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‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST LLC. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION ide East Dubai Branch CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION {According To BS EN ISOMEC 17024:2012) TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION ‘Table of Contents Sesion ‘Title rage or | Satodvetion| 4 2 | Welcome a (08 | THY SOD Midate Fas Declaration for Complaints 5 [06 | Deseription Program 6 (05 | The Cenifisation Scheme Elements for Tower Crane Openiors 7 05 | TUV SUD Middle East Certtication Policies 7 07 [TOV SOD Middle Hast General Poliey 7 os | Cenifeation Poticy 7 09 | Disciplinary Potioy 8 0 | Bliibitey a 1 | Physical Qualsiestions and Examinations of Operators 3 12 | Candie Righes 9 15 | Candidate Duties 8 Ut | Ceritieation Seape and Objectives w 15 | eband Task Deseription 16 | Candite Experience and Required Compessnee u 17 | Candidate Abilities 2 18 Prerequisites 2 19 Code of Condes 2 [20 Code of ties for Centficd Crane Operator a 21 | Substance Abuse Paley B 22 _ | The Cenication Requirements of Tower Crane Operator is 23 | Coie for Initial Contfcaton Process 5 24 | Suhmission of Appliestion Is WuSUOUE-SeeTomecumcantatnscama COREA, mem UAE TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION Section Tite Page 25 _ | Assessment Methods and Mechanism fr Initial Cerificaton and re Rezetfcation 26 | Writea Examination 16 27 | Pratcal Examination Skills Tested 6 24 | Centtiation Time Frame 16 29 _| Test Scoring information 0 30 | Post-Tes Procedure st | Decision on Cerieation 52 | Competerey Cerificate Issuance 38 | Candidate Cerificate & 1D Cars 24 | Validation ofthe Cerificate 35 _ | Combining Certification Requirements 36 | Unsife Act 45 | Candidates Requesting Testing Accommodations 37_| Weather Conditions and Equipment 38 | Criteria for o-Cerifieation Process 20 39 RE-SET Examination fo ritial Cerieaton & Recertification 20 40 | Training Requirement 2 41 | Cenitieation & Reverifcation & Re-Test Fes at 42 | Reschaduling & Cancetationsby the Caniidate a 48 | Surveillaoce Methods and Criteria (applicable) 2 44 | Suspending, Wihicaving or Reducing he Scope of Ceitesion by TOV. 22 SOD Middle Fast 45__| Revocation of Certification Provess 2 a ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST LLC, CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION Cont > Introduction POV SCD Middle Bast is ceniying body in DubsiclAK, that develops and administers a thre pty professional cetficaion Process for Mobile & Tower Crane operators, Forklift opertors, Riggers ana Signal person. cation “TOV SUD Middle Bast is 2 group company of TEV SOD Group of Germany, and the largest of the German TOVs for Technical Testing & laspection Organizations, in adition otha, provides a wide spectrum of ISO Cerifieation Services (ISO 9900, ISO 14000, O1ISAS 12000, ISO 22000, and HACCP) as well es Cetfication of Persons Based on te requirement oF ISO 1702422012 standard TOV SOD Middle East is a leading intemational service organization caring co the business segments of Industry, Mobily snd People. Founded 150 years ago es a steam boiler inspection association, then hag evolved from a regional service provider to a significant service arte in Single European market and worldwide, as sn imperial thié-pary service organization. Toy, TOV SUD Gesup looks ito the future plobelization and innovation as is prot ‘TOY SOD Middle Fast’ primary goal is to improve the safety of cranes and Tifting operations. Singe October 2012 she TCV SUD Middle Kass has produced end administered written and retical examination which leading to eerfying Ting equipment operators, signal persons and riggers along withthe aeereditation criteria ISO 17024:2012 standard, DAC-REQ-14, Public Health and Safety Department of Dubai Municipality and any specifi requirements issued by Dubai or UAE government authorities, More shan 50,000 writes and practical exams have been administered 10 over $0,000 crane ‘operate, fori, riggers ast signal persons in all UAE. By providing a thorough, independent assesment of the knowledge ard sills required 9 work sefly o enhance ifag equipment sei, reduce workplace risk, improve performance eeconls, stimulate raining, ars give due cognition to ‘he pofessional skills equired for Crane Operators, Riggers and Signal persons, "TL SUD Middle East's mission is to develop eilestive performnnee sandants for those who wore swith and arourd canes to provide a, valid, and reliable assessments 0 knowledge and skills; end {o serve as an authoritative industry resource of relevant information. TEV SUD Middle East currently offers etlfications for Safety operation of Mobil, Tower crane, Forift Operators Riggers, Rigging Supervisar snd Signel Persons. A certifieaton program foe tower cane operators is curently boing developed in accondance wilh the requirements of the latest version of ISO 17024:2012 the general reguieatens for bodies operating certification of persons. ‘Dubai Ortiss Unit No, Ad'-A05 15° Fcor, Tower A, Empte Heights Bung Abra Steet, usinss Bay P.O, Box 2834, Dubai UAE Poe: 1971 44473113, Fay: 497144473102 Website: wo mvsudae Bil: info@ruvsudve.com, bxydtwaudne com 10 SDD Sie Twn Cumcaanseee TEER, REL LIANE ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST LLC. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION Welcome Welcome to TCV SCD Middle East for the Certification of Tower Crane Operators (CMCO) program, ‘TOY SUD Middle Bast has esshished fair and independent evaluation of Crane Operator's Safety krowledge snd skills also developed written and preetical examinations for erane operators, riggers, and signel pertons. These cetiliestion programs are the eulmiaaton of many years of hard work by echnical experts with this fed ‘TOV SCD Middle Bast Cenitication Scheme Committee has developed this cexittstion program Jar Tower Crane Operators —who together gave freely their time and expertise with the primary goal of improving the safety of all whose work brings them imio contact with eranes and lifting ‘squipment by providing qualified examiners whose lead and guide the operators during the assessuents stages to he cenitied within the (CMCO) through evaluation thera by means ofa wertten and practical assessment of skill and ecritication hased on equipment expacity and type. ‘This Tower Crane Ceriication Scheme oe Program is complying withthe requirements of the ISO Standards 17024 (General Requircments for Bodies Operating Cestfcaion Systems of Persons) and According to selevant Standards > Dear Candidate > TOY SUD Middle East Declare That the policies and proceshres of certification of persons unit and their adminisiation will be reed tothe etter in which centfication is sought, wil be fair and equitable among all cardidates, tnd will comply with all applicable regulations and stturory requirements. In ation to, cectfcation will not be restricted on the grounds of une finaneial or other iting eoritons, such as membership of an association or group and wil not use procedures to unity impede or inhibit access by applicants an exidates, excep as provides for in shis Intemational Standard, Complaints should be addressed fo: Phone: ‘97LAATBIIE / Fass 9TMETSZ / Bomeils info ywrudne.com TOV SOD Middle East does not discriminate aginst any individual because of race, gender, age, creed disability, o national origin. TWSLOKE. Siro cinecncetensne TEANGA IONE Se8 TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. ‘CERTIFICATION. SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION iat 1A, TOY SUD Middle Hast Corttication Policies 1.2. Cettication Seope and Objectives 1.3, Job Ana Teak Deserpsion 1.4, Candidate Experience and Required Competence 1.5 Candidate Abilies (cen include physieal capabilities such as vision, hearing end mobil) 1.6, Prerequisites 1.3. Code of Conduct (A code of conduct describes the ethical or pesonal behavior required by the schemas & the Sunstance Abuse Policy) ‘The Certification Process Requirements for Tower Crane Operators includes the following but not limited 2.1 Criteria for Ital Cenitieation Process 2.2, Assessment Methods and Mechanist fr Initial Certification and Recestiiation 2.3, Suvillance Methods and Cetera (applicable) 24 Suspending, Withdrawing or Reducing the Scape of Certification by TCV SOD Middle East 2.5. Candies Requesting Testing Accommodations TWSDONE-SHeTomrcnmeCeteonsene TEEPE, AOL NRANG Pa tatzs ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION 11 Tov sip Miaat ‘TLV Si0D Middle Hast General Poiew «TOV SED Midale Kast LLC poly isto operate formal system that complies with ‘the General eouirements of International Standard ISOWTEC 170242012 and mests and complies within appliable relevant legal requirements + TOY SUD Midae Bast will be responsible for, ara will tain authority for, and will, ot delegate its decisions relating o certification, including the grating, maintaining, recertiying, expanding and reducing the scope of the cerifieation, and suspending or ‘Withdrawing ofthe certitictin, ‘+ Ourvision i to enhance our service, maintain, develop, an exceed busines needs by: providing the financial resources novessiry Zor the operation, and have adequate aungements to cover associate Habiies, with sufieient personnel avallale with ‘he necessary competence fo perform sentfieaton within the eiteria relating to the ype, rapge and velume of work performed end continually improve our services by developing suitable means of monitoring an measuring the cetifieation proces. + Customer sastuctn is of wanostmnpotance so the TOV SUD Middle East with is administration willbe elated the etter in which cenicton is sous these for falc and equiable among all caidas, and wil comply. with all applicable regulations and statutory requirenens. In ation to, eentficaton will not be rested on the grounds of undue financial other Hinting conditions, such as bens of associat o group and will ot se press to uni impede or inhibi access by appicns and candids, exeep as provided for in ths Relevant Ivemationl Stade + TOY SUD Midaie Kast is commited to communicate tis poliey to all eraployees ‘within the organization and to other interested parties. The policy shall be subject periodical for review and update t0 ensure its suilailiy, relevance and appropristeness. 1.12 Centification Policy To deny eerification to candidstes who lack understanding in any subject area in ‘which tower crane operators in their paricular field, are expect to have a era level of competence. ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. = comrormon sormerorsarrowmncwecrwnon CB) 1.13 Disciplinary Police + TOV SOD Middle Kase with its certification scheme committee is responsible for esablishing and implementing standards and policies of Fihies and Disipline and for Aisciplinary setion. Grounds for revocation of cetfiction slats shall snc, but not be Limited 10, the following ‘Period of eotfication excceded without renewal + Evidence of Sificaion of any information on ang documents submited to TCV SD Mitte Rast ‘+ Bvidence of eulpabiliy inan aiden: during eerfeaion peviod ‘+ Evidence of non-compliance with mesiel requirements ‘+ Evidence of non-complianee with the Code of ihies + TCV SOD Midale Fast hes estblished policies and procedures 10 address lege Violations ofthe Code of Ethics fisly and consistnly 11 Hlgibility, Physic ligibiicy ‘Tobe eligible for ceitiation, candidates must: 4+ Beat least 18 years of age + Meet Medical Requirements ification, Rights & Dut ‘+ Be physically snd medielly fc with repad to eyesight, hearing and reflexes. + Comply withthe TCV SOD Middle East Poliey( Examination Policy) + Comply with the TCV SOD Middle Fast Code of Mihes & Substance Abuse Policy + Pass Written Examintions ‘Pass Prootcal Examinarions > Physical Qualifications And Examinations of Operators ‘+ TiV SOD Middle East Do NOT conduct physical examination forthe candidates, as this is the responsibility of eandidate’s employer, se (reir clause 1.5 the candidate abiltes) but inthe interest of public safety, the examiner will mioke sure that the candidate does not have any physical, mental, or organi defect of such a nature a8 10 lfc the operator's ability to operate sera safely. ‘+The candidate must atest to his agreement to this requirement in his applications TOVWOME-SéeTomrce canteens CERFENAIR OK TIMED Paso Tivst CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION JD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C, ‘+ Means of compliance with TOY SUD Middle East of which the physieal ‘requirement include the following but are not nite to: 1 2 Has no impacmeat of the use ofa foot, leg, a band, fingers or aa arn, ancl any other bodily physical defector limitation, which is likely to intesfere with bis ability to operate and contol erane in sae manner, + The TOV SOD Middle East will not accept any candidate wo does not comply with 1 de 2 requirement, 5 Candidate Rights and Duties > Candidate Rights + Information supplied by an individual or employer is forthe confidential use of TOV SUD Midile Fast and will not be disclosed without « writen permission of the individual or employer concerned, ‘+ AllCestified Persons will ceive cesitication and an ID card. ‘+ The candidate not passing the fest written or peatical exam of bot as the ight 10 rest for 50% of exam fees for onetime only, then if he fils his ve-sit exam, he will require to e-regitr for ce-asendance from. the beginning with fl earge. ‘+ Foran applicant of special needs has opportunity to declve, within reason, x request foe accommodation > Candidate Duties * A candidate must atest this agreement in bis wpplieation that his medical profession has found him physically qualified to act according the taining mentioned above scconding othe relevant stands, ‘+ He further agres tothe following Conditions: ‘+ To.comply with the relevant provisions of the cetfeation requirements and to ‘supply any information needed for the assessment. + To conply with TOY SOD Middle Bast examination policy in mating the imezrity and securily of the examination process and be committed snd not to release confidential examination materials or participate in fraudulent test- taking pratioes. Any jereglar or improper behavior in examinations that is observed or uncovered by other means wil be considered a subversion of she certification proces and will constitute grounds for invalidation of a eanddate's examination, I addition, TOY SUD Middle Fast nay tts discretion suspece Tone Concatanseae TCP, ROL YRS NB ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION ‘or revoke @ candidate's certification, exclude candidates fiom future examinations, {Examples oF faregular o improper behavior include giving er tsining ilormation or aid, looking a the test material of others, removing sxamination materials srom the test center, bringing unauthorized ters, including watches or elecuonic devices (¢, Laptops, cell phones, et), ina the examination} + Faling to comply wih time limits or instructions, talking, or other disruptive behavior. Test administatrs may intervene (© stop any of the foregoing and intoer the certicaton Scheme Comite, ‘+ Tomske clara ranting crtication only with respect to the scope for whic cestfcation has beon granted, ‘Not to use the ceification in such manner esto bring the eertitication body iw disrepute, and not 10 make any statement regarding the certification whieh ‘he ceitiation body may eonser miskang or unauthorized. ‘To discontinue the use ofall claims to cenfcation that contains any reference to the eerleaion body o¢ cecitieation upon suspension or withdrawal ef centfestnn, acto tum any ceiicates issued bythe cectifiation body, and ‘Not tose the eerifiete ina misteading manner + To abide by the conditions of certification and agree to inform the eesitier of any changes affeting the sta of the eerifieation. ‘© To mention he nume of aay known pessoa in TOY SOD Middle East fiom the boginning to prevent any confit of interest or any problem ting pace 1.2 Certification Seo etiv 121 TheSeope This assessment is erred ou o evaluate the qualification of operators with regard to she sae opeation ofa Tower Crane as follows 4+ The crane operator should be responsible for the eoreet operation ofthe crane it accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and within the safe system of work. ‘+ To operate a tower crane o EA, position anc place materials and equipment, ‘+ He should at any one time only respond tothe signals from one slngersignller ‘who shoul be clearly dented. + Toperform pre-eperatonsl inspection. © Tocaeulate crane capacities and detemmine load weight ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION ‘+ They may also patcipate in rigging procedures ‘© To perform some routine mintonance and housckooping of the crane equipment sich as lbriating and clening ‘The prime consideration is she safety of personnel ad then to ensure that materials snd cargo are handled with te ssinimum risk of damage. 12.2 The Objectives To st standards for Inaly measuring the knowledge end proficiency required for the safe operation of tower eres and based on extensive discussions with repcesenttives fiom all segments of business and industry that recognize the impact of salty issues, TUV SOD Midale Bast has identi te following poseaial benefits of operator cerifcation ‘+ Pewer acces, injuries, and uals ‘+ Reduced sk of lout time incidents, accents und flies Assurance of operators abilities 4+ Less property damage 4 Improved sary records ‘+ Eshanced public image oferane operators 1.3 Job And Task Description ‘This is fora person who is responsible for operating a stationary or traveling crane (with spiiie crane modal’) 0 it, move, position, and reposition lands. Depresses buttons, ‘operates levers, an ensures the lad is safely attached to a erane prior to any operational 14 i rience and Required Competence ‘TOY SOD Middle East cereation exams are designed for operators who are trained and who curren daplayed in exane operations. The candidate is an operator with appropriate pretieal and theoretical knowledge and experience to examine Tower Crare ‘cquipment and to detect defects or weaknesses inthe equipment, and to assces these in ‘elation to sary and te continual use ofthe esuipment. ‘The crane operator should be: ‘+ rine on the specific model of erane used ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION. SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION 1s 16 wr TODDS Tomcincthatenscame ECRIENAD, Ate AE ‘© Able t assimilate ard apply information commined in reports and duty charts relating (o te range of dates and sae use ofthe eran; ‘© Fomilior wih the manufacturer's instructions for the rigaing operation and for rajatenance of the crane 4 Able to sot and check the funesoning ofthe rated eapacty limiter and rated capacity indeator; 1+ Aware ofthe effets of Wind snd other limatic effets on the crane and load 4 Able to resist pressures from other persons to cary out unsafe operations, 4 Able take the action to avoid dangerous stastions, inclading emergency stop shen situation arses 4+ Ableto operate fre suppressant equipment, ited Candidate Abilities “The lient othe employment company is responsible to ensure that the eerie’ ane ‘operators should meet the roquired pliysical requirements throughout their eerifieston periods and ses to their agreement as per requirement within thei applications Prereqt ‘The Candidate must bring with him the personal ID and ove personal picture Code of Conduct 1 Cade of thes for Certified Crane Operator Certified Cre Operators must comply with TOV SOD Middle Bast's Code of Ethics daring thei certiiation, asset below + Inmy occupation, | will conduct myself na manner: 1 Sos tobe five of bias with regard 1 tetigin, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, und disability bb. Soapto plae the safety and welfare of others associated with the lifing operation slboveall ater considerations; . Soasto protect and preserve nearhy general public property and the environment: ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION 1a Furthermore, in connection withthe lifting operation work and in my dealings with ‘TOV SUD Middle East, | wil: 4. Make manzgement and appropriste personnel aware promplly i have any safely ‘oncems relating co the work that Iam performing or with which Iam involved Not knowingly violate ny safety-related regulations, wamings, of instructions set forth by OSHA, recognized safety standards, prevailing jurisdictions, of manufacturers esipment, Notmisied, misrepresent or knowingly deceive others concerning my experience ‘or the capabilities of myself or the equipment I am. operating or with which [ am ‘working, Inovkition, io my dealings with TEV SUD Middle East, wil: 2, Provide sceurate and complet information and abide by TOV SUD Mile East, its polices and procedures, including this Code of Ethics as they may be updated form tne to time, 1. Cooperate fly and completely with any administrative inquiis or investigations by TEV SED Middle Fast 4, Not misepresent or misuse any TOV SED Middle Fast car, or acronyms and Jogos, oF any registered trasemark or other inelecual property of TOV SUD Mia Ie ts the responsibiliy of the certifying organization to have the candidate andeestands the Code of Ethics. ‘Substance Abuse Policy Ie is the policy of TOV SOD Middle Rast that crane operators shall not use reecribed or overshe-counter sibstances that would imps tain ability 19 operate runes safely. This includes illegal drugs, contolled substances (ineluding ace amounts), lookalike drugs, designer drugs, or any other substance that may have an clfee on the hursan body of being a nascois depressant, stimulant, o hallucinogen, ‘An exception to this rule is that a rigger may use such a substance or dug i tis preseribed by alicensed medical practioner wih is familiar with the igge’s medical iatory and all assigned duties IF this being the ease, then thst rigger before regisration shall support his medical condition by mesas of a writen stateient andor cerificate prescribed by the sali licensed medical practioner that the prescribed substance sill not adversely alfect Oe Hgge’s ability to perform the rigging of iting equipment task in x safe manne. TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.c. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION 2. The Certification Requirements of Tower Crane Operator 2a 22 Criteria for Initial Certification Process > Submission of Application + Candidate must complete and siga the Candate Registration Form, wich inchades «iv affidavit that a medical professional is found him physically qualiied 0 eany ‘out the objective ofthe Technical requirements aecording tothe releveatstancard and nwt be aged over 18, + ‘The candidate also mst complete and siga Certification Amersment Application form tw enue the cortfying company issuing the operscr passport ID for the eertied peson, ‘+ The TOY SOD Middle Bast shall requir that all candidates who ae based in Duti= CAB must submit the following documents slong with duly filled application for centication: + Pssport copy + Vala residence visa copy + Labor cari cony + Colored photograph + Proof of ining i celevant) + Evidence of working expevience ‘he Tower Crane Opesnor Assessment Methods and Mechanism sill consist of ewe sages + Writen Examination + Prstical Examination atthe elent site The candidates must register for both stges. ‘A candidate mst poss the to stages Written and Practical Peaminaton to be certified ‘ora one-year period. Se tam Ge inten Sn TERE, FEVOL AURA te2b TUV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. cearwosnon scxeerorsiretowncuncormnn RED 22.1 Written Assessment 4+ The written assessment has multiple-choice questions in the Hine with Dubai Accreditation Center's requirements and recommendations as well us the scheme of | cetification processes, ‘+The sesiten assessment will NOT be Open Material sam Booklet ‘+ Witen assessment wil be ike as paperipen tests. 22.2 Pras 1/8 Practical Assessment will be forall Tower rane types and the operator will ake practical assessment as pe the desired equipment ‘+ Practical scoring: The Examiner's task is primarily to recon the performance of the ‘candidate. Scoring eitera must be st by the examines ‘+ Practical assessment will be taken a orl examination. + The TOY SOD Middle Fast Examiner will conduct the Testa the client site, Layout forthe required mode oF tower crane usec for practical assessment and the examiners will ensure What the assessment process remwzins Standardized for ail candidates, wherever and whenever they may eanduet the ts + The tower Crone Operator Practical Assessment demonstra crane operation Droifeieney, 4+ The practical est is structured in such way, that it enables the operator 10 demonstrate sais end contolled apeation i al eireurstances, that regardless of pior knowledge ofthe crane he caries out pe startup check. ‘+ Thathe follows signals eorecily and dees not pr-empt or assume actions or dreston tobe taker, ‘That he ean estimate heigh of surrounding structures relative to is crane and the load path an i te ease ofa ower crane accurately judge the distance to te floor or landing point. 4 Has good itookToud cont. 223 Certification Timeframe ‘Candidates may take ter Written and Pratieal Exams in any order Candidates may take one day only for the examination of Tower Crane Safety Operation Assessments and that depending on the number of candidates for one ‘exam batch. Exam timing may beset by the examiner and may be extended hased on othor variables andor languages buries. YvSiDN-Siotor Gm intents TEP IENRGMD, ROSS ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST Lt CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION C. ‘© But in normal eases the timing il be as the Slowing: ‘+ Written Examination: The written exam will take 7S minutes. ‘+ Practical Examination: 20 minutes /eandidate 224 Test Scoring Information + TOV SUD Middle Kast Written Examinations and Pascal sr eiterion-ofrenced ‘examinations ie. the passing sere is set beforehand, end eandidace performance on ‘he examioation isnot compared to the performance ef others akin the examination ln eteson-eteenced examination, a candidate must obain a score equal 19 of higher than redeternined passing sore to pas the tes. + TOV SUD Middle Bast has prepared for every exam thee types forthe Written "Bxaminaton, these types has the same questions with same options of ansiars but sllferen from each oiber in the order of the questions and the order of options of ‘+ TOY SOD Middle Bast wil tke fll responsibilty to fly score the candidate Exar Papers + A-candidale must pass both Written and Practical Examination to te certified for a ‘One-Year Perioe and his score should not less than 80% fer writen exam and 75% ‘oc practical. +The exanination results for writen and prctieal willbe ecorted in the Cerifeation Assessment Application form of candiates by the decision maker. 228 Post-Test Procedure ‘Once the candiats have completed the Examinations: ‘+The Examiner is wot permitted to review she candidate score sheet or discuss his periormance onthe ts 4+ The Hoaminee may discuss the question answers aler the collecting of the candidate exam papers. ‘+The Examiner will evaluate and record the performace of candidate onthe exam pepers. TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST LLC. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION 226 228 229 erica 4+ The Examincr will submit all the candidate exam roconds end other relevant acumen othe eonitication of person managerent to take @dovision aad recor ‘be exam scoring on the certification assessment application form. ‘+The decision on conifcaion of a candidate will be made solely by TUY SUD Middle Rast on the besis the information gathered daring the ceticaion process. Personnel who make the decision on eetifiation will not have partiipated inthe exaranation ofthe eanidate ‘+ Decisions for granting, maintaining, recestifying. extending, reducing, suspending or withdrawing crtication will hedone by the TUV SUD Middle East and shall, rat be ousourcec, Competency Certificate suance, ‘Competency certicate will be issued by TOV SCD Middle Kast und signe by the authorized signatory Certificate shall inl at leat but not limited othe photo ofthe cere individual, ‘unique idenficavon No. for wacking. mace type tar the individual eerified ‘operat, ise dae and vali a aii to a requite by the [80 17024 standard If the applicant does not meet she requirements for certiication, an Assessment Report shall be prepared immediatly afer exhausting the appeal procedures 10 say ‘hat the candidate not yer competent enough. Candidate Certificate & Card Peior to beginning the examination, the Examiner must ask a candidate for photo ‘dentiicaion, such as a driver's iense Cenitied operaiors will receive a certificate and laminated photo ID carat no cost ‘when they ceri for the rst tne and when they complete the requicerents for recertification Note: The ID CARD is not driving License ‘Validation of The Certificate If the operator becomes ceted in Tower Crane Safety Operation by taking the aporoprile writen and practical exams, the candidate is eetied for one-year «enfcation period. {WSO Se TnercreCaitensene TEEPE, AREOLA Peete. ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION wo 22.10 Combining Certification requirements > Written Exam + Core exam may be administered sepamtely ifthe candidate would like to ke more {han one speciality + Core and specialty exams may be adiministred separately or combined if the candidates would le to take only one specialty. > Prnetical ‘+ Once peatcal examination starts for any eetification area it shal be Lnished prior Starting, other praetiea] examination in oer areas ‘+ Examiners are not allowed to combine the performance requirement of diferent, specialties io one spelt 2.211 Unsafe Act 4+ Ifat any time during the PreTest Period oc daring the test, candidates coment en ‘uate at, exteninets must disguaify candidates from comtining withthe test if any of the unsafe acts present include but a limited othe following: ‘+ Dropping the over ball oe Test Weight (on ground, in base, et} + Twoblockiag ofthe crane ‘+ Uncontrolled or rekless operation ‘+ Falla tocespond to a stop signal ‘© Contzstng an obstruction withthe eran er ‘Test Weight ‘© Any action tha in the judgment of the Examiner could endanger personnel or ‘equipment atthe Test Sie + The Examiner has the authority t9 sop the test st any time for reasons of safety, Examiners are responsible for informing Public Feats and Safety Department in tht ‘aso by E-mails, leer or fax, and recor shall be kept. + ithe candidave is disqualified due to an unsafe act, the ease wil be reviewed by the relevant authority, end earcidate willbe nosfed withthe department decision of the ligibility for rescheduling th Practical Exam or otherwise. ‘TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION 2212 2213 Weather Conditions and Kquipment ‘The Examiner must use an anemomete to check the wind speed and thea will rand the weather corditions on the roorsfaseeement she ‘The Farner has the responsibilty to detemine if weather conditions or equipment problems are suc tal test needs to be suspended. Ifthe testis interupted duc to ‘weather conditions or equipment preblems, the procedure for restarting is as follows: + Candidate will resume the test at the beginning of the task he was performing at te time ofthe interruption, as appropriate. + Ifeandidate resume the es ona diferent mochine,cendidetes may sat the entre test over fom the beginaing. + Ife testing is delayed 10 different day, the test mst be restated om the beginning. ‘The Examiner must keep record for eaidate performance, Recertification Requirements Cenifieaion is valid for one year, Recerifestion candiates must complete al secertifcation requirements pros to thei ertfiction’s expiration date, This includes: ‘+ Passing the Reverfcaion Weiten Examinations) ‘Continuing to meet Occupational Heal car requizernents ‘+ Have vali riven license ftom the relevant aathority where applicable «Compliance with Substance Abuse Policy + Compliance withthe Code oF Fakes ‘© Compliance with TCV SED Middle Bast Examination Policy Recertification candidates who must tae both peactcal and written exams, however, ‘must do so before thee certification expres Recertification candidates muy take their Reverification Writer and peactial Examinations up to one month prioe to their ceication’s date of expinstion. Regariless of the date of the Revertifietion Examination, the new one-year cetication period begins from the date of expimtion of the candidate's intial cetifieation TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST LLC. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION ‘Candidates who are not ceritied in all Specialties may add a new Specfalty atthe ‘sume tine et they take cheir Receritieaion Examinations by raking. the Tull ‘cxrnination in that Specialy 22.14 RESEI cs Ta nonnal way the candate snast pes the writen and practical exam for tower Crane Safety Operation for which bo seeks eerfieation hut in case he did pass the followings ‘+ The candidate who passes the Writen Exam, but doesnot pass the Practical Exam cor ice versa, will then be required to rest that exam, + ‘The candidate wil send request for Re-Sit of Exam before two weeks of exam, + The candidate has one chance to ce of 80% of Certification FeewExam, ‘the writen or/and practical exam with cost, + Candidate who fils in elther one oF both weritten or practical exam twice (0 times enrol) shall not undertake any farther assessment unt they undertake relevant raining, 22.15 Teaining Requirement ‘© Candidate who fis in ether one or bok writen or practical examination twice (0 times enrel) sal) not undertake any further assessment until they underike a relevant taining, ‘+ Training shall not be less dan: + Tovwer crane opertor, 3 days 7 hours a day, 2216 Cortifieation & Recertification & Re-Fest Pees > Certification & Re-Certiticaion Fees Rees charged by the CB sll be for the Certification Services and net forthe sake of Issuing 3 Cetificae. > Retest Written & Practical Exam Fees of initial and rovertifieation process: 4 The candidate has one chance to resi the writen orfand practical exam with cost of 50% of Certification Foes/Kxam. SOME. sarong TECPROIRUER FELLAS TOV SOD MIDDLE EAST LLC. CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION ‘+ Candidate who fais in either one or both veritien or practical exam tise (ow times in rol) shall not undertake any futher assessment uni undertake «relevant taining, > Other Fees: + Ceified operators will recive a certificate end laminated photo ID eard ato sost when they cenity for the fist ime and when they complete the requirements for recertification. An additional payment will be charged if a candidate neods a replacement centifcation card 22,17 Rescheduling & C: ‘© Should a candidate be mabe to sit forthe examination aftr his repistation, TOW SOD Middie Fast must receive notfestion in witing no Jeter than Two Working Days prioe tothe examination daze. Candidate fees will be returned back, unless he ‘wants fo reschedule ether one. ‘Candidate wao wishes to reschedule his examination must norty TO SOD Middle ast and suismit the necessary documentation to Certification Administration Personal bythe deadline forte rescheeled rest da. Candidates withdrawing or canestng ater the deadline or not siting forthe Exar, ‘TOV SOD Mideast wil forieit ll application fees and those will NOT receive a refund ifthe withdrawing or canceling is dave without pricr notification of two days before the deadline or if this cancelation is done by the certification scheme committe as results of revocation. > Hmergency Cancellations of Assessment ln case the client or candidate has an emergency situation, only the following situations will be accepted as grounds for emergency cancellations or withrawals: + Caridat illness supporting dectmenation required: doctor's note + Family death—supporting documentation required: death cerifieae or obituary + Requests for medical or withdrawals ae handled by TOV SCD Middle East upon submission of w eter describing the situation. Full name, adress, and ID number must be included along sith the scheduled test date, ste number, and supporting documentation indicated above, stm TECRHOG, OSL MANNE wan eta TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.c. _ certecaron soreronsaterowenceanecrersion 23. Surveillance Methods and Criteria (if applicable) ation period cycle is three year so the sureillance metho sppleable unloss is requested by the client, a that ime the eritera of intial cerfcation proesss will apply. Since the eer at 24 Suspending, Withdrawing or Reducing the Scope of Certification ‘TOY SUD Middle East + TEV SOD Middle East hes is poliey and documented. procedre fo withdeawal ofthe cerifiction, or reduction ofthe scope of extfica suspension or ‘Failure to resolve the issues tat have resulted in the suspension, in ame estas by ‘TOV SCD Middle Fast shall result in withekawal ofthe cedficaton a redstion of the scope of certifienin, + TOV SCD Middte Bast sill have enforezable arrangements withthe certified person to censure that, inthe event of suspension of eerfiation, the eerfied person refains from further promotion ofthe certification sil itis suspended, + TOV SCD Middle Bast shall have enforceable arrangeaents wit the eerie person to censure that, i the event of withdrawal of eerification, the eerified person rains from seca references tos cetifiod status Revocation of Certification Process Filing for evocation are bused on the flowing: ‘+ Any miszepresentation or fabrication of documents submited to TCV SUD Middle ast in regards to the Opecation Cerifietion Scheme. ‘+ Lacklexpitation of @ physieal examination andor fied subsiance shuse test as required in the Operation Cetitication Shere 1+ Any documented recordable crane accident that ig submitted to the Contfcstion ‘Sconte Commitee where crane operator enor is determined ta be the eause of the socident “+ Cenitiod crane operaors are required to ratify the TOY SOD Middle Rast of 2 docutented, recordable crane scvident within 48 hous of the secident, ‘Palate to do so will result in evocation of verification without appeal + Certified crane operators should subeais the “Ieident Repo + TOV SOD Middle Bast may, at its discretion, evoke or rescind eerifieti if he Cperstr was not qualified to recsive the certificate at Ue time it was issued, even if the TOVSIOME Si Tram crinensomng YEOMERANDR, MOLI aan TOV SUD MIDDLE EAST L.L.C, CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFE TOWER CRANE OPERATION comticate was issued a result of a mistake on te part of TOV SOD Middle Kast. ‘nay also revoke or suspend eextfiaton or ptcipation inthe cerfcation proces if ‘+ The Operator fs 0 mainisn mort, ethical o¢ professional behavior satisfactory to TOY SOD Middle Fast, or engages in misconduct that adversely alles professional competence or ntesity + The Operator made any rater misstatement of fst or omission of fat to TOV SOD Middle Bast in cornsction with application a o any third pty concerning the Operator's eticatinn tatu; or 2.8 Candidates Requesting Testing Accommodations ‘+ Arrangements for persons wilh special needs will be provided upon request if thse noeds will not prevent the eerified persons to fulfil the requirements of Tower Crane ‘operation. ‘+ Professional documentation in suppor of a request for accommodation must be submited ‘e TOV SUD Middle East no later than one week prior tothe scheduled test date. Tose NwREC TONE] Frees | Reuebs Apel = ‘ae Mang Deer SODUE Soetenercaneceesan sme TECPFENBLOD, EOL — UAE rage zet28

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