tomatoes contained lycopene that act as antioxidants
2. High blood pressure and cholesterol can be minimized by potassium
3. The tomato seeds were able to meet 40 % of the daily requirement of vitamin C for the

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