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Grace Lutheran Church 1 W. Montgomery Street ~ Johnstown, NY 12095-2409 The Rev. David Almleaf, Pastor ~ May 2018 AY Dear Members and Friends, May is a busy month on the national and church calendar. We celebrate Mother’s Day and Memorial Day asa nation. The Christian Church observes the remaining Sundays of Easter, the Ascension, the day of Pentecost and the Holy Trinity, Each American family observes Mother’s Day and Memorial Day according to their unique traditions. ‘The Christian Church observes Faster for seven weeks on the principal that the Resurrection is the highest holiest day of all and it deserves a week of weeks to properly celebrate it. cas Forty days after Easter Sunday, on the Thursday between the sixth and seventh yy" Sundays of aster, the church observes Jesus’ day of Ascension , The Easter (or Paschal) ¢ / candle which has been lit and atthe altar since Faster morning is removed and unlit except SS for baptisms and funerals as a way of symbolizing the Lord's return to the right hand of the Father. ‘The cighth Sunday after Easter is Pentecost and a time to celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to the church. ‘This day has become the most common day for Lutherans to confirm our young People.

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