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Bhupal Gautam

Brandon Alva

English 2010

17th April, 2018


Media has a great role in human civilization. It plays a vital role to strengthen and

flourish democracy. Media had been practiced and influential, even in a medieval period. Julius

Caesar decreed that all the activates of Roman senate should be posted on a handwritten sheet

called “Acta Diurna”. He had strong beliefs that news serves as glue, sticking the far-flung

empire together. By 17th century, many urban Europeans relied on newspapers for news of the

world. After the revolution, United States became liberal to media. Americans believed that news

unites far-flung nations as Julies Caesar did. Press freedom is America’s greatest contribution to

civilization. Jefferson always supported press freely freedom. Jefferson’s belief was the force of

public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The only the security of

all in democracy is in a free press.

Media are somewhat biased in modern world. I agree with Noam Chomsky that

American political and financial elites have controlled most of the main stream media. He has

discussed about “conspiracy theory” and “propaganda theory” to prove how information is

manipulated. He has propounded Five Filters. Chomsky believes that relatively concentrated

group of people (less than 10 % in his speculation) controls the decision over media like

investment, production and distribution. They have control over the major executive body of the

government too. Facts have proved that media are run not by audiences but by advertisers and

the main stream advertisers are big corporations. Chomsky believed that most of the working
class or lower middle class American who doesn’t have interest in foreign policy or world

events. They only follow orders and instructions. Most of them are focused on how to survive,

how to pay bills, how to get better job, and so on. Even if some of them pay attention to such

things, their voice is not heard. Such indifferences in nature between stakeholders obviously

enhance the government to behave irresponsibly. Media use logical fallacies, such as the false

comparison, the bad example, ignorance as proof, the tautology, the false choice, the red

herring, and the wrong ending. As an audience we should be conscious whether media are

manipulated or not.

Media plays a crucial role in informing the public about what is happening in the world.

It shaped public attitudes and beliefs, and play a significant role in social transformation. One of

the foundation of democracy is press freedom. It ensures that people can participate in

democracy in different way. Some actively participate in democracy engaging in political

activities, and some passively participate and show their decree through the election or any other

way of expression. One way of expression is media. Media play significant role in flourishing

democracy because media help to express the voice of voiceless.

Immigration is a vast issue throughout the globe. My attempt to explore immigration

issue as a PEAR research is like an atom in an environment. Despite this fact, I have tried my

best to accomplish my PEAR paper as per the requirement. In order to reach well-reasoned,

thoroughly- researched and defensible position over the issue in my PEAR paper, I began my

research in immigration issues. As a student, I used SLCC library website and gathered

information on my issues. My previous assignments- annotated bibliography, editorials, class test

material, many more quiz materials, teacher instructions helped me to reach close on

immigration issue. At the last moment, interview with refugees and immigration official
consolidated varieties of meaningful information regarding the immigration issues. Before

started research in immigration issue, I did not have idea about the economic importance of

immigrants. After intense research in this subject matter, I have realized that immigrants have

huge socio-economic as well as cultural importance.

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